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Catalogue IAMM : INDUSTRIES | |
- Articulating sustainable transitions, food justice and food democracy: insights from three social experiments in France, Belgium and Brazil [Article] / C. Lamine ; M. Tuscano ; M. Feyereisen ; T.P. Castro ; S. Bui . - 2024 . - p. 41-63.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sociologia Ruralis > vol. 64, n. 1 (January 2024) . - p. 41-63
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; TRANSITION AGROECOLOGIQUE ; POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; FRANCE ; BELGIQUE ; BRESIL Résumé : Transitions to sustainable consumption and production patterns now appear as a widely acknowledged necessity for contemporary food systems. Sustainable transition processes raise major issues of social justice as they often exclude some actors and social groups, as the literature on alternative food networks has amply shown. Based on three case studies anchored in different national contexts (France, Brazil and Belgium), which all emerged at the interface of civil society and public policy, the aim of this article is to show how their promoters try to tackle together sustainable transitions, food justice and food democracy, and thus make food system transitions not only sustainable but also socially just. They adopt on the one hand, an analytical stance on transitions to more sustainable food practices, on inequalities of access and on participation, and on the other hand, an experimental stance leading them to put to test specific mechanisms to support these transitions, to alleviate food injustice and to favour participation and thus also food democracy. We show that it is by combining these analytical and experimental stances that these social experiments succeed to different degrees in articulating sustainable transitions, food justice and food democracy. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Technical and economic evaluation of the olive oil value chain in the semi-arid zones: the case of the Tiaret region (Western Algeria) [Article] / C. Sarni ; M. Zoubeidi ; M. Faci ; S. Bencherif . - 2024 . - p. 111-131.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 23, n. 2 (June 2024) . - p. 111-131
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; EVALUATION ECONOMIQUE ; PERFORMANCE ; ALGERIE Résumé : The development of agriculture in the worlds arid regions has always faced specific economic and environmental constraints. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the olive oil value chain in the semi-arid zones of Algeria (Tiaret); by carrying out a technical and economic analysis of this sector, in order to establish optimization strategies. The data was gathered through surveys of local olive growers and oleifactors. The results showed that olive growing in semi-arid areas is a profitable and economically efficient activity. Thus, one hectare of olive trees grown in a semi-arid area brings in nearly 7000 /year to olive growers of the region, with a high economic efficiency coefficient reaching 4.4 in intensive systems. The encountered constraints are mainly localized upstream of the value chain and particularly affect the cultivation techniques used. Indeed, the production costs represent nearly 70% of the total charges. They are mainly affected by the costs of harvesting, phytosanitary treatment, and irrigation, which occupy 25%, 18%, and 16% of direct costs, respectively. The principal component analysis confirmed the results of the economic study on the data set. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - est un bulletin de Agroligne n. 119 - Juin-Août 2023 - Agroalimentaire en Algérie : une percée et des défis [Revue Electronique] . - 2023.Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; ALGERIE Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : L'agroalimentaire, témoin de l'évolution sociale, économique et politique de la France
L'agroalimentaire, témoin de l'évolution sociale, économique et politique de la France [Article] / B. Dangla . - 2023 . - p. 40-47.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Paysans & Société > n. 402 (Novembre-Décembre 2023) . - p. 40-47Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT TRANSFORME ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; PRODUIT BIOLOGIQUE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; EUROPE ; FRANCE Résumé : Entre 1980 et 2000, loffre alimentaire séloigne du produit brut et se segmente selon le degré délaboration du produit. À partir de lan 2000, se développe une demande daliments alternatifs, notamment biologiques, traduisant laspiration à de nouveaux comportements sociaux Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : L'agroalimentaire témoin de l'évolution sociale, économique et politique de la France
L'agroalimentaire témoin de l'évolution sociale, économique et politique de la France [Article] / B. Dangla ; Y. Detape, collab. . - 2023 . - p. 16-21.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Paysans & Société > n. 399 (Mai-Juin 2023) . - p. 16-21Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; EVOLUTION ; CHANGEMENT SOCIAL ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; FRANCE Résumé : Plusieurs facteurs participent aux changements des habitudes alimentaires qui se répercutent sur la structure des filières. Analyser leur évolution permet de caractériser les mutations sociales qui les ont causées. Note de contenu : 1. Autonomie alimentaire, une première en France dans les années 60 2. 1960-1980 : consommer sans contraintes 3. Les entreprises à la recherche davantages concurrentiels Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Analyse de la performance des sous-traitants et optimisation de la chaine dapprovisionnement : cas de Lesieur [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / R. El Merraki . - s.l. : s.n., 2023 . - 73 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; SOUS TRAITANCE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; FRANCE Résumé : De nombreuses entreprises ont recours à lexternalisation dune partie ou de la totalité de leurs activités afin d'améliorer leurs performances et de réduire leurs coûts de production, ce qui leur permet de se concentrer sur leur coeur de métier. Le succès de la sous-traitance dépend d'un certain nombre de facteurs internes et externes. Cette réussite dépend de la bonne sélection des sous-traitants, leurs compétences opérationnelles et leur flexibilité. Lesieur souhaitait améliorer sa performance en matière de sous-traitance, c'est pourquoi nous avons analysé la performance de ses sous-traitants, en examinant l'impact des différents éléments de la chaîne d'approvisionnement sur cette relation d'externalisation. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P.; L'Heveder M. Permalink : - Analyse de la stratégie dapprovisionnement et optimisation du transport amont des fruits et légumes : cas de la grande distribution Auchan SCOFEL [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / S. Njoumi . - s.l. : s.n., 2023 . - 67 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM. Confidentiel.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; FRANCE Résumé : Loptimisation des performances de la chaîne dapprovisionnement des entreprises pousse généralement ces dernières à mieux optimiser leurs approvisionnements ainsi que leurs activités logistiques. En effet, les activités de transport représentent un enjeu majeur dans le secteur de la distribution alimentaire, et notamment des fruits et légumes où une forte concurrence existe entre les enseignes alimentaires, mobilisant des moyens et des stratégies pour optimiser leurs activités logistiques. Le présent mémoire a pour objectif deffectuer une analyse de la stratégie dapprovisionnement de la Société COmmerciale des Fruits Et Légumes, afin d'optimiser le transport amont. Pour bien mener ce travail et identifier les aléas, la méthodologie Lean Six Sigma a été choisie. Cette approche se base sur la démarche DMAIC qui est la plus appropriée dans ce contexte de recherche damélioration continue. Le fonctionnement de la SCOFEL a été étudié avec une description et une cartographie de lensemble de ses processus logistiques. Ensuite, nous nous sommes basés sur des outils de résolution des problèmes, comme le diagramme dIshikawa, qui vont nous permettre didentifier les causes racines des dysfonctionnements au sein de lentreprise. À laide du diagnostic et de cette analyse très approfondie, nous avons pu dresser ces pistes damélioration avec les actions correctives nécessaires. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Friconnet C.; Prosperi P. Permalink : Analysing export performance in Spanish agrofood auxiliary companies: the role of eco-innovation
Analysing export performance in Spanish agrofood auxiliary companies: the role of eco-innovation [Article] / M. del Carmen Galera-Quiles ; L. Piedra-Muñoz ; E. Galdeano-Gómez ; A. Carreño-Ortega . - 2023 . - p. 68-84.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 22, n. 3 (Septembre 2023) . - p. 68-84Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; EXPORTATION ; ECO-INNOVATION ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The main objective of this study is to contribute to the existing debate on the link between export activity and eco-innovation, using Spanish agrofood auxiliary companies. For that purpose, a cluster analysis has been carried out and two groups of companies have been identified, that is low and high export performance. The languages spoken in the company, export revenues, export experience, international promotion expenses and positioning strategies are the variables that most contribute to distinguishing these groups. The results also show that the age of the management is a key factor in being more export-oriented, as are the control of inputs through information and communication technologies, the implementation of environmental innovations, and partnerships with universities and research centres. The main contributions of this study are: firstly, to broaden the sectoral scope of the research, which was previously focused on the industrial sector; secondly, to analyse the factors that can influence strategic decision-making; finally, the results provide information of interest to companies that wish to increase their eco-innovative processes through export orientation. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - in Routledge handbook of sustainable diets Circular bioeconomy of agri-food value chains: innovative, sustainable, and circular business models' contributions to sustainable diets and food systems [Chapitre d'ouvrage] / P. Prosperi . - 2023 . - p. 479-495.Chapter 40Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMALIMENTATION DURABLE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; BIOECONOMIE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; CHAINE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; ECO-INNOVATION ; GOUVERNANCE ; PARTIE INTERESSEE Résumé : Meeting global sustainability objectives, consistent with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, requires a rapid transition towards a circular bioeconomy of food systems and away from our current linear system. This chapter illustrates the relationships between circular bioeconomy and the sustainability of diets and food systems. Furthermore, it highlights the key role that coordination and arrangements between business, institutional, and value chain stakeholders play in providing governance that builds and maintains sustainability of food systems. The chapter contrasts existing Business Model Canvas approaches to design and argues that for circular bioeconomy to be effective, governance must integrate the business model design process. The chapter proposes governance as an innovative dimension within business models and illustrates the complex relational pillars of circular business innovation dynamics; it argues the crucial role of stakeholders involvement in strategy design. It also illustrates how to encourage and scale up innovative companies willing to try new business models and to involve farmers, distributors, consumers, and other stakeholders in more sustainable and circular agri-food value chains. Note de contenu : Part 7: Economics and trade Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Comment améliorer la prévision de ventes pour le lancement des innovations dans le secteur agro-alimentaire, cas : Bonneterre & Cie [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / T. Bellili . - s.l. : s.n., 2023 . - 53 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INNOVATION ; PREVISION ; VENTE ; FRANCE Résumé : Les entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire évoluent au sein d'un environnement concurrentiel, profondément influencé par les changements rapides dans les préférences des consommateurs. La pérennité de ces entreprises est intrinsèquement liée à leur capacité à innover et à s'adapter aux goûts en constante évolution des consommateurs. Dans cette perspective, la mise en oeuvre d'un processus d'innovation est de la plus haute importance. Cependant, pour garantir la disponibilité continue des produits innovants, une gestion proactive de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et de production est indispensable, on entend par cela laction de prévoir pour mieux agir. L'objet de cette étude est doptimiser les prévisions de ventes en vue du lancement de nouveaux produits agroalimentaires. Il convient de souligner que ce processus de construction de prévisions ne repose pas exclusivement sur des outils statistiques, mais repose également sur un processus collaboratif, impliquant le partage d'expériences et d'hypothèses entre les parties prenantes. Les prévisions résultantes doivent faire l'objet d'une surveillance à l'aide de KPI (Key Performance Indicators) afin d'évaluer leur fiabilité et de permettre la mise en oeuvre rapide d'actions correctives, garantissant ainsi une gestion optimale de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P. Permalink : - Contraintes et opportunités de développement socio-économique de la filière des truffes au Nord-Est marocain [Article] / S. Hakkou ; N. Machouri ; M. Sabir . - 2023 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Alternatives rurales > n. 9 (Octobre 2023) . - p. 1-19
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; TUBER ; DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL ; VALORISATION ; REGLEMENTATION ; DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE ; MAROC Résumé : Dans la région Nord-Est du Royaume du Maroc, la truffe constitue une ressource naturelle importante. En effet, les habitants collectent ce produit saisonnier pour diversifier leurs revenus. Cependant, et malgré son importance, la filière des truffes dans la région na pas connu de projet de développement réussi. Lobjectif de ce travail est détudier limpact socio-économique de la collecte des truffes dans cette région qui comprend les Hauts Plateaux de lOriental, les plaines pastorales de lOriental, la Haute Moulouya et une partie du Tafilalet. La méthodologie suivie a été basée sur une analyse documentaire, des prospections du terrain, des enquêtes, des interviews et des ateliers avec les différents intervenants. Pendant la saison de production et durant les bonnes années, la quasi-totalité de la population participe à la collecte. La quantité collectée varie de quelques kilogrammes à lamont (collecteurs) à quelques tonnes à laval (grossistes). Elle est fortement handicapée par la variabilité de la pluviométrie. La production est essentiellement exportée (pays du Moyen Orient). Le prix de vente varie selon la demande et la qualité du produit. Il est de 20 à 70 MAD/kg pour la truffe rouge et de 100 à 300 MAD/kg pour la truffe blanche pour les collecteurs. La filière, actuellement anarchique, profite plus aux intermédiaires et encore plus aux grossistes. Ces derniers vendent le produit 2 à 3 fois son prix dachat. Des tentatives de gestion de la production initiées par le département de lagriculture ont échoué à cause de linstabilité de la production et des conflits locaux. La valorisation de cette ressource passe nécessairement par lorganisation et la réglementation de la filière. La recherche scientifique peut aider à innover en termes de valorisation et de gestion. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Costs and benefits of sustainability-oriented Innovation in the agri-food industry: a review
Costs and benefits of sustainability-oriented Innovation in the agri-food industry: a review [Article] / N. Depetris-Chauvin ; M. Fernandez Olmos, ; W. Hu ; G. Malorgio . - 2023 . - p. 24-45.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 22, n. 3 (Septembre 2023) . - p. 24-45Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INNOVATION ; DURABILITE ; ANALYSE COUT AVANTAGE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : In light of the increasing demand for sustainable development, the agri-food industry is under pressure to make the transition towards sustainability. Innovation has been identified as a key driver for this transformation. However, the agri-food industry, which n many countries is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises, is highly sensitive to the benefits, costs and potential risks of sustainability-oriented innovation. At the same time, because of the low propensity of countries in the Mediterranean region to innovate, an in-depth exploration of innovation is necessary. This paper presents a review of the costs and benefits of specific sustainability-oriented innovations, not only economic but also social and environmental, to provide a guide for researchers and adopters of sustainability-oriented innovations in the Mediterranean region. To achieve this goal, this paper classifies the elements being reviewed according to the nature of the innovation and stages of the product life cycle it overs. This paper has implications for farmers, business managers, regulators and policy makers in the Mediterranean region. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Determinants of the internationalisation of agrifood firms: the case of olive oil in southern Spain
Determinants of the internationalisation of agrifood firms: the case of olive oil in southern Spain [Article] / C. Martos-Martínez ; M. Muñoz-Guarasa . - 2023 . - p. 13-28.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 22, n. 2 (June 2023) . - p. 13-28Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; MONDIALISATION ; MODELE ; ETUDE DE CAS ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The aim of this article is to identify the conditions for the internationalisation of olive oil producing firms in southern of Spain (province of Jaén), as this region accounts for 20 percent of total world production. To that end, we propose a model and test it with data from four premium extra virgin olive oil producing firms (two Born Globals and two non-Born Globals), combining a case study approach with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). The results show that firms must develop dynamic capabilities. To do so, firms must combine resources and capabilities; international market orientation, network orientation and entrepreneurship orientation strategies; and human, relational and technological capital. If this happens within the first three years of their incorporation, they can be Born Globals. These results can be extrapolated to other industries. Finally, this paper offers some policy implications for firms, such as: they should become more involved in facilitating the internationalisation process for olive oil firms, promote the olive culture abroad, facilitate access to foreign markets, publicise the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Etat des lieux de la filière brassicole bio régionale et structuration des filières
Etat des lieux de la filière brassicole bio régionale et structuration des filières [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / A. Chadghan . - s.l. : s.n., 2023 . - 67 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; BIERE ; FILIERE ; FRANCE Résumé : La filière brassicole bio se structure depuis ses dernières années en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, avec notamment la mise en place dun plan filière brassicole en 2021. Des malteries présentent sur le territoire proposent un malt bio local, et la culture du houblon croît dannée en année. Dans ce contexte, lobjectif de notre étude est de faire des enquêtes auprès des brasseries bio et malteries sur leurs approvisionnements régionaux, les freins et perspectives, ainsi que sur leur commercialisation. Les malteries bio de la région sapprovisionnent principalement en matières premières françaises (60%) et régionales (40%) qui proviennent majoritairement de coopératives (80%). Avec une production annuelle qui dépasse 4700 tonnes du malt, ces malteries font face à plusieurs contraintes telles que lindisponibilité de la matière première et les coûts associés à la production. Les brasseries régionales utilisent annuellement plus de 3700 tonnes du malt et 6 tonnes de houblons pour produire plus de 195 milles hectolitres de bières bio dont 46% de bières blondes. Malgré cette dynamique en terme dapprovisionnement et de production, ces structures sont en face de plusieurs défis. 47% des brasseries trouvent que le prix élevé reste une contrainte majeure pour sapprovisionner en malt bio et local, tandis que, 75% des brasseurs soulignent lindisponibilité de la matière première comme un défi pour eux. Dailleurs, plusieurs initiatives sont mises en place pour promouvoir la filière brassicole bio régionale et la soutenir de lamont à laval comme le plan filière régional par la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes en collaboration avec la marque régionale « consommons bio en région » du Cluster Bio Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Boissonnier B.; Prosperi P. Permalink : Social dimension of sustainability: assessment in the agribusiness context
Social dimension of sustainability: assessment in the agribusiness context [Article] / J. Massuça ; A. Marta-Costa ; M.R. Lucas . - 2023 . - p. 63-80.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 22, n. 2 (June 2023) . - p. 63-80Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMDURABILITE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; ASPECT SOCIAL ; EVALUATION ; MODELE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : Studies on sustainability of agribusinesses often overlook the social dimension of sustainability. The social pillar is clearly the least studied of the three traditional pillars of sustainability, and the classification and estimation of the indicators used to measure it present some weaknesses. On top of that, some social indicators lack scientific validity while others are most commonly limited to capturing intra-company realities. This paper focuses on addressing this gap by identifying the most mentioned sustainability assessment models on the literature in an agribusiness context, selecting the social indicators across the identified models and classifying those according to their thematic scope. We carry out a literature review resorting to systematic and integrative methodology, aiming at revealing the social indicators that have already been used or tested in sustainability assessments with focus on the agribusiness context. The resulting list of articles is identified according to the systematic criteria enunciated and observing the Prisma protocol. This review is then complemented by a detailed bibliometric analysis of the articles identified, which is deepened with a qualitative and quantitative content analysis using exploratory techniques that allow the visualization of semantic patterns, which may help the identification of indicators with strong relevance to the social sustainability evaluation. As a result, this paper presents information on indicators used for the assessment of Social Sustainability since 1999 to the beginning of 2022, highlighting trends in the themes addressed and changes in focus. By compiling and systematising a comprehensive series of social sustainability indicators, we aim to bring valuable contributions to the future outline of an assessment framework that will incorporate social sustainability dimensions underlying a broader perspective on agribusiness sustainability. Ultimately, this research aims at supporting the sustainable development of the sector from a social perspective. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Traditional agri-food products and sustainability. A fruitful relationship for the development of rural areas in Portugal [Article] / M.L. Pato ; A.S. Duque . - 2023 . - 20220157.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Open Agriculture > vol. 8, n. 1 (January 2023) . - 20220157
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT AGRICOLE ; PRODUIT TRANSFORME ; SPECIALITE TRADITIONNELLE GARANTIE ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; INDICATION GEOGRAPHIQUE PROTEGEE ; ZONE RURALE ; DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL ; PORTUGAL Résumé : The protection of agri-food regional products is taking on growing importance in a market dominated by global companies and brands, often with no personality. Thirty years ago, the European Union (EU) agricultural product quality policy introduced the protection of geographical indications (GIs) for agricultural products and foodstuffs, with the aim of highlighting the quality of products resulting from a specific origin, therefore helping their communication and positioning in the market. This is important in countries with a considerable percentage of rural regions, as is the case of Portugal. Bearing this in mind, the purpose of this study is to see what are the drivers of the spatial distribution of traditional products (protected geographical indications, protected designations of origin, and traditional speciality guaranteed) in Portugal. For this purpose, the distribution of traditional products by regions and categories in Portugal will be presented. Also, Portugals position will be analysed and compared to the other EU countries, regarding the number of traditional products. Results show that Portugal is the country with the fourth biggest number of traditional certified products in EU territory. In the national territory, the Northern Region of Portugal has the biggest percentage of protected products, followed by Alentejo and the Centre Region of Portugal. Also, in Portugal, looking at the type of products, from a list of ten different categories of GIs, the ranking is dominated by (1) fresh meat, (2) meat products (cooked, salted, or smoked), and (3) cheese and milk-based products. If we consider that many of the aforementioned products are produced in less favoured regions, these results constitute an opportunity for their sustainable development. This benefits not only the producers, but also consumers who increasingly seek authentic and more natural products. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Water pollution abatement in olive oil industry in Morocco: cost estimates and policy implications
Water pollution abatement in olive oil industry in Morocco: cost estimates and policy implications [Article] / I. Bounadi ; K. Allali ; A. Fadlaoui ; M. Dehhaoui . - 2023 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 15, n. 5 (March 2023) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; POLLUTION DE L'EAU ; MAROC Résumé : This article discusses the challenges of water scarcity and industrial water pollution in developing countries, specifically in Morocco, where the olive oil industry is a significant contributor to organic water pollution. The Moroccan government has implemented regulations and economic incentives to address this issue, but enforcement has been hindered by a lack of information on environmental damage and pollution abatement costs. This study aims to improve the knowledge of public decision makers on the costs of the depollution of oil mills and to use this information to develop tools for the reinforcement of the current regulation mechanism. To meet our research objective, the Translog hyperbolic distance function is used to represent the environmental technology generating three undesirable outputs (SS, BOD, and COD) and to estimate the olive oil mills’ specific pollution abatement cost (shadow price). Finally, pollutant-specific taxes are computed using the tax-standard method. The results showed that oil mills must renounce the production of olive oil totaling MAD 13,314, MAD 4706, and MAD 5786 for the reduction of one ton of SS, BOD, and COD, respectively, and that there are economies of scale in the treatment of olive mill wastewater. After calculating the rate of the environmental tax, we conclude that implementing the tax according to current emission standards can be very restrictive for oil mills, as it would represent 22% of the total annual turnover of the olive oil industry. These findings suggest a redesign of the regulation mechanism, including the implementation of environmental monitoring systems, the consideration of economies of scale in pollution control, and the use of better-targeted green subsidies and effective environmental tax. However, further research is needed to understand the impact of these measures on the economic performance of the olive oil industry. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Adapting open innovation practices for the creation of a traceability system in a meat-producing industry in northwest Greece [Article] / A. Dima ; E. Arvaniti ; C. Stylios ; D. Kafetzopoulos ; D. Skalkos . - 2022 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 9 (May 2022) . - p. 1-13
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMTRACABILITE ; INNOVATION ; VIANDE ; INDUSTRIE DE LA VIANDE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; VIANDE PORCINE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; INNOCUITE DES PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES ; ETUDE DE MARCHE ; GRECE Résumé : Traceability is becoming an essential tool for both the industry and consumers to confirm the characteristics of food products, leading industries to implement traceability to their merchandise. In order for the Computer Technology Institute and Press Diophantus (CTI) to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) implement traceability systems based on open innovation, principles were introduced. This paper presents market research that was carried out in order to determine the significant concerns of the Greek consumers about pork meat and pork products, their opinion on traceability information, and their preferences regarding how they would like to receive this information. The survey was conducted online and took place from mid-February to mid-March 2021 on a sample of 224 participants. The market research showed a very high interest concerning traceability, especially on the expiry date of the meat (87.9%), while the way and conditions of transport of the meat products follow (79%). Furthermore, consumers showed that they believe that the quality and safety of pork products would be improved with traceability (70.1%) and (79%) would prefer to buy traceable compared with untraceable pork, signifying the importance of traceability for consumers. Additionally, it was found that consumers and SMEs have common concerns regarding traceability. The information gathered from this market research will be used to adapt the traceability system to consumers needs. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Assessing farmers objectives to participate in short food supply chains
in ISAHP 2022: proceedings Assessing farmers objectives to participate in short food supply chains [Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)] / A. Menéndez I Molist ; Z. Kallas ; M. Puig de Morales ; Y. Noutfia ; H. Ouabouch ; O. Boughamoura ; A. Benali ; K. El Baamran . - 2022 . - p. 52-53.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFRUITS ET LEGUMES ; AGRICULTEUR ; PARTICIPATION DES AGRICULTEURS ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CIRCUIT COURT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; ENQUETE SUR EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; MAROC ; FRANCE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The promotion of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) is an issue that is becoming more relevant to both the public and research agenda, aiming to build more sustainable agri-food supply chains and empower smallholder farmers. This research aims to determine the willingness of small farmers to adopt SFSCs as an alternative to conventional distribution. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology was used to assess farmers objectives of their agricultural activity in Spain, France, and Morocco. For the selection of objectives, deep interviews (DI) and a literature review were carried out. Data were collected from a total of 130 farmers carried out between May and October 2022. Results showed that regardless of the stated interest of farmers' in promoting SFSCs, the production-related objectives, especially Increase productivity and Invest in knowledge and machinery, received the highest priority to distribution-related objectives. Moreover, objectives concerning social responsibility received the lowest relative importance where the environmental concerns outweigh social objectives (especially in the French case). The economic performance of the farm plays a decisive role in the farmers' decision-making as expected in the three countries analyzed. This is important when exploring mechanisms to incentivize farmers to adopt SFSCs where economic sustainability and efficiency are needed. More research is needed to determine the relationship between the choice of supply chain alternatives and the objectives of the farming activity. This knowledge may help in providing marketing alternatives that are more sustainable and adapted to farmers' preferences. Note de contenu : YouTube Video Link: Cote : Online URL / DOI : Permalink : - Assessing the aftermath of COVID-19 outbreak in the agro-food system: an exploratory study of experts' perspectives [Article] / E. Raptou ; K. Mattas ; E. Tsakiridou ; G. Baourakis . - 2022 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Frontiers in Nutrition > vol. 9 (March 2022) . - p. 1-19
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOVID-19 ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; AGRICULTURE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; PREFERENCE ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; RESILIENCE ; GRECE Résumé : The present study explored COVID-19 outbreak impacts on the food system in terms of agro-food production, distribution networks efficiency, and emerging food consumption patterns according to food experts' perspectives. Individual level data were selected from a sample of 59 executive managers of different domains representing agro-food businesses, agro-food cooperatives, and agro-food consulting firms and public institutions. The empirical analysis addressed the effects of the COVID-19 crisis to all the stages in the food chain and attempted to indicate the factors that could influence the trajectory from farm to fork under uncertain circumstances. Factor analysis elicited the underlying dimensions of experts' viewpoints toward the operation of the food system during COVID-19 pandemic. Data were also elaborated through hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis and the cluster structure was further validated by discriminant analysis. A two-cluster solution emerged, revealing differences in experts' perceptions toward the aftermath of the pandemic on agriculture (socioeconomic impacts on rural areas, impacts on agricultural production), food processing businesses (decline in the economic viability of food businesses, sharp economic downturn in the food industry, economic recession, incentives for innovation), food distribution networks (distribution channels fallout, food supply disruption), and consumers' food habits and preferences (increasing interest in health protection, adoption of unhealthy eating habits, demand for innovative and sustainable foods). These segments were identified as skeptical food experts about COVID-19 impacts (33.9%) and alarmed food experts about COVID-19 impacts (66.1%). Our findings highlighted the main disruptions that the food sector should overcome to meet consumer demand for safe and healthy food products and also ensure food availability and food system resiliency. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Barriers to a sustainability transformation of meat production practices - An industry actor perspective [Article] / C. Hübel ; S. Schaltegger . - 2022 . - p. 128-140.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainable Production and Consumption > vol. 29 (January 2022) . - p. 128-140
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMPRODUCTION DE VIANDE ; INDUSTRIE DE LA VIANDE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PRODUIT CARNE ; FILIERE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; ALLEMAGNE Résumé : The negative impacts caused by current industrial meat production challenge industry actors to transform meat production towards more sustainable practices. However, despite the necessity for change and the availability of various sustainability solutions, transformational shifts have failed to materialize, so far. This study applies and extends the Kollmuss-Agyeman model of pro-environmental behavior to the context of producers and analyzes their perceived barriers to the transformation of meat production practices. The qualitative empirical study is based on 23 interviews with actors along the meat production chain. The analysis reveals that industry actors perceived barriers are highly complex. This complexity results from (1) multiple interactions among and between internal and external influencing factors and (2) the simultaneous existence of barriers that reinforce the status quo on the one hand and restrain the pursuit of sustainable production practices on the other hand. Based on these findings, opportunities for overcoming barriers are discussed in today's context. This study's contributions are twofold: First, the analysis complements previous research on barriers to sustainable meat production practices by detailing barriers and their interactions for actors along the entire meat production chain. Second, this investigation extends the Kollmuss-Agyeman model by specifying interactions of external influencing factors and by differentiating reinforcement and restraint barriers relevant for producers. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Bibliometric mapping of research on Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil supply chain
Bibliometric mapping of research on Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil supply chain [Article] / I. Blanco ; L. De Bellis ; A. Luvisi . - 2022 . - p. 1-25.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 7 (April 2022) . - p. 1-25Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; SOUS PRODUIT D'HUILERIE ; FILIERE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE Résumé : The olive oil supply chain and even its individual stages have been extensively investigated through life cycle assessment (LCA) in recent decades. Most practices of the olive oil supply chain have been associated with negative environmental effects, such as soil degradation, carbon dioxide emissions, air and ground pollution, and depletion of groundwater. The current work aimed to perform a bibliometric analysis, through a science mapping approach, coupled with a review on the life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of the olive oil sector, with relevance to the environmental impacts of agricultural and industrial practices of this food sector. A total of 110 documents published in 20082021 were analyzed and discussed. More than 78% of documents were released from 2015. The main Scopus categories relating to the topic analyzed were environmental sciences (25%), energy (18%), and engineering (17%). The most productive countries were Italy, Spain, and Greece. The cluster analysis identified three main research topics related to the agricultural phase, oil extraction, and waste management and by-product valorization. Most of the recent publications focused on the application of LCA to evaluate the environmental impact of innovative agricultural practices, sustainable control of parasites and weeds, wastes, and by-products valorization within a circular economy. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Circular bioeconomy for olive oil waste and by-product valorisation: actors strategies and conditions in the Mediterranean area [Article] / M. Donner ; Y. Erraach ; F. López-i-Gelats ; J. Manuel-i-Martin ; T. Yatribi ; I. Radic ; F. El Hadad-Gauthier . - 2022 . - p. 115836.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Environmental Management > vol. 321 (November 2022) . - p. 115836
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; BIOECONOMIE ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; MODELE ECONOMIQUE ; STRATEGIE ; DURABILITE ; FILIERE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; INDUSTRIE DES CORPS GRAS ; ADOPTION DE L'INNOVATION ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Mots-clés : APPROCHE MULTI-ACTEURS Résumé : The circular economy and bioeconomy can contribute to transitioning towards more sustainable production and consumption in the olive oil sector. This article is the first to analyse multi-actor strategies and multi-level socio-economic conditions for olive oil waste and by-product valorisation in the Mediterranean area using circular bioeconomy principles. Government policies, the strategies of corporations and farmers and consumers perceptions are discussed, and various methods are applied, such as desk reviews, case studies and quantitative and qualitative surveys. The findings show strong aspirations for improved sustainability in the olive industry. Furthermore, waste and by-product valorisation strategies foster the creation of innovative practices. However, a common regulatory framework, public financial measures, new circular business models using innovative technologies, multi-actor collaboration and increased consumer awareness of the circular economy and new olive oil waste-based products are necessary for more efficient and sustainable use of olive resources. The policy and management recommendations presented in this study may aid in improving and innovating frameworks and practices for better sustainable management of valuable olive resources. Cote : Online URL / DOI : Permalink : - Circular economy paths in the olive oil industry: a Life Cycle Assessment look into environmental performance and benefits [Article] / A. Ncube ; G. Fiorentino ; C. Panfilo ; M. De Falco ; S. Ulgiati . - 2022 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment > Online (June 2022) . - p. 1-21
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ECOLOGIE INDUSTRIELLE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; ITALIE Résumé : Purpose : The olive oil sector in Italy has a significant socio-economic, environmental, and cultural relevance. However, the environmental impacts of production and consumption models are considerable, mainly due to the demand for large quantities of resources (fuels, chemicals) and to the environmental impacts of residues disposal. Due to the scarcity of resources and climate change concerns, circular economy principles based on industrial ecology concepts are emerging. In this paper, the principles of circular economy were specifically applied to the olive oil supply chain, to improve the environmental sustainability of the sector. Methods : The production chain of extra virgin olive oil was analyzed using the Life Cycle Assessment method, based on primary data from an oil farm and mill in Southern Italy. The environmental impacts were evaluated through the SimaPro software and the ReCiPe 2016 Mid-point (H) Impact Assessment Method, with reference to the functional unit of 1-L bottle of extra virgin olive oil. Some circular improvement options were investigated, comparing the impacts generated by (i) extra virgin olive oil linear production without valorization of by-products, (ii) extra virgin olive oil linear production with allocation of total impacts to co-products, and (iii) two circular production systems, incorporating improvements such as replacement of diesel with biodiesel and of electricity from the national grid with energy recovered from residues. Results and discussion : The environmental impacts of the business-as-usual production pattern were identified for possible improvements. In all phases of the production chain of organic extra virgin olive oil, the most affected impact categories were human carcinogenic toxicity, marine ecotoxicity, and terrestrial ecotoxicity. As expected, the major contributions to almost all the analyzed impact categories were determined by the agricultural phase (92.65%), followed by the bottling phase (7.13%) and the oil extraction phase (0.22%). The valorization of by-products was considered by widening the system boundaries to ensure the environmental sustainability by developing circular patterns that feedback waste materials to upstream steps of the same process. The environmental impacts resulted lower in almost all the impact categories, with the major benefits gained in the global warming and fossil depletion impact categories. Conclusions : The analysis proved that the reuse of pomace, prunings, and exhausted cooking oil initially considered as waste can bring benefits from an environmental point of view to the larger scale of the economy, by replacing fossil fuels, as well as to the olive oil chain itself, by providing the needed energy for production. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Commodity risk in European dairy firms
Commodity risk in European dairy firms [Article] / G. Bagnarosa ; M. Cummins ; M. Dowling ; F. Kearney . - 2022 . - p. 151181.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in European review of agricultural economics > vol. 49, n. 1 (January 2022) . - p. 151181Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; GESTION DU RISQUE ; MATIERE PREMIERE ; GESTION FINANCIERE ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; EUROPE Résumé : We apply a multivariate mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) conditional quantile regression technique to understand the dairy commodity exposure of European dairy firms. Leveraging a theoretically sound hedonic dairy pricing framework, we show that our approach is able to identify both market and operational risk. Profit margins for butter and milk price are particularly important for operational performance. Additional tests are provided, including an application of MIDAS quantile on a period of amplified dairy market risk. Our approach thus allows dairy firms to gain new perspectives on the significant risks posed by the current structure of dairy production in Europe. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Conceptual system dynamics and agent-based modelling simulation of interorganisational fairness in food value chains: research agenda and case studies [Article] / S. McGarraghy ; G. Olafsdottir ; R. Kazakov ; E. Huber ; W. Loveluck ; I.Y. Gudbrandsdottir ; L. Cechura ; G. Esposito ; A. Samoggia ; P.-M. Aubert ; D. Barling ; I. Duric ; T.J. Jaghdani ; M. Thakur ; N.M. Saviolidis ; S.G. Bogason . - 2022 . - p. 1-30.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 12, n. 2 (February 2022) . - p. 1-30
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE DE VALEUR ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; PROJET DE RECHERCHE ; BLE ; ETUDE DE CAS ; SAUMON ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; TOMATE D'INDUSTRIE ; MODELE DE SIMULATION ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE ; UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : System dynamics and agent-based simulation modelling approaches have a potential as tools to evaluate the impact of policy related decision making in food value chains. The context is that a food value chain involves flows of multiple products, financial flows and decision making among the food value chain players. Each decision may be viewed from the level of independent actors, each with their own motivations and agenda, but responding to externalities and to the behaviours of other actors. The focus is to show how simulation modelling can be applied to problems such as fairness and power asymmetries in European food value chains by evaluating the outcome of interventions in terms of relevant operational indicators of interorganisational fairness (e.g., profit distribution, market power, bargaining power). The main concepts of system dynamics and agent-based modelling are introduced and the applicability of a hybrid of these methods to food value chains is justified. This approach is outlined as a research agenda, and it is demonstrated how cognitive maps can help in the initial conceptual model building when implemented for specific food value chains studied in the EU Horizon 2020 VALUMICS project. The French wheat to bread chain has many characteristics of food value chains in general and is applied as an example to formulate a model that can be extended to capture the functioning of European FVCs. This work is to be further progressed in a subsequent stream of research for the other food value chain case studies with different governance modes and market organisation, in particular, farmed salmon to fillet, dairy cows to milk and raw tomato to processed tomato. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Conceptualisation de la traditionnalité perçue dun produit alimentaire : une approche qualitative
Conceptualisation de la traditionnalité perçue dun produit alimentaire : une approche qualitative [Article] / G. Gonzalez-Hemon ; J.-M. Ferrandi ; G. Pantin-Sohier . - 2022 . - p. 35-61.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Management & Avenir > n. 128 (Avril 2022) . - p. 35-61Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMPRODUIT REGIONAL ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONCEPT ; MARKETING ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR Résumé : La traditionnalité est un axe stratégique important dans le secteur alimentaire. Pourtant, sa définition et son opérationnalisation restent imprécises. Cette recherche conceptualise la traditionnalité perçue dun produit alimentaire à laide de la Grounded Theory. A la suite du recueil des données empiriques auprès de tous les acteurs autour dun produit traditionnel, producteurs, transformateurs, distributeurs, restaurateurs et consommateurs, un construit quadridimensionnel émerge : processuelle, identitaire, dynamique et rituelle. Cette conceptualisation propose un cadre de référence permettant aux managers dun produit et aux producteurs de comprendre ce qui confère à leurs produits leur caractère traditionnel et comment le faire évoluer. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Consumer attitudes toward dairy products from sheep and goats: a cross-continental perspective
Consumer attitudes toward dairy products from sheep and goats: a cross-continental perspective [Article] / E. Vargas-Bello-Pérez ; K. Tajonar ; G. Foggi ; M. Mele ; P. Simitzis ; A. Mavrommatis ; E. Tsiplakou ; M.R. Habib ; M. Gonzalez-Ronquillo ; P.M. Toro-Mujica . - 2022 . - p. 8718-8733.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Dairy Science > vol. 105, n. 11 (November 2022) . - p. 8718-8733Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMCOMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; FROMAGE DE CHEVRE ; FROMAGE DE BREBIS ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; LAIT ; CONNAISSANCE ; ANALYSE DES CORRESPONDANCES ; MONDE Résumé : This study aimed to assess consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions toward dairy products from sheep and goats. A web-based survey was conducted in Latin America (Mexico and Chile), Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece, and Denmark), and Asia (Bangladesh). From March to June 2021, adult participants answered an online survey available in 5 languages. In total, 1,879 surveys were completed. Categorical and ordinal data were analyzed as frequencies and percentages. To determine the relationship between the variables for purchasing and consumption behaviors of respondents who declared that they consume dairy products, a multiple correspondence analysis was carried out. Most completed surveys were from Mexico and Italy (30% and 33.7%, respectively). Most respondents were between 18 and 29 yr old, female, highly educated, and employed. The majority of respondents (70.8%) declared that they consume dairy products from small ruminants. Consumers preferred products from both sheep and goats (49.4%); however, it was observed that in Mexico, Denmark, and Bangladesh, more than 50% preferred goat dairy products. The most-consumed products were mature and fresh cheeses. Mature cheese was the most-preferred product in Chile; in Mexico, Italy, Greece, and Denmark, it was fresh cheese. Unlike the rest of the countries, in Bangladesh, dairy product consumption from small ruminants was observed by more than 30% of respondents. In Mexico, a higher percentage of people do not consume sheep or goat dairy products because they are unfamiliar with them. In Mexico, Chile, and Bangladesh, limited market availability was also a variable responsible for nonconsumption. In European and Asian countries, sheep and goat dairy products are not consumed because consumers dislike them, in addition to a greater awareness of sustainability and climate change issues. The multiple correspondence analysis defined 5 dimensions. Dimension 1 was associated with the geographic location of the respondent (country and continent), the type of milk (sheep or goat), and the consideration of well-being and health as characteristics associated with the consumption of dairy products from small ruminants. Dimension 2 was associated with the respondent's country of origin and the frequency of consumption. Dimension 3 was associated with gender, education, and employment status. Dimension 4 was associated with the respondent's age, the association of the healthy concept of sheep and goat dairy products, and the consideration of the nutritional benefits of dairy as responsible for considering them healthy. Dimension 5 was associated with a strong smell and taste of sheep and goat dairy products. This study showed that consumer attitudes toward dairy products from sheep and goats vary between continents. In conclusion, results showed consumer interest in animal welfare and environmental impact issues related to small ruminant farming as well as a general attraction to local products. It seems that these factors contribute to consumers' perception of the quality of dairy products, so the industry and select farmers should carefully consider incorporating them into their supply chain. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - in ISAHP 2022: proceedings Consumers preferences for sustainability attributes when selecting a place to purchase fruits and vegetables in Spain, France & Morocco [Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)] / L. Ruiz de Larrinaga ; Z. Kallas ; A. Menéndez I Molist ; M. Puig de Morales ; N. Houmy ; H. Ouabouch ; Y. Noutfia ; O. Boughamoura ; K. El Baamran . - 2022 . - p. 51-52.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFRUITS ET LEGUMES ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PREFERENCE COMMERCIALE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CIRCUIT COURT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ESPAGNE ; MAROC ; FRANCE Résumé : The purpose of this study is to analyze consumers relative importance of economic, social, and environmental factors when selecting a place to purchase fruit and vegetables in order to establish new strategies according to consumers' preferences and optimize Short Food Supply Chain models. For that purpose, we analyzed consumers acceptance and preferences using AHP methodology as a multi-criteria decision analysis. Data were obtained from a semi-structured questionnaire completed by 180 consumers from Spain, Morocco, and France. Results showed some heterogeneity across countries. In general terms, in Spain consumers demand a nearby shopping place, with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that are sold in bulk without packaging. In France, consumers give the highest relative importance to a place with seasonal and locally produced fruits and vegetables, with a diversity of products offered at a lower price. This behavior was also similar to consumers in Morocco. In addition, results showed the existence of an attitude-behavior gap; which implies that consumers stated environmental and social concerns do not always translate into actual purchase behavior. In this sense, carrying out awareness campaigns, new marketing strategies and the implementation of farmers markets in urban areas emerges as a strategy for the implementation of the SFSC model in cities in order to promote the consumption of local products, to ensure fair trade and generate employment in the region. The AHP approach seems to be a reliable tool for analyzing consumer preferences. However, due to the diversity of cultures and traditions in each country analyzed, it is necessary to explore the behavior of consumers according to segments and localities and complement these studies with consumers willingness to pay techniques and thus delve into the attitude-behavior gap. Note de contenu : YouTube Video Link: Cote : Online URL / DOI : Permalink : CSR profiles and innovation in Italian agri-food firms
CSR profiles and innovation in Italian agri-food firms [Article] / A. Coppola ; M. Cozzi ; S. Romano ; M. Viccaro . - 2022 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 371 (October 2022) . - p. 1-11Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; ENTREPRISE ; INNOVATION ; ITALIE Résumé : New business models that integrate sustainability into corporate strategies and combine environmental, economic, and social issues with production practices are on the rise. Implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives may trigger organizational, process, and product changes, thus affecting a firm's innovation pattern. This study explores the relationship between CSR and innovation by considering the multidimensional nature of these concepts and taking account of all components of CSR and different types of innovation. Therefore, our work aims to verify whether the link between CSR and innovation depends on the CSR pattern and whether firms with specific CSR behaviour differ in terms of innovativeness and type of innovation. The analysis refers to Italian agri-food firms and is based on microdata from the first Permanent Business Census carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). Our results support a positive relationship between the intensity of CSR dimensions and the implementation of innovation projects, and between specific strategies of social responsibility and innovation. Indeed, the greatest effects on innovation are associated with initiatives aimed at collective and territorial interests, but a relevant effect is also related to more diversified CSR strategies that merge social and environmental actions. This demonstrates the synergistic effect of different CSR practices in fostering innovation. Moreover, CSR activates a change in a firm's organisation that simultaneously affects procedures, processes, and products. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Le degré defficacité des contrats formels dans la nouvelle politique laitière algérienne
Le degré defficacité des contrats formels dans la nouvelle politique laitière algérienne [Article] / E. Montaigne ; M. Makhlouf . - 2022 . - p. 109-121.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 21, n. 2 (June 2022) . - p. 109-121Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPOLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; LAIT CRU ; CONTRAT ; LAITERIE ; COORDINATION ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; FILIERE ; ALGERIE Résumé : Dans sa nouveauté, la politique laitière oblige les laiteries, conventionnées préalablement avec lEtat, à proposer aux producteurs et collecteurs de lait cru des contrats formels et écrits qui doivent, en pratique, contribuer à résoudre ou à limiter les multiples défaillances du marché. De façon exhaustive, il sera question, dans cet article, en mobilisant les outils danalyse des théories des contrats et des coûts de transaction, danalyser la nature de ces contrats formels qui lient les laiteries à leurs fournisseurs de lait cru. Cet examen éclairera les pratiques contractuelles dans un processus de coordination verticale dune filière en dynamique propulsée par les différents soutiens et primes de lEtat. Ce cas détude est original dans la mesure où la relation contractuelle est imposée par lEtat comme condition sine qua non dobtention de ces primes et subventions. Il nest donc pas étonnant que les clauses soient appliquées de façons incomplètes et contournées lorsque les rapports deviennent par trop inégalitaires. Les relations informelles participent à la solution de difficultés rencontrées dans la pratique. Ces contrats nen sont pas moins des outils de structuration et de modernisation de la filière lait. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Determinants of dairy farmers likelihood of climate change adaptation in the Thrace Region of Turkey [Article] / G. Koç ; A. Uzmay . - 2022 . - p. 9907-9928.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Environment, Development and Sustainability > vol. 24, n. 8 (August 2022) . - p. 9907-9928
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMCHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; ADAPTATION ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; ELEVAGE ; TURQUIE ; TRAKYA Résumé : The adverse effects of climate change on agricultural production systems threaten food security. In terms of dairy farming, it affects milk yield, quality, animal health, growth, reproduction, forage crops and rangelands. These effects are not only technically, but also socio-economically important, and adaptation is necessary to minimise losses. In this context, the purposes of this research are threefold. The first is to demonstrate how dairy farmers in the Thrace region are affected by climate change; the second is to investigate the adaptation methods they use to minimise farm-level negative effects and finally, to analyse the farm and farmer specific factors that determine the likelihood of adaptation. A total of 140 interviews with dairy farmers were carried out and logistic regression was used to investigate factors affecting their adaptation behaviour. One-third of the farmers changed the feed ration and using supplementary nutrients, while one-fourth of them used cooling systems. The logistic regression model showed that whether the farmer has non-agricultural income, education level, farm-scale, knowledge of climate change and whether children work in the farm were statistically significant factors for adaptation. In conclusion, extension services are recommended to inform smallholder farmers and raise awareness for adaptation by the middle-aged and elderly farmers. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Determinants of organic wine production: an application in the DOC Rioja wine industry
Determinants of organic wine production: an application in the DOC Rioja wine industry [Article] / N. Dejo-Oricain ; M. Fernández-Olmos ; A. Gargallo Castel . - 2022 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in SJAR : Spanish journal of agricultural research > vol. 20, n. 3 (September 2022) . - p. 1-11Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE CONTROLEE ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Aim of study: To analyse the role that valuable resources and agglomeration would play in the decision to produce organic wines. Area of study: The Controlled Designation of Origin (DOC) Rioja wine industry in Spain, the leading qualified denomination of origin of Spain. Material and methods: Taking into account the nature of the dependent variable, a binomial logit model was used. Main results: This paper confirms the significance of valuable resources such as financial resources and human resources, but also of knowledge-based spillovers from proximate organic wineries in improving the probability of producing organic wines. Contrary to expectations, technological resources and experience in the wine industry have no significant effect. Research highlights: The resource based-view and the cluster approach are complementary to improving the predictive elements of producing organic wine in the DOC Rioja wine industry. The authors were unable to pre-register the analysis involving primary data collection before the data collection exercise starts. This requirement is from January 2022 and the survey period of this paper was on 2017. According to the editorial policy of the journal this analysis should be considered exploratory. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Development and validation of a measurement instrument for sustainability in food supply chains
Development and validation of a measurement instrument for sustainability in food supply chains [Article] / T. Mastos ; K. Gotzamani ; D. Kafetzopoulos . - 2022 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 9 (May 2022) . - p. 1-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMEVALUATION ; DURABILITE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PERFORMANCE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE DES BOISSONS ; QUESTIONNAIRE ; GRECE Résumé : The purpose of this paper is to develop a measurement instrument for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) critical factors, practices and performance and validate it in the food industry. A literature review was conducted in order to identify pertinent variables and propose relevant measuring items. An email survey was carried out in 423 Greek companies in the food and beverage sector. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail in the Google Forms format and it was requested to be answered by a representative of the company. The collected data was processed using exploratory factor analysis in order to extract the latent constructs of the SSCM critical factors, practices and performance measures. The validity of the proposed instrument was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. The extracted SSCM critical factors are firm-level sustainability critical factors and supply chain sustainability critical factors. The extracted SSCM practices are supply chain collaboration and supply chain strategic orientation. The extracted SSCM performance factors are economic performance, social performance and environmental performance. The three developed constructs constitute a measurement instrument that can be used both by practitioners who desire to implement SSCM and by researchers who can apply the proposed scales in other research projects or use them as assessment tools. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Differences between italian specialty milk in large-scale retailing distribution
Differences between italian specialty milk in large-scale retailing distribution [Article] / V.M. Merlino ; S. Massaglia ; S. Blanc ; F. Brun ; D. Borra . - 2022 . - p. 1-28.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economia agro-alimentare > vol. 24, n. 2 (October 2022) . - p. 1-28Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMLAIT ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; DURABILITE ; MARKETING ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; ITALIE Résumé : The specialty milk market in Italy has shown positive trends in recent years. Companies, from small producers to market leaders, continue to invest in differentiating their product lines, increasingly orienting their production choices towards specialties linked to sustainability and health benefits. This trend not only meets the needs of consumers, who are increasingly attentive to sustainable and healthy foods, but it also has a significant impact on the production and profitability of milk companies. Thus, this research aims to analyse the composition of specialty cow milk assortments in different large-scale retail (LSR) stores in North-West Italy. The objectives were to define the assortment depth of sustainable and health-focused milk categories, as well as the marketing policies currently applied in the LSR market for such products. Differences in the assortment of seven specialty product categories were evaluated with regard to brands, milk origin and packaging material, using the Correspondence Analysis. Price differences between product categories were analysed using ANOVA and comparing the product brands and the different formats of large-scale retailers. The main results highlight the key characteristics and differences of the specialty milk supply, taking into consideration the main sales channel of this type of product. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Différenciation et compétitivité : quelle performance pour les exploitations viticoles françaises sous signe de qualité ? [Article] / M. Gillot ; H. Blasquiet-Revol ; P. Jeanneaux . - 2022 . - p. 1-12.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Cahiers Agricultures > vol. 31 (Janvier 2022) . - p. 1-12
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; VIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE PROTEGEE ; DIFFERENCIATION DES PRODUITS ; PERFORMANCE ECONOMIQUE ; ANALYSE D'ENVELOPPEMENT DES DONNEES ; FRANCE Résumé : Les politiques de labellisation (Appellation dorigine protégée [AOP], Agriculture biologique [AB]) sont censées accroître le revenu des producteurs. Mais le revenu des agriculteurs nest pas automatiquement amélioré par ladoption dune stratégie de différenciation. Nous analysons les performances économiques et techniques des exploitations ayant cette stratégie en évaluant leur efficacité technique pure et prix à laide de la méthode de Data Envelopment Analysis en 2014 et 2015. Nous utilisons les données du Réseau dinformation comptable agricole et montrons que les exploitations en appellation dorigine protégée ont des scores defficacité plus faibles que celles nayant pas adopté ce signe de qualité. Lefficacité est variable selon les bassins viticoles. Il ressort par ailleurs que les exploitations en agriculture biologique ont des efficacités inférieures aux exploitations conventionnelles sur la période étudiée. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Digital winescape and online wine tourism: comparative insights from Crete and Santorini
Digital winescape and online wine tourism: comparative insights from Crete and Santorini [Article] / M. Alebaki ; M. Psimouli ; S. Kladou ; F. Anastasiadis . - 2022 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 14 (July 2022) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMTOURISME VITIVINICOLE ; VIGNOBLE ; MARKETING ELECTRONIQUE ; COVID-19 ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; MEDIAS SOCIAUX ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; GRECE ; CRETE Résumé : In the pursuit of sustainability and competitiveness, digital aspects of the tourism experience become increasingly more significant and wine tourism is no exception to this. Still, studies building on established concepts and sustainable practices in the corporate environment often prioritize physical attributes. One such example refers to winescape frameworks, which are yet to explicitly incorporate the digital experience, despite the growing importance of the digital servicescape. This study contributes to this area by commenting on available data on winery websites and adopting the winescape concept to analyze social media activity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The population of the study includes 53 wineries, located in two well-known Greek wine tourism destinations, namely Crete and Santorini. The results identify the most common winescape components that wineries emphasize, revealing similarities and differences across the two destinations. Implications highlight the winescape dimensions that (should) matter the most when considering digital experiences, and provide insights for wine tourism scholars and businesses alike towards a more sustainable wine supply chain. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Eco-innovations transition of agri-food enterprises into a circular economy
Eco-innovations transition of agri-food enterprises into a circular economy [Article] / M. Hamam ; M. D'Amico ; C. Zarbà ; G. Chinnici ; J. Toth . - 2022 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems > vol. 6 (March 2022) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMECO-INNOVATION ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; GASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; ADOPTION DE L'INNOVATION ; UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : Eco-innovations that reduce the environmental effect of manufacturing and consumption are seen as critical components of sustainable development and a critical component of the transition to a circular economy. Food systems address the issue of food waste, which is generally acknowledged as a cost to the economy, the environment, and society. Eco-innovations seem to be critical for the food system's transformation to a more circular model centered on sustainable food production and processing. The goal of this paper was to determine the variables that influenced the introduction of product, process, organizational, and marketing innovations in European Union agri-food enterprises between 2012 and 2014. According to a preliminary analysis of the data, 57.40% of agribusinesses did not implement any form of innovation, which prompted the authors to study the difficulties surrounding innovation development over the 3-year reference period. Several key factors emerge as significant influences on the introduction of product innovations (0.055**); contractual requirements as significant influences on the introduction of process innovations (−0.081***); and environmental incentives as significant influences on the introduction of marketing innovations (0.062***). Additionally, product (0.704***) and process (1.051***) innovations tend to have a greater influence on enterprises' views of circular benefits. The investigation also demonstrates how enterprises and end users interpret the effect of various forms of innovation differently. Indeed, end users, in contrast to how enterprises understand it, believe that organizational (0.611***) and marketing (0.916***) innovations are critical in pursuing circular benefits. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Energy consumption and CO2 emissions related to wine production: the case study of a winery in Douro wine region - Portugal [Article] / C. Matos ; A. Pirra . - 2022 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 7 (April 2022) . - p. 1-11
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DU VIN ; VIN ; CONSOMMATION D'ENERGIE ; DIOXYDE DE CARBONE ; GAZ A EFFET DE SERRE ; VITICULTURE ; UTILISATION DE L'EAU ; PRATIQUE AGRICOLE ; GESTION DES EAUX ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; PORTUGAL ; ALTO DOURO Résumé : Water use and its associated energy consumption in wine processes are often unnoticed in best practice. Many proprietors are insensitive to how water is used within their winery procedures. Key areas of environmental concern currently faced by the wine industry include water and energy use and the production of greenhouse effect gas emissions, among others. This review revealed that the practice within wine organizations tends to be largely unexplored and inadequate. To address the present needs for accurate water and energy resources control, it is vital to develop research on how water and energy are related and used in wine production to increase the effective use of these resources, minimizing the related environmental impact. The main aim of this paper was to find the relationship between energy and water utilization and subsequent CO2 emissions from a winery located in the Douro Valley, contributing to its sustainability in terms of resources consumption. A two-year monitoring plan on water use was implemented, and the related energy consumption and CO2 emissions were calculated. The results showed high values of energy (148.5 kWh/day) as well as related CO2 emissions (54 kg CO2/day) associated with high water consumption (that ranged from 16.20 to 27.66 m3 water/day). This information is very important and contributes to enlarging the database of environmental parameters related to wine production in the Douro wine region, creating opportunities for environmental improvement. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Les enjeux de la blockchain et sa contribution à la transparence des produits alimentaires
Les enjeux de la blockchain et sa contribution à la transparence des produits alimentaires [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / W. Slimi . - s.l. : s.n., 2022 . - 65 p.Mémoire Master 2. Economie. Parcours : Economie du développement agricole, de l'environnement et de l'alimentation [ECODEVA]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier, Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE DE BLOCS ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; QUALITE ; TRACABILITE ; FRANCE Résumé : Ce mémoire sintéresse aux apports de la blockchain à la transparence des produits alimentaires. Le besoin de transparence pour les consommateurs provient, en grande partie, de leur manque de confiance dans lindustrie alimentaire suite aux fameux scandales et crises sanitaires. Dans ce contexte, les acteurs de la supply chain sont en train dexpérimenter la technologie blockchain pour mettre à disposition des consommateurs des informations sur la qualité des produits quils consomment. La littérature démontre que la blockchain est une innovation technologique qui a un impact sur la traçabilité des produits, le partage dinformations et lamélioration de la confiance entre les différentes parties prenantes de la supply chain, y compris les consommateurs. Dun autre côté, les affichages sont dautres dispositifs qui ont également lambition dapporter plus de transparence pour les consommateurs, en les aidant à évaluer la performance nutritionnelle ou environnementale des produits. Ce mémoire propose alors détudier la possibilité daméliorer la transparence par lintégration conjointe de la blockchain et des affichages, en identifiant les points sur lesquels la blockchain peut agir pour améliorer la faisabilité et la précision de ces derniers. La collecte des données primaires et secondaires a permis de montrer, en termes de résultats, que les caractéristiques de la blockchain ont le potentiel dêtre associées en complémentarité avec les affichages pour lever certaines de ses limites. Notre étude conclut quelle a la capacité de fournir des informations spécifiques et additionnelles pour améliorer la précision du calcul des scores, et quelle est en mesure dhéberger des informations supplémentaires qui ne peuvent pas être prises en compte par les affichages. Cependant, les questions de transparence suscitent de nombreux conflits entre les parties prenantes, ce qui ne rend pas le chemin à parcourir aussi facile qu'il n'y paraît. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 ECODEVA) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Kessari M.-E. Membres du Jury : Kessari M.-E.; Fort F.; Saucède F.; Méjean C.; Galtier F. Permalink : Environmental impacts of organic and biodynamic wine produced in northeast Italy
Environmental impacts of organic and biodynamic wine produced in northeast Italy [Article] / P. Masotti ; A. Zattera ; M. Malagoli ; P. Bogoni . - 2022 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 10 (May 2022) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DU VIN ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; VITICULTURE ; VIN ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; AGRICULTURE BIODYNAMIQUE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; ITALIE Résumé : Increasing awareness of sustainability in the agri-food sector is leading to a gradual transition toward lower-impact farming systems, such as organic and biodynamic farming. The environmental performance of organic wines has largely been compared to that of conventional wines, and few researchers have investigated the differences between organic and biodynamic wine production from an environmental point of view. Therefore, in this study, the environmental profiles of two organic and two biodynamic wines produced in two areas in Northeast Italy were assessed by performing a cradle-to-gate analysis according to the life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Results were used both to compare organic and biodynamic vitiviniculture and to draw overall conclusions on the environmental performance of each of the analyzed wines in order to identify environmental hotspots and provide recommendations to stakeholders. Production of the glass bottles was identified as the main source of environmental burden in all four systems, followed either by the production and use of fertilizers and pesticides, or the use of agricultural machinery. Results also showed that biodynamic wines seem to be responsible for lesser environmental impacts than organic ones. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Environmental life cycle assessment for improved management of agri-food companies: the case of organic whole-grain durum wheat pasta in Sicily [Article] / S. Zingale ; P. Guarnaccia ; G. Timpanaro ; A. Scuderi ; A. Matarazzo ; J. Bacenetti ; C. Ingrao . - 2022 . - p. 205-226.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment > vol. 27, n. 2 (February 2022) . - p. 205-226
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; BLE DUR ; PATE ALIMENTAIRE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; DURABILITE ; AGRICULTURE ; PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; ITALIE ; SICILIA Résumé : Purpose : This study was developed to address the environmental issues associated with a high-quality pasta production process, as the essential starting point to identify the related hotspots and the feasible improvement potentials. Methods : To this end, a life cycle assessment (LCA) at the food producers gate was performed. Primary data were collected in a small-size Sicilian pasta factory located in Fiumefreddo (Sicily), where organic Senatore Cappelli durum wheat landrace is cultivated and later is processed into whole-meal semolina and pasta, whilst secondary data were extrapolated from Ecoinvent v. 3.5 database, as available in the SimaPro software. The environmental profile of pasta was assessed by adopting the Impact Assessment Method (IAM) that is required for use in case of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). This is the EPD 2018 v. 1.01, as one of the European IAMs contained in the aforementioned SimaPro software. The environmental profile of pasta was analysed in terms of four different impact categories, namely global warming, eutrophication, acidification, and photochemical oxidation, as recommended by the PCR 2010:01 Uncooked pasta, developed in the framework of the International EPD System. Results : The obtained results, expressed in the form of equivalent indicators, suggest that cultivation is the phase contributing the largest impacts for all the midpoint categories considered by the LCIA method. In addition, it was observed that the contributions assessed in this study are highly comparable and aligned with those contained in the EPDs published in the pasta sector, specifically for the cultivation phase, which performs similarly to the only case of organic pasta EPD amongst those developed. Conclusions : At the end, the study suggested that the cultivation of ancient varieties and landraces in organic and low-input farming systems have a large potential for reducing the environmental impact of pasta. Finally, although specific, the results of the study may be of interest to researchers, LCA practitioners, farmers and producers, policymakers, and other stakeholders, and could support the implementation of environmental labels. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Explaining the differences between the environmental impacts of 44 french artisanal cheeses
Explaining the differences between the environmental impacts of 44 french artisanal cheeses [Article] / A. Cortesi ; L. Dijoux ; G. Yannou-Le Bris ; C. Pénicaud . - 2022 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 15 (August 2022) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMIMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; FROMAGE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; TECHNOLOGIE ALIMENTAIRE ; LAIT ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE PROTEGEE ; FRANCE Résumé : Cheese production causes significant environmental impacts, which have to be reduced. In France, a lot of different cheeses are available, made from different milks but also from different cheese technologies. The goal of this study was to understand the origin of the environmental impact variation between cheeses made from different technologies and milks and produced using different ripening practices. To do so, the environmental impacts of 44 different types of French artisanal cheese, all produced under protected designation of origin (PDO) labels, were assessed using the life cycle assessment. Cheese technologies were fully described and two ripening scenarios were investigated. Results show that the differences of environmental impacts between cheeses mainly come from: the milk type (cow, goat, or sheep), the milk amount needed to produce one kilogram of cheese, the energetic performance of the ripening room, and the ripening time. Such results could be useful to cheesemakers to identify the origin of the environmental impacts of their products and to implement effective actions to reduce them. According to the results, innovations leading to the reduction in electrical consumption during ripening are interesting to explore in order to increase the environmental performance of a cheese. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Exploring the application of Industry 4.0 technologies in the agricultural food supply chain: a systematic literature review [Article] / V.S. Yadav ; A.R. Singh ; R.D. Raut ; S.K. Mangla ; S. Luthra ; A. Kumar . - 2022 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Computers & Industrial Engineering > vol. 169 (July 2022) . - p. 1-19
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; MEGADONNEES ; CHAINE DE BLOCS Résumé : The need for Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is felt across agriculture food supply chain (AFSC) to tackle the global demand for food items and concerns regarding food safety and security. Further, this transformation is possible due to recent advancements in I4.0 technologies, including Internet-of-Things (IoT), Blockchain, Big Data (BD), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Cloud Computing (CC) and Cyber-Physical System (CPS) etc. Each of these technologies has a specific role in making the AFSC eco-system smart enough to address todays world challenges. Thus, this paper reviews these major technologies in AFSC to understand their applications and recent trends. The review is based on 146 articles from the Scopus and Web of Science database. The articles include peer-reviewed journals published between 2010 and 2020. The applications of reviewed technology in AFSC are analysed under five research dimensions, namely traceability and food safety, information system management, food waste, control and monitoring, decision making and agribusiness, and other miscellaneous-based applications. The study suggests that the integration of reviewed technologies can be more useful to provide low-cost solutions and empower sustainability in AFSC. Further, blockchain can emerge as a game-changer to ensure food safety and security. The current challenges and future research agenda in concerned themes are also identified to further motivate researchers to develop this area. This is the first paper that summarises the recent developments of six technologies for AFSC research. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Les exportations hors hydrocarbures issues de la filière des dattes : « cas de lentreprise Sed Oasis de Biskra » [Article] / N. Noui ; M. Douffi ; N. Ghomrani . - 2022 . - p. 333-347.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Revue des sciences economiques, de gestion et sciences commerciales > vol. 15, n. 1 (Juin 2022) . - p. 333-347
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 11.3 - Commerce Extérieur et InternationalThésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; DATTE ; EXPORTATION ; HYDROCARBURE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; OASIS ; ANALYSE QUALITATIVE ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; ALGERIE Résumé : LAlgérie est un pays avec une économie basée essentiellement sur les hydrocarbures. LÉtat a pour objectif de réduire la dépendance de léconomie algérienne en diversifiant ses exportations. Dans cette perspective, de nombreuses mesures ont été instaurées pour soutenir les autres secteurs industriels, notamment le secteur agroalimentaire. LAlgérie dispose entre autres d'un fort potentiel de production oasis caractérisé par la variété de « Deglet Nour », qui pourrait la propulser au rang de leader mondial devant la Tunisie. Cest dans ce contexte que nous avons opté pour une étude qualitative au sein de lentreprise SED OASIS. Lobjectif de cet article est danalyser les exportations hors hydrocarbures des dattes, et déterminer le rôle que joue lÉtat dans la promotion de cette filière. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Factors influencing technological innovation among agribusiness firms: a survey of small agricultural businesses in Ghana [Article] / D. Li ; B. Evans Ntiamoah ; M. Ankrah Twumasi . - 2022 . - p. 51-70.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 21, n. 4 (December 2022) . - p. 51-70
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INNOVATION ; ADOPTION DE L'INNOVATION ; ENTREPRISE ; EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; GHANA Résumé : Agricultural research in Ghana has resulted in a number of innovations targeted at increasing the productivity of small agricultural businesses. However, none of these studies has investigated the factors that influence the adoption of technological innovation in Ghanaian agriculture businesses. Hence, this study examine the factors that influence the adoption of technological innovation in Ghanaian agribusinesses. Structural equation modeling was used to examine data collected from 1526 agribusiness employees in Ghana using a convenience sampling technique and a questionnaire survey. The findings indicate that internal, and external factors have an impact on information and communication technology (ICT), and new materials and technology (NM & NT), but no or little impact on biotechnology (BT) respectively. Also, the study reveal that human capital factors have a substantial impact on ICT, BT, and NM & NT. Lastly, the findings show that ICT, BT, and NM & NT have a positive and significant impact on technological innovation. The study underscores the need for agribusinesses to focus on internal and human capital factors since they increase employees productivity and efficiency. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : La filière truffe dans le Sahara marocain
La filière truffe dans le Sahara marocain : une opportunité pour le développement socio-économique de la région [Article] / S. Hakkou ; M. Sabir ; N. Machouri . - 2022 . - p. 57-89.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Arabe (ara)in Espace géographique & société marocaine > n. 63 (Septembre 2022) . - p. 57-89Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; TUBER ; DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL ; VALORISATION ; RECOLTE ; COMMERCIALISATION ; SAHARA OCCIDENTAL ; MAROC Résumé : Les truffes dans le Sahara marocain constituent une opportunité pour le développement local. Cependant, la filière na pas eu lattention adéquate de la part des institutions de développement et elle est mal connue dans son potentiel de production, son organisation et ses impacts socioéconomiques. Lobjectif de cette étude est détudier cette filière afin de montrer son importance socio-économique et identifier les contraintes qui se posent à son développement. Létude a été réalisée à travers une analyse documentaire, des prospections de terrain et des enquêtes et ateliers participatifs avec les différents acteurs. Le Sahara marocain est caractérisé par la production des truffes de désert appelées localement « terfess ». On note trois types dintervenants dans la filière : collecteurs, intermédiaires et grossistes. Il ny a pas dorganisation ni de règlementation pour laccès à la ressource qui reste ouvert à tout le monde. Les quantités collectées et commercialisées sont très importantes en bonne année de production. Les revenus sont aussi conséquents et contribuent à lamélioration du niveau de vie des intervenants, notamment les collecteurs. La filière profite plus aux grossistes qui contrôlent les prix. Ils gagnent 50 plus que les collecteurs. Plusieurs contraintes se posent au développement de cette filière dont deux majeures : le manque dorganisation et la difficulté de stockage des truffes. Une seule tentative de valorisation est réalisée par une unique coopérative à Laâyoune. La filière mérite dêtre valorisée par son organisation sur les plans institutionnel et réglementaire. Elle doit être accompagnée par la recherche scientifique. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Governance in the italian processed tomato value chain: the case for an interbranch organisation
Governance in the italian processed tomato value chain: the case for an interbranch organisation [Article] / A. Samoggia ; F. Monticone ; G. Esposito . - 2022 . - p. 1-18.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 5 (March 2022) . - p. 1-18Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMTOMATE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; TOMATE D'INDUSTRIE ; PRODUIT VEGETAL TRANSFORME ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; GOUVERNANCE ; ACTION COLLECTIVE ; ASSOCIATION DE PRODUCTEURS ; ORGANISATION COLLECTIVE ; ITALIE Résumé : Collective action among producers is a corrective measure for power imbalance, which affects primary producers in agro-food supply chains. As associations of producers and processors, Interbranch Organisations (IBOs) promote dialogue, best practice, and market transparency. However, interbranch cooperation is still a less explored subject in agro-food governance studies. Therefore, the present paper aims to analyse the role of IBO North Italy for Processing Tomato (IBO NIPT) in the governance of the processed tomato value chain. The IBO for Processing Tomatoes of Northern Italy was chosen as a case study as it is one of the eight recognized IBOs in the country and Italy is the third biggest producer of tomatoes for processing worldwide. Semi-structured interviews with stakeholders involved in the processed tomato value chain were carried out to reach this aim. Abridged transcripts were analysed through thematic analysis by two or three researchers. The present study has three research steps: first, to explore the history of the IBO NIPT; second, to explore its current role as collective institution acting towards power imbalances; third, the IBOs role in reference price streamlining. A multi-theoretical approach based on the following three theoretical frameworks was used to analyse the interviews: New Institutional Economics (NIE); Devauxs framework for collective action; and Transaction Cost Economics. The paper highlights the role of local institutions in bringing innovations in the food supply chain and suggests that the future of IBOs in Italy has to be expanded beyond reference price streamlining and could benefit from the cooperation of retailers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the different branches of the agri-food industry in Extremadura (Spain)? [Article] / C. Sama-Berrocal ; C. Sama-Berrocal ; B.C. Martínez-Azúa . - 2022 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Land > vol. 11, n. 6 (June 2022) . - p. 1-19
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; COVID-19 ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; ENTREPRISE ; INNOVATION ; ADAPTATION AU CHANGEMENT ; ADAPTATION ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world economy since 2020. This study analyzed the impact of the pandemic on innovative agri-food companies from different branches of agro-industrial activity located in Extremadura (Spain). The main aim of this study was to determine which activities have been most affected. Differences between actions and changes made depending on the nature of the product, process, or services were also evaluated. The information was obtained from an online questionnaire in which the research questions were posed (what consequences, actions, or changes has the pandemic had on the development of firms’ activities?). Data were analyzed descriptively, and a statistical study was conducted on the existence or absence of independence between effects and actions based on the branches of activity of agri-food industries. The main results showed that companies’ financial (decrease in turnover and reduction/displacement of product demand) and operational functioning (difficulty in marketing activities and standstill/decline in the fiscal year) has mainly been affected. In response, innovative agro-industries have acted regarding their processes (increased ICT use and new marketing strategies) and procedures (implementation of stricter hygienic-sanitary protocols and reorganization of activities and personnel) to deal with the negative effects on their activities. In general, all agro-industrial branches have incorporated changes in their products and services, mainly by providing new and better customer benefits, and improving product formats and forms of payment to suppliers. These findings provide information for the regional public administration in the development of initiatives that mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic and favor the implementation of actions that help the adaptation of agro-industrial activities. Agricultural policies should incorporate specialized measures to ensure the global sustainability of the food and agriculture system and the supply and production. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Implementation of circular business models for olive oil waste and by-product valorization
Implementation of circular business models for olive oil waste and by-product valorization [Article] / M. Donner ; I. Radic ; Y. Erraach ; F. El Hadad-Gauthier . - 2022 . - p. 68.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Resources > vol. 11, n. 7 (July) . - p. 68Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; BIOECONOMIE ; MODELE ECONOMIQUE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; DURABILITE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; VALORISATION ; GESTION DES RESSOURCES ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; SOUS PRODUIT D'HUILERIE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : Mediterranean olive oil producers have multiple incentives for adopting circular business models and better resource management, facing water scarcity and huge amounts of waste, but also seeing new opportunities for value creation. This article aimed to understand how circular business models valorizing olive oil waste and by-products are implemented. Ten business cases from six Mediterranean countries were studied, mainly based on semi-structured interviews with enterprise managers. Data were analyzed according to the business model canvas elements, success factors, and barriers while considering the institutional context. The results highlight the diversity of activities, types of resources used, and partnerships and products offered in different market segments. The principles of biowaste conversion and circularity, such as cascading, upcycling, recycling, and recovering, are all applied. The key success factors comprise an environmental concern, knowledge about biotechnologies, markets and logistics, a long-term commitment to the sector, local availability of resources, legislation, subsidies, and product acceptance by consumers. The main barriers include a lack of specific public financial support, an insufficient knowledge transfer from research to olive oil producers, and a lack of articulation of needs for research by the enterprises. More public-private collaborations and multi-stakeholder projects are needed for further shifting to a circular economy in the olive oil sector. Cote : Online URL / DOI : Permalink : - Implications of mediated market access Exploring the nature of vertical relationships within the Croatian wine industry [Article] / J. Katunar ; M. Kastelan Mrak ; V. Zaninovic . - 2022 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 2 (January 2022) . - p. 1-16
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; VIN ; ACCES AUX MARCHES ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; DURABILITE ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; CROATIE Résumé : The aim of this research was to provide a better understanding of factors influencing the performance of (small) agricultural producers. Considering the importance of agricultural producers, not just for maintaining a steady supply of products but also for the preservation of the population (and cultural tradition) of rural areas, the development of sustainable agricultural business is a matter of public interest. This paper considers wine producers and their market channels, i.e., the factors influencing the relationship between wine producers and market intermediaries, by applying ideas taken from agency theory. We developed a conceptual model with our defined measure of agency costs as the mediator variable between multiple regressors and the firms financial and non-financial performance as regressions. We used the approach of Baron and Kenny to investigate whether agency costs act as a mediator variable. The data needed to test the proposed conceptual model were collected through questionnaires and contextual interviews with the Croatian wine producers (n = 124). We found that more self-reliance in the distribution process, supported by factors related to the bargaining strength, had a positive influence on wine producers performance. The results also support the assumption that agency costs act as a full mediator variable between a producers attributes and its performance. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Linnovation ouverte est-elle adaptée aux villes moyennes ? Le cas de 14 innovations ouvertes de petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) agroalimentaires du sud-ouest de la France [Article] / G. Labrouche ; R. Lévy . - 2022 . - p. 103-134.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Innovations > n. 67 (Janvier 2022) . - p. 103-134
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINNOVATION ; ENTREPRISE ; PME ; TERRITOIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; LOCALISATION DES INDUSTRIES ; FRANCE ; OCCITANIE Résumé : Cet article sintéresse aux pratiques dinnovation ouverte des PME localisées dans des villes moyennes. Il interroge particulièrement le caractère intentionnel de ces pratiques ainsi que les formes partenariales mobilisées dans ces innovations à travers une étude de cas de 14 innovations ouvertes développées par 10 PME agroalimentaires localisées dans des villes moyennes de la région Occitanie. Les caractéristiques des PME et le fait dêtre implanté dans une ville moyenne influencent les processus dinnovation. Ces innovations, de produits et de procédés, sont souvent incrémentales et réalisées dans le but de répondre à la demande. Le rôle de lentrepreneur semble également essentiel dans lémergence de ces processus. Notre analyse montre que ces PME cherchent à accéder à une variété connexe en collaborant notamment avec la recherche publique. Elle met évidence le rôle essentiel des proximités sociale et géographique temporaires dans laccès aux ressources externes. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Innovative agrifood supply chain in the post-COVID 19 era
Innovative agrifood supply chain in the post-COVID 19 era [Article] / D. Skalkos . - 2022 . - p. 1-4.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 9 (May 2022) . - p. 1-4Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOVID-19 ; INNOVATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ECONOMIE ALIMENTAIRE Résumé : The world is changing rapidly in the age of Coronavirus. The long period of deprivation, economic austerity and anxiety that is foreseen will usher new consumer attitudes and behaviors, which will change the nature of todays capitalism. There are signs of a growing anti-consuming movement at present, with five types of anti-consumerists: life-simplifiers, degrowth activists, climate activists, food-choosers, and conservation activists. Citizens will reexamine what they eat, how much they eat, and how all this is influenced by class issues and inequality. They will reexamine their eating habits and emerge from this terrible period with a new, more equitable form of food consumption. Consequently, the agrifood supply chain network will have to change dramatically to adjust to the new attitudes, perceptions, and preferences of consumers in the post-COVID-19 era. Innovation will play a vital role in modernizing the agrifood supply chain to meet the new challenges of the upcoming new global economy. The process from farm to fork, the holistic approach to the production and consumption of food, will become a key factor in the sustainability and progress of the food industry. This Special Issue is focused on 11 selected topics from different parts of the agrifood supply chain in view of the post-COVID-19 era, expanding from the innovative scientific insights and technological advances of natural resources, organic pollutants identification, new food product development, traceability, and packaging, and chain management, to consumers attitudes, and eating motivations, aiming to tackle the changes that are foreseen for the global economy and society. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Integrating coordination mechanisms in the sustainability assessment of agri-food chains: from a structured literature review to a comprehensive framework [Article] / C. Moreno-Miranda ; L. Dries . - 2022 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Ecological Economics > vol. 192 (February 2022) . - p. 1-17
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; DURABILITE ; PERFORMANCE ; EVALUATION Résumé : The assessment of sustainability at the level of the agri-food supply chain is complex.Achieving sustainability in agri-food chains requires coordinated interaction between chain actors. The aspect of coordination is rarely included in the assessment of sustainability and current assessment methodologies do not allow conclusions about the linkage between coordination and sustainability. This paper analyzes the state of the art in the assessment of agri-food supply chain sustainability based on a structured literature review. Following the structured review that includes category analysis and content analysis, we develop a comprehensive sustainability assessment framework for agri-food chains across multiple stages. The novelty of the framework is to incorporate the dimension of coordination across chain stages as a critical sustainability dimension. The study contributes to research on the assessment of agrifood supply chain sustainability by incorporating the role of coordination across chain stages and its relationship with economic, environmental, and social performance. This essential relationship between coordination and sustainability offers several areas of interest for future research. The study also contributes to practice by providing scholars, chain actors, and policymakers with directions for improving sustainable strategies. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : LCA to estimate the environmental impact of dairy farms: a case study
LCA to estimate the environmental impact of dairy farms: a case study [Article] / S. Zanni ; M. Roccaro ; F. Bocedi ; A. Peli ; A. Bonoli . - 2022 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 10 (May 2022) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; ELEVAGE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; BOVIN LAITIER ; ITALIE Résumé : Intensive farming is responsible for extreme environmental impacts under different aspects, among which global warming represents a major reason of concern. This is a quantitative problem linked to the farm size and a qualitative one, depending on farming methods and land management. The dairy sector is particularly relevant in terms of environmental impact, and new approaches to meeting sustainability goals at a global scale while meeting societys needs are necessary. The present study was carried out to assess the environmental impact of dairy cattle farms based on a life cycle assessment (LCA) model applied to a case study. These preliminary results show the possibility of identifying the most relevant impacts in terms of supplied products, such as animal feed and plastic packaging, accounting for 19% and 15% of impacts, respectively, and processes, in terms of energy and fuel consumption, accounting for 53% of impacts overall. In particular, the local consumption of fossil fuels for operations within the farm represents the most relevant item of impact, with a small margin for improvement. On the other hand, remarkable opportunities to reduce the impact can be outlined from the perspective of stronger partnerships with suppliers to promote the circularity of packaging and the sourcing of animal feed. Future studies may include the impact of drug administration and the analysis of social aspects of LCA. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Market of agricultural and food products in the Republic of Serbia: possibilities and implications
Market of agricultural and food products in the Republic of Serbia: possibilities and implications [Article] / D. Dasic ; T. Stanic ; D. Zivkovic . - 2022 . - p. 57-74.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economics of agriculture > vol. 69, n. 1 (March 2022) . - p. 57-74Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMPRODUIT AGRICOLE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; AGRICULTURE ; DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; SERBIE Résumé : The main topic is Serbian agro-food potential. Serbia possesses exceptional natural resources having in mind it is located in the most favourable region of the north latitude. If this potential is used in an optimal measure, it would bring exceptional results. According to agriculture census in 2018 in Serbia there was registered 628.552 family agricultural farms, and 562 896 are family households. By adequate strategic planning, agriculture can provide a significant contribution to the economic development of a country. Agriculture encourages employment, takes a significant part in foreign trade, provides food security for citizens, contributes to the rural development and ecological balance. Therefore, it affects the development of entire country by being related to different sectors. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Mise en valeur des méthodes adoptées par Eurial Lait pour la valorisation de ses coproduits laitiers
Mise en valeur des méthodes adoptées par Eurial Lait pour la valorisation de ses coproduits laitiers [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / A. Chikhaoui . - s.l. : s.n., 2022 . - 37 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; VALORISATION ; COPRODUIT ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; FRANCE Résumé : Toute entreprise consciente de sa responsabilité envers la société a le réflexe de gérer ses déchets et dadopter des modes de production durables, favorisant son gain économique, préservant lenvironnement et respectant la société. Eurial, en tant quentreprise laitière, génère des produits secondaires suite à la transformation du lait quelle produit. Ces produits secondaires sont nommés les coproduits laitiers. Eurial les valorise à travers trois filières à savoir la nutrition animale, la méthanisation et lindustrialisation. En choisissant danalyser la filière de la nutrition animale, nous verrons ses forces concurrentielles ainsi quune étude de son environnement. Une conjoncture urgente exprimée par la pénurie du gaz et de lélectricité lhiver prochain représente un risque de manque dénergie pour faire fonctionner les concentrateurs. Pour gérer ce problème rapidement, une cartographie des exutoires de valorisation des coproduits est nécessaire. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : El Hadad-Gauthier F. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P.; Rodrigues C. Permalink : Modern agribusiness within the framework of society 5.0
Modern agribusiness within the framework of society 5.0 [Article] / C. Besic ; M. Bakator ; D. Dordevic ; D. Cockalo ; S. Stanisavljev . - 2022 . - p. 365-383.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economics of agriculture > vol. 69, n. 2 (June 2022) . - p. 365-383Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMNOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; SERBIE Résumé : The domestic agribusiness sector has an important role in economic development and in economic growth. The goal of the paper is to analyze potential influencing factors on sustainable agribusiness. The research methodology included qualitative correlation and causation analysis, categorization and deduction. Datasets from credible sources were analyzed a Sustainable Agribusiness Trend Index (SATI) model was developed. Through analyzing the existing body of literature, analyzing previous and newest available data in the domain of agriculture and macro-economic indicators, as well through the developed SATI model, potential future trends in the domain of sustainable agribusiness are noted. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that modern agribusiness requires a multi-aspect approach. Factors such as renewable water sources, human development index, GPD growth and many other present integral parts of sustainable agribusiness development. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Négocier la transparence des filières alimentaires. Le cas de léchange de données relatives aux OGM et au Nutri-Score entre lindustrie et le commerce [Article] / B. Soutjis . - 2022 . - p. 1-26.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa)in Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances > vol. 16, n. 1 (Mars 2022) . - p. 1-26
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINFORMATION SUR LE MARCHE ; FILIERE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; ORGANISME GENETIQUEMENT MODIFIE ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; DIFFUSION DE L'INFORMATION ; GESTION DE L'INFORMATION ; ALIMENTATION HUMAINE ; NEGOCIATION ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; FRANCE Résumé : Cet article sinterroge sur la fabrique de la transparence au sein des filières alimentaires à partir de la restitution de deux négociations au cours desquelles lindustrie et la grande distribution ont arbitré sur la circulation et le partage dinformations « sensibles » sur les produits quelles commercialisent. Le premier cas constitue une controverse au sujet du partage de données indiquant le caractère génétiquement modifié de la nourriture des animaux destinés à lalimentation humaine. Le second cas constitue une série de négociations relatives à louverture de données permettant dindiquer le Nutri-Score des produits. La mise en perspective de ces deux cas nous permet de relativiser certains discours actuels selon lesquels le développement des technologies numériques devrait entraîner un accroissement inexorable de la transparence des aliments et des filières. Nous montrons plutôt que la transparence est un processus négocié et que des formes dignorance peuvent résulter de ces négociations. Ces formes dignorance, loin dêtre le seul fruit dune production intentionnelle et stratégique, apparaissent souvent comme le sous-produit dautres logiques organisationnelles, logistiques, politiques, juridiques qui peuvent être plus ou moins indépendantes vis-à-vis de la question de lignorance. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : A network analysis for environmental assessment in wine supply chain
A network analysis for environmental assessment in wine supply chain [Article] / G. Maesano ; M. Milani ; E. Nicolosi ; M. D'Amico ; G. Chinnici . - 2022 . - p. 1-29.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agronomy > vol. 12, n. 1 (January 2022) . - p. 1-29Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; EVALUATION ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; DURABILITE Résumé : In the agri-food sector, the Life Cycle Assessment method (LCA) is used to evaluate the environmental impact of a product. Within agri-food products, wine is among the most analysed products, not only for its economic importance but also for the environmental impact of its activity. The paper aims to identify the main trends in the wine sector revolving around environmental evaluation using the LCA method in the academic literature. The aim is to investigate the literature on life cycle assessment analysis of grape and wine production through the systematic grouping of papers into clusters of research. So, the purpose is to discuss the gaps and insights identified by the study in order to aid in the development of a comprehensive state of the art on the topic. Scopus and Web of Science were used to search all articles following a clear and replicable protocol. The results (keywords) were subjected to co-occurrence analysis using VOSviewer, after which the articles were further analysed. Through a bibliographic coupling analysis, the research results were grouped through a network analysis that allowed identifying the research trends on the topic. Three clusters were identified containing the main lines of research on the subject. The results show that nowadays the literature is focusing on concerns related to climate change and consumer awareness on sustainability issues and certifications as well as environmental impacts generated mainly in the production phase in the vineyard. The research results are of interest for future research on LCA analysis in the wine sector in order to contribute to the discussion on the current model in the global wine sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : No more glass bottles? Canned wine and italian consumers
No more glass bottles? Canned wine and italian consumers [Article] / G. Ruggeri ; C. Mazzocchi ; S. Corsi ; B. Ranzenigo . - 2022 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Foods > vol. 11, n. 8 (April 2022) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; CONDITIONNEMENT ; VIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; BOUTEILLE ; VERRE ; ITALIE Résumé : Packaging is an important economic component of the wine industry. However, while glass bottles are the leading wine container globally, their production and handling entail severe problems in increased carbon footprint impact and waste and logistic management. As a result, the wine packaging industry has developed and commercialised several alternatives to glass bottles, including aluminium cans. However, despite producers efforts in proposing alternative wine packaging, there are several barriers to their diffusion, especially in countries with a long tradition of wine consumption such as Italy, and it is still uncertain if and to what degree consumers would appreciate a wine in an aluminium can. This research investigates Italian wine consumers preferences and willingness to pay for canned wine through a survey and the contingent valuation method. We collected data from 551 consumers regarding attitudes and preferences about their wine consumption, alternative packaging acceptance, and motivations for accepting and refusing to buy it. Only a minority of the respondents declared they would buy canned wine, while the majority would refuse for reasons related to low-quality perception and poor consideration of alternative wine packaging. The lack of knowledge is one of the main obstacles to the diffusion of canned wine. However, canned wines could address different groups of wine drinkers and consumption occasions, increasing the opportunities for winemakers, especially among non-regular consumers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Olive oil supply chain design with organic and conventional market segments and consumers preference to local products [Article] / I. Nouira ; R. Hammami ; A. Fernandez Arias ; N. Gondran ; Y. Frein . - 2022 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in International Journal of Production Economics > vol. 247 (May 2022) . - p. 1-14
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMPRODUIT REGIONAL ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; COMMERCE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PREFERENCE ALIMENTAIRE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : Recent market studies showed that the demand for organic and local agrifood products is increasing despite their higher prices. The agribusiness actors should therefore rethink the supply chain configuration to cope with new market trends characterized by the rise of the organic segment and the increase of consumers' preference to more local products. This study focuses on the olive oil sector and proposes a mixed-integer non-linear optimization model for the design of olive oil supply chains while incorporating organic and conventional market segments and considering, for each segment, a supply chain proximity- and price-sensitive demand. The model is developed with the collaboration of olive oil producers in the Mediterranean area. Thanks to this industrial collaboration, we account for real-world practices and constraints and apply the model to a realistic case study. We first linearize the model and show that it can be efficiently solved with commercial optimization softwares. Based on numerical experiments, we derive a series of managerial insights that are applicable to the considered case study, some of them are not intuitive. For instance, we show that an increase in consumers preference to more local products may lead the producer to offer products with a more global supply chain. The conventional product variety may be produced with a more local supply chain than the organic (premium) variety. Finally, offering a mix of organic and conventional varieties instead of only one variety would lead to implementing a more local supply chain. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Optimisation logistique à court terme : réussir le pic saisonnier d'Halloween, et réorganisation logistique à moyen terme suite à larrêt du pooling. Cas de lETI « Carambar & Co » [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / E.M. Houmaidi . - s.l. : s.n., 2022 . - 85 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMMETHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; LOGISTIQUE ; TRANSPORT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; FRANCE Résumé : Après le rachat de lentreprise par le fonds dinvestissement Eurazeo en 2017, lentreprise Carambar & Co fut créée avec deux objectifs principaux : produire du made in France et faire croître le chiffre daffaires de ses 14 marques qui fleurent bon la nostalgie (Poulain, Suchard, Malabar, Carambar, Vichy, etc.). À linstar des entreprises agroalimentaires qui opèrent dans le secteur de la confiserie et de la chocolaterie, Carambar & Co connaît un pic dactivité saisonnier durant la période dHalloween. Cette période représente 30 à 35% de son chiffre daffaires annuel, doù limportance doptimiser la supply chain en interne (prévision, planification, service client, logistique, transport, etc.), et en externe avec les prestataires logistiques (4PL et entrepôt central), afin de satisfaire les besoins du client. Cette partie est présentée dans le mémoire comme étant un objectif à court terme. À moyen terme, à partir de février 2023, la mutualisation (pooling) qui se fait avec trois autres industriels sarrêtera à lentrepôt. Dès lors, lensemble des flux logistiques-transports livrés en pooling basculeront vers le plan de transport mono (mono-industriel), doù la nécessité de lancer un appel doffres transport pour 2023. Lobjectif de ce travail est de soulever des leviers daction qui permettront à la fois de réussir le pic saisonnier dHalloween (court terme), et doptimiser la supply chain après larrêt du pooling (long terme). Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P.; Mardon S. Permalink : Output market power and firm characteristics in dairy processing: evidence from three EU countries
Output market power and firm characteristics in dairy processing: evidence from three EU countries [Article] / M. Koppenberg ; S. Hirsch . - 2022 . - p. 1-28.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of agricultural economics > vol. 73, n. 2 (June 2022) . - p. 1-28Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPRODUIT LAITIER ; TRAITEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; FRANCE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE ; ITALIE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The dairy processing industry is the largest subsector in the EU food industry and is characterised by high concentration. We investigate the extent of output market power exerted in EU dairy processing, applying an advanced stochastic frontier approach to estimate firm-level markups of price over marginal cost using data for France, Italy and Spain from 2008 to 2017. We further relate markups to firm characteristics to identify what type of dairy processors possess the highest power in the sector. Our findings only reveal small average deviations from perfect competition but we find considerable heterogeneity of markups within and between the three countries. We identify a strong positive relationship between markup and profitability, though we find firm size and markups to be inversely related. This indicates that small firms operating in differentiated niche markets are able to charge higher markups, thereby ensuring their profitability. This result can serve EU dairy processors for future strategic alignment, and is particularly interesting from a policy perspective as large firms are mostly blamed in the exercise of market power in public and policy debates. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - in ISAHP 2022: proceedings Preferences analysis of restaurants, industry and retailers for selecting fruits and vegetables suppliers in Spain, France and Morocco [Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)] / A. Menéndez I Molist ; Z. Kallas ; M. Puig de Morales ; H. Ouabouch ; K. Elfazazi ; Y. Noutfia ; O. Boughamoura ; K. El Baamran . - 2022 . - p. 50-51.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMPREFERENCE COMMERCIALE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; INDUSTRIE DE LA RESTAURATION ; FOURNISSEUR ; PARTIE INTERESSEE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; TOMATE ; CAROUBE ; CHATAIGNE ; FRANCE ; ESPAGNE ; MAROC Résumé : This study focuses on evaluating the criteria used by stakeholders (restaurants, industry, and small-scale retailers) to select fruits and vegetable suppliers in Spain, France, and Morocco targeting three selected countries specific products and supply chains (fresh tomatoes in Spain, Chestnuts in France, Carob in Morocco). The research consisted firstly of conducting deep interviews (DI) with the main stakeholders in the added-value chain of fruits and vegetables in order to understand factors affecting their decision when selecting suppliers. A special interest was drawn on the criteria produced by local farmers in order to determine its relative importance within the stakeholders decision-making. Secondly, semi-structured questionnaires were carried out by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to estimate the relative importance of each criterion and to evaluate the weight of the sustainable factors. Data were collected from stakeholders in the food-added value chain with a total sample, equally distributed across countries, of 180 restaurants, 30 industries, and 180 small-scale retailers. The survey was applied during the months of May to October 2022. Research results revealed the most important supplier selection attributes vary according to each country and product category. The role of sustainable criteria in selecting suppliers played an important role in particular in France. Local small farmers were important for local industry as sustainable suppliers but less relevant for restaurants and retailers respectively. Improving the sustainability of the supply chain should focus more on retailers and restaurant marketing strategies when purchasing fruits and vegetables in order to set quotas for locally produced products. This outcome highlights the need for a new and optimized business model in which small local farmers can directly supply local restaurants and retailers and contribute to improving sustainability and ensuring reasonable profit for farmers. Note de contenu : YouTube Video Link: Cote : Online URL / DOI : Permalink : - Prioritising food loss and waste mitigation strategies in the fruit and vegetable supply chain: a multi-criteria approach [Article] / V.S.M. Magalhaes ; L.M.D.F. Ferreira ; C. Silva . - 2022 . - p. 569-581.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainable Production and Consumption > vol. 31 (May 2022) . - p. 569-581
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMGASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PERTE ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PORTUGAL Résumé : Although reducing food loss and waste (FLW) is a global concern, there is a scarcity of literature devoted to the selection of suitable mitigation strategies. Previous studies are more focused on the disposal or valorisation of FLW, rather than on its reduction or prevention, and the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies have hardly been evaluated. Therefore, this study develops and presents an evaluation framework to: (1) identify potential mitigation strategies based on the causes of FLW, (2) select criteria to assess the prevention measures of FLW and (3) evaluate and rank mitigation strategies to fight FLW. Fuzzy Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) is employed to determine the relative weights of the evaluation criteria and Fuzzy Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) is implemented to rank the mitigation strategies for FLW. The evaluation framework is further tested in Portugal in the context of the Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chain (FVSC) and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the robustness of the results. Overall, 16 mitigation strategies (related to information, quality, technology or transport and infrastructure) were selected and considered relevant to tackle the causes of FLW in the Portuguese FVSC. The results show that the higher ranked strategies are the ones most transversal to the FVSC, which highlights the role of collaboration, coordination and information sharing between the stakeholders in the prevention and reduction of FLW. Furthermore, ensuring coordination and close collaboration between stakeholders may also help to implement the technology-related mitigation strategies identified. This paper provides researchers, practitioners and policymakers with a comprehensible and structured approach that can be replicated for any region, supply chain or food product in order to prioritise cost effective mitigation strategies for FLW with more significant environmental and social gains. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Promoting tunisian agri-food start-up. A study on the self-efficacy of aspiring entrepreneurs
Promoting tunisian agri-food start-up. A study on the self-efficacy of aspiring entrepreneurs [Article] / F.F. Fagioli ; E. Vigano . - 2022 . - p. 75-88.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 21, n. 1 (March 2022) . - p. 75-88Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSTART UP ; CREATION D'EMPLOI ; JEUNESSE ; FEMME ; VALORISATION ; TERRITOIRE ; ENTREPRENEUR ; PRODUIT AGRICOLE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ; TUNISIE Résumé : In 2011, Tunisia went through a revolution which transformed its modern history. Currently, the country is experiencing a moment of transition in which it faces problems, both on a social and economic level. The region Kroumerie-Mogods, in the northwest, includes the three Governorates of Jendouba, Beja and Bizerte, is strongly affected by past economic policies. Despite having great potential in terms of both natural resources and economic opportunities, the local population appears to be among the poorest in the country, suffering from high level of unemployment, widespread poverty and substantial inequalities. In this context, a Development Cooperation project was implemented with the aim of creating new employment opportunities, especially for young people and women, through the enhancement of the territory and its agricultural products with the support of new entrepreneurial initiatives. Principal Component Analysis and Logit model were used to analyse the Self-Efficacy (SE) of young aspiring entrepreneurs and to evaluate its effects on the promotion of personal entrepreneurial projects. The study shows that past involvement in business key activities, as commercial experiences, social commitments and sustainable waste management, represent a decisive element for the promotion of personal business projects in agri-food sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Quel avenir pour les stratégies dintégration verticale des vignerons champenois ?
Quel avenir pour les stratégies dintégration verticale des vignerons champenois ? [Article] / A. Ringeval-Deluze ; I. Houeto . - 2022 . - p. 103-121.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Economie rurale > n. 380 (Avril-Juin 2022) . - p. 103-121Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; CLASSIFICATION ; VALORISATION ; PRODUIT REGIONAL ; INTEGRATION VERTICALE ; FILIERE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; VIN ; CHAMPAGNE ET VIN MOUSSEUX ; FRANCE ; CHAMPAGNE ARDENNES Résumé : Dans le contexte de durcissement de lenvironnement concurrentiel des vignerons champenois, les auteurs établissent une typologie de ces acteurs basée sur leurs caractéristiques personnelles et leur activité économique, incluant leur degré dintégration verticale. Les résultats font apparaître trois grandes catégories dopérateurs (les traditionnels, les commerçants et les pionniers) dont la stratégie est plus ou moins bien adaptée pour faire face aux évolutions du marché, selon leur capacité et leur volonté daméliorer la valorisation de leur production. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Quel est l'impact de la logistique au sein de lentreprise agroalimentaire, et comment cette dernière peut-elle agir afin de réduire son empreinte carbone ? Cas de Yoplait France [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / Z. Igroufa . - s.l. : s.n., 2022 . - 39 p.Mémoire Master 2. Management. Parcours : Chaînes de valeur agri-alimentaires durables : logistique, environnement, stratégies [CDVALES]. Co-accréditation Université de Montpellier - Montpellier Management (Moma), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMLOGISTIQUE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; FRANCE Résumé : Les enjeux environnementaux tels que la pollution, l'effet de serre et l'émission de dioxyde de carbone (CO2), le changement climatique, etc., sont de sérieuses préoccupations de notre époque. Les États et les organisations uvrent en faveur du développement durable par le biais dune législation et dune réglementation auxquelles les entreprises doivent également se conformer. Ces dernières, notamment dans le secteur agroalimentaire, sont de ce fait de plus en plus impliquées et responsables face aux enjeux liés à la durabilité. Cela se traduit notamment par l'implémentation de démarches concrètes, dont la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE), dans leurs activités et notamment dans la logistique, étant donné quelle est un contributeur majeur aux émissions de carbone. Le but de notre travail est de mettre en exergue limpact environnemental de la logistique dune part, et dautre part, de présenter la stratégie RSE de Yoplait qui lui sert à saligner sur les principes fondateurs du développement durable, tout en sassurant un gain économique. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDVALES) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P.; Ieng P. Permalink : Reconfiguration of food value chains between logistics and traceability
Reconfiguration of food value chains between logistics and traceability [Article] / F. El Hadad-Gauthier ; I. Piot-Lepetit . - 2022 . - p. 41-46.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Enjeux numériques > n. 19 (Septembre) . - p. 41-46Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMAGRICULTURE NUMERIQUE ; TRACABILITE ; LOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; PLATEFORME LOGISTIQUE ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE Résumé : The rise of digitalisation is fueling a dynamics of reconfiguration of food value chains. This article explores two rising challenges: Logistics and traceability. These issues are crucial for food value chains because of the very specific characteristics of food products, such as perishability, shelf life constraints, quality variability, sanitary risks, market uncertainty, and the increasing distance between producer and consumer due to the markets globalization. Cote : Online URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : Réindustrialiser la France : quels enjeux pour lindustrie agroalimentaire ?
Réindustrialiser la France : quels enjeux pour lindustrie agroalimentaire ? [Article] / Q. Mathieu . - 2022 . - p. 42-48.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Paysans & Société > n. 392 (Mars-Avril 2022) . - p. 42-48Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIALISATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEPRISE AGRICOLE ; TERRITOIRE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; LOCALISATION DES INDUSTRIES ; LOCALISATION DES PRODUCTIONS ; FRANCE Résumé : La filière agroalimentaire est fragilisée et connaît des contrastes régionaux. Mener une seule politique de réindustrialisation nest pas forcément pertinent. Cote : Demander à l'accueil URL / DOI : Permalink : - Research gaps and future directions on social value stemming from circular economy practices in agri-food industrial parks: insights from a systematic literature review [Article] / I. Atanasovska ; S. Choudhary ; L. Koh ; P.H. Ketikidis ; A. Solomon . - 2022 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 354 (June 2022) . - p. 1-14
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; VALEUR SOCIALE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT Résumé : This paper presents a systematic literature review on the concept of social value emerging from circular economy (CE) practice implementation in agri-food eco-industrial parks. The results show that social value stemming from CE practices is substantially under-researched and provides opportunity for further investigation. Firstly, the literature shows that CE practices have been traditionally analysed at an institutional/company level and have not been truly explored at an eco-industrial park level. Secondly, social value has received a good amount of attention when explored as a value-added element (i.e., CSR, human rights, social justice), however, social value emerging from CE practices and actual business operations is under-researched. In addition, the findings suggest that there is a gap in literature linking CE practices with social value along with economic and environmental performance in agri-food eco-industrial parks. Thirdly, the literature adopts an external pressure approach (mimetic, coercive, normative) when it comes to understanding the motivators for CE practice adoption, however, limited work has been done at the agri-food eco-industrial park level. Similarly, the systematic review identifies that the most utilised theories for explaining CE practice adoption with links to social value consist of institutional, stakeholder, resource-based view, diffusion of innovation, socio-ecological, industrial symbiosis, and systems theories, while theories that have not been used but could provide relevance are contingency, cluster, socio-technical system, social embeddedness, knowledge-based view and endogenous growth theory. Finally, the systematic review reveals that mixed methods research and large dataset analysis approaches are currently scarce in the extant literature which mostly denotes the use of traditional operations management (quantitative) methods. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : A review on life cycle assessment of the olive oil production
A review on life cycle assessment of the olive oil production [Article] / M. Rapa ; S. Ciano . - 2022 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 2 (January 2022) . - p. 1-17Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; DURABILITE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; INDICATEUR ENVIRONNEMENTAL ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : Olive oil is one of the most globally recognized high-value products, with 4 million hectares cultivated in the Mediterranean area. The production process involves many stages: farming, extraction, packing, and waste treatment. Each one of these stages should present critical points for the environmental impacts, and for this reason, the entire sector is adopting mitigation strategies to begin to be more sustainable. The mitigation actions efficiency should be evaluated through environmental indicators or environmental impact assessment by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This review aimed to carry out an overview of recent papers (20112021) involving an LCA study in the olive oil supply chain by giving a framework of what is included in LCA studies and highlighting the main contributors to environmental impacts. The main scholarly literature databases have been exploited, highlighting a great increase in publications, especially from the producer countries. The review results reflect the heterogeneity of the production process. However, the use of pesticides, fertilizers, water, and fuel for machinery heavily weigh on the farming stages environmental impact. Finally, special focus was given to key elements of LCA studies in the olive oil supply chain, such as functional unit, system boundaries, impact categories, calculation method, and software widely used. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Social commerce in the wine sector: an exploratory research study of the Italian market
Social commerce in the wine sector: an exploratory research study of the Italian market [Article] / P. Mastroberardino ; G. Calabrese ; F. Cortese ; M. Petracca . - 2022 . - p. 1-20.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 4 (February 2022) . - p. 1-20Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMCOMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE ; VIN ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; COVID-19 ; ITALIE Résumé : The development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media, along with the emergence of wikis, blogs, online communities, and social networks, has rapidly transformed e-commerce. This phenomenon is commonly known as social commerce, an evolution of e-commerce characterized by a strong customer orientation. The aim of this paper is to understand the support of social commerce for e-commerce. We conducted an exploratory analysis of the Italian wine market via in-depth interviews with experts in the wine business: three wine producers and three companies running an online wine business. The interviews were recorded with the consent of the interviewees and transcribed, and their content was analyzed through content analysis. In particular, an analysis grid was created, following a closed procedure, with an ex-ante definition of the categories of analysis. Our results reveal that the COVID-19 outbreak has given a significant boost to digital transformation and online purchases in the wine sector. While some operators in the sector have merely undergone this change, others have been riding the wave, trying to benefit from it. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Supply chain responsibility in agriculture and its integration with rural community development: a review of issues and perspectives [Article] / L. Liu ; J. Cavaye ; A. Ariyawardana . - 2022 . - p. 134-143.Langues : Anglais (eng)in Journal of rural studies > vol. 93 (July 2022) . - p. 134-143
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; RESEAU ; ACTEUR ; FILIERE ; INFORMATION ; RELATION PRODUCTEUR DISTRIBUTEUR ; RELATION PRODUCTEUR CONSOMMATEUR ; DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Supporting agri-food SMEs in Italy in the post-COVID-19 context: from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe
Supporting agri-food SMEs in Italy in the post-COVID-19 context: from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe [Article] / C. Zarbà ; S. Bracco ; B. Pecorino ; G. Pappalardo ; G. Chinnici ; M. D'Amico . - 2022 . - p. 1-18.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 13 (July 2022) . - p. 1-18Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; COVID-19 ; POLITIQUE COMMUNAUTAIRE ; PROGRAMME COMMUNAUTAIRE ; PME ; INNOVATION ; ITALIE Résumé : In recent decades, European policy has targeted specific measures towards SMEs. The recently concluded Horizon 2020 Programme, under the Europe 2020 Strategy, has provided economic support to stimulate competitiveness and boost the economy of member states by focusing on innovation. The SME Instrument, through a structure of multiple calls, constituted the vehicle for SMEs to access the funds made available by the European Union with disruptive innovation proposals. The initial structure of the SME Instrument, developed in phases and along the lines of the US Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Programme, was afterwards simplified in the design of its successor, the EIC Accelerator Pilot. The success of the above mentioned economic instruments led the European institutions to develop a new instrument, the EIC Accelerator, supported by the current Horizon Europe programme. After outlining the main features of this transition and the novelties introduced, this paper aims to ascertain the extent to which SMEs in the agri-food sector in Italy have had the ability and opportunity to intercept funds by measuring participation in the SME Instrument. Furthermore, it intends to verify which type of firms in the agri-food sector, divided into agricultural and industrial enterprises, intercepted more of the examined funds, and which organisational phase, productive or commercial, the enterprises have been oriented towards, also giving relevancy to the specific objects of the winning projects. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Sustainable development goals in the andalusian olive oil cooperative sector: heritage, innovation, gender perspective and sustainability [Article] / J.A. Parrilla-González ; D. Ortega-Alonso . - 2022 . - p. 31-42.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 21, n. 2 (June 2022) . - p. 31-42
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMCOOPERATIVE AGRICOLE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; INNOVATION ; ECONOMIE SOCIALE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; OLEICULTURE ; CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE ; ESPAGNE ; ANDALUCIA Résumé : The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a commitment to sustainability through innovation, sustainable economic growth and the diversification of economic activities. The social economy and the revaluation of rural heritage play a fundamental role in implementing and progressing towards these goals, especially in agri-food cooperatives. In the case of the Spanish olive oil industry, a substantial percentage of the business in olive oil producing areas revolves around the social economy: 70% of the olive oil produced in Spain is made by cooperatives. For these cooperatives, the implementation of the SDGs offers them a potential tool for sustainable development, diversification and the economic growth of their businesses. This article focuses on analysing the relative importance of the SDGs in the olive oil cooperative sector in Andalusia, using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) technique and applying the fuzzy-set approach (fsQCA) to the tenets of the SDGs. Lastly, causal models have been established, the practical implications of which centre on the implementation and development of the SDGs as a means of achieving the sustainable economic growth of these enterprises. The main findings of this study suggest that the sustainable development goals on which the cooperative societies analyzed are focused, in addition to producing olive oil, promote values linked to food security, sustainability, the showcasing of heritage, and gender equality. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainable food packaging: an integrative framework
Sustainable food packaging: an integrative framework [Article] / R. Santi ; P. Garrone ; M. Iannantuoni ; B. Del Curto . - 2022 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 13 (July 2022) . - p. 1-17Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; CONDITIONNEMENT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; VALEUR SOCIALE ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT Résumé : The paper proposes a comprehensive and operational definition of Sustainable Food Packaging (SFP). Sustainability is a multifaceted concept, yet most SFP conversations decline it as a mere material substitution issue. The efforts of regulators, packaging producers, food companies, and consumers towards the design and adoption of SFP products are likely to fail without a common understanding of the multiple means by which food packaging contributes to sustainability. Based on an extensive literature review and the contributions of SFP innovation experts, the paper builds a Food Packaging Sustainability Framework (FPSF) that encompasses the three main dimensions of SFP, namely environmental conservation, food safety, and social value, and operationalizes them in terms of objectives and activable levers. The framework can be used as a tool to search and evaluate food packaging products, a conceptual guide for SFP design, and a narrative platform for coordinating supply chain actors, including consumers. The experimental activities applying FPSF gathered the different actors in the supply chain to jointly adopt the integrated model that distributes environmental, social, and economic benefits along the entire production chain. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Sustainable supply chain management in the food industry: a conceptual model from a literature review and a case study [Article] / T. Mastos ; K. Gotzamani . - 2022 . - p. 1-27.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Foods > vol. 11, n. 15 (August 2022) . - p. 1-27
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; MODELE ; PERFORMANCE ; GRECE ; ETUDE DE CAS Résumé : The purpose of this study is twofold: firstly, to provide a literature review of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) critical factors, practices and performance; and secondly, to develop a comprehensive and testable model of SSCM in the food industry. The research conducted comprises a literature review and a case study. The literature review findings propose a theoretical framework linking SSCM critical factors, practices and performance. The case study comprises two sustainability leaders in the Greek food supply chain in order to investigate the three SSCM constructs. A new set of pioneering SSCM practices in the Greek food industry is identified, including daily conversation, local sourcing and HR investments. The end result of this research proposes a testable model that sheds light on SSCM in the food industry and is based on a set of propositions. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : A systematic review of sustainable fresh fruit and vegetable supply chains
A systematic review of sustainable fresh fruit and vegetable supply chains [Article] / O. Ozgur Tort ; O. Vayvay ; E. Cobanoglu . - 2022 . - p. 1-38.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 3 (February 2022) . - p. 1-38Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; PRODUIT FRAIS ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PRODUIT PERISSABLE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE Résumé : Fresh fruit and vegetables are crucial for human health. Their fibrous structure and high nutritional value are essential for peoples well-being. This study aims to provide a review of the current state of knowledge and practices regarding fresh fruit and vegetable supply chains (FFVSC). The reviewed papers are divided into categories according to their findings, research purposes, tools and messages used. Our objective is to guide both academics and practitioners by pointing out significant streams of research with respect to these categories. For a better understanding, these subgroups are essentially based on their common research purpose, and the tools and methods they adopted are explained. Therefore, this study sheds light on research related to FFVSCs for those who are new to this area or planning to conduct in-depth research on directions suggested by studies in this area. The related literature was classified into eight categories: namely, (1) value chain indicators of FFVSCs, (2) food-related problems/postharvest losses along FFVSCs, (3) roles of parties involved in the FFV value chain, (4) review papers, (5) technological trends in FFVSCs, (6) packaging issues of FFVSCs, (7) logistics solutions of FFVSCs, and (8) sustainable FFVSCs. Details on the tools and methods employed in these studies are summarized in Appendix B. To the best of the authors knowledge, the related literature lacks a comprehensive review that investigates different aspects of FFVVCs in detail. Thus, this study contributes towards a better understanding of the related literature and can be used as a guide for future studies. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : The brandland identity of Etna volcano valley wines: a Policy Delphi study
The brandland identity of Etna volcano valley wines: a Policy Delphi study [Article] / C. Bellia ; P. Columba ; M. Ingrassia . - 2022 . - p. 1-32.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 12, n. 6 (June 2022) . - p. 1-32Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMIMAGE DE MARQUE ; MARQUE COMMERCIALE ; TOURISME VITIVINICOLE ; TERRITOIRE ; VIN ; PROVENANCE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; PRODUIT REGIONAL ; MARKETING TERRITORIAL ; METHODE DELPHI ; ITALIE ; SICILIA Résumé : This is the first study on the brandland link for quality wines with a strong identity produced in extreme territories using the Policy Delphi methodology. The objective of this study is to assess the existence of a relationship between the wine brand and the territory of origin for wines produced in the Etna valley in Sicily (southern Italy). Awareness among producers and stakeholders of the recognizability of local wines by the market was investigated. Moreover, the forecasts/reliability, issues/importance, options/feasibility, and goals/desirability of development factors for wines with a brandland link in the Etna valley were analyzed. The results were used to design a model of the value chain for wines with a brandland identity which is generalizable to other wine regions. In this study, the policy Delphi method was adapted, consolidated, and improved for marketing studies in the agri-food sector. This adapted method can be replicated in other studies focusing on similar contexts. The findings provide insights into the characteristics (type and category) of development factors that add value to Etna Rosso DOC wine and provide interesting food for thought for wine-producing companies in other wine-growing areas with unique pedoclimatic characteristics that determine a strong brandland link between wine and its territory or origin. Practical implications encompass new elements for winemakers, as well as for local decision-makers and stakeholders, for the formulation of more effective communication strategies and territorial revitalization strategies to enhance the competitiveness and appreciation of wines with strong geographical identity traits. To highlight these elements, a new theoretical model was designed that includes the experience of the territory and the product in the value chain of iconic wines. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : The count of what counts in the agri-food Social Life Cycle Assessment
The count of what counts in the agri-food Social Life Cycle Assessment [Article] / B.M. Tragnone ; M. D'Eusanio ; L. Petti . - 2022 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 354 (June 2022) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; DURABILITE ; ANALYSE SOCIALE DU CYCLE DE VIE Résumé : Life cycle-based methodologies are gaining increasing consensus as a tool to support the transition towards sustainable production and consumption patterns. Despite its potential, Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) is the least applied, also given the lower consideration of the social dimension of sustainability in the agri-food sector. The present study aims to outline the state of the art of S-LCA within the sector by identifying the main issues regarding its known strengths and weaknesses to provide some considerations for its future implementation. A systematic literature review was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram. The selected S-LCA studies were analysed based on criteria identified according to the research questions, the known weaknesses and strengths of S-LCA and the specificities of the agri-food sector. The obtained results confirmed S-LCA to be a methodology still evolving that has been increasingly applied, even if affected by some criticalities already identified in S-LCA literature. Among them, there are those related to the lack of data, the system boundary and the cut-off criteria definition, the impact assessment methods, the absence of defined and shared criteria for selecting stakeholders, subcategories and indicators. On the other hand, some emerged critical issues are closely related to the analysed sector's specificities and complexity, such as the product's multifunctionality, the multiplicity of the involved stakeholders and their peculiarities, the link between the products and the territory. Therefore, a greater effort would be desirable in justifying fundamental methodological choices as well as in empathising the special characteristics of the products, the social themes and the involved stakeholders. The new S-LCA Guidelines can be a useful starting point to face these challenges. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : The export strategy of the spanish wine industry
The export strategy of the spanish wine industry [Article] / J.R. Ferrer ; R. Serrano ; S. Abella ; V. Pinilla ; M. Teresa Maza . - 2022 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in SJAR : Spanish journal of agricultural research > vol. 20, n. 3 (September 2022) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; EXPORTATION ; VITICULTURE ; STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; MONDIALISATION ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE PROTEGEE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Aim of study: This study analyses how business strategy has influenced the export performance of the Spanish wine industry. In recent decades, Spain has been among those countries that have significantly increased their wine exports. Area of study: We used data collected from a survey comprising 339 Spanish wine-making companies. Material and methods: The empirical analysis was carried out by sending a survey and subsequent telephone call to all the independent wineries belonging to PDOs, the number of responses was 339, 14% of the sample. Using the Heckman methodology, we analysed the variables that determine the decision to export and the export intensity. Main results: Spanish firms have successfully used different combined strategies in order to achieve an intensification of exports. This implies that the joint use of strategies that seek efficiency (through cost reduction) while increasing value for the customer (through innovation and improved communication processes and distribution) achieve an increase in the internationalisation of the company. Therefore, the results of this study add new strategic alternatives to those traditionally proposed by the literature. Research highlights: Firm strategy also has an effect on export performance in the Spanish wine industry. To grow in international markets, companies can use a combination of different strategic options. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : The impact of COVID-19 on consumers motives in purchasing and consuming quality greek wine
The impact of COVID-19 on consumers motives in purchasing and consuming quality greek wine [Article] / D. Skalkos ; N. Roumeliotis ; I.S. Kosma ; C. Yiakoumettis ; H.C. Karantonis . - 2022 . - p. 1-23.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 13 (July 2022) . - p. 1-23Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMCOVID-19 ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; VIN ; QUALITE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PRODUIT REGIONAL ; PRATIQUE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT REGIONAL ; PREFERENCE ALIMENTAIRE ; GRECE Résumé : In the rising post COVID-19 period the world is different not only from the economic point of view but also from the social and cultural point, including the selection of goods, and foods by the new customers. Wine is a major daily drink worldwide, affecting the lives of consumers worldwide. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on consumers motives for quality wine, namely the Greek wine and the local Samos Greek wine, assessing possible changes in their wine habits effecting current and future wine production, consumption, and sustainable regional development. Consumers motives were tested using variables of wine purchase and consumption (such as place of purchase, money spent, amount consumed, accompaniment meals), and preference for quality wine (such as traditional, appearance, organoleptic, sustainable, general characteristics). A self-response questionnaire survey was carried out in January and February 2022 on a sample of 1493 participants through the Google platform. Basic statistical tools, combined with cross and Chi-square tests were used in order to analyze the collected data. The results show interesting changes in consumers motives in the new rising global era. The participants buy less from supermarket (−4.2%), more via online (+1.8%) and equally from other places, the majority one bottle per month spending 10 to 20 euros today. They consume less wine (−5.1%), the majority one bottle per month, preferable at home (+6%), with friends (+1.6%), rather than at the restaurant (−8.2%), the club/bar (−8.9%), the night club (−5.8%), or during celebration (−3.2%). They continue to prefer the red with red, white to white accompaniments with meals. They select quality wines based on the conventional variables with emphasis to the taste (94.5%), aroma (83.9%), value for money (72.8%). The participants expressed similar motives for the quality Samos wines. However, even though they are aware of its high quality (92.9%), only 53% of them have tasted them, and fewer are consuming then occasionally (32.3%). Our findings indicate that the sustainability, and growth of the quality wine in the new socioeconomic era, should focus on the easy access (including on line), the consumption at home, with friends and family, keeping the same preferences between different kinds of wine with the different meals for the consumers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : The paradoxes of dairy farmers in Catalonia (Spain): crisis and double bind
The paradoxes of dairy farmers in Catalonia (Spain): crisis and double bind [Article] / M. Barbeta-Vinas ; M. Requena-i-Mora . - 2022 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sociologia Ruralis > vol. 62, n. 1 (January 2022) . - p. 1-21Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPRODUCTION LAITIERE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; PRODUCTIVITE ; PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ENVIRONNEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE ; BOVIN LAITIER ; ELEVAGE ; COMPORTEMENT DES AGRICULTEURS ; ACTIVITE COOPERATIVE ; VIABILITE ECONOMIQUE ; ESPAGNE ; CATALUNA Résumé : The article analyses the crisis and double bind situation to which Catalan dairy farmers find themselves subjected. Two contradictory commands are being imposed on them: act as if nature does not matter and increase production because, otherwise, the abandonment of livestock activity threatens you; and reduce production and protect the environment to avoid an environmental catastrophe. In the first part of the article, we study the socioeconomic crisis facing cattle farmers. In the second, we analyse farmers discourse on the matter as a double bind. Our conclusions indicate that in order to escape this paradoxical situation and gain some autonomy with respect to industry, farmers must establish a collective conscience and unite their interests: Although the path of producer cooperativism may be among the most realistic, it is not an easy one to follow. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : The performance of the tunisian olive oil exports within the new distribution of world demand
The performance of the tunisian olive oil exports within the new distribution of world demand [Article] / M. Arfaoui ; Y. Erraach ; S. Boudiche . - 2022 . - p. 17-30.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 21, n. 2 (June 2022) . - p. 17-30Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMEXPORTATION ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; FILIERE ; COMPETITIVITE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; TUNISIE Résumé : The present work aims to analyze the performance of the Tunisian olive oil exports compared to its main competitors (Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Portugal) during the last fifteen years, on the European market and four potential markets: the United States, Canada, Japan and Brazil using the Shift Share Analysis, in order to identify the main sources of change. The period 2011-2015 was a boom period for Tunisia in all studied markets. The gain in Tunisian competitiveness on the new markets (Canada, Japan and Brazil) is related to the growth of their global imports and the competitiveness of Tunisian exports reinforced by the superior quality of Tunisian extra virgin olive oil and the recourse to packaged oil. The results indicate that the maintenance of a sustainable international competitiveness of Tunisia on the olive oil market depends on its domestic production and that of its European competitors, to which is added recently the Turkish competition, policies and trade agreements that must be negotiated and requires the improvement of its non-price competitiveness. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : The role of cross-silo federated learning in facilitating data sharing in the agri-food sector
The role of cross-silo federated learning in facilitating data sharing in the agri-food sector [Article] / A. Durrant ; M. Markovic ; D. Matthews ; D. May ; J. Enright ; G. Leontidis . - 2022 . - p. 1-12.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture > vol. 193 (February 2022) . - p. 1-12Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 06 - AGRICULTURE. FORÊTS. PÊCHES ; 6.1 - Généralités. Situation AgricoleThésaurus IAMMDONNEE DE PRODUCTION ; ANALYSE DE DONNEES ; COLLECTE DE DONNEES ; PROTECTION DES DONNEES ; ECHANGE DE DONNEES INFORMATISEES ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE Mots-clés : APPRENTISSAGE AUTOMATIQUE Résumé : Data sharing remains a major hindering factor when it comes to adopting emerging AI technologies in general, but particularly in the agri-food sector. Protectiveness of data is natural in this setting: data is a precious commodity for data owners, which if used properly can provide them with useful insights on operations and processes leading to a competitive advantage. Unfortunately, novel AI technologies often require large amounts of training data in order to perform well, something that in many scenarios is unrealistic. However, recent machine learning advances, e.g. federated learning and privacy-preserving technologies, can offer a solution to this issue via providing the infrastructure and underpinning technologies needed to use data from various sources to train models without ever sharing the raw data themselves. In this paper, we propose a technical solution based on federated learning that uses decentralized data, (i.e. data that are not exchanged or shared but remain with the owners) to develop a cross-silo machine learning model that facilitates data sharing across supply chains. We focus our data sharing proposition on improving production optimization through soybean yield prediction, and provide potential use-cases that such methods can assist in other problem settings. Our results demonstrate that our approach not only performs better than each of the models trained on an individual data source, but also that data sharing in the agri-food sector can be enabled via alternatives to data exchange, whilst also helping to adopt emerging machine learning technologies to boost productivity. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Traceability platform based on green blockchain: an application case study in dairy supply chain
Traceability platform based on green blockchain: an application case study in dairy supply chain [Article] / G. Varavallo ; G. Caragnano ; F. Bertone ; L. Vernetti-Prot ; O. Terzo . - 2022 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 6 (March 2022) . - p. 1-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMCHAINE DE BLOCS ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; TRACABILITE ; CONSOMMATION D'ENERGIE ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE PROTEGEE ; FROMAGE ; UNION EUROPEENNE ; ITALIE ; VALLE D'AOSTA Résumé : Recent progress in IoT and software development has simplified data acquisition and immutability of information in the agri-food supply chain. In the last few years, several frameworks and applications were proposed to ensure traceability in the agri-food-sector using distributed ledger technologies (DLT) such as Blockchain technologies. Still, no other study has presented a Blockchain-based traceability platform with a lower impact on the environment and lower cost for each transaction sent by the supply chain. This article presents a traceability platform based on Green Blockchain with low energy consumption and costs savings applied to the Fontina PDO cheese supply chain, part of the project Typicalp, funded by the European Union (EU). The proposed traceability system is based on Algorand Blockchain, which uses the Pure Proof-of-Stake mechanism of consensus that requires minimal computational power, is highly scalable and environmentally sustainable. In addition to the environmental and financial benefits, the developed traceability platform has made it possible to digitize the entire production chain, making the data immutable and available in real-time for Fontina consortium operators and final consumers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Uncovering sustainability storylines from dairy supply chain discourse
Uncovering sustainability storylines from dairy supply chain discourse [Article] / T. Else ; S. Choudhary ; A. Genovese . - 2022 . - p. 858-874.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Business Research > vol. 142 (March 2022) . - p. 858-874Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; LAIT ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; DURABILITE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; ANALYSE DU DISCOURS ; SCENARIO ; ROYAUME UNI Résumé : Food supply chains are key to ensuring sufficient nourishment of the population. For instance, taking a circular economy approach can help facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices, such as the use of technology to combat food waste issues. Yet, creating intrinsically sustainable production systems remains complex, given differing stakeholder perspectives, structures and approaches that can be entrenched along supply chains. Based on an empirical investigation conducted in the UK dairy supply chain, and implementing a critical discourse analysis, this paper aims at gaining an understanding how sustainable storylines are either propagated or supressed by different stakeholders. The paper contributes to the theoretical debate on power in supply chains through the lens of cultural hegemony and the discourse coalition concept, leading to the theoretical contribution of this work: an explanation of how a self-perpetuating cycle of legitimacy helps a storyline become, and remain, dominant. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Valorisation du Co2 au sein de l'industrie des soyfoods et analyse du comportement des consommateurs français vis-à-vis des produits alimentaires "Bas Carbone" [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / M. Ammar . - Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM, 2022 . - 97 p.. - (Master of Science : Professionnel; 982) .Master of Science. Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours : Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique [CDV]Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMBILAN CARBONE ; GAZ A EFFET DE SERRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; FRANCE Résumé : Dans le contexte du changement climatique, ce présent travail a pour objectif la valorisation de la consommation du CO2 au sein de lindustrie des soyfoods et lanalyse du comportement des consommateurs français vis-à-vis des produits alimentaires « bas carbone ». En premier lieu, nous avons identifié les motivations et les freins à la transition écologique au sein de lindustrie agroalimentaire. Parmi les motivations, nous citons les exigences croissantes des clients sur limpact environnemental des produits, le renforcement de limage de marque de lentreprise, etc. Les freins sont principalement le manque dinvestissement, la complexité des démarches et des procédures pour la mise en place dun bilan carbone, etc. Les principaux postes démissions de CO2, au sein de lindustrie des soyfoods et en aval, sont classés par catégorie démissions : émissions directes de CO2 (liées aux sources fixes et mobiles de combustion, aux procédés industriels hors énergie, etc.), émissions indirectes associées à lénergie, au transport et aux produits achetés et vendus. Suite à la cartographie des postes démissions de CO2, des axes déco-conception ont été identifiés pour optimiser lempreinte carbone des produits : la gestion de lénergie, loptimisation des process de production et de fabrication, loptimisation des approvisionnements et des transports, etc. Enfin, nous avons réussi à évaluer le comportement dachat des français vis-à-vis des produits alimentaires « bas carbone » suite à une étude de marché. Nous avons constaté une prise de conscience collective des problèmes liés à lenvironnement et lalimentation, et un intérêt des consommateurs pour la certification environnementale et laffichage environnemental. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master of science) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : Kleftodimos G.; Peri I.; Prosperi P. Permalink : Wine supply chain network configuration under a water footprint cap
Wine supply chain network configuration under a water footprint cap [Article] / E. Aivazidou ; D. Aidonis ; N. Tsolakis ; C. Achillas ; D. Vlachos . - 2022 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 14, n. 15 (August 2022) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; EMPREINTE HYDRIQUE ; DURABILITE ; VITICULTURE ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; UTILISATION DE L'EAU ; CYCLE DE VIE ; GESTION DES EAUX ; RESSOURCE EN EAU ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PROGRAMMATION LINEAIRE ; GRECE Résumé : As agriculture and industry exploit more than 90% of the global freshwater resources, water overuse and degradation have emerged as critical socio-environmental challenges for both nations and corporations. In this context, the water footprint concept was introduced in order to quantify the freshwater consumption and pollution of a territory or across a products life cycle. As research on water management in supply chains is growing, this work aims to integrate the perspective of freshwater resources into supply network configuration. Focusing on the agrifood sector, we have developed a mixed-integer linear programming model that can be used to minimize the operational costs under a water footprint cap in a wine supply chain network by selecting the optimal suppliers (vine growers), manufacturing sites (winemakers), and transportation modes (fuel-powered trucks). The optimization outcomes unveil that the wine networks configurations (structure and fuel type) vary significantly depending on the values of the water footprint cap so as to balance the trade-off between economic and water-related environmental efficiency. Beyond the viticulture sector, the proposed model is anticipated to act as a paradigm for setting joint sustainable targets or caps to limit water use across supply chains. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Adoption of ICTs in agri-food logistics: potential and limitations for supply chain sustainability
Adoption of ICTs in agri-food logistics: potential and limitations for supply chain sustainability [Article] / C. Vernier ; D. Loeillet ; R. Thomopoulos ; C. Macombe . - 2021 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 12 (June 2021) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10.2 - IAA (en général) ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMLOGISTIQUE ; TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INNOVATION ; GASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; DECHET ALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT FRAIS ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE Résumé : A major challenge of Sustainable Development Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production is to reduce food losses along production and supply chains. This is particularly critical for fresh food products, due to their perishable and fragile nature, which makes the coordination of the actors all the more crucial to avoid wastes and losses. The rise of new technologies, referred to as Industry 4.0 powered by the internet of things, big data analytics and artificial intelligence, could bring new solutions to meet these needs. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) allow for frequent exchanges of huge amounts of information between actors in the agrofood chains to coordinate their activities. The aim of the chapter is to provide a state-of-the-art analysis on ICTs used in agrofood supply chains, with a special focus on the case of fresh fruits and vegetables, to analyze the potential and weaknesses which exist in different forms of supply chains for ICTs becoming a resource (precious, rare, non-imitable, and nonsubstitutable) prospect and to suggest promising ICTs in this context. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Agroalimentaire et boissons : promouvoir une industrie résiliente dans la nouvelle norme
Agroalimentaire et boissons : promouvoir une industrie résiliente dans la nouvelle norme [Article] / T. Fautré . - 2021 . - p. 52-53.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Supply Chain Magazine > n. 36 (Mars 2021) . - p. 52-53Catégories : Catégories principales10.2 - IAA (en général) ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; BOISSON ; RESILIENCE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; LOGISTIQUE ; AUTOMATISATION ; COVID-19 ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : Analyse du secteur marocain des ovoproduits et perspectives dévolution
Analyse du secteur marocain des ovoproduits et perspectives dévolution [Article] / I. Kmichou ; M. Mazouzi ; R. Triqui ; Y. El Goumi . - 2021 . - p. 54-63.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Revue marocaine des sciences agronomiques et vétérinaires > vol. 9, n. 1 (Mars 2021) . - p. 54-63Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINNOCUITE DES PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES ; OEUF ; FILIERE ; PRODUIT TRANSFORME ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONTAMINATION ; MICROORGANISME ; MAROC Résumé : Une étude de la filière Marocaine des ovoproduits a été réalisée afin den comprendre lorganisation, le fonctionnement, la dynamique et didentifier des leviers daction. La démarche a consisté en lidentification des contraintes du secteur des ufs transformés. Une approche de recherche qualitative a été réalisée, des entretiens individuels dirigés et semi-dirigés ont été menés auprès des producteurs, utilisateurs et professionnels des ufs et des ovoproduits au Maroc. La filière nationale des ovoproduits est très jeune. Il existe actuellement trois unités spécialisées dans la transformation des ufs. À titre de comparaison, en 2016, luf transformé représentait en France environ 37,4% de la production française dufs en coquilles, destinés aux industries alimentaires et à la restauration hors domicile (ITAVI, 2018). Le risque de contamination par les microorganismes, notamment par Salmonella spp., est une préoccupation majeure de la filière. Le contenu des ufs provenant délevages sains est en général stérile, mais il peut toutefois être contaminé par une flore diversifiée regroupant des microorganismes daltération, et parfois pathogènes pouvant représenter un réel danger pour la santé publique. Le développement du marché des ovoproduits au Maroc requiert un travail de sensibilisation, de vulgarisation et de promotion, voire même des mesures daccompagnement sur le plan réglementaire. Le développement de cette filière aura un impact positif, aussi bien en santé publique vétérinaire, quen termes dopportunités demploi. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Analyzing agrifood-tech e-business models
Analyzing agrifood-tech e-business models [Article] / M. Vlachopoulou ; C. Ziakis ; K. Vergidis ; M. Madas . - 2021 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 10 (May 2021) . - p. 1-17Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; AGRICULTURE NUMERIQUE ; INNOVATION ; STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; ACTEUR ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION Résumé : The agribusiness sector shows tremendous growth and sustainability prospects by exploiting the challenges of AgriFood-Tech business models in the digital environment, by encouraging innovation, accelerating institutional and structural change, enhancing productivity, and introducing new products and services to the market. The purpose of this study is to investigate different types of AgriFood-Tech digital models and analyze their role in the agribusiness and AgriFood sector. Based on relevant literature research, the authors present and discuss five indicative examples of AgriFood-Tech models, using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) framework. The methodology included the analysis of the components of innovative AgriFood innovative business models paradigms, such as distribution channels, key partnerships, customer selection and relationships, financial viability, and value proposition. The goal was to explore their building blocks and the required decisions that create, deliver, and capture value. Our findings highlight the importance of specific features of the models, including online sharing of information between the stakeholders, online searches of agri-products, and logistics services in the agribusiness sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Are small and medium-size food industry firms profitable? Explaining differences in their performance: the case of the Valencia Region [Article] / S.A. Gonzalez-Moralejo ; M. Garcia Cortés ; J.F. Lopez Miquel . - 2021 . - p. 1-24.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economia agro-alimentare > vol. 23, n. 1 (May 2021) . - p. 1-24
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; PME ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; RENTABILITE ; CONTEXTE ECONOMIQUE ; CYCLE ECONOMIQUE ; ORGANISATION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; ESPAGNE ; VALENCIA Résumé : The main aim of this study was to determine the factors that influenced profitability of companies involved in the Valencia food industry between 2006 and 2015. For this, macroeconomic, sector and company variables were the key elements used in the statistical analysis, together with their dependence on the economic cycle in indicating the present state of the sector in the Valencian Region. The panel data was obtained from the sabi data base and combined with transverse data and time series. Economic and financial profitability are both influenced by certain common factors, especially the sales margin. The higher the margin the higher the profit, although this relationship also depends on where the business company is located. Rotation of assets also contributes to raising profits in times of economic expansion. The Economic Crisis saw profits fall in 2009 and 2012, two of its worst years. Finally, differences were also found between large and small enterprises. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Can family farms depend on price information? Testing butter and curd price integration in Poland
Can family farms depend on price information? Testing butter and curd price integration in Poland [Article] / A.M. Klepacka ; W.J. Florkowski ; C. Revoredo-Giha . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 5 (May 2021) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION AGRICOLE FAMILIALE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; PRIX ; LAIT ; QUOTA ; PRIX A LA PRODUCTION ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; CONTINGENT DE PRODUCTION ; BEURRE ; INTEGRATION REGIONALE ; UNION EUROPEENNE ; POLOGNE Résumé : This study examines the integration of regional dairy markets in Poland, which is a major European dairy producing country. The analysis of prices is important, as many dairy farmers are members of dairy processing cooperatives, and their incomes are affected by the prices of two popular products: butter and curd. Moreover, the period of study included significant fluctuations in the world market and the termination of the milk quota system in the European Union (EU). The price records used in this study are from the two main milk-producing regions in the country: Northern and Central. The data were tested for stationarity and Granger causality before estimating a Vector Error Correction (VEC) model. Estimation results show that the removal of the milk quota lowered prices of butter and curd in the two regions. The relationships of the prices in both regions for butter markets were nearly perfect during the period January 2010November 2017, but curd prices were found unintegrated. Impulse response analysis showed that the effect of shocks was mostly absorbed in a two-week period and prices returned to full equilibrium in about four to five weeks. This fast price adjustment indicates that both markets operate properly and no market participant can obtain gains above those offered at equilibrium. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Climate change effects on the perceived and nutritional quality of fruit and vegetables
Climate change effects on the perceived and nutritional quality of fruit and vegetables [Article] / M. Christopoulos ; G. Ouzounidou . - 2021 . - p. 79-99.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Innovation Economics & Management > n. 34 (January 2021) . - p. 79-99Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; QUALITE ; VALEUR NUTRITIVE ; RECHAUFFEMENT GLOBAL ; DIOXYDE DE CARBONE ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT Résumé : Global climate change, its risks and required measures for their mitigation is of great importance for the agro-food sector. The present paper reviews the climate change impacts of major factors (global warming and elevated atmospheric CO2) and minor and/or indirect factors (O3 concentration, salinity and drought) on the perceived and nutritional quality of fruit and vegetables. Climate change could improve some quality traits related to the primary metabolism (e.g. photosynthesis), such as flavor associated with carbohydrates (e.g. sweetness). Also, it could enhance biochemical pathways related to the defense mechanisms of plants resulting in the improvement of some nutritional traits (e.g. antioxidants). The negative effects of climate change could be observed on product appearance (e.g. visual disorders, malformations) and nutritional value related to protein, mineral and amino acids. However, the interactions between all climate change-related factors and other factors such as genetic material and agricultural practices make it difficult to formulate a clear projection of the future impact on the quality of fruit and vegetables. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Collaborative organization models for sustainable development in the agri-food sector
Collaborative organization models for sustainable development in the agri-food sector [Article] / S. Ammirato ; A.M. Felicetti ; M. Ferrara ; C. Raso ; A. Violi . - 2021 . - p. 1-22.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 4 (February 2021) . - p. 1-22Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PRATIQUE COLLABORATIVE ; ORGANISATION ; RESEAU ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; ZONE RURALE ; DEVELOPPEMENT RURAL ; AGRICULTURE Résumé : It is widely recognized that the adoption of collaborative organization models in the agri-food sector can help farmers in rural areas to reach sustainable development goals. In any case, a holistic and coherent view of sustainability, organizational models and supporting technologies in the agri-food sector is still not present in the scientific literature. With this paper, we aim to fill this gap and to propose a framework that is useful to help scholars and practitioners in analyzing and designing sustainable Collaborative Networks in the agri-food sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Compétitivité externe décroissante et vulnérabilités : un besoin dactions publiques résolues pour lagroalimentaire [Article] / M. Guillou ; H. De Franclieu ; C. Saint-Félix . - 2021 . - p. 84-88.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Réalités industrielles > n. 4 (Novembre 2021) . - p. 84-88
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOMPETITIVITE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; ACTEUR ; AUTOSUFFISANCE ; RESILIENCE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; MONDIALISATION ; FRANCE Résumé : Que sest-il passé depuis mai 2020 en matière de compétitivité du secteur agroalimentaire français [1] ? Les fondamentaux agronomiques ou économiques nont guère changé. La balance commerciale de la France dans ce secteur est toujours globalement excédentaire. Mais sa lente dégradation se poursuit. Le décrochage des parts de marché de la France par rapport à ses principaux concurrents européens est manifeste. Les différents auteurs de cet article attribuent ce décrochage à un manque de « compétitivité » quil sagisse du coût du travail dans ce secteur, de la faiblesse de ses gains de productivité, de la compétitivité hors-prix ou de causes plus structurelles. Tous les acteurs ne saccordent pas pour autant sur lurgence à agir et les remèdes à employer. Lélément nouveau, depuis 2020, est que la « souveraineté alimentaire » est revenue dans les débats. « Déléguer notre alimentation est une folie », disait le Président de la République [2] au début de la crise liée à la Covid-19, alors que les supermarchés peinaient à fournir au rythme souhaité farine, lait ou ufs à des Français redécouvrant le plaisir de pratiquer la pâtisserie à domicile. Dès lors, la résilience de ce secteur devient une préoccupation, un fondement de laction publique, et certains de ses intrants rejoignent la liste des « biens sensibles » [3]. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Consumer demand information as a re-balancing tool for power asymmetry between food retailers and suppliers [Article] / S.A. Malik ; M.K. Hingley . - 2021 . - p. 1-20.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economia agro-alimentare > vol. 23, n. 2 (July 2021) . - p. 1-20
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; FOURNISSEUR ; POUVOIR ; ASYMETRIE DE L'INFORMATION ; GESTION ; GESTION DE L'INFORMATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; EDUCATION DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ROYAUME UNI Résumé : This conceptual paper presents a model that may be used to redress the power balance between retailers and suppliers in the supply chain through better information symmetry and mutual dependence. It explores power dependence and resource dependence theories to conceptualise the use of demand information, by drawing on the diverse viewpoints within the extant literature on the effect of supply chain power asymmetry on exchange relationships and mutual dependence. Co-optation adds stability and reduces uncertainty through the exchange of resources. The dynamic nature of relationships and power between retailers and suppliers requires a multi-theory approach to identify a robust understanding of the interplay of different influence factors. This study has both operational and strategic implications for the food supply chain, as power asymmetry in relationships affects sustainability, especially in sales promotions periods for both retailers and suppliers. Improving power equilibrium between the buyer and supplier through information symmetry with the integration of power and resource dependence theory is novel. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Consumer perception of sustainable practices in dairy production
Consumer perception of sustainable practices in dairy production [Article] / S. Naspetti ; S. Mandolesi ; J. Buysse ; T. Latvala ; P. Nicholas ; S. Padel ; E.J. Van Loo ; R. Zanoli . - 2021 . - p. 1-26.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural and Food Economics > vol. 9 (December 2021) . - p. 1-26Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMDURABILITE ; AGRICULTURE ALTERNATIVE ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; AGROFORESTERIE ; ALIMENTATION DES ANIMAUX ; BIEN ETRE ANIMAL ; PLANTE PROTEAGINEUSE ; BOVIN LAITIER ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; CONSOMMATION ETHIQUE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : Home-grown protein crops as an alternative to soya in dairy cattle meals, as well as other sustainable ethical-based practices, have been proposed to increase the sustainability of dairy production. Data on consumer acceptance of the three novel sustainable production strategies of agroforestry, prolonged maternal feeding of young cattle and alternative protein source were collected through an online survey on consumer in six European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy and the UK. Using Chens extended version of the Theory of Planned Behaviour model, the underlying model hypotheses on the attitudes and intentions of these consumers towards these production practices were tested, to establish the explanatory power of the model in the specific context of novel sustainable production strategies. Furthermore, the influence of gender and consumer ethical choices on their attitudes towards these innovative practices was also tested. These data show that prolonged maternal feeding is the novel production practice that has the highest level of acceptance by consumers in all of these countries, with the least accepted practice as alternative protein source. Unexpectedly, increased availability of home-grown feed, which is grounded on both farmer and societal interests for higher input self-sufficiency and more sustainable production practices, was little appreciated by consumers, although their intentions appear to be dependent on their moral norms. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Consumers behaviour towards carbon footprint labels on food: a review of the literature and discussion of industry implications [Article] / A. Rondoni ; S. Grasso . - 2021 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 301 (June 2021) . - p. 1-11
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMETIQUETAGE DES PRODUITS ; CARBONE ; BILAN CARBONE ; EMPREINTE ECOLOGIQUE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE Résumé : Carbon footprint labels allow manufactures to show information about the impact that their food production has on the environment, as well as to help consumers make more sustainable choices. Thus, investigating consumers reaction towards carbon footprint labels is vital to understand their effectiveness. The aim of this manuscript is to identify the state of the art and research gaps on this topic, by conducting a literature review of published scientific article between 2011 and 2020. In total, 38 papers emerged. Findings show that females, adults, with higher income and educational level have a more positive attitude towards carbon footprint labels. Furthermore, people expressing higher environmental concern and those who are used to buy eco-friendly labelled foods are willing to pay more for carbon footprint labelled foods. However, it also emerges that consumers still have poor knowledge of carbon measurements and the existing carbon footprint label system is still unclear. When carbon footprint labels are re-designed using consumers friendly symbols (e.g., traffic light colours), consumers understanding significantly increases. Consumers from countries like Egypt and China also show a positive attitude towards carbon footprint information, meaning that a carbon footprint label system should be developed also in the emerging countries. Nonetheless, when carbon footprint is presented with other labels (e.g., organic, Fair Trade etc.) consumers show the lowest willingness to pay for carbon footprint information. It was also found that using a carbon footprint label on environmentally sustainable produced foods (e.g., using upcycled ingredients) increses willingness to pay. Food manufacturers should better inform consumers on carbon footprint labels and policy makers are advised to develop a consumers friendlier carbon footprint label system to incentivize more sustainable choices. This paper is the first to summarize existing literature on consumers behaviour for carbon footprint labelled foods, providing a discussion of the implications for food manufacturers and policy makers, as well as future research avenues. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Consumers perception of Prosecco wine packaging: a pilot study in Padua and Milan
Consumers perception of Prosecco wine packaging: a pilot study in Padua and Milan [Article] / I. Procidano ; C. Mauracher ; M. Valentini . - 2021 . - p. 1-23.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economia agro-alimentare > vol. 23, n. 1 (May 2021) . - p. 1-23Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; MATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; PREFERENCE ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; SUPERMARCHE ; ETIQUETAGE DES PRODUITS ; MARKETING ; BOUTEILLE ; ITALIE Résumé : This paper aims to illustrate and discuss the importance of packaging attributes in the wine market. A survey was conducted in the north of Italy to assess how different attributes affect the probability of choosing a bottle of Prosecco wine. Two hundred face-to-face interviews based on a structured questionnaire were administered in Milan and Padua supermarkets to elicit preferences. Each respondent ranked three new bottles of Prosecco wine and expressed the importance of different packaging characteristics in its choice. Product attributes include Labels form, Labels colours, the Label in its entirety, the Writing Prosecco, the Band on the bottles neck and the Bottles shape. The interviews allowed us to recognise the bottle customers found the most attractive, and rank-ordered logistic regression was able to disentangle which packaging characteristic led to their decision. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Contributions from literature for understanding wine marketing
Contributions from literature for understanding wine marketing [Article] / V.J. Pereira Domingues Martinho . - 2021 . - p. 1-20.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 13 (July 2021) . - p. 1-20Catégories : Catégories principales10.9 - Vin ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DU VIN ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; VIN ; MARKETING ; OFFRE ET DEMANDE ; TOURISME VITIVINICOLE ; TECHNIQUE DE VENTE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : Marketing for wines is a determinant tool for several stakeholders within the wine sector, but there are not many studies concerning the topic wine marketing and even fewer that take a bibliometric approach. In turn, wine is a strategic agri-food product for the economy of several countries around the world, particularly in Mediterranean countries. Beyond the economic level, wine has an environmental, social, and cultural dimension. All these dimensions have implications in any plan for the wine sector and should be taken into account. In addition, these dimensions change around the world in accordance with different local factors. In this way, sometimes, it is not easy to design adjusted marketing plans for the wine sector, namely, in international markets. Taking the frameworks into account, the main objective of this study is to explore the scientific documents available on scientific platforms, namely, in the Web of Science, related to wine marketing. These studies (87 documents) were first explored through bibliometric software, such as the VOSviewer and the Atlas.ti, and then analyzed individually to capture the main insights shown by the scientific literature about wine marketing. To better organize the literature survey, with the information obtained from the bibliometric analysis, the following indexes were identified through factor analysis: supply index, demand index, winery strategy index, tourism index, innovation index, and wine characteristics index. The supply index highlights questions related to new technologies, climate change, logistics in international markets, institutions and regulations, being the main factors that influence wine producers. The demand index stresses the relevance, for consumers, of the relationship between the price and quality of a wine. On the other hand, younger consumers, in general, consume wine outdoors while socializing, giving importance to the label, often when the wine is recommended by someone. Older consumers give greater importance to the wines variety and to its region of origin. The winery strategy index shows the importance of questions relating to agri-chains, market differentiation, the history, and the brand. The tourism index brings together aspects associated with the complementarity between activities in the wine sector, wine routes, and contributions from culture and landscape. The innovation index highlights aspects related to the quality and the perceptions of the consumers. Finally, the wine characteristics index shows the little importance given by scientific literature relating to wine marketing and to attributes such as alcohol. A search on the Web of Science for the topic addressed here and bibliometric showed that there has been no research carried out with the approach taken here, showing the novelty of this study. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Coproduits agricoles - De beaux restes qui ont de lavenir
Coproduits agricoles - De beaux restes qui ont de lavenir [Article] / Y. Kerveno . - 2021 . - p. 30-35.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Sésame > n. 10 (Novembre 2021) . - p. 30-35Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOPRODUIT ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; AGRICULTURE ; VALORISATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE DE L'ALIMENTATION ANIMALE ; DECHET ALIMENTAIRE Résumé : La récente autorisation des farines animales pour les porcs et les volailles a remis les coproduits sous les feux de la rampe. Très médiatisées, ces rations alimentaires ne représentent pourtant quune petite fraction des coproduits de lagriculture. Lesquels nourrissent déjà léconomie circulaire. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : La course infernale des producteurs de lait
La course infernale des producteurs de lait [Article] / M. Mariette . - 2021 . - p. 14-15.Langues : Français (fre)in Monde diplomatique (Le) > n. 803 (01/02/2021) . - p. 14-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPRODUCTION LAITIERE ; LAIT ; AGRICULTEUR ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; CONTINGENT DE PRODUCTION ; COUT DE PRODUCTION ; PRIX ; FRANCE Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : - COVID-19 and food systems [Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper] / OCDE (Paris, France) . - Paris [France] : OCDE, 2021 . - 28. - (OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers; 166) .Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; ALIMENTATION HUMAINE ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; RESILIENCE Résumé : The COVID-19 pandemic placed unprecedented short-term stresses on food supply chains around the world. However, rapid responses by both private-sector actors and policy makers mostly managed to prevent severe disruptions. Yet, even before the outbreak of COVID-19, food systems were faced with a formidable triple challenge of simultaneously providing food security and nutrition to a growing global population, ensuring the livelihoods of millions of people working along the food chain from farm to fork, and ensuring the environmental sustainability of the sector. This paper discusses the stresses COVID-19 created in food supply chains and the remarkable resilience these supply chains have demonstrated in high-income countries, as well as specific impacts in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors and the importance of transparency in avoiding a COVID-19 induced food crisis. The paper concludes by discussing the long-term challenges for food systems, arguing that the unanticipated shock of COVID-19 strengthens the case for shifting from business as usual policies to a more forward looking policy package for food systems. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : COVID-19 impacts on Flemish food supply chains and lessons for agri-food system resilience
COVID-19 impacts on Flemish food supply chains and lessons for agri-food system resilience [Article] / I. Coopmans ; J. Bijttebier ; F. Marchand ; E. Mathijs ; L. Messely ; E. Rogge ; A. Sanders ; E. Wauters . - 2021 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural systems > vol. 190 (May 2021) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; COVID-19 ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; RESILIENCE ; COMPORTEMENT DES AGRICULTEURS ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; COMMERCIALISATION ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; BELGIQUE Résumé : Context : Resilience represents the ability of systems to anticipate, withstand, or adapt to challenges. Times of great stress and disturbance offer opportunity to identify and confirm key contributors to agri-food system resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic and its related consequences constituted major shock, challenging the resilience of many agri-food systems worldwide. Objective : This paper aimed to report the immediate effects of the COVID-19 crisis on various key actors from Flemish food supply chains. By analysing and assessing the observed impacts of and reactions to this crisis from a resilience perspective, it also aimed to gain empirical evidence on resilience-enhancing characteristics of agri-food systems to sudden shocks. Methods : A first, quantitative step of our mixed method approach measured 718 farmers' experienced impacts and applied strategies following the crisis through an online survey. A second, qualitative step captured impacts and responses from other key actors downstream the food supply chain through 22 in-depth interviews and 18 on-line questionnaires. Data gathering and interpretation followed a conceptual framework for analysing resilience of agri-food systems to external challenges, that we developed based on the literature. The framework states that resilience actions stem from three types of resilience capacities: anticipatory, coping and responsive capacities. These are determined by both resources allocated by system actors, as well as by resilience attributes from the system. Results and conclusions : The COVID-19 crisis induced a simultaneous dropped demand for food products in the hospitality industry and risen demand in retail. This shifted demand significantly disturbed food production, processing and marketing processes in terms of labour organization, planning, operation, logistics, and economic returns. Perceived impacts varied extensively across actors from the agri-food system, mostly depending on their marketing strategy, customer base, and flexibility and diversity of their practices. Reported reactions to this crisis revealed that resilience capacities varied according to actors' abilities to negotiate prices, adjust production processes, and maintain or reorient sales. Some agri-food sectors showed higher responsive capacity because of a higher connectivity and self-organization within the system. Significance : Our findings suggest that flexibility and diversity, despite their tendency to diminish price optimums, increase resilience capacities, which may be more beneficial to systems for thriving in turbulent and uncertain environments. A more tangible, operationalized understanding of resilience is necessary to effectively improve agri-food system resilience. Our conceptual framework proved a valuable tool for operationalizing resilience assessments to major shocks. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Dairy sector trade dynamics: some insights on the evolution of trade linkages within the EU
Dairy sector trade dynamics: some insights on the evolution of trade linkages within the EU [Article] / I. Ferto ; Z. Bakucs ; J. Falkowski . - 2021 . - p. 698-711.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of agricultural economics > vol. 72, n. 3 (September 2021) . - p. 698-711Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; COMMERCE ; INTEGRATION ; ANALYSE DE RESEAU ; COMMERCE INTRAREGIONAL ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : While the positive effect of economic integration on trade is commonly accepted, we still lack a proper understanding of the complex patterns behind this phenomenon. In particular, it is important to better understand how the structure of trade linkages evolves. To advance our knowledge about this matter, we test two specific predictions that originate from the recent literature on network effects in trade relations: (1) that the size of an initial trade network is positively correlated with building new trade linkages; (2) that the evolution of a trade network in a given country depends on the trade network of its trading partners. Using data related to intra-EU trade in dairy products between 2001 and 2015, we find support for both these predictions. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Designing just transition pathways: a methodological framework to estimate the impact of future scenarios on employment in the French dairy sector [Article] / P.-M. Aubert ; B. Gardin ; E. Huber ; M. Schiavo ; C. Alliot . - 2021 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 11 (November 2021) . - p. 1-19
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; EMPLOI AGRICOLE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; REDUCTION DES EMISSIONS ; CARBONE ; GAZ A EFFET DE SERRE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; PROSPECTIVE ; FRANCE Résumé : This paper proposes an innovative framework to describe sustainable transitions of food systems while considering simultaneously socio-economic and environmental issues, in a just transition perspective. This framework (i) describes the structural changes needed for a sustainable transition in food systems; (ii) assess their effects on employment at the farm and processing industry level; (iii) detect the political levers needed to make this transition a just onethat is, preserving jobs and livelihoods for communities. Using the decarbonation pathway for the agricultural sector issued from the French National Low-Carbon Strategy as reference, we developed two scenarios for the French dairy sector which have the same level of climate ambitious, but a different approach to reach the target. Aiming exclusively to achieve a greenhouse gases reduction, the first scenario relies only on supply side measures. This scenario has a negative impact in terms of employment loss at the farm level and in the agri-food sector. In contrast, a multifunctional scenario considering simultaneously climate, biodiversity, health, and employment issues, and playing with policy measures targeting supply, demand and market organisation can maintain jobs in the farm and agri-food sector, contributes to restore the agro-biodiversity and develops food products compatible with healthy nutritional guidelines. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Digital transformation of the agrifood system: quantifying the conditioning factors to inform policy planning in the olive sector [Article] / C. Parra-López ; L. Reina-Usuga ; C. Carmona-Torres ; S. Sayadi ; L. Klerkx . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Land Use Policy > vol. 108 (September 2021) . - p. 1-16
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; ECONOMIE NUMERIQUE ; CHANGEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; OLIVE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Despite the growing importance of the digital transformation (DT) of the agrifood sector on the political agenda, traditional policies are not enough to provide proactive responses to rapid technological changes and new approaches for policy planning are necessary especially at regional level. This manuscript proposes and illustrates the implementation of a new methodological framework for DT policy planning in the case of Andalusia, the olive world leader region, but applicable to other regions and sectors, with two objectives: 1) to quantitatively determine the importance of the conditioning factors of DT in the olive sector in the short/medium term, by developing an AHP/SWOT/PESTLE model, and 2) to design public policies to strengthen the DT, taking advantage of the potentialities and alleviating the deficiencies, by carrying out a quantitative TOWS analysis. The knowledge of diverse groups of experts, i.e. stakeholders in the sector, has been used in all analyses due to the lack of reliable data and the complex nature of the issues analysed. The results show that the opportunities and strengths are more prominent than weaknesses and threats for DT. Environmental issues stand out as an opportunity to boost DT. There is also a growing interest in developing an interoperability strategy which is an opportunity to overcome the low technological integration of the value chain. DT can also enable a more transparent value chain and improved traceability. Some negative factors are the lack of evidence on the economic viability of investment in digital technologies, shortage of labour and young farmers, and potential unintended and unanticipated effects of DT. Important policies strategies to foster DT are: improving environmental efficiency though DT; promoting youth employment in the sector; enhancing coordination among innovation actors; developing a common interoperability strategy; and fostering technological integration in the sector. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Digitalization and the third food regime
Digitalization and the third food regime [Article] / L. Prause ; S. Hackfort ; M. Lindgren . - 2021 . - p. 641-655.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture and Human Values > vol. 38, n. 3 (September 2021) . - p. 641-655Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMREGIME ALIMENTAIRE ; AGRICULTURE NUMERIQUE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PLATEFORME NUMERIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION Résumé : This article asks how the application of digital technologies is changing the organization of the agri-food system in the context of the third food regime. The academic debate on digitalization and food largely focuses on the input and farm level. Yet, based on the analysis of 280 digital services and products, we show that digital technologies are now being used along the entire food commodity chain. We argue that digital technologies in the third food regime serve on the one hand as a continuation of established information and communication technologies, thus deepening certain features of the existing food regime such as the retail sectors control over global commodity chains. On the other hand, digital technologies also introduce new forms of control and value extraction based on the use of data and pave the way for large tech companies to take over market shares in the agri-food sector. Finally, we find that multinational agri-food companies are starting to take on the business models of leading digital tech companies, for instance by developing digital platforms throughout the agri-food system. We argue that this shows that the broader economic restructuring of neoliberal capitalism towards digital capitalism is also making its way into the agri-food system. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Dimensions of social innovation in agricultural cooperatives: a model applied to the Spanish olive oil industry [Article] / J.A. Parrilla-González ; D. Ortega-Alonso . - 2021 . - p. 119-130.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 3 (September 2021) . - p. 119-130
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMINNOVATION SOCIALE ; ECONOMIE SOCIALE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE ; OLEICULTURE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The Social Economy plays a fundamental role in the implementation and development of social innovation practices, especially in the field of cooperatives. In the case of agri-food cooperatives in the olive oil producing areas of Spain, a substantial share of the business is based around the social economy, with CIRIEC reporting a cooperativization rate of 70%. As such, there are increasing opportunities for these cooperatives to adopt tools that enable the potential development of social innovation actions. In the present article, we conduct a literature review to explore the definitions of social innovation provided in the last decade. We then analyse the results relating to a proposed model of social innovation applied to the olive oil industry, involving the participation of an expert panel composed of people with a position on the board of directors or managers of olive oil cooperatives and companies in the olive oil industry. From the analysis of the data collected, we identify four dimensions of Social Innovation that are particularly relevant to the olive oil industry: the Economic Dimension, the Cultural Dimension, the Environmental Dimension, and the Technological Dimension. These dimensions give rise to a methodological model for the implementation of Social Innovation actions in the olive oil industry. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Do small food businesses enable small farms to connect to regional food systems? Evidence from 9 European regions [Article] / P.A. Hernández ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; S. Sumane ; D. Duckett ; H.E. Almaas . - 2021 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Global Food Security > vol. 29 (June 2021) . - p. 1-11
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; TRES PETITE ENTREPRISE ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PME ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; PRATIQUE COLLABORATIVE ; ACCES AUX MARCHES ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION LOCALISE ; EUROPE Résumé : For small farms across Europe, connecting to small food businesses offers a significant route to market. We analyse survey data from 85 small food businesses in nine European regions and explore the enabling and limiting conditions around this connectivity. We show how connectivity depends on context-based interrelationships among food system actors and consider the effects of these relations on small farm integration. Results show stronger connections when small food businesses are themselves farm-based. Weaker linkages are also apparent in the absence of public and social support. We argue that regional food systems can be enhanced by increasing small food businesses' capacity to source from small farms, with the added benefit of increasing the viability of these small businesses. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Economic resilience of EU dairy farms: an evaluation of economic viability
Economic resilience of EU dairy farms: an evaluation of economic viability [Article] / A. Wilczynski ; E. Koloszycz . - 2021 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 6 (June 2021) . - p. 1-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; RESILIENCE ; SITUATION ECONOMIQUE ; CYCLE DE VIE ; VIABILITE ECONOMIQUE ; REGLEMENTATION ; LAIT CRU ; LAITERIE ; COUT D'OPPORTUNITE ; RESEAU D'INFORMATION COMPTABLE AGRICOLE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : The economic viability of dairy farms is a measure of their ability to survive and grow. Its measurement is particularly important in periods of changes taking place in the environment of these entities. The last decade of the European dairy market was characterized by significant changes in regulations, which resulted in fluctuations in farm gate milk prices and, consequently, impacts on farm income. The main objective of the research was to assess the economic viability of dairy farms located in the European Union. The research area covered the countries that have the most raw cows milk delivered to dairies in the EU, and FADN data from 2009 to 2018. A comparative analysis was carried out on the level of temporal viability and permanent viability of farms classified by economic size. The research results showed that better temporal viability was achieved by farms with a larger production scale. On the other hand, the permanent economic viability was lower on farms belonging to a higher economic size class. Most of the analyzed groups of farms were in the survival phase. This means that dairy farms struggled to meet the costs of unpaid labor. Including direct payments in the calculation resulted in an improvement in temporal viability only in farms with the lowest economic size classes. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Economic sustainability of pig slaughtering firms in the production chain of denomination of origin hams in Italy [Article] / G. Bonazzi ; P. Camanzi ; G. Ferri ; E. Manghi ; M. Iotti . - 2021 . - p. 1-18.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 14 (July 2021) . - p. 1-18
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMVIANDE PORCINE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE ; ABATTAGE D'ANIMAUX ; SITUATION ECONOMIQUE ; JAMBON ; FILIERE ; BIEN ETRE ANIMAL ; ITALIE Résumé : Pork meat in Italy is one of the largest agri-food chains in Italy. In the swine production chain, slaughter plays an important role, because it has an impact on animal welfare, food safety and the sustainability of the agri-food chain. These companies also deal with pigs destined for typical Denomination of Origin products and therefore play an important role in the production chain of typical products and in the field of EU agricultural policy. In this context, the research aims to analyze the economic sustainability of the major pig slaughter firms in Italy, through data analysis of the annual account statement (AAS) on a sample of eight companies analyzed over a ten-year historical series. Financial ratios and margins (FRM) analysis is applied in the research. FRM analysis shows that firms have the largest absorption of financial resources in the net working capital cycle. The research highlights the high incidence of raw materials in companies in the sector. Consequently, the profit margins of the companies in the sample are modest and in some cases are lower than the cost of debt, suggesting a moderate capacity to attract capital. This result appears as a negative signal of the economic sustainability of the companies in the sector. The research, now limited to a small number of large companies, opens a line of research that can be developed by expanding the sample to small and medium-sized enterprises of the chain of Denomination of Origin hams in Italy to suggest improvement interventions, in particular for rural or marginal areas of production. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Effects of COVID-19 on the Italian agri-food supply and value chains
Effects of COVID-19 on the Italian agri-food supply and value chains [Article] / B. Coluccia ; G.P. Agnusdei ; P.P. Miglietta ; F. De Leo . - 2021 . - p. 1-12.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Food Control > vol. 123 (May 2021) . - p. 1-12Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; RESILIENCE ; PRIX ; PRODUIT PERISSABLE ; ITALIE ; COVID-19 Résumé : The spread of COVID-19 has not only led to many deaths but also to social and economic downturn globally. The study represents an exhaustive compilation of relevant macroeconomic data regarding the status of the agri-food sector from a demand side perspective and an overview of the food product producer and consumer prices after the shock. Its main purpose is to assess the resilience level of the agri-food sector to the coronavirus pandemic, analyzing its effect on commodity prices and focusing on the supply and value chain. The results highlight that fresh and perishable products, whose production or harvest took place during the first wave of COVID-19, have suffered price level effects, while storable products have not registered significant impacts. This phenomenon is mainly due to the vulnerability of the harvest and production phases, which affected fresh and perishable products supply, and to the resilience of transports and logistics, which instead ensured the supply of storable products to the final consumer. Especially in case of future pandemic waves, the implications and information deriving from the present analysis could support researchers, policy makers and managers, serving as an assessment tool to build suitable strategies for the whole agri-food supply chain and thus ensure sector resilience during these unprecedented times. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Effects of a harvesting and conservation method for small producers on the quality of the produced olive oil [Article] / E. Plasquy ; M.C. Florido ; R.R. Sola-Guirado ; J.M. Garcia . - 2021 . - p. 1-22.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 5 (May 2021) . - p. 1-22
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; QUALITE ; RECOLTE ; STOCKAGE ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; LOGISTIQUE ; STOCKAGE AU FROID ; ANALYSE SENSORIELLE ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION Résumé : The production of Premium olive oil depends in large part on the quality of the fruit. Small producers see themselves confronted with vast investments and logistic snags when they intend to optimize the harvesting. Today, manual harvesting devices promise less damaged fruit when compared to the traditional methods with nets while the use of a cooling room on the farm is suggested as a solution when the harvesting needs to be stretched out over several days. The use of a manual inverted umbrella during the harvest, together with a storage of up to 14 days at 5 °C, was studied for three cultivars (Arbequina, Picual, and Verdial). Ten parameters of the produced oil were examined in two consecutive years together with an extended sensory analysis in the first year. The results underline the importance of the used harvesting and conservation method on the quality of the extracted oil, although the effect size of each factor varied in time and according to the cultivar. The results indicate that small producers with financial and logistic restrictions can obtain a high-quality product following the actions shown in this work, being able to compete in terms of quality in the market, either by combining both methods or by choosing the one that guarantees the best results given the cultivar and the specific storage time they need to consider. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Les emballages dans les magasins bio en France métropolitaine
Les emballages dans les magasins bio en France métropolitaine [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / O. Masbah . - Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM, 2021 . - 61 p.. - (Master of Science : Professionnel; 977) .Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMMATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; FRANCE Résumé : Les emballages des produits alimentaires jouent un rôle primordial dans le stockage, la protection ainsi que la préservation des aliments quils renferment, et ceci de la fabrication jusquà lutilisation finale par les consommateurs. Cependant, les emballages peuvent avoir des répercussions environnementales ainsi que sanitaires néfastes. Dans un contexte où la gestion des emballages alimentaires est un enjeu crucial, les consommateurs se préoccupent grandement de certaines pratiques actuelles et leur impact sur lenvironnement, et deviennent de plus en plus exigeants, surtout vis-à-vis des produits bio, dont ils attendent un respect de lenvironnement au niveau du produit mais aussi de lemballage. La présente étude a été réalisée dans ce cadre et vise à étudier les pratiques et les perspectives des magasins spécialisés dans les produits issus de lagriculture biologique au sujet des emballages alimentaires. Pour cela, un échantillon de 104 magasins bio dispersés au niveau de la France métropolitaine a été constitué, en essayant de respecter au mieux la représentativité régionale, afin de les interviewer à laide dun questionnaire qui a été élaboré sur la plateforme LimeSurvey Pro. Les résultats finaux ont démontré quune grande majorité de magasins bio de France métropolitaine ainsi que leurs fournisseurs tentent de réduire au maximum les déchets liés aux emballages alimentaires en adoptant dautres alternatives. Nous pouvons citer, à titre dexemple : le système de consigne, les emballages bio-sourcés, linstallation de dispositifs de collecte au sein du magasin, etc. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master of science) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : FRA-K4-MAS-2021 Directeur de Thèse : Belhouchette H. Membres du Jury : Kleftodimos G.; Belhouchette H.; Schaer B. Permalink : Enquête Agroalimentaire - Des changements au menu
Enquête Agroalimentaire - Des changements au menu [Article] / V. Lepercq . - 2021 . - p. 44-50.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Supply Chain Magazine > n. 37 (Avril 2021) . - p. 44-50Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; COVID-19 ; PRATIQUE ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; LIVRAISON ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; CIRCUIT COURT ; COMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; TRACABILITE ; LEGISLATION ALIMENTAIRE ; CONDITIONNEMENT Note de contenu : Contenu de l'enquête : - Prévisions-planification - Traçabilité - Circuits courts - Emballages Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : - L'euro alimentaire : méthode et nouveaux résultats pour lanalyse de la répartition de la valeur dans la chaîne agroalimentaire en France [Article] / P. Boyer . - 2021 . - p. 137-157.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Economie rurale > n. 378 (Octobre-Décembre 2021) . - p. 137-157
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMREVENU AGRICOLE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; VALEUR AJOUTEE ; DEPENSE DES CONSOMMATEURS ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; CREATION DE VALEUR ; IMPORTATION ; IMPOT ; PRIX ALIMENTAIRE ; PRIX AGRICOLE ; FRANCE Résumé : « Leuro alimentaire » désigne la méthode et les résultats de la décomposition de la consommation alimentaire en valeurs ajoutées, importations et taxes, au moyen de calculs sur les tableaux entrées-sorties. Larticle explique le rôle des rapports de prix dans le niveau (faible) et lévolution (à la baisse) de la part de la branche agricole dans cette répartition. Les contributions des différentes demandes finales à la formation du revenu de la branche agricole sont également mesurées. Larticle commence par une présentation de la méthode et conclut par une discussion sur la portée de cette approche et ses perspectives et contraintes damélioration. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Evaluation des déterminants de la compétitivité du secteur agricole libanais : étude de la filière pommes = Evaluation of the determinants of the Lebanese agricultural competitiveness: study of the apples value chain [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / H. Abdallah . - 2021 . - 463 p.Ecole doctorale EDEG - Economie et Gestion (UM), UMR MoISA, Lames du CIHEAM MontpellierLangues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; POMME ; COMPETITIVITE ; COUT DE TRANSACTION ; STRATEGIE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; MARCHE ; COMMERCIALISATION ; CREATION DE VALEUR ; ACTEUR ; CULTURE FRUITIERE ; LIBAN Résumé : La présente étude a pour objectif principal d'analyser et d'évaluer la compétitivité du secteur agricole libanais, prenant comme étude de cas la filière pommes. En vue de répondre aux objectifs de l'étude, la méthode utilisée s'est basée sur l'approche d'analyse de filière conjuguée avec l'approche des coûts de transaction et le diamant de Porter dans la vision globale du management stratégique. La recherche d'un nouveau modèle devient primordiale vue la conjoncture actuelle du secteur agricole et spécifiquement de la filière pommes, devant faire face à des mutations au niveau national et international. Ainsi, une stratégie adaptée et cohérente s'impose pour développer la compétitivité et la position des produits libanais sur les marchés étrangers, surtout le marché égyptien. Dans ce cadre, au niveau international et sur les marchés croissants des pommes, évoluant selon des normes sanitaires restreintes, le changement d'une production de masse à une production de différenciation est une nécessité. Ceci suppose le passage d'une concurrence qui repose sur la domination par les coûts à une concurrence qui porte à la fois sur la qualité, le service et les coûts. Cette évolution doit s'accompagner d'un mouvement de concentration des producteurs et de la grande distribution. Du côté exportation,les entreprises exportatrices libanaises sont confrontées à la détérioration de leur position concurrentielle sur les marchés régionaux et spécifiquement sur le marché égyptien. De surcroît,nous pensons qu'ils n'arrivent pas à exporter ailleurs. Or, sur le marché libanais, la commercialisation des pommes est pilotée par les grossistes. Les fournisseurs n'arrivent pas à se référencer dans la grande distribution, en raison des attributs physiques peu différenciés, et à une absence des services associés aux produits horticoles, la fiabilité et la rapidité. En outre, la demande des pommes importées par la grande distribution augmente malgré l'entrave du gouvernement libanais, alors que le consommateur libanais devient plus exigeant autant pour la qualité que pour l'assortiment. Par ailleurs, les modes de coordination entre les acteurs et les dysfonctionnements dans l'organisation de l'offre constituent des freins importants pour la mise en uvre de stratégies d'adaptation. Compte tenu des résultats, nous pensons que le problème réside dans ces modes de coordination. Ces derniers laissent place aux seuls mécanismes du marché dans un contexte d'incertitude, et minimisent faiblement les coûts de transaction en encouragent des stratégies de court terme marquant un faible investissement pour une production de qualité. Il en résulte une offre peu adaptée et une difficulté dans la maîtrise des coûts de mise en marché, en particulier au niveau des coûts logistiques et de commercialisation. Ce processus d'adaptation appelle des restructurations profondes pour la filière pommes libanaise. Or, sur un marché compétitif où la demande se segmente, la capacité de créer de la valeur et d'en retirer les avantages tout en diminuant les coûts imposent des choix stratégiques pertinents. De ce fait, on observe l'éruption de stratégies qui vont dans ce sens, mais leur succès repose sur l'implication de tous les acteurs de la filière. Dans ce cadre, deux études de cas seront analysées pour esquisser un mode de gouvernance adaptable aux stratégies de la grandes distribution, génératrices d'une concurrence exacerbée au niveau des producteurs-fournisseurs. Dans cette optique, les acteurs et les responsables des décisions doivent soutenir le développement de ce nouveau modèle pour se différencier des pays concurrents. Afin d'aboutir à cet objectif, la mise en place d'une évolution technique, d'un changement dans les mentalités et les valeurs, est indispensable pour pérenniser les territoires arboricoles dans un contexte de concurrence économique mondiale et régionale accrue. The main objective of this study is to analyze and assess the competitiveness of the Lebanese agriculturalsector, taking into consideration the apple sector as a case study. In order to meet the objectives of thestudy, the method used was based on the « Filière » analysis approach combined with the transactioncosts approach, Porter's 5 forces in a global vision of strategic management. The search for a new modeladapting to the environmental mutation is becoming essential, given the current situation of the sector andspecifically the apple sector and changes at national and international level. Consequently, an adapted andcoherent strategy is essential to develop the competitiveness and the position of Lebanese products onforeign markets, especially the Egyptian one. In this context, and according to the growing apple markets,evolving under restricted sanitary standards, the change from mass production to differentiatingproduction is fundamental. This presupposes a shift from competition based on cost dominance tocompetition based on quality, service and costs. This development must be accompanied by a movementof concentration of producers as well large scale distributions. On the export side, Lebanese exportingcompanies are facing the deterioration of their competitive position in regional markets and specificallyEgypt; we believe that they are unable to export elsewhere. However, at the national level, the marketingof apples is guided by wholesalers. Producers fail to reference themselves at the supermarkets althoughthe physical attributes are considered trivial, and due to a lack of services associated with horticulturalproducts, reliability and speed. In parallel, demand for imported apples by supermarkets is increasingdespite the barriers imposed by the Lebanese government, while the Lebanese consumer becomes moredemanding as much for the quality as for the assortment. Furthermore, the modes of coordination betweenthe current players and the dysfunctions observed in the organization of the offer constitute majorobstacles to the implementation of adapted strategies. Accordingly, we believe that the problem lies inthese modes of coordination. The latter favors the domination of market mechanisms in a context ofuncertainty, and weakly minimizes transaction costs by encouraging short-term strategies, henceindicating low investment for quality production. This would result in an inappropriate offer anddifficulty in controlling marketing costs, in particular in terms of logistics and marketing costs. Thisadaptation process calls for deep restructuring for the Lebanese apple filière. However, in a competitivemarket where demand is evolving and segmented, the ability to create value and obtain the benefits whilereducing costs requires relevant strategic choices. As a result, we can observe the eruption of strategiesthat go in this direction, but their success depends on the involvement of all the players in the sector. Twocase studies will be analyzed to sketch a mode of governance that can be adapted to the strategies oflarge-scale retailers, which generate intensified competition at producer-supplier level. Indeed, the playersand the decision-makers must support the development of this new model to differentiate themselves fromcompeting countries. In order to achieve this objective, the implementation of technical development, achange in mentalities and values, is essential to ensure the sustainability of arboreal territories in a contextof increased global, regional and local economic competition. Nature du diplôme : Thèse (Dr. en Sciences de gestion et du management) Université de soutenance : SupAgro Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : En ligne Directeur de Thèse : Tozanli S.; El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Darwich S. Président du Jury : Dedeire M. Membres du Jury : Palpacuer F.; Rollet A. Rapporteurs : Hammoudi A.; Medawar S. URL / DOI : Permalink : Facilitating aligned co-decisions for more sustainable food value chains
Facilitating aligned co-decisions for more sustainable food value chains [Article] / G. Petit ; G. Yannou-Le Bris ; C. Eckert ; Y. Liu . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 12 (June 2021) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMCHAINE DE VALEUR ; VIANDE PORCINE ; DURABILITE ; PRATIQUE COLLABORATIVE ; ACTIVITE COOPERATIVE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; FRANCE Résumé : The transition of existing food value chains towards greater sustainability is a societal imperative and a potential competitive factor. To succeed, some actors in the chains define new practices to establish common sustainability goals. To date, there is little evidence that the visions and values of the various actors in the chains have been leading to common solutions. This work explores the impact of collaboration on the value chain actors ability to jointly decide strategies for redesigning their activities. It reports on an empirical approach, which elicits the values and priorities of different stakeholders. The case takes place in the context of a value chain of the production/processing/sale of pork products. This value chain involves two French production-processing and redistribution cooperatives. Stakeholders were questioned about their prioritization of sustainability issues and these weights were applied to evaluate 12 animal feed solutions that vary in terms of the composition and geographical origin of rations, and the means and locations of their production. The results show that despite several years of cooperation, the objectives of the upstream and downstream actors remain different. The objectives of the upstream actors are driven by the economic difficulties of production and those of the downstream actors by the multiplicity of consumer demands and cost control objectives. In a reversal of the current practice marked by the economic difficulties of the actors upstream of the chain, an integrated culture could be led by bottom-up approaches to create a shared vision. Public policy would be then essential in regulating the sharing of value among actors; and in promoting chain models that help the required investments. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Factors influencing technical efficiency in the EU dairy farms
Factors influencing technical efficiency in the EU dairy farms [Article] / Z. Naglova ; T. Rudinskaya . - 2021 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 11 (November 2021) . - p. 1-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; EFFICACITE ; TAILLE DE L'EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; SUBVENTION ; LAIT ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; RENDEMENT ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; COMPETITIVITE ; ANALYSE STOCHASTIQUE ; MODELE DE SIMULATION ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : This paper aims to analyse the technical efficiency (TE) of dairy farms and find its determinants. To accomplish this problem, the Stochastic Frontier Analysis was applied. The data were obtained from the Farm Accountancy Data Network database for dairy farms (TF15-45Specialist dairying) for 20042019. Dairy farms were divided into four clusters according to their physical size (number of livestock units per farm) and economic size (standard output per farm). The largest farms by physical and economic size are located in Denmark and Cyprus. The smallest, in comparison, are in Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia. Farms in the EU are relatively technically efficient, i.e., they use their resources efficiently to produce maximum output (production). However, they have the potential to achieve better economic results and be more competitive, as the size of farms is not fully optimised. The abolition of the milk quota can be considered a factor in improving technical efficiency, as the indicator is higher after the abolition. New and old member states have almost comparable technical efficiency levels (the p-value of the t-test is 0.463), with old members having slightly higher level TE. Subsidies have contradictory effects on TE. Farm efficiency with higher subsidies per cow is higher for farms with 51100/cow. However, as subsidies increase, TE decreases. Only the group of farms with the highest subsidies has a higher TE. More diversified farms are more technically efficient than specialised farms. Milk yield did not influence the analysed indicator. The analysis results can serve the stakeholders as a tool for modelling future agricultural policy, as the European farms are very heterogenous and show different conditions and economic outcomes. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Factors that determine innovation in agrifood firms
Factors that determine innovation in agrifood firms [Article] / J.S. Castillo Valero ; M.C. Garcia-Cortijo . - 2021 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agronomy > vol. 11, n. 5 (May 2021) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; INNOVATION ; ECONOMIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PERFORMANCE ECONOMIQUE ; DIMENSION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPETITIVITE ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; ZONE RURALE ; ESPAGNE ; CASTILLA MANCHA Résumé : In this study, we aim to find the determinants of innovation in the agrifood industry in an inland region in southeast Spain, which depends upon and specializes in this sector. The determinants we propose are firm and environmental factors. From the empirical analyses based on BoxCox models, we deduce that a firms internal factors or characteristics are those that have the greatest influence on its propensity to innovate. Among them, firm size has the greatest effect. Innovation culture has the potential for exerting a multiplying effect via mechanisms such as knowledge spillovers or learning by doing. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Farmers profile and characterization of sheep and goat dairy chain in northwestern Greece
Farmers profile and characterization of sheep and goat dairy chain in northwestern Greece [Article] / E.C. Pappa ; E. Kondyli ; K. Sotirakoglou ; L. Bosnea ; M. Mataragas ; L. Allouche ; E. Tsiplakou ; A.C. Pappas . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 2 (January 2021) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; AGRICULTEUR ; OVIN ; CAPRIN ; LAIT ; QUALITE ; ANALYSE SWOT ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; VOLATILITE DES PRIX ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE ; GRECE Résumé : The aim of the present study, conducted under the ERA-NET ARIMNet2 Project (Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean Network), was to analyze the sheep and goat dairy sector and assess the quality and safety of milk at various stages of the dairy supply chain. The study took place in the north-west part of Greece; 52 farms, one milk collection center, and eight dairy processing companies participated. The results revealed that all farms had access to water and electricity, the majority of them had a license to operate, used non-organic milk, and employed family members. The price of milk was fairly unstable throughout the year. Two major dairy companies produced all year round while others seasonally. Products were sold in retail, wholesale, company-owned stores, and even by door-to-door delivery service. The analyzed milk samples were of good quality and safety. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis revealed the farmers determination to continue working in the sector despite milk prices and problems due to the shortage of cash. Local sheep and goat breeds may further be used due to the fact of their good adaptation to the environmental conditions. The future of the Greek dairy chain is promising despite high competition within and outside of the European Union. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : La filière évolue - Les acteurs, leurs rôles et leur organisation
La filière évolue - Les acteurs, leurs rôles et leur organisation [Article] / C. El Boukili ; C. Aubert ; A. Dessemond . - 2021 . - p. 6-14.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Infos CTIFL > n. 374 (Septembre 2021) . - p. 6-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFRUITS ET LEGUMES ; ACTEUR ; FILIERE ; LOGISTIQUE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; COMMERCIALISATION Note de contenu : La filière Fruits et Légumes est complexe que ce soit par la nature des produits travaillés ou par la diversité des acteurs qui opèrent à la production, à la commercialisation et à la distribution. Les acteurs de la filière ont tous pour objectif de proposer aux consommateurs une qualité et une fraîcheur optimales. Cela implique de commercialiser dans des délais courts, dorganiser la logistique et dinvestir pour sadapter en permanence aux enjeux sociétaux tels que les exigences réglementaires, les risques sanitaires, la réduction des intrants, la gestion des déchets, le changement climatique, la compétitivité et la souveraineté nationale, le besoin en main duvre, les nouveaux modèles de distribution... Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : Filière fruits et légumes - 20 ans d'évolutions de la production et du commerce extérieur
Filière fruits et légumes - 20 ans d'évolutions de la production et du commerce extérieur [Article] / C. El Boukili ; C. Aubert ; A. Dessemond . - 2021 . - p. 15-21.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Infos CTIFL > n. 374 (Septembre 2021) . - p. 15-21Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMCOMMERCE EXTERIEUR ; FILIERE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; FRANCE ; EXPORTATION Résumé : La production nationale de fruits et légumes sélève à 4,9 millions de tonnes pour les légumes et 2,1 millions de tonnes pour les fruits, un niveau en baisse par rapport à lan 2000. Les produits leaders restent la pomme, la tomate, la carotte, loignon ou encore les choux et les salades. Ces produits figurent en tête des exportations et des expéditions françaises. Mais la hausse plus rapide des importations et des introductions saccompagne dun accroissement régulier du déficit structurel de la balance commerciale française. Sur le marché intérieur, la hausse des importations, au-delà des agrumes et des fruits exotiques, accompagne une diminution tendancielle du taux dauto-approvisionnement (part de loffre nationale), bien que ce dernier semble se stabiliser depuis 2017 autour de 51 %. Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : La filière laitière : un concentré des mutations agricoles contemporaines
La filière laitière : un concentré des mutations agricoles contemporaines [Article] / J.N. Depeyrot ; C. Perrot . - 2021 . - p. 1-40.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Notes et études socio-économiques > n. 48 (Mai 2021) . - p. 1-40Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMLAIT ; FILIERE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; RESTRUCTURATION ; QUOTA ; EMPLOI AGRICOLE ; BOVIN LAITIER ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; FRANCE Résumé : La production de lait de vache connaît une restructuration profonde et rapide, entre concentration géographique et agrandissement des exploitations. La mise en place et la gestion des quotas laitiers ont accompagné et encadré cette restructuration pendant plus de vingt ans. Durant la phase de sortie progressive des quotas laitiers, cette restructuration s'est accélérée, entraînant une nette perte d'emplois, entre 2010 et 2014 (- 8,9 %), plus forte que pour les autres exploitations françaises. Le secteur bovin laitier garde néanmoins une place prépondérante dans l'emploi agricole en France, avec près d'un tiers de la main-duvre non salariée (exploitations spécialisées et non spécialisées) et 1 700 jeunes actifs qui choisissent chaque année le métier de producteur de lait de vache. De plus, le mouvement de concentration en cours s'accompagne d'un maintien, voire d'une croissance, de la diversité des modes de production et des formes d'organisation du travail. Le salariat se développe et près d'un actif sur trois intervenant dans une exploitation laitière est aujourd'hui un salarié. Ces salariés sont particulièrement jeunes. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - La filière tomate de transformation à Haouaria en Tunisie : prédominance de la forme industrielle déterritorialisée [Article] / L. Arfa ; M. Elloumi . - 2021 . - p. 1-10.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Cahiers Agricultures > vol. 30 (Janvier 2021) . - p. 1-10
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMTOMATE ; FILIERE ; TERRITOIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE ; VULNERABILITE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; TRAITEMENT ; EXPORTATION ; TUNISIE Résumé : En Tunisie, la filière tomate de transformation joue un rôle majeur dans le développement socio-économique local de certains territoires. La plaine de Haouaria, région historiquement spécialisée dans cette production industrielle, connaît depuis les années 2010 un processus de déterritorialisation se traduisant en amont par une plus grande vulnérabilité des agriculteurs. Lobjectif de cet article est de présenter les variables explicatives de ce processus. Pour ce faire, nous avons mobilisé le cadre conceptuel de lapproche filière. Notre démarche méthodologique sest appuyée sur une recherche bibliographique et documentaire, des enquêtes de terrain auprès dagriculteurs et de consommateurs, des entretiens avec les acteurs institutionnels et les industriels et enfin des focus groupes avec différentes parties prenantes de la filière. Larticle analyse la structure et les mécanismes de régulation de la filière et estime le poids du territoire dans son développement. Nos résultats montrent que la structure de cette filière est dominée par la forme industrielle, avec des entreprises dont la production est peu diversifiée et est constituée principalement de double concentré de tomate, produit de base du modèle de consommation alimentaire tunisien. Cette structure se caractérise par une forte asymétrie de pouvoir ainsi quune répartition inégale de la valeur entre les acteurs économiques de la filière. Des mécanismes de régulations ont été développés par les acteurs économiques et lÉtat afin de sadapter à diverses contraintes internes en amont, telles que la baisse de disponibilité en eau et la saturation du marché. Cette reconfiguration se traduit par une forte dépendance de cette filière à dautres régions pour son développement. Finalement, il apparaît que la déterritorialisation de cette filière résulte des régulations internes et externes, alors que les actions de territorialisation (diversification des produits, reconnaissance par des dispositifs de labellisation, etc.) restent timides et ont du mal à se structurer. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Filières courtes maîtrisées - une vraie lame de fond
Filières courtes maîtrisées - une vraie lame de fond [Article] / F. Rabut . - 2021 . - p. 60-61.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Végétable : l'écho de la planète fruits et légumes > n. 388 (Mai 2021) . - p. 60-61Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; RELATION PRODUCTEUR DISTRIBUTEUR ; TRAITEMENT ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; CIRCUIT COURT ; CREATION DE VALEUR ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; LOCALISATION DES PRODUCTIONS ; MODELE DE DEVELOPPEMENT Résumé : La filière courte est une tendance qui s'observe depuis quelques années, qui n'est plus seulement l'émanation de quelques entreprises ou filières éparses. La crise de la Covid vient encore accélérer le déploiement de filières amont-aval courtes, dédiées, maîtrisées. Quelques témoignages mettent en lumière différents modèles de développement. Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : Food loss and waste in meat sector Why the consumption stage generates the most losses?
Food loss and waste in meat sector Why the consumption stage generates the most losses? [Article] / M. Karwowska ; S. Laba ; K. Szczepanski . - 2021 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 11 (June 2021) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMDECHET ALIMENTAIRE ; PERTE ; PRODUCTION DE VIANDE ; INDUSTRIE DE LA VIANDE ; PRODUIT CARNE ; VIANDE ; GASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR Résumé : The aim of this paper is to present data on the scale of food waste in the meat sector and to emphasize the need to disseminate measures to reduce the number of losses in this sector. The article discusses food loss and waste in the meat sector as a current, widespread and serious problem. The Web of Science database was searched up to March 2021 to find publications reporting studies of the food loss and waste with particular emphasis on the meat sector. Due to the relatively high consumption of meat and meat products, the level of losses during production and of product waste by consumers in consumer stage becomes significant. It is estimated that as much as 23% of production in the meat sector is lost and wasted. The largest share is generated at the consumption level, representing 64% of the total food waste, followed by manufacturing (20%), distribution (12%) and primary production and post-harvest (3.5%). Data on food losses and wastage in the meat sector are very limited, and at the same time the production of meat and meat products is characterized by an unfavorable impact on the environment (meat has the highest emissions per kilogram of food compared to other food products), which requires rational management of these products in the entire chain (production, processing, transport and consumer stage). Therefore, determining the size and causes of formation as well as the methods of reducing food losses and food waste throughout the meat sector is important both for economic and environmental reasons. The idea behind food loss and waste reduction should be as an opportunity to improve efficiency within businesses, redirect food to those who need it and reduce environmental impacts. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Food supply chains and short food supply chains: coexistence conceptual framework
Food supply chains and short food supply chains: coexistence conceptual framework [Article] / K.M. Thomé ; G. Cappellesso ; E.L.A. Ramos ; S.C. De Lima Duarte . - 2021 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 278 (January 2021) . - p. 1-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CIRCUIT COURT ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; ANALYSE COMPARATIVE ; COMPETITIVITE ; COOPERATION ; COMMERCIALISATION ; CONCEPT Résumé : Despite the different elements that regard Food Supply Chains (FSCs) and the Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) as possessing opposing models, substantial changes are happening in them, such as economic, social and environmental sustainability practices, allowing description of other forms of existence of the models, in addition to the initial opposition. Thus, this article aims to establish and describe the coexistence conceptual framework of the FSCs and SFSCs, at odds with the current polarisation of the literature on chain approaches. After conducting a systematic literature review covering 51 peer-reviewed articles, this paper draws on biology and market performativity notions establish and describe a framework of FSCs and SFSCs. Through content analysis and synthesis of the literature, a coexistence conceptual framework was developed, arranged around two main criteria: i) convergence of interests, and ii) need to add value. These chain models, although coexisting independently or competitively interact with each other, emphasising that they are not isolated models. The literature recognises this interaction through the sharing of inputs, processes, markets, practices, relations, knowledge, values and hybridisation of chains. Blurring their polarisation, this interrelation reveals the supply chain plasticity, emphasising sustainability as a significant shift in the business environment and as a driver of the coexistence framework. Through these results, four types of coexistence in the conceptual framework can be stressed: i) unco-operative; ii) competitive; iii) co-operative; and iv) co-ordinative. Contributing to demystification of their interaction, this article adds to the (short) food supply chains capability of making changes in order to accommodate significant shifts in the business environment, thereby expanding the field through a coexistence notion. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Food system integration of olive-oil-producing small farms in Southern Europe
Food system integration of olive-oil-producing small farms in Southern Europe [Article] / P. Karanikolas ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; P.A. Hernández ; L. Arnalte-Mura ; M. Rivera ; G. Goussios ; L. Fastelli ; E. Oikonomopoulou ; A. Fonseca . - 2021 . - p. 100499.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Global Food Security > vol. 28 (March 2021) . - p. 100499Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; STRATEGIE ; RESSOURCE TERRITORIALE ; ACTEUR ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION LOCALISE ; MENAGE AGRICOLE ; MARCHE ; EUROPE DU SUD Résumé : This study aims to identify the various forms of integration of olive-oil-producing small farms (OSFs) into food systems in four Southern European regions, as well as to identify the most beneficial strategies of integration. Drawing on data from the SALSA Project, the study has found that besides self-provision, OSFs are engaged in multiple types of integration, including reciprocity relations as well as relations with informal and formal markets. Multiple strategies with synergistic effects co-exist at the farm/farm household level. However, specific territorial resources are partially mobilized by actors strategies; consequently, olive oil identities are valorized on the market to some extent, but less so through positive externalities. Therefore, the unrealized potential of localization of food systems in which OSFs operate is identified. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Food waste along the food chain in Romania: an impact analysis
Food waste along the food chain in Romania: an impact analysis [Article] / O.M. Dumitru ; C.S. Iorga ; G. Mustatea . - 2021 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Foods > vol. 10, n. 10 (October 2021) . - p. 1-11Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; GESTION DES DECHETS ; DECHET ALIMENTAIRE ; ROUMANIE Résumé : Food waste is a hot topic around the world due to the significant environmental challenge it poses. The study aims to assess the impact of food waste on the food chain at the national level. The data were obtained from quantitative impact studies, carried out in a project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Methods to reduce food waste on the agri-food chain, at national level, to prevent and reduce socio-economic impact, until 2030. A total of 852 companies were interviewed, with a turnover of almost 6.5 billion euro and a number of over 69 thousand employees, including 273 primary production enterprises, 270 food processing units, 171 distribution/retail units, and 138 HoReCa units. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Forecasting global developments and challenges in olive oil supply and demand: a delphi survey from Spain [Article] / S. Mili ; M. Bouhaddane . - 2021 . - p. 1-25.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 3 (March 2021) . - p. 1-25
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; PREVISION ; OFFRE ET DEMANDE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; MARCHE MONDIAL ; EXPORTATION ; METHODE DELPHI ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Forecasting future supply and demand is a topical subject in the olive oil sector due to its relevance for decision making and the lack of comprehensive and consensual estimates at the global level. This study aims at overcoming this gap in research by providing a foresight of global supply and demand for olive oil for the years to come. We use the Delphi technique to estimate the expected annual growth rates in the olive oil production and consumption worldwide as well as their likely impact on Spanish exports by 2025. Another key objective of the study is to elicit expert judgements on the factors that are likely to shape the predicted changes as well as the international challenges ahead. Results suggest substantial future increases in production in new-producing countries, in parallel with a slower growth in the European traditional suppliers whose focus will increasingly be placed on quality and sustainability rather than quantity. In addition, a significant growth in the worlds demand for olive oil is expected in non-traditional markets, which will be driven by greater awareness of the positive health and sustainability attributes of this product, jointly with the changes in lifestyles and rising incomes of several consumer segments. These emerging markets offer promising prospects for the international expansion of olive oil companies. Future international challenges facing the olive oil industry include new market entry, worldwide product promotion, quality standards harmonization, enacting trade facilitation schemes, and dealing with the COVID-19 impacts. Findings improve market predictability and transparency, and ultimately support decision-making and strategic planning in the olive oil sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Gestion partagée de la performance de durabilité pour une chaîne de valeur : une étude des freins et leviers pour la filière porcine en France [Article] / G. Petit . - 2021 . - p. 83-99.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Economie rurale > n. 377 (Juillet-Septembre 2021) . - p. 83-99
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMDURABILITE ; PERFORMANCE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; FILIERE ; VIANDE PORCINE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; RECHERCHE OPERATIONNELLE ; SYSTEME D'INFORMATION ; GESTION DE L'INFORMATION ; FRANCE Résumé : Pour répondre aux attentes sociétales actuelles vis-à-vis de la transition écologique, les filières agroalimentaires doivent être en mesure de rendre compte de la durabilité de leurs activités. Cette recherche opérationnelle, qui sinterroge sur la transmission des informations et sur le partage des données le long de la chaîne, questionne les systèmes dinformation et connaissances sur la durabilité des activités dune filière porcine en France. Elle a pour objectif principal de mettre en évidence les difficultés actuelles à établir, coordonner et transmettre ces informations, dans un contexte de demandes accrues des consommateurs. Létude rend compte de la disparité et de lindividualisation de linformation aux différentes étapes de la chaîne de valeur. Elle montre que le système dinformation actuel ne favorise pas le partage et la gestion conjointe des données de durabilité. Des pistes sont données sur les avantages que comporterait un plus grand partage de la connaissance, ainsi que sur les outils actuellement disponibles pour y parvenir. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Globalización, transiciones climática y digital y crisis pandémica en los sistemas agroalimentarios: implicaciones para las políticas públicas [Article] / A. Massot Marti . - 2021 . - p. 61-130.Langues : Espagnol (spa) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa)in Revista española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros > n. 257 (January 2021) . - p. 61-130
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMMONDIALISATION ; CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; COVID-19 ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CRISE ECONOMIQUE ; ECONOMIE NUMERIQUE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; POLITIQUE PUBLIQUE ; PAC ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE Résumé : El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una visión general de las principales tendencias del sistema agroalimentario global tras la pandemia del COVID-19. La crisis económica resultante, las transiciones climática y digital, y las cada vez mayores exigencias de sostenibilidad y salud pública, pueden desembocar en una gran transformación de la cadena agro-alimentaria global. En este contexto, se analiza el alcance de los cambios que se vislumbran y/o sus potencialidades para las políticas públicas relativas al sistema agroalimentario y, muy en particular, las políticas agrias y la PAC a nivel europeo. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : ICT as a development factor in the tunisian olive oil sector
ICT as a development factor in the tunisian olive oil sector [Article] / S. Elfkih ; D. Fernández-Uclés ; A. Mozas Moral ; E. Bernal Jurado ; M.J. Medina-Viruel . - 2021 . - p. 3-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 4 (September 2021) . - p. 3-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMOLEICULTURE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; ANALYSE D'ENVELOPPEMENT DES DONNEES ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE ; TUNISIE Résumé : Olive oil is one of the main agricultural products of the countries that make up the Mediterranean basin. The low profitability of this sector of activity and the growing challenges of an increasingly turbulent market force the sector to search for more efficient organization. The aim of this paper is to determine the organisational and technological factors associated with the most economically efficient Tunisian olive-growing organisations. To this end, firstly the Data Envelopment Analysis method has been used to establish a hierarchy of the most efficient organizations. Secondly, the Qualitative Comparative Analysis method has been used, which allows us to establish the relationships of variables that explain the highest levels of economic efficiency. The results obtained show that the academic training of the top manager, training in information technology, the age of the organisation and the existence of plans and budget items for the adoption of information and communication technologies are variables that explain this greater efficiency. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Identificación de necesidades tecnológicas en los procesos productivos de la agroindustria del cerdo ibérico [Article] / A. Sanz Pagés ; M. Estévez Maria ; T. Manrique Gordillo . - 2021 . - p. 33-60.Langues : Espagnol (spa) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa)in Revista española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros > n. 257 (January 2021) . - p. 33-60
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINNOVATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; VIANDE PORCINE ; ESPAGNE ; TECHNOLOGIE ALIMENTAIRE ; TRACABILITE Résumé : En el seno del Proyecto de Cooperación Transfronteriza para la Valorización Integral de la Dehesa-Montado (PRODEHESA-MONTADO), cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa INTERREG España-Portugal, se han identificado las necesidades tecnológicas de la industria del cerdo ibérico de bellota en Andalucía y Extremadura, sector de gran relevancia en las dehesas españolas. La información se ha obtenido directamente de los agentes y entidades del sector. El porcino ibérico se caracteriza por ser tradicional siendo las barreras culturales de gran relevancia para la innovación. Aun así, destaca el avance de I+D+i y desarrollo de nuevos formatos y presentaciones estableciéndose como principal demanda tecnologías que permitan la clasificación rápida, económica y eficaz de los animales sacrificados para la mayor transparencia y trazabilidad de los productos. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : Impact of information hiding on circular food supply chains in business-to-business context
Impact of information hiding on circular food supply chains in business-to-business context [Article] / S.K. Mangla ; G. Börühan ; P. Ersoy ; Y. Kazancoglu ; M. Song . - 2021 . - p. 1-18.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Business Research > vol. 135 (October 2021) . - p. 1-18Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; VIANDE ; INDUSTRIE DE LA VIANDE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; TRACABILITE ; INFORMATION SUR LE MARCHE ; GESTION DE L'INFORMATION ; ACCES A L'INFORMATION ; TURQUIE Résumé : This study has analyzed food supply chains from the circular economy viewpoint with a focus on knowledge hiding. In this paper, we examine the practice of hiding knowledge among stakeholders, in which dimension, what this knowledge is and whether there are differences among specific groups of stakeholders. This is applied to distributors, producers, consumers, retailers, suppliers and farmers working within the meat industry in Turkey. It shows how information hiding affects the traceability of food supply chains and circularity in the meat industry. Three different theories have been examined in this paper. Stakeholder theory helps to analyze traceability of food supply chains among stakeholders; the theory of industrial symbiosis aims to achieve an efficient circular food supply chain through 9R (refuse, rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, repurpose, recycle, recover) strategies by adopting traceability; the information theory is a key enabler to coordinate traceability from farm to fork to support a circular food supply chain. By using the theoretical lens, this paper sets out proposals for policymakers and managers in food supply chains to ensure traceability and transparency to achieve circular economy. Although some prior studies address knowledge hiding, information hiding hasnt been examined with traceability and transparency dimensions in Circular Food Supply Chain (CFSC) in B2B business. This study attempts to fill this gap in the literature, improve theoretical understanding with our proposed framework and validating the impact of information hiding and reveal where knowledge is mostly hidden in terms of circular economy, stakeholders and 9Rs in the meat industry. A proposed framework for managers and policymakers based on a circular economy can bring social, economic and environmental benefits for the red meat industry in Turkey. Additionally, it offers a framework and recommendations for other countries and industries for possible adoption. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agri-food companies in the region of Extremadura (Spain)
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agri-food companies in the region of Extremadura (Spain) [Article] / B. Corchuelo Martinez-Azua ; P.E. Lopez-Salazar ; C. Sama-Berrocal . - 2021 . - p. 1-30.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agronomy > vol. 11, n. 5 (May 2021) . - p. 1-30Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; COVID-19 ; GESTION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; IMPACT ECONOMIQUE ; ESPAGNE ; EXTREMADURA Résumé : The coronavirus pandemic is having an economic impact, previously non-existent, on the world economy. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on agri-food companies in the region of Extremadura (Spain). A multiple-case study based on in-depth interviews was carried out in the period February 2020January 2021. The results reveal the existence of negative and positive impacts, both financial (decrease in turnover; decrease/displacement in the demand for products; budget reduction in R&D projects; increase in certain product sales) and operational (difficulty in marketing activities, lack of staff, stoppage in company activity, and supply problems), depending, principally, on the nature of the products, the changes generated in consumer behavior, and mobility problems. Likewise, changes were observed in processes (search of clients in other markets, increased use of technology in communication and marketing activities, and development of new products) and procedures (reorganization of personnel activities, implementation of new health protocols) in companies to overcome the obstacles imposed by the new situation. In conclusion, the change in surrounding conditions, and the characteristics of the spread of the pandemic, have impacted on the strategies, behavior, processes, dynamics and results of organizations regardless of their size and the nature of their work product or service. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Implementing the circular economy paradigm in the agri-food supply chain: the role of food waste prevention technologies [Article] / F. Ciccullo ; R. Cagliano ; G. Bartezzaghi ; A. Perego . - 2021 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Resources, Conservation and Recycling > vol. 164 (January 2021) . - p. 1-15
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; GASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; PREVENTION ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; DECHET ALIMENTAIRE ; GESTION DES DECHETS ; TECHNOLOGIE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE Résumé : Food systems are plagued by the grand sustainability challenge of food waste, which represents a urging issue from economic, environmental and social point of view. The Circular Economy paradigm can open up different actions which are framed within the so-called Food Waste Hierarchy (FWH). In these regards, scholars recommend to leverage on those practices that are able to prevent the generation of surplus food, preserving a higher share of the sustainable value. For these pre-harvest and post-harvest practices that go under the name of prevention or reuse strategies in different FWH, technology plays a crucial role. Through a set of 34 semi-structured interviews with technology providers as well as with companies in the agri-food supply chain, the present work investigates extensively the range of the available technologies and the detailed objectives of such technologies for food loss and waste prevention (i.e., forecasting, monitoring, grouping, shelf life extension, product quality and value upgrading). Moreover, different forms of collaboration enable to reach these objectives in different ways. Collaboration with technology providers can be based on continuous technical assistance and consulting for data elaboration and data analysis as well as on full data sharing and co-design, allowing to achieve a different impact on food loss and waste prevention. Finally, our study reveals that the adoption of different technological options can represent the engine to establish vertical collaborations between the adopter of the technology and another stage in the agri-food supply chain, in order to fight food waste and loss with a coordinated supply chain effort. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Influence of companies´ credibility and trust in corporate social responsibility aspects of consumer food products: the moderating intervention of consumer integrity [Article] / S. Castro-Gonzalez ; B. Bande ; P. Fernandez-Ferrin . - 2021 . - p. 129-141.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainable Production and Consumption > vol. 28 (October 2021) . - p. 129-141
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMRESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; PREFERENCE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONSOMMATION RESPONSABLE ; ACHAT ; STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; COMPETITIVITE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : This study aims to explore and understand whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) could be considered as an indirect cue of certain product characteristics, turning it into an effective instrument to encourage credibility and trust in a food brand and thereby influence consumers purchase intention; the study also considers how consumers integrity influences these effects of trust and credibility. The proposed model and the mediation and moderation hypotheses were tested with conditional process analysis and were generally supported by data collected from 252 consumers. The results have important implications for companies, revealing that CSR dimensions impact consumer purchase intention by generating greater credibility and trust. Moreover, among consumers with higher integrity, the effects are more significant. Finally, it is the economic dimension of CSR that has the clearest impact on consumer intentions. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Influence of relevant factors on competitiveness of wine sector of the Republic of Serbia
Influence of relevant factors on competitiveness of wine sector of the Republic of Serbia [Article] / R.V. Prodanovic ; S. Ignjatijevic ; J. Vapa Tankosic ; I. Brkic ; S. Skrbic ; J. Gardasevic ; M. Cavlin . - 2021 . - p. 911-928.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economics of agriculture > vol. 68, n. 4 (December 2021) . - p. 911-928Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMCOMPETITIVITE ; VITICULTURE ; VIN ; AVANTAGE COMPARATIF ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; ECONOMIE AGRICOLE ; SERBIE Résumé : Wine production in the Republic of Serbia has a long tradition and potential for improvement, given the agro-climatic and other conditions. The aim of this paper is to analyze the competitiveness factors of wineries in the Republic of Serbia. The findings show that the wine industry is developing, but its competitiveness is at a relatively low level. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the wine sector, it is necessary to define and implement a strategy, which will include activities such as modernization of grape processing technology, new investments and investment in human resources, marketing, winemakers association and creating a stimulating business climate. Without state support, a significant increase in the competitiveness of wineries cannot be expected. Since interest in wine production has been recently growing, it is to be expected that the wine production, as well as its export will increase, thus achieving significantly greater economic effects. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Innovation in North African agriculture and food
Innovation in North African agriculture and food [Article] / T. Ben Hassen ; H. El Bilali . - 2021 . - p. 159-174.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 3 (September 2021) . - p. 159-174Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; INNOVATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; ADOPTION DE L'INNOVATION ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; COMPETITIVITE ; RESILIENCE ; AFRIQUE DU NORD Résumé : Innovation plays an essential role in addressing the interlinked environmental, social, and economic challenges facing the agri-food sectors in the North Africa region. This systematic review analyses the state of research on innovation in North African agri-food sector and investigates whether sustainability is addressed in the research strand. The analysis shows an increasing interest in the research field, although many publications are authored by scholars based in institutions outside North Africa. Most of the selected documents deal with crops and the production stage of the food chain. The focus is generally on technical innovations while social, organizational, and marketing ones are overlooked. There are growing attempts to connect innovation to sustainability and sustainable development by moving towards the concept of sustainable innovation. Factors hindering agri-food innovation relate to policy, research, institutional environment, extension, and human capital. The promotion of innovation in the North African agri-food sector is crucial to unlock the sectors potential and improve its competiveness, resilience, and sustainability. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Insights into organic wine consumption: behaviour, segmentation and attribute non-attendance
Insights into organic wine consumption: behaviour, segmentation and attribute non-attendance [Article] / F. Boncinelli ; A. Dominici ; F. Gerini ; E. Marone . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural and Food Economics > vol. 9 (December 2021) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ETIQUETAGE DES PRODUITS ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER ; CERTIFICATION ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; ITALIE Résumé : Several studies have focused on the behaviour of consumers towards organic wine, finding varying and sometimes conflicting results. Some scholars have noted that consumers may perceive wine labelled as organic to be of a lower quality, whereas others have found that consumers are willing to pay a premium price for it. Starting from these discrepancies found in the literature, this study seeks to investigate how the organic certification influences consumers when purchasing a bottle of red wine, evaluating the possible presence of attribute non-attendance (ANA) behaviour. A choice experiment was carried out on a sample of Italian wine consumers. Findings highlight that although, on average, consumers do not prefer organic wine, there is a relevant niche in the market consisting of consumers who benefit from purchasing it. Moreover, we have found that the majority of the sample ignores the organic attribute when choosing a bottle of wine, which reveals ANA behaviour. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Integrating process modelling and sustainability assessment to improve the environmental and economic sustainability in the cheese industry [Article] / P. Gosalvitr ; R.M. Cuéllar-Franca ; R. Smith ; A. Azapagic . - 2021 . - p. 969-986.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainable Production and Consumption > vol. 28 (October 2021) . - p. 969-986
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMFROMAGE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; PERFORMANCE ECONOMIQUE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; MODELE DE SIMULATION ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; ROYAUME UNI Résumé : This paper combines process design and modelling with life cycle sustainability assessment to identify opportunities for improving the environmental and economic performance in the cheese industry. Considering both the production and consumption perspectives, the study considers first a range of improvement options in the cheese manufacturing process, followed by an assessment of the rest of the life cycle. For the manufacturing process, the focus is on energy efficiency and valorisation of waste with the following four options considered: Option 1 is a base case that reflects current manufacturing practice and therefore excludes energy recovery and waste utilisation; Option 2 includes heat integration applied to recover waste heat from the process; Option 3 considers the combination of heat integration with treatment of cheese whey via anaerobic digestion to produce biogas; in Option 4, heat integration is combined with treatment of whey via fermentation to produce bioethanol and animal feed. Cheddar cheese has been selected by way of example as one of the most consumed types of cheese in different countries, including the US and the UK. Using life cycle assessment and life cycle costing, the environmental and economic sustainability of cheese have been assessed for these options from farm gate to cheese-plant gate for the production perspective, and from cradle to grave for the consumption perspective. Option 4 is found to be the best alternative across all impacts and costs for both perspectives. For example, compared to the base case, the climate change impact and life cycle costs of cheese are reduced respectively by 148% and 158% for the production perspective, and by 3.4% and 8% for the consumption perspective. These reductions are mainly due to the co-production of bioethanol and animal feed. Production of biogas from whey in Option 3 has higher environmental impacts than the base case, making it the worst alternative. Taking the consumption of cheese at the UK level as an example, improvements in the manufacturing process via Option 4 could reduce the annual climate change impact of the food sector by around 209 kt CO2 eq./yr and primary energy demand by 6.7 PJ/yr, while increasing the value added of cheese by up to 11%. These results will be of interest to cheese producers, food manufacturers, consumers and policy makers. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Learning resilience in local livestock breeds from COVID-19 pandemic
Learning resilience in local livestock breeds from COVID-19 pandemic [Article] / F. Turri ; F. Pizzi ; G. Gandini . - 2021 . - p. 1-6.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 4 (February 2021) . - p. 1-6Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMRESILIENCE ; BETAIL ; COVID-19 ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; RACE INDIGENE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; COMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE ; ITALIE Résumé : In situ conservation of local breeds requires populations in economically sustainable and resilient production systems. In those countries where the market recognizes the quality of the products of local breeds, the traditional relationship between local breeds and products can be used to improve breed profitability. We analyze sales data from year 2020 of five dairy products associated with endangered local breeds farmed in northern Italy, in order to understand the potential resilience of these production systems, in terms of ability to persist and to adapt to disturbances associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. All breed-cheese systems showed good capacity to persist during the COVID-19 pandemic, with four systems even increasing sales with respect to the period 20172019. Three breed-cheese systems showed rapid adaptation to the new conditions by modifying sales channels, including the introduction of e-commerce. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Mais où est-ce que ça a déraillé ?
Mais où est-ce que ça a déraillé ? [Article] / B. Guély . - 2021 . - p. 28-29.Langues : Français (fre)in Végétable : l'écho de la planète fruits et légumes > n. 392 (Octobre 2021) . - p. 28-29Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMDISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; RELATION PRODUCTEUR CONSOMMATEUR ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; FILIERE Résumé : La distribution empêcherait-elle consommateur et producteur de se comprendre ? Le propos du jour est d'opérer un tri entre les tondeurs d'après-guerre et les analystes plus fins, de façon à savoir comment on pourrait, dans l'intérêt de tous, réduire ce grand écart. Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : - Measures to increase local food supply in the context of European framework scenarios for the agri-food sector [Article] / A. Voglhuber-Slavinsky ; H. Derler ; B. Moller ; E. Dönitz ; E. Bahrs ; S. Berner . - 2021 . - p. 1-22.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 18 (September 2021) . - p. 1-22
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; PRODUIT REGIONAL ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; COVID-19 ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE ; PROSPECTIVE ; AUTRICHE Résumé : The issue of local food supply has attracted considerable political and public attention, due to the changing preferences of consumers, who have more awareness about ecological sustainability, in particular, but also due to recent developments concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to identify measures facilitating local food value chains, which are resilient to different nationwide and global future developments, the aim of our analysis was to set the identified measures derived from the local roadmap of the city of Graz in the context of European scenarios for the agri-food sector in 2035. The results show that certain measures are applicable under all of the described scenarios, such as the food policy council, whereas some measuresfor example, open food labsare less suitable or need to be adjusted to fit the purpose within changing framework conditions. Setting specific measures for a city region in the broader context of European agri-food scenarios provides a systemic perspective, thus making the multiple links and influences more visible. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Multi-objective expansion analysis for sustainable agro-industrial value chains based on profit, carbon and water footprint [Article] / J.P. Rajakal ; D.K.S. Ng ; R.R. Tan ; V. Andiappan ; Y.K. Wan . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 288 (March 2021) . - p. 1-16
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE DE VALEUR ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; EMPREINTE HYDRIQUE ; EMPREINTE ECOLOGIQUE ; CARBONE ; BILAN CARBONE ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; MODELE ; HUILE DE PALME ; ARECACEAE Mots-clés : EMPREINTE CARBONE Résumé : A sustainable agro-industrial value chain is essential for sustained food security. This requires optimised planning of operations and new expansions along the value chain. In this work, a fuzzy-based multi-objective approach is developed for planning sustainable new expansions of agriculture lands. Also, the expansion and capacity of post-harvest and production facilities and operations of logistics in the agro-industrial value chain are optimised. The model is a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) which takes profit, carbon footprint, and water footprint into account during optimisation. The expansion plan is optimised based on the expected increase in the demand for a particular agro-industrial product. To illustrate the proposed model, a palm value chain case study is solved. A scenario with a projected increase in palm oil demand is considered to demonstrate the model. The results for the case study showed a distinctive difference in the expansion strategy compared to single-objective optimisation, exhibiting trade-off between profit and carbon, water footprints. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Non-financial factors affecting livestock farms performance in meat supply chain
Non-financial factors affecting livestock farms performance in meat supply chain [Article] / G. Mehmeti ; R. Zanoli ; O. Xhoxhi . - 2021 . - p. 63-72.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 4 (September 2021) . - p. 63-72Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; ELEVAGE ; VIANDE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; ALBANIE Résumé : This article investigates non-financial factors affecting performance of livestock farms in the meat supply chain in Albania. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect data in three main regions of Albania (Tirana, Korça and Lushnje). Confirmatory factor analysis is used to develop measures for the non financial factors (i.e. trust, contracts, opportunistic behavior, information sharing and information quality) and Structural Equation Modelling is employed to test study hypotheses. The result shows that trust is positively associated with farms performance. On the other hand, communication (i.e. resulting from the merge of information sharing and information quality) is negatively associated with performance. However, communication appears to have a positive association with farms performance indirectly through its effect on trust. Thus, it can be deducted that communication builds trust and trading relationship based on trust show higher levels of farms performance. Lastly, contracts and opportunistic behavior do not show any significant association with farms performance. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Des ondes non ionisantes électromagnétiques (ONIE) à toutes les étapes du processus productif dans le secteur de lagroalimentaire [Article] / H. Floch ; P. Gamand ; C. Daignan ; N. Picard ; L. Sandoval . - 2021 . - p. 63-68.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Responsabilité et environnement > n. 103 (Juillet 2021) . - p. 63-68
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INNOCUITE DES PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES ; CONTAMINATION ; CONSERVATION DE LA NATURE ; DESHERBAGE ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; TECHNIQUE D'IMAGERIE ; RAYONNEMENT ULTRAVIOLET ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; MODERNISATION ; CAPTEUR ; AGRICULTURE DE PRECISION ; SURVEILLANCE ; DURABILITE Résumé : Le secteur agroalimentaire est en pleine évolution pour prendre en compte la réduction de lutilisation des produits phytosanitaires, la sortie du glyphosate, le suivi des cultures en temps réel et la numérisation de lagriculture, tout cela dans un contexte de changement climatique. Afin de répondre aux exigences de protection des cultures, de conservation, de décontamination et de préservation des saveurs, tout en assurant linnocuité du produit final pour le consommateur et en respectant lenvironnement, le recours aux technologies dites physiques se révèle tout à fait pertinent. Les ultraviolets et plus particulièrement les UVC, les micro-ondes (3 - 300 GHz) notamment, ont la capacité de répondre à ces besoins. Nous montrons dans cet article les effets des micro-ondes sur le développement foliaire des plantes, conduisant ainsi à une solution de désherbage. Nous mettons également en évidence le fait que la lumière UV pulsée permet une décontamination des légumes ou des fruits offrant ainsi une solution de conservation efficace, économique et durable. De même, nous montrons que la modernisation des techniques agricoles motivée par un souci doptimisation des ressources, des coûts et des rendements, sappuie sur la mise en jeu des technologies de radiocommunications et dimagerie. Les ondes radiofréquences permettent lutilisation et le déploiement de capteurs communicants de type IoT et de suivre en temps réel des paramètres de pilotage des cultures. Les techniques dimagerie sont également une aide précieuse pour létude de certains phénomènes comme le stress hydrique des cultures ou les maladies. Est également mis en évidence le fait que les ondes non ionisantes contribuent fortement à la transition écologique soit en appui au désherbage en évitant le recours aux produits phytosanitaires, soit au travers de solutions de décontamination et de désinfection ne recourant pas à lemploi de produits chimiques. Les défis à venir concernent aussi les aspects formation des acteurs de la filière et surtout lévolution du modèle économique de celle-ci. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Online popularity as a development factor for cooperatives in the winegrowing sector
Online popularity as a development factor for cooperatives in the winegrowing sector [Article] / E. Bernal Jurado ; A. Mozas Moral ; D. Fernández-Uclés ; M.J. Medina-Viruel . - 2021 . - p. 79-85.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Business Research > vol. 123 (February 2021) . - p. 79-85Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMCOOPERATIVE VITIVINICOLE ; VITICULTURE ; VIN ; MARKETING ELECTRONIQUE ; TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; SITE WEB ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; EXPORTATION ; COMMERCE ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Spain is a global leader in the wine sector in terms of production capacity, which is in stark contrast to its low domestic wine consumption. This situation forces Spanish producers to develop a clear focus on exports. Traditionally, the business model in Spain has been based on low prices, high volumes, and a strong dependence on traditional markets, which places Spain at a clear competitive disadvantage in terms of value. Given these commercial challenges in this sector, where cooperatives play a central role, information and communication technologies, particularly websites, offer a source of competitive advantage. The main aim of this research is to analyze the organizational factors and commercial features that are associated with the online popularity of wine producers. This study seeks to verify the influence of organizational aspects (company size and integration), commercial features (sales of bottled wine, internationalization, and organic certification), and website quality on the popularity of corporate websites. The analysis was conducted using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The results reveal that the number of website visits is positively related to business integration, organic certification, export activity, website quality, and the marketing of bottled wine. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Organizational design and environmental performance: the case of french dairy farms
Organizational design and environmental performance: the case of french dairy farms [Article] / D. Galliano ; T.T.S. Siqueira . - 2021 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Environmental Management > vol. 278, Part 1 (15 January 2021) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10.5 - Produits Laitiers ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRATIQUE AGRICOLE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; ORGANISATION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; DURABILITE ; GESTION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; EFFET EXTERNE ; ECO-INNOVATION ; FRANCE Résumé : Understanding the processes related to the adoption of best environmental practices is an important challenge to support the transition to more sustainable agriculture. Our paper aims to contribute to this issue by analyzing the relation between farm's organizational design and environmental performance. We used data of 47562 dairy farms from the 2010 French Agricultural Census and employed econometric analysis to study the correlation between farm's internal and external factors and environmental performance. The environmental performance is approached by a score based on the adoption of nine best management practices. The results show that while the internal, structural and managerial resources, through which farms can increase their absorptive capacity, play an important role, external factors, particularly the type of market environment in which farms operate, play a key role in environmental performance. The results also highlight the central role of farms' spatial environment and, more specifically, the strong correlation with the environmental performance of the neighboring dairy farms. Finally, policies to promote locally farmer's experience exchanges, to supporting diversification, high quality products and short circuits can bust the environmental performance of dairy sector. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Perspective article: towards a new venture science model for transforming food systems
Perspective article: towards a new venture science model for transforming food systems [Article] / M.A. Augustin ; M.B. Cole ; D. Ferguson ; N.J.G. Hazell ; P. Morle . - 2021 . - p. 1-6.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Global Food Security > vol. 28 (March 2021) . - p. 1-6Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; INNOVATION ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL Résumé : Radical transformation of the food system is required to ensure the health of people and the planet. The implementation of policy change to improve food and nutritional security has been slow. Injection of private and public investment to stimulate innovation in complex agri-food value chains to fast-track sustainable solutions is needed. Multi-stakeholder transdisciplinary partnerships facilitate co-creation of solutions that deliver rapid transformational change to food systems. A venture science model which brings together a research organisation, industry and venture capital, to facilitate rapid innovation is discussed. This model replaces pitches to investors and narrowly-focussed industry relationships, with a collaborative opportunity-directed construction process. A case study of innovation in the alternative meat sector is provided. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Pilotage de la performance du secteur agroalimentaire : approche par les indicateurs de performance de la fonction Maintenance [Article] / M.M. Benabdouallah . - 2021 . - p. 1-10.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in SMALOGresearch. Strategy management logistics > n. 1 (Mai 2021) . - p. 1-10
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; ENTRETIEN ; GESTION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; PRISE DE DECISION ; INDUSTRIE DU CACAO ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; LOGISTIQUE Résumé : Le pilotage de la performance représente aujourdhui un enjeu important de gestion de la majorité des entreprises qui opèrent dans le secteur primaire, secondaire ou tertiaire. Les indicateurs clé de performance représentent une facette du pilotage de performance menant ainsi à des tableaux de bord faciles à analyser et aident à la prise de décision. Lobjectif de cet article est de présenter une étude empirique appliquée à une chocolaterie comme industrie du secteur agroalimentaire. Cette étude a mené vers un diagnostic de la fonction maintenance et une proposition des indicateurs clé de performance pour le pilotage de ladite fonction. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Pôle de compétitivité en Algérie : cas du pôle agroalimentaire de Bejaia
Pôle de compétitivité en Algérie : cas du pôle agroalimentaire de Bejaia [Article] / S. Timeridjine ; M. Chitti . - 2021 . - p. 301-310.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Algerian Review of Economic Development > vol. 8, n. 1 (Juin 2021) . - p. 301-310Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMPOLE DE COMPETITIVITECombinaison, sur un espace géographique donné, d'entreprises, de centres de formation et d'unités de recherche publiques ou privées, engagés dans une démarche partenariale destinée à dégager des synergies autour de projets communs au caractère innovant. Ce partenariat s'organise autour d'un marché et d'un domaine technologique et scientifique qui lui est attaché et doit rechercher la masse critique pour atteindre une compétitivité mais aussi une visibilité internationale ( ; COMPETITIVITE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INNOVATION ; ACTEUR ; ALGERIE Résumé : Le phénomène de concentration dentreprises via la formation de pôles de compétitivité devient pour les entreprises un enjeu important. Lintérêt de ces pôles est de pouvoir exploiter lensemble des moyens et connaissances pour promouvoir linnovation et accroître la compétitivité en sappuyant sur la coopération de lensemble des acteurs du pôle. Cest ainsi que dans ce travail nous voulons relever limportance des pôles de compétitivité, ainsi que lexpérience de nombreux pays développés et en voie de développement dont lAlgérie, notamment au travers du pôle agroalimentaire de Bejaia. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Portée des marchés traditionnels européens sur la compétitivité des exportations tunisiennes d'huile d'olive [Article] / S. Boudiche ; M. Ameur ; M. Ben Kaabia ; R. Khaldi . - 2021 . - p. 140-155.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Arabe (ara)in Annales de l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie = Annales de l'INRAT > vol. 94 (Janvier 2021) . - p. 140-155
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; PRIX ; EUROPE ; MARCHE DES PRODUITS DE BASE ; COMPETITIVITE ; EXPORTATION ; ANALYSE COMPARATIVE ; ITALIE ; QUALITE ; PRODUIT DU TERROIR ; VALORISATION ; TUNISIE Résumé : Lobjectif de ce travail est danalyser la portée du marché européen et ses effets sur le secteur de l'huile d'olive tunisienne. En effet, le développement de ce secteur est conditionné par plusieurs facteurs dont les fluctuations des prix et des quantités demandées sur ce marché traditionnel. Le marché italien, considéré comme la principale destination des exportations tunisiennes (70-90% des exportations vers lUnion Européenne) et deuxième importateur dhuile dolive au monde, a été ciblé pour analyser la situation concurrentielle tunisienne par rapport aux autres fournisseurs. L'analyse a été menée moyennant l'estimation du modèle Almost Ideal System (AIDS) appliqué à la demande d'importation en vue d'évaluer la compétitivité de la Tunisie sur le marché italien face aux principaux exportateurs d'huile d'olive vierge (Espagne, Grèce et le reste du monde). Les résultats obtenus des élasticités de la demande montrent quune augmentation des importations d'huile d'olive en Italie ne favoriserait pas la part de marché de la Tunisie sur ce marché, par contre celle de l'Espagne en profiterait le plus. Par ailleurs, les valeurs estimées des élasticités prix directes indiquent qu'une réduction du prix de l'huile d'olive permettrait à l'Espagne et à la Grèce d'augmenter leurs exportations vers le marché italien sans effet significatif pour la Tunisie. Lanalyse des élasticités prix croisées montrent que les importations se décident en fonction de l'origine de l'huile d'olive et révèlent une substituabilité entre l'huile d'olive espagnole et celle grecque, contre une faible complémentarité entre celles de la Tunisie et de la Grèce. Pour l'Espagne, les politiques de baisse des prix ont plus d'influence sur les parts de marché tunisiens. Les politiques tunisiennes visant les prix semblent insuffisantes pour stimuler les exportations. Une valorisation de l'huile d'olive par la qualité (AOC, IGP, marques et labels) pourrait être un outil pour consolider la position du pays sur les marchés traditionnels et conquérir de nouveaux marchés. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : Production of biochar from vine pruning: waste recovery in the wine industry
Production of biochar from vine pruning: waste recovery in the wine industry [Article] / L.J.R. Nunes ; A.M. Rodrigues ; J.C.O. Matias ; A.I. Ferraz ; A.C. Rodrigues . - 2021 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 6 (June 2021) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; BIOMASSE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; DURABILITE ; VIGNE ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; AMENDEMENT DU SOL ; SEQUESTRATION DU CARBONE ; PRATIQUE AGRICOLE ; PORTUGAL Résumé : The production of residual biomass, such as vine pruning, presents environmental problems since its elimination is usually carried out through the uncontrolled burning of the remaining materials and with the emission of greenhouse gases without any counterpart. The use of these residues to produce biochar presents several advantages. In addition to the more common energy recovery, other conversion ways allowing new uses, such as soil amendment and carbon sequestration, can be analyzed as options as well. In the present study, vine pruning biomasses are characterized to evaluate the behavior of the different constituents. Then, the different possible applications are discussed. It is concluded that materials resulting from the pruning of vineyards have excellent characteristics for energy recovery, with an increment of more than 50% in the heating value and almost 60% in the carbon content when carbonized. This recovery procedure contributes to creating new value chains for residual materials to promote sustainable practices in the wine sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Productivity and efficiency in European milk production: can we observe the effects of abolishing milk quotas? [Article] / L. Cechura ; Z. Zakova Kroupova ; I. Benesova . - 2021 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 9 (September 2021) . - p. 1-21
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPRODUCTION LAITIERE ; LAIT ; CONTINGENT DE PRODUCTION ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; COMPETITIVITE ; ANALYSE STOCHASTIQUE ; UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : The study aims to explore the sources of competitiveness of dairy producers before and after the abolition of milk quotas in selected EU member states. The investigation is based on the stochastic frontier modelling of an input distance function in the specification of the four-error-component model. The model is estimated with a multistep procedure employing the generalized method of moments estimator, addressing the potential endogeneity of netputs, and panel data gained from the FADN database. The results revealed that total factor productivity experienced an increasing trend in the majority of the analysed countries. Since the main driver of productivity growth was found to be the scale effect, our findings support the hypothesis that abolishing milk quotas has a positive effect. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Quand linnovation sociale réoriente linnovation technologique dans les systèmes agroalimentaires : le cas des chaînes locales autour des blés [Article] / Y. Chiffoleau ; A. Echchatbi ; J. Rod ; L. Gey ; G. Akermann ; D. Desclaux ; G. Jard ; M.-E. Kessari ; K. Moinet ; J. Peres ; M.-H. Robin ; M.F. Samson . - 2021 . - p. 41-63.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Innovations > n. 64 (Janvier 2021) . - p. 41-63
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.6 - Produits issus des CéréalesThésaurus IAMMBLE ; INNOVATION SOCIALE ; INNOVATION ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; NIVEAU LOCAL ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION LOCALISE ; CIRCUIT COURT ; CHANGEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE ; OCCITANIE ; FRANCE Résumé : Le verrouillage technologique des filières blés a suscité, dans la période récente, lémergence dalternatives qui prennent aujourdhui une nouvelle dimension au regard des préoccupations des consommateurs vis-à-vis du gluten. Basé sur une recherche-intervention en Occitanie et une étude menée à léchelle nationale, cet article propose une approche interdisciplinaire et systémique du développement des chaînes locales autour des blés. Il montre comment des agriculteurs et des artisans portent des innovations sociales qui réorientent linnovation technologique vers un nouveau système agroalimentaire prenant en compte de nouveaux indicateurs de richesse. Tout en prenant place dans les travaux sur le changement déchelle des circuits courts alimentaires, il appelle ainsi à approfondir le couplage entre innovation sociale et innovation technologique dans lhistoire et la transition des systèmes agroalimentaires. In recent years, the technological lock-in of the wheat industry has led to the emergence of alternatives which are now taking on a new dimension with regard to consumer concerns about gluten. Based on a research-intervention in Occitanie and a national survey, this article proposes an interdisciplinary and systemic approach to the development of local wheat chains. It shows how farmers and artisans are carrying out social innovations that reorient technological innovation towards a new agri-food system taking into account new indicators of wealth. While taking part in the work on the scaling up of short food chains, it thus calls to study further the coupling between social innovation and technological innovation in the history and transition of agri-food systems. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Quel avenir pour la filière huile dolive fraichement introduite dans une zone steppique ? Cas de la région de MSila [Article] / H. Hadjloune ; O. Kihal ; A. Kaci ; F.A. Belhouadjeb . - 2021 . - p. 125-140.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 2 (June 2021) . - p. 125-140
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMOLEICULTURE ; PRODUCTIVITE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; FILIERE ; DEVELOPPEMENT AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; ANALYSE SWOT ; PROSPECTIVE ; STEPPE ; ALGERIE ; M'SILA Résumé : In the region of MSila, a steppe zone and characteristic of a dominant agro-pastoral framework, the local olive sector has certainly grown in terms of area expansion, but the information available indicates that its future in terms of performance is dependent on a series of internal and external factors. The aim of this article is to highlight the main explanatory variables by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, the opportunities and threats linked to its environment. Two methods are used: the first, SWOT, constitutes a structured diagnostic framework and a universal decision-support tool. The second, the causality analysis, according to the Parmenides EIDOS tool, makes it possible to obtain a hierarchy of relations in the sector based on the opinions of the intervening actors. The data used come from the bibliographic summary of a series of studies and the results of a survey carried out in 2017 in the field. The results obtained show that the internal factors are linked to the characteristics of the farms, to the production systems, and to the surrounding conditions of the value chain. External factors are linked to the dynamics of national and global markets. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Quelle stratégie pour renforcer la compétitivité des PME agroalimentaires françaises ?
Quelle stratégie pour renforcer la compétitivité des PME agroalimentaires françaises ? [Article] / J.-L. Rastoin, animateur ; J. Pasquier ; C. Vermot-Desroches ; J.-M. Callois . - 2021 . - p. 63-66.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Comptes rendus de l'Académie d'agriculture de France > vol. 106, n. 1 (Février 2021) . - p. 63-66Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOMPETITIVITE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PME ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; DURABILITE ; FRANCE Résumé : La compétitivité est la capacité pour une entreprise, un pays ou un territoire à maintenir et développer sa part de marché pour un produit donné. Pour cela, différentes stratégies sont possibles. Classiquement, depuis les travaux de Michael Porter de luniversité Harvard dans les années 1990, on distingue 3 « figures stratégiques » : les stratégies basées sur la maitrise des coûts et donc des prix, les stratégies basées sur les ressources spécifiques ou « hors-coûts », et enfin les stratégies de voie médiane qui telles lâne de Buridan confronté à un choix conduisent à un « enlisement ». Sur le marché international, la part de marché pour les produits agricoles et agroalimentaires situe la France en 6e position mondiale en 2017 alors quelle était au 4e rang, il y a 10 ans, avec un déclin de cette part de marché de 5,9 % à 4,2 % (72 milliards USD en 2017). Durant cette période, les exportations françaises ont augmenté de 10 % (+ 6 milliards USD), alors que le top 10 a progressé de 55 %. Notre pays a donc bien subi une perte de compétitivité sur le marché mondial des produits agricoles et agroalimentaires. Pire, dans le même temps, les importations de ces produits se sont envolées à 68 milliards USD en 2017 (+ 21 % par rapport à 2007), amenuisant le précieux excédent de la balance commerciale qui est divisé par 2 en 10 ans : 10 milliards USD en 2007, 5 milliards en 2017 (estimations sur données OMC). Cette perte de compétitivité, en dépit daides publiques massives (principalement pour lagriculture), a été pointée par la Cour des comptes dans une lettre au Premier ministre en date du 5 mars 2019, tandis quun rapport du Sénat (n° 528 du 28 mai 2019) confirme la chute des exportations agricoles et agroalimentaires et la montée des importations, tout en soulignant le potentiel de ces secteurs. Les organisations professionnelles déplorent également un problème de compétitivité. Cependant, tous ne saccordent pas sur les causes de cette situation et le type de stratégie à mettre en uvre pour renouer avec de bonnes performances tant sur le marché intérieur que sur celui de lUnion européenne et des pays tiers. Lobjectif de la séance est dès lors de porter un diagnostic sur la question de la compétitivité des PME agroalimentaires qui forme un tissu industriel encore dense en France et de suggérer des orientations stratégiques pertinentes pour ce secteur essentiel pour les territoires ruraux. Note de contenu : Webinaire organisé par Jean-Louis Rastoin (6 mai 2020) Quels leviers pour renforcer la compétitivité de lagroalimentaire français ? par Jacques PASQUIER. Un exemple de stratégie de différenciation performante, par Claude VERMOT-DESROCHES. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : (Re)commoning food and food systems. The contribution of social innovation from solidarity economy
(Re)commoning food and food systems. The contribution of social innovation from solidarity economy [Article] / A. Rossi ; M. Coscarello ; D. Biolghini . - 2021 . - p. 1-30.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 11, n. 6 (June 2021) . - p. 1-30Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; INNOVATION SOCIALE ; ECONOMIE SOCIALE ; ALIMENTATION HUMAINE ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; VALEUR SOCIALE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA COMMUNAUTE ; POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE ; BIEN COMMUN ; INITIATIVE ; ITALIE Résumé : The need for a transition to sustainable food systems is widely recognised. Over the last three decades, movements have been demanding and proposing a radical transformation, foregrounding the social values of food. Experiences inspired by solidarity economy have given rise to highly innovative pathways, grounded on the redefinition of the food-related values and practices and the reconstruction of local, community-based food systems by referring to social and ecological sustainability. One can usefully draw from these experiences for identifying challenges, opportunities and benefits and for analysing the most effective modes of action leading to the creation of alternatives. Capturing and supporting this innovation is particularly important when looking at the opportunities offered by local food policies. This significantly involves the meanings, goals and forms that food governance takes on. The paper aims at investigating these aspects, reading the initiatives inspired by SE principles as an example of social innovation. Their engagement in re-signifying food in terms of commons and in commoning food systems constitutes a complementary key of analysis. Focusing on the Italian context, the paper draws on many years of qualitative research and direct involvement in these initiatives. The analysis provides useful insights about the potential for change existing in society and invites us to develop reflexivity on how local food policies capture the opportunity for a re-politicisation of food-related issues. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Reducing food waste in the retail supply chains by improving efficiency of logistics operations
Reducing food waste in the retail supply chains by improving efficiency of logistics operations [Article] / S. Nikolicic ; M. Kilibarda ; M. Maslaric ; D. Mircetic ; S. Bojic . - 2021 . - p. 1-24.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 12 (June 2021) . - p. 1-24Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMGASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; DECHET ALIMENTAIRE ; TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; MODELE DE SIMULATION ; BALKANS Résumé : One of the basic problems of sustainability in modern society is the reduction of waste, particularly when it comes to food. Food waste has negative impacts on different dimensions of sustainability: social (hunger), economic (resource costs), and environmental (resource consumption and waste generation). This paper focuses on waste reduction through improving the inventory management system in the dairy distribution chain by the application of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). The approach is tested and verified in a case study by application of simulation modelling. Two inventory management models are created, and their impact on waste in the distribution part of the supply chain is examined. Model 1 represents the current dairy inventory management system in the supply of retail stores. Model 2 is based on a higher level of information connectivity between participants (RFID product labelling and the appropriate level of information technology), enabling automatic product ordering and changes in inventory management policy. The obtained results confirm that coordinated inventory management, supported by the application of modern ICT, can significantly contribute to the improvement of the sustainability of the food supply chain, and provide an exact quantification of the given contribution in the case of the dairy industry. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Les réformes de la filière lait en Algerie : bilan et perspectives
Les réformes de la filière lait en Algerie : bilan et perspectives [Article] / K. Bellil ; M. Boukrif . - 2021 . - p. 129-157.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Arabe (ara)in Cahiers du CREAD (Les) > vol. 37, n. 2 (Juin 2021) . - p. 129-157Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMLAIT ; IMPORTATION ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; COORDINATION ; ORGANISATION ; FILIERE ; ALGERIE Résumé : Les politiques laitières coûteuses- adoptées en Algérie ont montré leur échec si lon note limportance de limportation dans le schéma organisationnel de la filière. Ainsi, nest-il pas étonnant de constater le maintien de ces mêmes politiques malgré leur inefficacité ? Le présent article propose une analyse de la stratégie retenue pour le développent de la filière lait en Algérie et ses impacts dans la durée. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Régulation du secteur laitier en Algérie entre sécurité alimentaire et développement d'une production locale : synthèse [Article] / F. Mamine ; M. Fares ; G. Duteurtre ; T. Madani . - 2021 . - p. 73-81.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Revue délevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux > vol. 74, n. 2 (Juin 2021) . - p. 73-81
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; LAIT ; LAIT DESHYDRATE ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; IMPORTATION ; DEVELOPPEMENT AGRICOLE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; AUTOSUFFISANCE ; ALGERIE Résumé : La sécurité alimentaire est au cur des débats actuels concernant les politiques de développement agricole. Il sagit notamment darbitrer entre le soutien à la production locale et louverture au commerce international pour répondre à lessor rapide de la demande. Cette question se pose de manière originale dans le secteur laitier algérien, où lintervention de lÉtat concerne lensemble des maillons de la filière de la production à la consommation. Or, en dépit de ces mesures particulièrement coûteuses, la progression de la collecte de lait local reste limitée. LÉtat intervient aussi par des mécanismes de prix administrés et de quotas, qui favorisent limportation de la poudre de lait afin dassurer loffre de produits laitiers à bas prix. Ce compromis aboutit au maintien de la dépendance du pays vis-à-vis des marchés internationaux, et questionne sa capacité à élaborer une véritable stratégie de souveraineté alimentaire. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Regulatory elements on the circular economy: driving into the agri-food system
Regulatory elements on the circular economy: driving into the agri-food system [Article] / C. Zarbà ; G. Chinnici ; G. La Via ; S. Bracco ; B. Pecorino ; M. D'Amico . - 2021 . - p. 1-22.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 15 (August 2021) . - p. 1-22Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; TRANSITION AGROECOLOGIQUE ; REGLEMENTATION ; GESTION DES DECHETS ; COVID-19 ; SOUS PRODUIT D'HUILERIE ; UNION EUROPEENNE ; ITALIE Résumé : In the transition from linear production systems, unsustainable from the point of view of resources, to a model that finds strength in environmental, social and economic sustainability, the circular economy paradigm is the foundation that facilitates the planetary agro-ecological transition. The European Union has taken a number of steps (including the Circular Economy Package of Directives) shaping circularity as a wide-ranging driver measure involving many sectors. The paper intends to provide a regulatory framework on the current general situation regarding circularity in European Union, in order to extrapolate and give evidence to the aspects that intersect the agri-food sector. This is not only because they are poorly addressed in the literature, but also because there is a lack of regulatory instruments on the circular economy specifically addressing this area of interest. For this purpose, the analysis focuses on waste and residue/scrap management issues, recognized by law as by-products and end-of-waste status, as they are covered by circular economy legislation and as they can be applied to the agri-food sector. The latter allow the implementation of circularity strategies in the agri-food sector and, given the numerousness of production chains and the peculiarities of each of them, various regeneration and/or reuse processes of specific resources may be depicted. The intent is to provide useful knowledge on how to implement sustainable waste management, also proposing a concrete case on a by-product of olive oil processing, through which it is possible to highlight how the correct application of regulations favors the adoption of circular economic and management models in the firms involved, as well as informing the relevant economic operators on the possible profiles of legal liability that may arise from insufficient knowledge. Furthermore, this paper delves into the European Green Deals Strategy as it enriches the circular economy paradigm with new facets. NextGenerationEU and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan financially support this strategy in the aftermath of the socioeconomic crisis from COVID-19 in the EU Member States. This is in order to achieve the objective of achieving the agro-ecological transition. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Resilience of French organic dairy cattle farms and supply chains to the Covid-19 pandemic
Resilience of French organic dairy cattle farms and supply chains to the Covid-19 pandemic [Article] / A. Perrin ; G. Martin . - 2021 . - p. 1-10.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural systems > vol. 190 (May 2021) . - p. 1-10Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMSYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; BOVIN LAITIER ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; RESILIENCE ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; AGROECOLOGIE ; COVID-19 ; FRANCE Résumé : Context : Identifying and developing resilient farming and food systems has emerged as a top priority during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many academics suggest that farming and food systems should move towards agroecological models to achieve better resilience. However, there was limited evidence to support this statement during the Covid-19 pandemic. Objective : Our objectives were to report evidence for the resilience of French organic dairy cattle farms and supply chains to the Covid-19 pandemic and to discuss the features of those farms and supply chains that promoted resilience. Methods : We combined online surveys with farmers, semi-structured interviews with supply chain actors and a review of the gray and technical literature, and whenever possible, we compared this qualitative data against quantitative industry data. We also asked farmers to rank 19 pre-identified risks according to their likelihood and potential impacts. Results and conclusions : We showed the pandemic had zero to moderate impacts on most farms. Among respondents, 38 farmers reported no impacts, another 43 experienced minor impacts on aspects such as their income and workload while only 5 faced major impacts, such as the closure of sales outlets. Most farms were family farms and were not greatly affected by worker availability issues. Moreover, the vast majority of these farms were nearly autonomous for livestock feeding and none reported input supply shortages or related impacts on farm functioning and productivity. The pandemic had moderate impacts on supply chains. Despite staff reductions, supply chains continued producing sufficient amounts of dairy products to meet consumer demand. To do so, they narrowed the scope of products manufactured to concentrate on a basic mix: milk, cream, butter and plain yogurt. Logistics were also adapted by hiring retired drivers to keep up with milk collection and reorganizing the delivery of products by shunting usual sub-level platforms that were saturated. Consequently, even after this pandemic, farmers remained more concerned with climate change-related risks on their farms than by sanitary risks. Several resilience factors were identified that promoted buffer and adaptive capacity at the farm level and that favored adaptive capacity at the supply chain level. Significance : These findings confirm the relevance of agroecological models in achieving resilience in farming and food systems against shocks such as the Covid-19 pandemic. This preliminary work carried out at the end of the first lock-down period needs to be pursued in order to understand the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic over longer time horizons. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Saisonnalité de la production laitière bovine et implications pour le renforcement de la collecte industrielle dans la wilaya de Skikda (Algérie) [Article] / K. Zalani ; G. Duteurtre ; M.T. Benyoucef . - 2021 . - p. 83-92.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Revue délevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux > vol. 74, n. 2 (Juin 2021) . - p. 83-92
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMBOVIN LAITIER ; LAIT CRU ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; VARIATION SAISONNIERE ; COLLECTE DU LAIT ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; LAITERIE ; ALGERIE ; SKIKDA Résumé : Une étude sur la filière laitière dans la wilaya de Skikda (Algérie) a permis danalyser la saisonnalité de la production laitière chez 157 exploitations bovines et les implications relatives à la collecte de lait par lindustrie. Les enquêtes ont porté sur les deux systèmes de production (avec terre et hors-sol) en 2016 et 2017 pour évaluer limportance des contributions des systèmes dexploitation dans lapprovisionnement des laiteries. Une première analyse en composantes principales a mis en évidence quatre profils de livraison. Une deuxième analyse effectuée sur les vêlages observés dans les troupeaux des exploitations montre une certaine concordance entre la saisonnalité des livraisons de lait et la répartition des vêlages des troupeaux. Létude a aussi abordé les notions de territoires et de distances parcourues pour les livraisons du lait aux laiteries. Certaines exploitations livraient leur lait à deux laiteries implantées à Skikda qui avaient aussi recours à un approvisionnement en poudre de lait à des prix subventionnés. Dautres livraient leur lait à des centres de collecte de lait implantés dans le bassin laitier et appartenant à deux laiteries industrielles localisées à plus de 250 kilomètres en moyenne dans la wilaya de Bejaia. Ces dernières sapprovisionnaient aussi en poudre de lait mais aux prix libres sur le marché. Elles mettaient en oeuvre des dispositifs dappui aux éleveurs qui permettaient de diversifier leur approvisionnement afin de lisser les quantités collectées et de compenser la saisonnalité individuelle des fermes. Des dispositifs de concertations pourraient permettre à ces industriels daccompagner les éleveurs dans des stratégies plus explicites de dé-saisonnement de la production. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Social impact and sustainability in short food supply chains: an experimental assessment tool
Social impact and sustainability in short food supply chains: an experimental assessment tool [Article] / L. Corvo ; L. Pastore ; A. Antonelli ; D. Petruzzella . - 2021 . - p. 175-189.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 3 (September 2021) . - p. 175-189Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCIRCUIT COURT ; INNOVATION SOCIALE ; IMPACT SOCIAL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; RELATION PRODUCTEUR CONSOMMATEUR ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; EVALUATION ; EUROPE Résumé : In recent years, as global food chains have expanded, a wide range of terms has been used in the academic, political, technical or social debate to illustrate innovative re-organisation of food supply chains aiming at re-connecting producers and consumers and re-localising agricultural and food production. These include short supply chains, alternative food networks, local farming systems and direct sales. This paper presents a research carried out during the SMARTCHAIN project (Horizon project within the research line Innovative agro-food chains: unlocking the potential for competitiveness and sustainability). The research aims at identifying an assessment model for grasping the level of social innovation in Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) taking into consideration the social and sustainability indicators. A specific tool, the Social Innovation Assessment Template (SIAT) was created for this purpose. The SIAT investigates five dimensions of SFSC: economic, environmental, socio-cultural, governance and influence (positive impact on other sectors & stakeholders) dimensions. The assessment has been tested in 9 European countries and 16th case studies. The findings show both managerial implications for the SFSC and policy implications for strengthening the SFSC ecosystem. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Social innovation in olive oil cooperatives: a case study in southern Spain
Social innovation in olive oil cooperatives: a case study in southern Spain [Article] / J.A. Parrilla-González ; D. Ortega-Alonso . - 2021 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 7 (April 2021) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMINNOVATION SOCIALE ; COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE ; ACTIVITE COOPERATIVE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; DEVELOPPEMENT TERRITORIAL ; COMMERCIALISATION ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; APPROCHE PARTICIPATIVE ; TRANSFERT DE CONNAISSANCES ; ESPAGNE ; ANDALUCIA Résumé : Recent years have witnessed a notable increase in the implementation of social innovation strategies for creating products with major social impact. Despite the lack of conceptual clarity still surrounding the term, social innovation, as a participatory research method, is finding scope for growth in agricultural cooperatives, whether in the areas of R&D and knowledge transfer, or in the commercialization of innovative products. Society has underscored the need for change in the environment and the implementation of new projects that help improve socioeconomic living conditions, promoting territorial development through social transformation. In the case of cooperativism in the olive oil industry in southern Spain, cooperatives are responsible for 70% of the oil produced there. As such, the actions carried out under their influence have a huge impact on the population and serve as tools that anchor people to their municipalities. This article analyses a case study from an olive oil cooperative, exploring the development of a social innovation project involving knowledge transfer and public awareness-raising through the label of an early harvest olive oil called Primer Día de Cosecha (First Day of Harvest). It also assesses the impact of the project on the population of the Andalusian municipality of Bailén (Jaén). Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the industrial cultural heritage in Montilla-Moriles (PDO). Characterisation of historic wineries [Article] / A. Merino-Aranda ; I.L. Castillejo-Gonzalez ; A. Velo-Gala ; F.P. Montes-Tubio ; F.-J. Mesas-Carrascosa ; P. Trivino-Tarradas . - 2021 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 11 (June 2021) . - p. 1-17
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMDEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE PROTEGEE ; PATRIMOINE CULTUREL ; COOPERATIVE VITIVINICOLE ; VIGNOBLE ; VITICULTURE ; VIN ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Industrial heritage is linked to the cultural processes that human society sets through the traces from the past. The conservation and dissemination of this industrialcultural heritage are crucial for sustainable urban development, and positively influences the transition to resilient and sustainable cities. The wine industry around Montilla has suffered as a result of a sharp reduction of the vineyard area in the last 25 years. Wineries, as one of the historic typologies of wine-making facilities in the Montilla-Moriles Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), as well as their materials and construction techniques, are a reference in the agricultural landscape of Montilla. Many historic wineries are the result of the abandonment and cessation of the wine industry. These buildings are linked to the agrarian activity in this area, mostly wine-making, although in some cases, they coexist with similar production processes, such as milling the fruit of the olive grove. This research characterises and analyses four historic wineries in the Montilla-Moriles PDO, which represent an example of architecture in the wine-making transformation during the 19th20th centuries. This manuscript contributes to the attainment of some objectives set in one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), protecting and disseminating the industrial cultural heritage in Montilla-Moriles. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Study and analysis of the implementation of 4.0 technologies in the agri-food supply chain: a state of the art [Article] / P. Morella ; M.P. Lambán ; J. Royo ; J.C. Sánchez . - 2021 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agronomy > vol. 11, n. 12 (December 2021) . - p. 1-19
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; PERFORMANCE Résumé : Industry 4.0 is changing the industrial environment. Particularly, the emerging Industry 4.0 technologies can improve the agri-food supply chain throughout all its stages. This study aims to highlight the benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 in the agri-food supply chain. First, it presents how technologies enhance the agri-food supply chain development. Then, it identifies and highlights the most common challenges that Industry 4.0 implementation faces in agri-foods environment. After that, it proposes key performance indicators to measure the advantages of this implementation. To achieve this, a systematic literature review was conducted. It combined conceptual and bibliometric analyses of 78 papers. As a result, the most suitable technologies were identified, e.g., Internet of Things, Big Data, blockchain and cyber physical systems. The most used indicators are proposed and the challenges of implementation were detected and classified in three groups, i.e., technical, educational and governmental. This paper highlights and exemplifies the benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 facing the lack of knowledge that exists nowadays. Moreover, it fulfils the gaps in literature, i.e., the lack of information about the implementation of technologies 4.0 or the description of the most relevant indicators for Industry 4.0 implementation. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainability and natural wines: an exploratory analysis on consumers
Sustainability and natural wines: an exploratory analysis on consumers [Article] / S. Fabbrizzi ; V. Alampi Sottini ; M. Cipollaro ; S. Menghini . - 2021 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 14 (July 2021) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DU VIN ; VIN ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PRODUIT DU TERROIR ; DURABILITE ; AGRICULTURE ALTERNATIVE ; REPRESENTATION SOCIALE ; ITALIE Résumé : Wine production and consumption in Italy have a long tradition strongly linked to conventional products. Because of these market dynamics, the Italian wine industry has strongly increased the production of organic wines, as well as that of biodynamic and natural wines. Based on a qualitative survey of 210 wine consumers, this study explores the motivations which move the interests of consumers for the consumption of natural wine. The aim of the study is to verify if and how sustainability inspires demand. Considering the scarcity of studies on natural wines this research aims to provide a cognitive framework capable of giving a social representation of natural wine from the consumers side, although not reaching a generalizable result. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, and performance in the spanish wine sector
Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, and performance in the spanish wine sector [Article] / R.M. Munoz ; M. Del Valle Fernandez ; Y. Salinero . - 2021 . - p. 1-9.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 1 (January 2021) . - p. 1-9Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMRESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; PERFORMANCE ; VITICULTURE ; GESTION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ASPECT SOCIAL ; ESPAGNE Résumé : This paper analyzes the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a sample of wineries in Spain and its effect on the companies performance. We used a questionnaire created with a validated scale that includes environmental and social dimensions. The final sample was made up of 127 firms that participated in the National Wine Fair (FENAVIN) in 2019, and this was analyzed using a cluster analysis and means contrast to verify whether a CSR-performance relationship exists. The performance was measured using the average return on assets (ROA) for the prior three years. The results obtained do not support the general opinion that enterprises involved with CSR achieve better results. On the contrary, we found that wineries that are more environmentally responsible are the least profitable and that those with more socially responsible behavior do not have a significant CSR-performance relationship. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainability goals and firm behaviours: a multi-criteria approach on Italian agro-food sector
Sustainability goals and firm behaviours: a multi-criteria approach on Italian agro-food sector [Article] / L. Briamonte ; R. Pergamo ; B. Arru ; R. Furesi ; P. Pulina ; F.A. Madau . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 10 (May 2021) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; FAO ; PME ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE ; ITALIE Résumé : Today, the transition to a more sustainable model of the agro-food system is increasingly impellent, requiring all actors commitment. In particular, small and medium agro-food business (SMABs) play a decisive and central role in the food and economies of national and underdeveloped areas. Our study aims to identify, through desk research, the level of commitment and communication to the sustainability of SMABs operating in southern Italy. In this study, we followed the Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) approach to implementing such a transition, using their principles as a diagnostic tool to interpret business operations. The data were analysed using two approaches: a regime analysis to assess which FAO principles are commonly followed to make the above transition possible, and an extension of the Abraham and Pingali (2020) framework to describe the commitment of SMABs to the Agenda 2030 goals with respect to the behaviour of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). We found that the SMABs behaviours are more oriented towards some FAO principles: those that explain their commitment to improving natural resources and livelihoods, fostering inclusive economic growth, and achieving sustainable development goal 7 of Agenda 2030 than towards others. The contribution of our study lies in providing detailed insights into sustainable actions taken by SMABs while testing the FAOs principles as a new model to evaluate business operations. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainability of the olive oil system
Sustainability of the olive oil system [Article] / C. Alamprese ; F. Caponio ; E. Chiavaro . - 2021 . - p. 1-4.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Foods > vol. 10, n. 8 (August 2021) . - p. 1-4Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMSYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; DURABILITE ; RESILIENCE ; FILIERE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; ITALIE Résumé : Sustainability is a widely accepted goal across many sectors of our society and, according to new concepts, it includes resilience and adaptive capacity. Resilience is important for a system to guarantee the maintenance of functions and structures, including when subjected to shocks. Adaptability is fundamental to face unpredictability and unforeseen changes. Both aspects must be considered in the sustainable development of the olive oil system, including environmental, economic, and social issues, but also the improvement of the well-established historical tradition by maximizing the process efficiency and the quality of the end product. Therefore, this Special Issue about Sustainability of Olive Oil System intends to give an overview of several aspects related to sustainability of the olive oil processing chain, in order to open minds to new sustainable thinking. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainable configuration of the tunisian olive oil supply chain using a fuzzy TOPSIS-based approach
Sustainable configuration of the tunisian olive oil supply chain using a fuzzy TOPSIS-based approach [Article] / A. Jellali ; W. Hachicha ; A.M. Aljuaid . - 2021 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 2 (January 2021) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; PERFORMANCE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; OLIVE ; TRAITEMENT ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; DURABILITE ; TUNISIE Résumé : Agricultural production of olive oil is a sector with high significance. The olive sector is a very important sector for several countries in the world, in particular, for Tunisia. In addition, the impacts of olive oil production and extraction on economic, environmental, and social issues are considerable. The main objective of this work is to propose a better configuration of the Tunisian olive oil supply chain (OOSC) from a sustainable development (SD) perspective. The proposed approach consists of applying a fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method as a multi-criteria approach. The proposed approach is applied twice. In the first application, the objective is to compare five possible scenarios for the olive agricultural phase. In the second application, the objective is to compare three possible scenarios for the olive oil transformation phase. The major findings of this research include the following: (1) The best scenario for the agricultural phase is the intensified organic system, which is based on biodynamic olive growing. (2) The best scenario for the transformation phase (oil extraction) is the continuous two-phase extraction system. Consequently, the efficient way for the by-products processing phase is the use of wet pomace for the preparation of biodynamic compost. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainable futures of agro-food? Izmir's sustainable agro-food transitions in the making
Sustainable futures of agro-food? Izmir's sustainable agro-food transitions in the making [Article] / G. Özatagan ; E. Karakaya Ayalp . - 2021 . - p. 283-295.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions > vol. 40 (September 2021) . - p. 283-295Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; ECONOMIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; TURQUIE Résumé : The city of Izmir-Turkey has recently attracted interest for a range of actions regarding agro-food and been perceived as a pioneer in providing alternatives to the practices of the incumbent agro-food regime. This paper builds on the multi-level perspective as a heuristic device to place these actions within discussions of sustainable agro-food transitions. Findings suggest that what could be considered as individual and isolated practices that diverge from agro-food regime may be viewed as sustainable niche alternatives from a transition perspective and hailed for sowing the seeds of an urban sustainability transition in the making. It is also demonstrated that making urban sustainability transitions in stabilized regimes such as agro-food, is as predicated on contestation and struggle as it is on policy devolution to localities, suggesting that sustainable agro-food transitions cannot be studied in isolation from the domain of urban policy and without incorporating adversarial struggle into the analysis. This paper comprises five sections. The introduction is followed by a conceptual section, outlining some of the key insights provided by the MLP and its application in an analysis of sustainability transitions. Following a description of the methodology employed, the focus turns to Izmir in the fourth section, offering empirical evidence that sustainable agro-food transitions are in the making in the city, which it does by addressing the generic pressures surrounding the agro-food regime and outlining the emerging local government-driven and bottom-up responses to these pressures that diverge from and run parallel to the prevailing agro-food regime. Finally, the paper reflects on the implications of the findings for the role of cities in terms of their contribution to the struggle for a sustainable future for agro-food. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainable tourism, economic growth and employment The case of the wine routes of Spain
Sustainable tourism, economic growth and employment The case of the wine routes of Spain [Article] / G. Vazquez Vicente ; V.M. Barroso ; F.J. Blanco Jiménez . - 2021 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 13 (July 2021) . - p. 1-17Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; CROISSANCE ECONOMIQUE ; DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL ; EVALUATION DE L'IMPACT ; EMPLOI ; TOURISME VITIVINICOLE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ZONE RURALE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Tourism has become a priority in national and regional development policies and is considered a source of economic growth, particularly in rural areas. Nowadays, wine tourism is an important form of tourism and has become a local development tool for rural areas. Regional tourism development studies based on wine tourism have a long history in several countries such as the US and Australia, but are more recent in Europe. Although Spain is a leading country in the tourism industry, with an enormous wine-growing tradition, the literature examining the economic impact of wine tourism in Spanish economy is scarce. In an attempt to fill this gap, the main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of wine tourism on economic growth and employment in Spain. More specifically, by applying panel data techniques, we study the economic impact of tourism in nine Spanish wine routes in the period from 2008 to 2018. Our results suggest that tourism in these wine routes had a positive effect on economic growth. However, we do not find clear evidence of a positive effect on employment generation. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Technological change in dairy farming with increased price volatility
Technological change in dairy farming with increased price volatility [Article] / F. Frick ; J. Sauer . - 2021 . - p. 564-588.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of agricultural economics > vol. 72, n. 2 (June 2021) . - p. 564-588Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; CHANGEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE ; ELEVAGE ; VOLATILITE DES PRIX ; LAIT ; DIVERSIFICATION ; LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES ; UNION EUROPEENNE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; ALLEMAGNE Résumé : Accompanied by steps towards market liberalisation, dairy farmers in the European Union have been confronted with increased price risk in recent years, which might affect their innovation behaviour. We examine technological change and technical efficiency of specialised dairy farms in West Germany before and during a phase of volatile milk prices. Additionally, we compare the results with mixed dairy farms, which might have an advantage by diffusing price risk through diversification. Our results indicate a slowdown in technological change in specialised as well as in mixed dairy farming coinciding with the start of a volatile market phase. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - The economic and environmental sustainability of extra virgin olive oil supply chains: an analysis based on food miles and value chains [Article] / B. Torquati ; L. Cecchini ; C. Paffarini ; M. Chiorri . - 2021 . - p. 1-28.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economia agro-alimentare > vol. 23, n. 1 (May 2021) . - p. 1-28
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; TRANSPORT ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; DIOXYDE DE CARBONE ; ITALIE ; UMBRIA Résumé : Following the growing trend towards globalisation of the agrifood system over the last few years, a number of scientific publications with different aims and methodological approaches have addressed the issue of the progressive link loss between the place of consumption and production of food. In part, the scientific debate has focused on the various agri-food production commercial outlets, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both the dominant models like mass market retail, as well as emerging models like solidarity purchasing groups The present study can be classified as concerning the sustainability of agri-food supply chains. It compares five different extra virgin olive oil (evoo) supply chains in terms of the distance between the agricultural producer and end consumer, from both an economic perspective (the number of intermediaries) and a geographical one (production and consumption places). The examined aspects are 1) all the supply chain segments in which value is added to what will be the final food product purchased by the consumer, with a focus on trade and the transport cost estimated in relation to food miles; 2) the environmental impact of transport along the entire supply chain up to the distribution of evoo to the final consumer; and 3) the trade-offs between the environmental impact and economic results. The results obtained confirm some existing general evidence in the literature, such as the greater enhancement of agricultural products through short supply chains, and they emphasize as combining the value chain results with the environmental impact based on FMs, no real trade-offs, but rather trends, emerge. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - The rise of corporate environmental responsibility in serbian economy: the case of agri-food industry [Article] / T. Milic . - 2021 . - p. 945-959.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economics of agriculture > vol. 68, n. 4 (December 2021) . - p. 945-959
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; TRAITEMENT ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE ; SERBIE Résumé : The purpose of this paper is to investigate corporate environmental responsibility in the agri-food industry in the Republic of Serbia. Empirical research was conducted on a sample of 112 managers of agri-food organizations operating in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, randomly selected from publicly available databases, using Computer Assisted Web Interview - CAWI technique. Data analysis in this study consisted of descriptive statistics. Univariate analysis was used through individual ranking statistics. Nonparametric Kruskal Wallis and post hoc Mann Whitney U test were used to test the significance of differences. Research results show above average level of corporate environmental responsibility in agri-food business world in the Republic of Serbia, yet, not sufficiently high comparing to Serbian consumers view, leaving room for improvement. Food processing organizations proved to be the most sensitive to corporate environmental responsibility issue followed by food manufacturing organizations, and agri-food supply and distribution chain organizations the least. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Towards energy-efficient small dairy production systems: an environmental and economic assessment
Towards energy-efficient small dairy production systems: an environmental and economic assessment [Article] / D. Egas ; S. Ponsa ; L. Llenas ; J. Colon . - 2021 . - p. 39-51.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainable Production and Consumption > vol. 28 (October 2021) . - p. 39-51Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; CONSOMMATION D'ENERGIE ; LAIT CRU ; FROMAGE ; DURABILITE ; ELEVAGE ; TRAITEMENT ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; EUROPE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Around 64% of the cow raw milk produced in Europe is collected from small dairy systems. However, the available literature focusses on assessing the energy consumption of industrial raw milk production dairy systems and overlook small dairy systems which often include the farming and processing stages within their system boundaries. To cover this gap, this study energetically audited nine small dairy systems located in the north-west of Spain. These facilities perform conventional dairy farming and processing activities. As result, this study presents reliable energy consumption data, Key Performance Indicators and it also suggest custom-made energy efficient improvements to reduce the systems energy consumption, costs and enhance their products environmental performance. To produce pasteurized cow milk, small dairy systems consume 2.1 MJ/kgm which causes emissions of 0.2 kg CO2eq/kgm. While the energy consumed to produce sheep milk cheese (7.4 MJ/kgm) generates emissions of 0.58 kg CO2eq/kgm. Diesel is a thermal energy consumption hot spot at the agricultural stage since it is highly used to power agricultural machinery. At the cow facilities, the diesel usage rate is 0.8 MJ/kg ECM; while the sheep facilities have a usage rate of 2.5 MJ/kgECM. The agricultural and processing equipment consumes most of the electricity (85%) where the lamps and the cold chambers are the main electric equipment consumption hot spots at the processing stage since they respectively demand up to 10% and 30% of the total electricity consumed. To optimize the energy demand due to lighting, the use of LED lamps was highly recommended as a specific and straight forward improvement action for all the facilities. Another improvement is the implementation of energy consumption monitoring/management systems to optimize the equipment's operational time and energy demand such is the case of the cold chambers compressors. These two improvements showed to be profitable for the facilities and both can reduce up 5% of the electricity consumption and thus, reduce its related emissions and costs by a 5% and 6% respectively. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Transitioning towards organic farming: perspectives for the future of the italian organic wine sector [Article] / F. Varia ; D. Macaluso ; I. Agosta ; F. Spatafora ; G.D. Guccione . - 2021 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 5 (March 2021) . - p. 1-15
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMENVIRONNEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; VIN ; VITICULTURE ; PAC ; POLITIQUE PUBLIQUE ; CERTIFICATION ; REGLEMENTATION ; COMPETITIVITE ; ANALYSE DE RESEAU Résumé : In recent years, after the publication of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 on organic production and the labelling of organic products, all stakeholders have been considering threats and opportunities in the development of the organic food and beverage sector. The aim of the study outlined in this paper was to analyse the development prospects of the Italian organic wine sector in light of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) environmental and climate objectives. Specifically, the study focussed on applying a System Dynamics Approach (SDA) and a Network Analysis in order to explain how the most relevant socialeconomic determinants of the national organic wine sector are in all likelihood influencing the hoped-for shift from conventional to organic production. Such conversion appeared to be worth exploring because, despite the increasing global demand for organic wine, the economic effects on the entire system are still somewhat unclear from a dynamic perspective. The results of the study clearly demonstrated that public policies and regulatory actions at the national and European level will continue to be very influential for the future of the national organic wine system. Different development pathways, such as groups of operators and the adoption of the new national certification system for the sustainability of the entire wine supply chain, should be undertaken by Italian small wine operators in order to gain international markets. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : A typological classification for assessing farm sustainability in the Italian bovine dairy sector
A typological classification for assessing farm sustainability in the Italian bovine dairy sector [Article] / M. Masi ; Y. Vecchio ; G. Pauselli ; J. Di Pasquale ; F. Adinolfi . - 2021 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 13, n. 13 (July 2021) . - p. 1-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; CLASSIFICATION ; DURABILITE ; BOVIN LAITIER ; GESTION DE L'EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; POLITIQUE COMMUNAUTAIRE ; ITALIE Résumé : Italy is among the most important countries in Europe for milk production. The new European policies encourage a transition towards sustainability and are leading European dairy farms to follow new trajectories to increase their economic efficiency, reduce their environmental impact, and ensure social sustainability. Few studies have attempted to classify dairy farms by analyzing the relationships between the structural profiles of farms and the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability. This work intends to pursue this aim through an exploratory analysis in the Italian production context. The cluster analysis technique made it possible to identify three types of dairy farms, which were characterized on the basis of indicators that represented the three dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic sustainability) and the emerging structural relationships based on the structural characteristics of the dairy farms. The classification made it possible to describe the state of the art of the Italian dairy sector in terms of sustainability and to understand how different types of farms can respond to the new European trajectories. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Using a methodological approach to model causes of food loss and waste in fruit and vegetable supply chains [Article] / V.S.M. Magalhaes ; L.M.D.F. Ferreira ; C. Silva . - 2021 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 283 (February 2021) . - p. 1-13
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; DECHET ALIMENTAIRE ; PERTE ; LOGISTIQUE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; PORTUGAL Résumé : Food loss and waste occur at all stages of the food supply chain. Since their causes are interconnected and may influence each other, then approaches with holistic supply chain perspectives are useful to map their relationships and guide the selection, design and implementation of the appropriate mitigation strategies. In this paper, 14 causes of food loss and waste in fruit and vegetable supply chains were identified and divided into seven levels of influence, by the Interpretive Structural Modelling methodology, showing that the logistic related causes have a major influence on the others. Furthermore, five root causes were identified by the Matrix Impact of Cross Multiplication Applied to Classification analysis (inadequate transportation systems, inadequate or defective packaging, lack of storage facilities, poor handling and operational performance and lack of coordination and information sharing) and used to discuss the mitigation strategies that should be implemented to reduce food loss and waste. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Using threshold co-integration to estimate asymmetric price transmission in the Turkish milk market
Using threshold co-integration to estimate asymmetric price transmission in the Turkish milk market [Article] / Ö. Bor ; B. Tuncay . - 2021 . - p. 131-142.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 20, n. 1 (March 2021) . - p. 131-142Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; LAIT ; LAIT CRU ; POLITIQUE DES PRIX ; PRIX A LA CONSOMMATION ; PRIX DE MARCHE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; TURQUIE Résumé : We investigate the price dynamics between retail milk price and raw milk price in the Turkish fluid milk market. The study uses monthly fluid milk prices for 14 years between January 2003 and December 2016. We analyze the price adjustment in the fluid milk market through an asymmetric error correction model with threshold co-integration. We find that the transmission between the two prices has been asymmetric in both the long term and short term period. Differences between the farm milk prices and retail milk prices may exist due to marketing costs across the supply chain and pricing policies associated with the market structure. Results of the long-run analysis indicate a significant market power in the fluid milk market. Therefore, in this asymmetric case, the deviations are likely to be the reason for the market power of the processors/retailers and the reason for the oligopolistic market structure in the sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - La valorisation de coproduits des industries agroalimentaires pour une économie circulaire de proximité. Cas de la région du Grand Est [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / N. Benabid . - s.l. : s.n., 2021 . - 68 p.Mémoire Master 2. Economie de l'Environnement, de l'Energie et des Transports. Parcours : Economie du Développement Agricole, de l'Environnement et de l'Alimentation [ECODEVA]. Co-accréditation Faculté d'Economie de lUniversité de Montpellier, Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM. Confidentiel.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; COPRODUIT ; VALORISATION ; FRANCE Résumé : Les coproduits sont générés par les industries agroalimentaires au cours du processus alimentaire de transformation/production de denrées destinées à lalimentation humaine. Leur valorisation sinscrit dans une démarche déconomie circulaire basée sur le recyclage en les intégrant à nouveau dans une chaîne de production. Une étude sur les gisements de coproduits et leur valorisation a été menée en 2017 au niveau national par Réséda. Lintérêt de faire un travail similaire à léchelle territoriale est didentifier les relations de proximité géographique entre les acteurs producteurs et utilisateurs de coproduits, pour voir si la valorisation se fait localement à léchelle du territoire. Lobjectif du présent travail est didentifier les modes de valorisation de coproduits des industries agroalimentaires en région Grand Est, et ensuite dessayer de les articuler avec léconomie de proximité géographique pour évaluer les distances parcourues entre les lieux de production et de valorisation de coproduits. Dans cette étude, une enquête a été menée auprès de plusieurs acteurs par entretien avec des experts et permanents dorganisations pour mieux comprendre les enjeux des filières étudiées. Ce qui constitue le cur de notre étude est une enquête par questionnaire auprès des entreprises agroalimentaires en Grand Est, complétée par des entretiens qualitatifs visant à identifier les modes et les distances de valorisation. Lalimentation animale est la principale voie de valorisation de coproduits générés et présente, à la fois un intérêt nutritionnel pour lélevage, et un intérêt économique pour lentreprise. Dautres valorisations à haute valeur ajoutée ont été identifiées en alimentation humaine et en cosmétique et présentent un intérêt économique supérieur par rapport à la valorisation animale. La majorité des entreprises agroalimentaires enquêtées cherche des solutions de proximité dans lécoulement des coproduits générés, cependant, avec la forte présence de négociants en coproduits pour lalimentation animale en région Grand Est, les flux recensés pourraient être valorisés en dehors du territoire. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 ECODEVA) Université de soutenance : Agro.M (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier) Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Kessari M.-E. Membres du Jury : Costa S.; Berchoux A.; Renaud B.; Kessari M.-E. Permalink : Valorising olive waste and by-products in the Mediterranean region: a socio-economic perspective
Valorising olive waste and by-products in the Mediterranean region: a socio-economic perspective [Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée] / M. Donner ; T. Yatribi ; Y. Erraach ; F. López-i-Gelats ; J. Manuel ; I. Radic ; S. Costa ; F. El Hadad-Gauthier . - 2021 . - 2 p.ARIMNet2 COLIVE projectLangues : Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMOLIVE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; BIOECONOMIE ; GASPILLAGE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; ACTEUR ; VALORISATION ; UTILISATION DES DECHETS ; RECOMMANDATION ; ESPAGNE ; FRANCE ; MAROC ; TUNISIE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Congrès : 8. International conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 2021/06/23-26, Thessaloniki (Grèce) Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Vertical price transmission in Swiss dairy and cheese value chains
Vertical price transmission in Swiss dairy and cheese value chains [Article] / J. Hillen . - 2021 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural and Food Economics > vol. 9 (December 2021) . - p. 1-21Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; FROMAGE ; LAIT ; PRIX ; POLITIQUE DES PRIX ; FORMATION DES PRIX ; SUISSE Résumé : In Switzerland, there are separated value chains for dairy and cheese products, which differ in terms of industry concentration, value chain governance, and product characteristics. We analyze how milk prices are passed on along these different value chains. Using detailed price data on farm gate, wholesale, export, and retail levels, we apply asymmetric vector autoregressive and vector error correction models to study vertical price transmission in Swiss dairy and cheese chains. Contrary to most existing literature, we find almost no long-run price relationships and no significant asymmetries between the different stages and products and discuss the potential reasons. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Viewpoint: the future of work in agri-food
Viewpoint: the future of work in agri-food [Article] / L. Christiaensen ; Z. Rutledge ; J.E. Taylor . - 2021 . - p. 1-12.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Food policy > vol. 99 (February 2021) . - p. 1-12Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; EMPLOI ; TRAVAIL AGRICOLE ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; LOCALISATION DES PRODUCTIONS ; COVID-19 ; CHAINE DE VALEUR Résumé : As countries develop, agriculture's role as domestic employer declines. But the broader agri-food system also expands, and the scope for agriculture-related job creation shifts beyond the farm. Historically, technological revolutions have shaped, and have been shaped by, these dynamics. Today, a digital revolution is taking hold. In this process of structural transformation, societies evolve from having a surplus to a shortage of domestic farm labor, typically met by foreign agricultural wage workers. Yet anti-immigration sentiments are flying high in migrant-destination countries, and agricultural trade may be similarly challenged. Robots in the fields and packing plants offer an alternative to a diminishing labor supply. COVID-19 will reinforce trends of digitization and anti-globalization (including in food trade), while slowing economic growth and structural transformation. In the world?s poorest countries, particularly in Africa, labor productivity in agriculture remains at historically low levels. So, what role can the agri-food system play as a source of employment in the future? This viewpoint elaborates on these trends and reviews several policy options, including inclusive value chain development, better immigration policies, social insurance schemes, and ramp up in agricultural education and extension. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Why considering technological heterogeneity is important for evaluating farm performance?
Why considering technological heterogeneity is important for evaluating farm performance? [Article] / S. Renner ; J. Sauer ; N. El Benni . - 2021 . - p. 415445.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in European review of agricultural economics > vol. 48, n. 2 (March 2021) . - p. 415445Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; EVALUATION ; PERFORMANCE ; PRODUCTIVITE ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; CHANGEMENT TECHNOLOGIQUE ; EFFICACITE ; SUISSE Résumé : A split-panel latent class stochastic frontier model is applied to account for technological heterogeneity among Swiss dairy farms and to assess the potential performance improvements through technology choice and change over 11 years. Three technology classes with substantially different productivity levels are identified considering the unobserved and observed farm characteristics. Technologies seem on average well adapted to local natural production conditions with low potential for efficiency and productivity increases. Few farms changed technology over time and either an intensification or extensification strategy was observed. Policymakers must be aware of the interlinkages between technology choices and the economic situation of farms. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Why consumers drink natural wine? Consumer perception and information about natural wine
Why consumers drink natural wine? Consumer perception and information about natural wine [Article] / R. Vecchio ; E. Parga-Dans ; P. Alonso Gonzalez ; A. Annunziata . - 2021 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural and Food Economics > vol. 9 (December 2021) . - p. 1-16Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; NORME ; STANDARDISATION ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; COMPORTEMENT ALIMENTAIRE ; EDUCATION DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ENQUETE AUPRES DES CONSOMMATEURS ; ESPAGNE ; ITALIE Résumé : Similar to other foods, the concept of natural wine is much debated due to the lack of a clear and regulated definition, leading to a proliferation of heterogeneous norms and standards proposed from different natural wine associations at national levels. The current study explored the aspects which mediate individuals information and perception of natural wine, and the rationale behind natural wine consumption behavior among Italian (n = 501) and Spanish (n = 527) regular wine consumers. The results reveal a quite low self-reported degree of perceived information by Italian respondents and slightly higher levels among Spanish ones. The key drivers of natural wine consumption in both countries are wine consumption frequency, information, and natural product interest. In contrast, higher wine involvement levels decrease natural wine consumption frequency in both Italy and Spain. The findings also show that different perceptions lead to diverse motivations, suggesting the need for more homogeneous standards to mitigate the level of information asymmetry currently on the market. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : n. 376 - Avril 2020 (Bulletin de Végétable : l'écho de la planète fruits et légumes)
est un bulletin de Végétable : l'écho de la planète fruits et légumes n. 376 - Avril 2020 [Revue] / J.-L. Gregorini, dir. . - 2020 . - 64 p.Langues : Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMFRUITS ET LEGUMES ; PRODUIT FRAIS ; TOMATE ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; SUPERMARCHE ; AGRICULTEUR ; COMMERCE AGRICOLE ; EUROPE Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : - Achieving sustainable performance in a data-driven agriculture supply chain: a review for research and applications [Article] / S.S. Kamble ; A. Gunasekaran ; S.A. Gawankar . - 2020 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in International Journal of Production Economics > vol. 219 (January 2020) . - p. 1-16
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUIT AGRICOLE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; MEGADONNEES ; CHAINE DE BLOCS ; ANALYSE DE DONNEES ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE Résumé : The lack of industrialization, inadequacy of the management, information inaccuracy, and inefficient supply chains are the significant issues in an agri-food supply chain. The proposed solutions to overcome these challenges should not only consider the way the food is produced but also take care of societal, environmental and economic concerns. There has been increasing use of emerging technologies in the agriculture supply chains. The internet of things, the blockchain, and big data technologies are potential enablers of sustainable agriculture supply chains. These technologies are driving the agricultural supply chain towards a digital supply chain environment that is data-driven. Realizing the significance of a data-driven sustainable agriculture supply chain we extracted and reviewed 84 academic journals from 2000 to 2017. The primary purpose of the review was to understand the level of analytics used (descriptive, predictive and prescriptive), sustainable agriculture supply chain objectives attained (social, environmental and economic), the supply chain processes from where the data is collected, and the supply chain resources deployed for the same. Based on the results of the review, we propose an application framework for the practitioners involved in the agri-food supply chain that identifies the supply chain visibility and supply chain resources as the main driving force for developing data analytics capability and achieving the sustainable performance. The framework will guide the practitioners to plan their investments to build a robust data-driven agri-food supply chain. Finally, we outline the future research directions and limitations of our study. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Agri-food markets towards sustainable patterns
Agri-food markets towards sustainable patterns [Article] / V. Borsellino ; E. Schimmenti ; H. El Bilali . - 2020 . - p. 1-35.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 6 (March 2020) . - p. 1-35Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; DURABILITE ; COMMERCE ; AGRICULTURE ALTERNATIVE ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES ; MONDIALISATION ; POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE Résumé : In recent decades, the confluence of different global and domestic drivers has led to progressive and unpredictable changes in the functioning and structure of agri-food markets worldwide. Given the unsustainability of the current agri-food production, processing, distribution and consumption patterns, and the inadequate governance of the whole food system, the transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems has become crucial to effectively manage a global agri-food market able in supporting expected population growth and ensuring universal access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for all. Based on a critical review of the existing international literature, the paper seeks to understand the evolutionary paths of sustainability issues within agri-food markets by analyzing their drivers and trends. An extensive analysis was conducted highlighting the development and importance of the body of knowledge on the most important sustainability transition frameworks, focusing mainly on the relationship between markets, trade, food and nutrition security, and other emerging issues within agri-food markets. Finally, the study makes suggestions to extend the research in order to improve basic knowledge and to identify opportunities to design meaningful actions that can shape agri-food markets and foster their transition to sustainability. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Les agriculteurs confrontés à la restructuration de leurs coopératives
Les agriculteurs confrontés à la restructuration de leurs coopératives [Article] / B. Valiorgue . - 2020 . - p. 28-32.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre)in Paysans & Société > n. 383 (Septembre-Octobre 2020) . - p. 28-32Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOOPERATIVE AGRICOLE ; AGRICULTEUR ; RESTRUCTURATION ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; DIVERSIFICATION ; MONDIALISATION ; MARCHE MONDIAL ; GESTION DE L'ENTREPRISE ; FRANCE Résumé : La tendance à la restructuration des groupes coopératifs agricoles crée des situations économiques critiques qu'il faudrait limiter par des plans de sauvegarde agricole. Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : Agroalimentaire. Les défis à relever par linnovation face à la transition alimentaire
Agroalimentaire. Les défis à relever par linnovation face à la transition alimentaire [Article] / D. Majou . - 2020 . - p. 30-32.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Réalités industrielles > n. 2 (Mai 2020) . - p. 30-32Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INNOVATION ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; DISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; MATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE Résumé : Les attentes des consomacteurs évoluent fortement du fait des modifications des modes de vie, de consommation et de distribution, ainsi que des médias et des outils de notation. Les entreprises doivent anticiper ces nouvelles demandes qui sont rapidement introduites sur les marchés. Ainsi, les industries alimentaires, dans les différentes étapes de formulation, transformation et conservation, y compris lemballage, de leurs produits sont confrontées à des défis dinnovation complexes. Pour des raisons de santé, des produits sont reformulés ou créés sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins de populations spécifiques. Les fonctions des emballages doivent senrichir, tout en étant toujours plus sûrs. Entre innovation et tradition, les industries alimentaires doivent sapproprier les bénéfices de la transformation digitale, tant en termes dutilisation de capteurs in situ pour de nouveaux paramètres que de traitement et dinteropérabilité des données acquises pour parfaire la maîtrise des procédés. Avec ces équipements « intelligents », les cobots et les exosquelettes auront un rôle essentiel à jouer afin datténuer la pénibilité des tâches. Ces processus créatifs doivent intégrer, dès lorigine, une démarche décoconception qui soit source dinnovation et de différenciation au travers dune approche positive de lenvironnement. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Analyse de la filière lait et des politiques en Algérie
Analyse de la filière lait et des politiques en Algérie [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / A. Ouldamri . - s.l. : s.n., 2020 . - 73 p.Mémoire Master 2. Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours : Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique [CDV]. CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; POLITIQUE GOUVERNEMENTALE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; ALGERIE Résumé : Notre objectif de recherche est l'analyse de la filière lait en Algérie dans le but de mettre en exergue ses différents segments, en analysant lévolution dans le temps de lamont ainsi que laval de cette dernière. Cette étude nous a permis de faire un état des lieux de la situation de la filière lait en Algérie sur la base de données statistiques recueillies au niveau de différentes institutions (Ministère de lagriculture, Ministère du commerce, etc.) et den déduire limpact de la politique dÉtat sur le développement de la filière. Une étude de cas a été réalisée pour comprendre limpact de la politique dÉtat sur le choix stratégique des entreprises et le positionnement sur le marché. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDV) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : ALG-K43-OUL-2020 Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : Bencharif A.; El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P. Permalink : Attitudes of a sample of consumers towards more sustainable wine packaging alternatives
Attitudes of a sample of consumers towards more sustainable wine packaging alternatives [Article] / C. Ferrara ; V. Zigarelli ; G. De Feo . - 2020 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 271 (October 2020) . - p. 1-11Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; MATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ENQUETE AUPRES DES CONSOMMATEURS ; ITALIE Résumé : Glass is the most commonly used packaging for wine worldwide. However, one of the main causes of environmental impacts of the wine life cycle is the production of glass bottles due to the high incidence of its weight and the consequent huge consumption of energy for its production. Using lighter packaging alternatives (such as bag-in-box, aseptic carton or PET bottles) significantly decreases the environmental impact of the wine life cycle. In Italy, there is widespread scepticism towards wine bottled in alternative packaging. For this reason, this study presents a preliminary survey addressed to a sample of 1000 wine consumers to explore their attitudes and willingness to purchase wine in packaging alternatives that are more sustainable than glass bottles. The results show how most of the respondents (91%) are not willing to consider packaging alternatives for wine and want to buy only wine packaged in glass bottles mainly because they consider alternative packaging not suitable. Despite this, about 62% of them state that they would be willing to re-evaluate the purchase of wine in alternative packaging after being informed that, for most wines, the quality of the wine does not change in alternative packaging and that by using them the wine sustainability could improve. This last sample fraction drinks a little (less than one wine glass a day); their buying choices are affected by neither the main wine features (such as producer company, country of origin and information on label) nor those of the glass bottle (such as weight, colour, and shape). Therefore, this preliminary study has identified and characterized a less traditionalists wine consumer fraction that, therefore, could change their mind regarding the purchasing of wine in alternative packaging. This result shows that these consumers could be favourable towards a greater presence of wine in alternative packaging on the market. This could be a useful hint for wine producers who want to differentiate themselves from competitors by using alternative packaging and gaining interesting market niches. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Blockchain and agricultural supply chains traceability: research trends and future challenges
Blockchain and agricultural supply chains traceability: research trends and future challenges [Article] / G. Mirabelli ; V. Solina . - 2020 . - p. 414-421.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Procedia Manufacturing > vol. 42 (2020) . - p. 414-421Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE GLOBALE DE VALEUR ; PRODUCTION ; PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; TRACABILITE ; CHAINE DE BLOCS ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE Résumé : Blockchain is today one of the most interesting and debated research topics. Blockchain technology was implemented for the first time in the financial sector a few years ago. However, it is currently used in many other areas, such as: healthcare, smart cities, smart contracts, energy markets, government sector. The success of this technology mainly lies in the following properties: reliability, transparency, immutability. In this study, we collect and analyze the main contributions in the literature about the application of blockchain in the agricultural sector, focusing on food traceability issues. Considering the quick growth of this technology and the high number of published documents in recent months, there is a need to catalog the different methodologies, proposed by the various scholars. Our aim is to detect the current research trends and possible future challenges. In the agricultural context, the need for an adequate traceability system is motivated by several bad habits and problems, such as the wide use of pesticides and fertilizers in fruits and vegetables, which are extremely harmful for human health. Moreover, in the last few years, the consumers' attention about the quality of agricultural products has considerably increased. The present study shows that the blockchain technology is still in its early stage. Although there are several proposals in the literature, still a limited number of applications have been put into use in the real context. From the point of view of scientific research, only some countries are investing in this technology: China and United States are among the most active, but Italy is also very involved in this phenomenon. Overall, the blockchain technology appears very promising, but still many efforts are needed to reach the maturation stage. Congrès : International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2019), 2019/11/20-22, Rende (Italie) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - A brave new world: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for transitioning to sustainable supply and production [Article] / J. Sarkis ; M.J. Cohen ; P. Dewick ; P. Schröder . - 2020 . - p. 1-4.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Resources, Conservation and Recycling > vol. 159 (August 2020) . - p. 1-4
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.1 - Toutes industries confonduesThésaurus IAMMCOVID-19 ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; MALADIE DE L'HOMME ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; LOGISTIQUE ; LOCALISATION DES PRODUCTIONS ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; RESILIENCE Mots-clés : PANDEMIE Résumé : As members of the Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production we have as virtually everyone else paid close attention to the COVID-19 pandemic which is one of the most comprehensive and tragic public health crises in a century. As we write this perspective article, the situation is still in its early stages in many regions of the world and is continually evolving. The practice of social distancing has entered daily lifestyles as individuals, governments, communities, industrial firms, and academic institutions come to grips with the challenges of minimizing the loss of human life in the face of an invisible contagion. We have all seen figures on flattening the curve to help spread out the impact on medical facilities. The coronavirus outbreak will diffuse, but behavioral actions are needed to mitigate the number of contractions, illnesses, and deaths. Some of the actions of social distancing include self-quarantining, avoiding large gatherings, working from home where possible, sending students back to their residences, providing online education, reducing travel (especially in confined and mass transportation modes), limiting visits to stores, and many other everyday activities. Many of these adjustments are in contradistinction to normal routines. At a time when we are being prevailed upon to come together and to support one another in society, we must learn to do so from a distance. But the behavior changes are necessary and some of them may provide useful insight for how we can facilitate transformations toward more sustainable supply and production. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - A closed-loop packaging network design model to foster infinitely reusable and recyclable containers in food industry [Article] / R. Accorsi ; G. Baruffaldi ; R. Manzini . - 2020 . - p. 48-61.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainable Production and Consumption > vol. 24 (October 2020) . - p. 48-61
Catégories : Catégories principales10.2 - IAA (en général) ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMMATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; CONTENEUR ; MATIERE PLASTIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CYCLE DE VIE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; ITALIE Résumé : The current public and private policies pursuing environmental sustainability targets mandate incisive management of packaging waste, starting with those sectors that use virgin materials most. Food industries and food supply chains adopt huge volumes of plastic crates, cardboard boxes, and wooden boxes as transport packaging, thereby representing a hotspot and an urgent call for scholars and practitioners to address. Whilst wooden and cardboard boxes are disposable solutions, plastic containers can be employed as infinitely reusable and recyclable packages but require complex logistic systems to manage their life cycle. Optimization techniques can be exploited to aid the design and profitability of such complex packaging networks. This paper falls within the scarce literature on the design of pooling networks for reusable containers in the food industry. It proposes a strategic mixed-integer linear programming model to design a closed-loop system from the perspective of the packaging maker responsible for serving a food supply chain. The container's lifespan, i.e. the number of cycles a package can be reused before recycling, represents a crucial aspect to consider when modeling such networks. Incorporating lifespan constraints within the proposed closed-loop network design model is the main novel contribution we provide to the literature. This model is applied to a real-world instance of an Italian package pooler operating with a consortium of large-scale retailers for the distribution of fruits, vegetables, bakery, and meat products. A multi-scenario what-if analysis showcases how the optimal network evolves according to potential variations in the packaging demand, as well as in the container lifespan, demonstrating how to lead packaging makers to the profitability and the long-term sustainability of the closed-loop network. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Comparative life cycle assessment of alternative systems for wine packaging in Italy
Comparative life cycle assessment of alternative systems for wine packaging in Italy [Article] / C. Ferrara ; G. De Feo . - 2020 . - p. 1-12.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 259 (June 2020) . - p. 1-12Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE DU VIN ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; SYSTEME ALTERNATIF ; MATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; POLLUTION ; POLLUTION DES MERS ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ITALIE Résumé : Due to the great concern about plastic marine pollution, the demand for glass packaging has significantly increased since many people consider it more sustainable than plastic or multilayer packaging. However, evaluating the environmental impacts that occur in all life cycle phases (production, distribution, use and end of life), glass is often the worst packaging alternative. In particular, this study applied the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to compare the environmental performance of the traditional single-use glass bottle for wine with four packaging alternatives (aseptic carton, bag-in-box, refillable glass bottle and multilayer PET bottle) for the Italian market. Primary data about wine packaging systems (weight, size and composition of all components of primary, secondary and tertiary packaging), mode of transport and distribution and disposal scenarios of each packaging system component were provided by the packaging companies, Italian wineries and Italian Packaging Consortia as well as obtained from published literature and technical documents. Life cycle impacts of the wine packaging systems considered were assessed with the ReCiPe 2016 H evaluation method, adopting both midpoint and endpoint approaches. The results obtained highlighted that the most environmentally sound alternative is the bag-in-box, which is slightly better than the aseptic carton. The greater sustainability of bag-in-box and aseptic cartons was essentially due to the composition of the containers, lower packaging weight relative incidence and greater palletizing efficiency. The analysis of alternative scenarios, obtained by the variation of the three sensitive parameters identified (weight of containers, wine distribution distance and packaging disposal scenario), showed that upon decreasing the distribution distance, the environmental performances of refillable glass bottles became comparable to those of aseptic cartons and bag-in-box. These results pointed out that glass bottle reuse in Italy is a convenient alternative only when considering the local market (i.e. for drinks distribution at distances less than 100 km). Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Considering the role of life cycle analysis in holistic food systems research policy and practice
Considering the role of life cycle analysis in holistic food systems research policy and practice [Article] / A. Berardy ; T. Seager ; C. Costello ; C. Wharton . - 2020 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development > vol. 9, n. 4 (June 2020) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE ; RECHERCHE ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; GOUVERNEMENT ; AIDE A LA DECISION Résumé : Researchers use life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of foods, providing useful information to other researchers, policy-makers, consumers, and manufacturers. However, LCA is ill-equipped to account for desirable, often normatively valued, characteristics of food systems, such as redundancy, that could be considered more sustainable from a resilience perspective. LCAs requirement of a functional unit also causes methodological bias favoring efficiency over resilience and other difficult-to-quantify properties. This efficiency bias results in favorable evaluations of conventional production techniques and plant-based foods since they typically have the lowest impacts per unit of output when compared to alternative agriculture systems and animal-based foods. Such research findings may drive policy-makers as well as consumers to prefer the more efficient options, with the possible outcome of diminishing resilience. This research and policy commentary explains why complementary assessment methodologies are necessary for comprehensive sustainability assessments that support researchers, policy-makers, and other relevant stakeholders in decision-making for food systems sustainability. In addition to LCA, researchers examining food systems sustainability issues should consider integrating other frameworks and methods such as life cycle sustainability assessments, sustainable materialism, backcasting and scenario building, and food systems assessments to help generate a holistic understanding of the systems being analyzed. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Consumer preferences and purchasing rationales for wine: a multivariate data analysis
Consumer preferences and purchasing rationales for wine: a multivariate data analysis [Article] / C. Ferreira ; J. Rebelo ; L. Lourenço-Gomes ; E. Correia ; P. Baumert ; C. Plumejeaud . - 2020 . - p. 133-144.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 19, n. 4 (December 2020) . - p. 133-144Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER ; SEGMENTATION DU MARCHE ; COMMERCIALISATION ; VIN FORTIFIE ; CONSOMMATION INTERIEURE ; ENQUETE AUPRES DES CONSOMMATEURS ; ANALYSE MULTIVARIEE ; MARKETING ; PORTUGAL Résumé : The wine market is very heterogeneous and complex, being the knowledge of the behaviour and attitudes of consumers a key tool to design efficient marketing plans, namely in countries that are traditionally wine producers and consumers, such as Portugal. In this country, Port wine is an economic and cultural icon, but, in the last decade, total sales have been decreasing. Despite this trend the domestic consumption has been gaining relevance and therefore a focus to reverse the negative cycle of total sales. The main goal of this paper is to analyse the profile and behaviour of domestic Port wine consumers, identifying homogeneous market segments. For this purpose, an online survey was applied and random sample of 678 Portuguese Port wine consumers was collected. Using multivariate statistical techniques, three profiles of purchasers/consumers emerged: experienced, less experienced and inexperienced consumers. This segmentation shows that Port wine consumers can be grouped according to their involvement with the product, consumption occasion and price they are willing to pay. In addition to the academic contribution of wine market segmentation, the paper provides useful insights to be used in designing marketing plans, both by institutional stakeholders and wineries. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : Consumers preferences for and perception of CSR initiatives in the wine sector
Consumers preferences for and perception of CSR initiatives in the wine sector [Article] / M. Stanco ; M. Lerro . - 2020 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 13 (July 2020) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; CERTIFICATION ; VIN ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; ITALIE Résumé : This study explores consumers preferences for corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives implemented in the wine sector. Moreover, it investigates consumers perception and price premium for four wine certifications related to corporate social responsibility (i.e., SQNPI Sustainable Quality; V.I.V.A. Sustainable Wine; Organic, and EqualitasSustainable Wine). Overall 251 regular Italian wine consumers participated in an online survey. Their preferences for 11 CSR initiatives implemented in the wine sector were assessed through a bestworst scaling analysis. The study findings show that the most important CSR initiatives for consumers are health and food safety, sustainable agricultural practices, and air pollution. By contrast, those least important for consumers are energy consumption, sustainable packaging, and fair trade. Consumers expressed a positive perception in terms of CSR performance for all the certifications investigated, while their price premium was higher for wine with Organic certification. The study offers several implications for wineries. Specifically, it suggests the CSR initiatives that wineries may implement to fully meet consumers preferences. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Consumption of organic meat products in France: an analysis based on panel data (scanner dataset)
Consumption of organic meat products in France: an analysis based on panel data (scanner dataset) [Article] / P. Sans ; C. Boizot-Szantia . - 2020 . - p. 83-99.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 19, n. 1 (March 2020) . - p. 83-99Catégories : Catégories principales08 - ALIMENTATION ; 8.1 - Consommation Alimentaire. Comportement ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMCONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUCTION DE VIANDE ; VIANDE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; ANALYSE DE DONNEES ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; PANEL ; FRANCE Résumé : The consumption of organic meat products has been characterized using the Kantar Worldpanel data col-lected from 2012 to 2014. Based on the price of the total quantity purchased and the amount spent on each purchase, several indicators were calculated and their values compared between organic households (OHs) and nonorganic households (NOHs). OHs were characterized according to sociodemographic and attitudi-nal variables. Finally, a logit model was constructed to determine the likelihood of belonging to the organic household category. Consumption is low in terms of the proportion of households that purchase organic meat (O-ME) and meat products (O-MPs), the average quantity purchased per year and per purchasing household (2 kg and 0.9 kg respectively), and purchasing frequency. These values are below those reported by questionnaire surveys which can be attributed to an attitude-behavior gap. The main organic meat prod-ucts purchased are bovine meat and pork processed products. Moreover, being part of a family with children and living in a big city increase the probability of purchasing O-ME and O-MPs. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Determining factors of innovative performance: case studies in Extremaduran agri-food companies
Determining factors of innovative performance: case studies in Extremaduran agri-food companies [Article] / B. Corchuelo Martinez-Azua ; P.E. Lopez-Salazar ; C. Sama-Berrocal . - 2020 . - p. 1-24.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 21 (November 2020) . - p. 1-24Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINNOVATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; DEVELOPPEMENT REGIONAL ; COMPETITIVITE ; PRODUCTIVITE ; TERRITOIRE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The agri-food industry plays an important role in the manufacturing industry in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain). The main objective of this study is to identify which business factors influence the success of the innovative performance in this regional industry. We proposed a novel theoretical model in which we analyzed the effect of six business variables. Using a multiple-case study, five in-depth interviews were carried out to measure the level of importance that managers gave to each of the variables. The study validated the proposed model in which all the contrasted variables (Management, Strategy, Structure, Culture, Climate, and Market Orientation) had a great weight for the achievement of the innovative performance. The study contributes to the promotion of the capacities and competences of the agri-food companies managers for the development of innovative activities favoring the knowledge, the external visibility, and the competitiveness of the companies. It is also useful for Public Administrations when developing policies to promote and encourage innovation in a sector of vital importance in the rural and regional development of this Spanish region. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Diagnostic de la filière lait en Tunisie : organisation des acteurs
Diagnostic de la filière lait en Tunisie : organisation des acteurs [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / S. Hamzaoui . - s.l. : s.n., 2020 . - 75 p.Mémoire Master 2. Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours : Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique [CDV]. CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; DURABILITE ; ELEVAGE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; TUNISIE Résumé : La production laitière constitue un secteur stratégique pour lagriculture tunisienne. En Tunisie, la filière lait bovin souffre encore dune mauvaise organisation et dune répartition inégale de la valeur ajoutée entre les différents acteurs impliqués. Le présent rapport est consacré à la réalisation dune étude actualisée portant sur la chaîne de valeur laitière qui consiste à réaliser un diagnostic de la chaîne afin de comprendre les stratégies des acteurs et didentifier les contraintes rencontrées au sein du secteur afin dévaluer leur durabilité. Pour argumenter cette démarche, nous avons eu recours à lélaboration dentretiens téléphoniques avec les différents acteurs. Concernant lévaluation de la durabilité, lexploitation laitière se caractérise par une durabilité dont la valeur limitante est donnée par léchelle socio-territoriale. A lintérieur de celle-ci, le levier daction réside dans lamélioration des composantes emploi et service. Cette échelle dépend davantage du mode de vie de léleveur. En outre, la durabilité économique se caractérise par une efficience moyenne qui varie selon le degré dautonomie financière. Les meilleures performances ont été enregistrées pour léchelle agro-écologique puisquelle possède une bonne diversité des cultures annuelles et animale. Le diagnostic de la chaîne de valeur laitière montre des forces et des faiblesses à tous les maillons de la chaîne. La détérioration de la marge bénéficiaire des éleveurs, la désorganisation du maillon du colportage, labsence de paiement à la qualité auprès des centres de collecte, laugmentation des coûts de production des transformateurs, sont autant de faiblesses qui entravent le bon développement de la chaîne de valeur laitière et lamélioration de la qualité du lait. Les opportunités de cette chaîne de valeur sont réelles, surtout au niveau de lamélioration de la qualité du lait, car plusieurs interventions sont suggérées par les principaux intervenants. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDV) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : TUN-K43-HAM-2020 Directeur de Thèse : Prosperi P. Membres du Jury : Bencharif A.; El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P. Permalink : Diagnostic manual for the main pathogens in European seabass and gilthead seabream aquaculture
Diagnostic manual for the main pathogens in European seabass and gilthead seabream aquaculture [Ouvrage] / S. Zrncic, ed. . - Zaragoza [Espagne] : CIHEAM-IAMZ, 2020 . - 172 p.. - (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches, ISSN 1016-1228; 75) .ISBN : 978-2-85352-596-1Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.7 - Produits HalieutiquesThésaurus IAMMAQUACULTURE ; PISCICULTURE ; TECHNIQUE D'AQUACULTURE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; PERFORMANCE ; CONTROLE DE MALADIES ; BIEN ETRE ANIMAL ; BAR ; DANGER POUR LA SANTE ; DORADE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : MedAID (Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development) is a European H2020 Research and Innovation Project that started in 2017. The main objective was to increase the overall competitiveness and sustainability of the whole value chain of the Mediterranean marine aquaculture sector by improving its technical and business performance and by shifting to a sustainable market-oriented approach with a more positive social and consumer perception. In the field of disease control and welfare MedAID aims to provide essential components for a better health and welfare management system for the Mediterranean marine aquaculture industry overall and at company level. One of the gaps addressed by MedAID was the lack of reference methodologies for disease diagnostics for European seabass and Gilthead seabream, the main species produced in Mediterranean marine fish farming. The present Diagnostic Manual was conceived in the form of up-to-date guidelines providing current methodologies for a harmonised approach to the health challenges due to viral and bacterial pathogens in the farming of seabass and seabream. Note de contenu : Introduction 1. Guidelines for on-farm sampling for targeted surveillance to certify disease freedom, diagnosis in case of mortalities and for analysis of mortalities caused by unknown aetiology 2. Packing and shipping of materials for laboratory analysis with guide to shipping biological materials 3. Guidelines for the laboratory receiving the samples 4. Laboratory requirements for viral diseases 5. Laboratory requirements for bacterial diseases 6. Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy/Viral Nervous Necrosis (VER/VNN) 7. Introduction to bacterial diseases 8. Vibrio anguillarum 9. Vibrio harveyi group 10. Photobacterium damsela subsp. piscicida 11. Tenacibaculum group 12. Aeromonas spp. 13. Mycobacterium group 14. Diagnostic procedure in the case of mortality caused by unknown aetiology 15. Interpretation of diagnostic results in aquatic animal health 16. Reporting of results Summary sheet for viral nervous necrosis Summary sheet for vibriosis caused by Vibrio anguillarum Summary sheet for vibriosis caused by Vibrio harveyi Summary sheet for photobacteriosis (ex Pasteurellosis) Summary sheet for Tenacibaculum infections Summary sheet for Aeromonas spp infections Summary sheet for Mycobacterium infections Cote : BM-K44-ZRN-2020 URL / DOI : Permalink : - Do ecolabels cheapen wines? [Article] / K.H. Lim ; M. Reed . - 2020 . - p. 1-10.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 245 (February 2020) . - p. 1-10
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMECOLABEL ; VIN ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE ; VAOC ; PRIX ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PREFERENCE ALIMENTAIRE ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER ; COOPERATIVE VITIVINICOLE Résumé : While some studies find that ecolabels might impose price penalties to wines, several aspects remain unclear; particularly, if the mainstream consumers are, in fact, disliking ecolabeled wines; if there exists a systematic difference between organic and sustainable wines; or if the ecolabels purported negative correlation to prestige is robust. In this study, these questions are investigated with a choice experiment, which estimates the consumption utility of the ecolabels and of the relevant interaction effects. We find that consumers are willing to pay premiums for either organic or sustainable wines; the premium is especially prevalent in the higher percentile of the willingness to pay distributions. Appellations of origin play a role; the willingness to pays for the ecolabels are higher for wines from less-prestigious regions, but it diminishes for wines from higher-prestige regions. No eco-penalty is detected at the mean level, nor do the ecolabels penalize higher-priced wines within the examined price range. However, a small segment of consumer dislikes the ecolabels. Lastly, the preference correlates positively with the perception of quality implied by the ecolabels. We recommend wineries that target mainstream consumers to pursue ecolabels. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Economic efficiency in the tunisian olive oil sector
Economic efficiency in the tunisian olive oil sector [Article] / D. Fernández-Uclés ; S. Elfkih ; A. Mozas Moral ; E. Bernal Jurado ; M.J. Medina-Viruel ; S. Ben Abdallah . - 2020 . - p. 1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 10, n. 9 (September 2020) . - p. 1-13Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; EFFICACITE ; OLEICULTURE ; SITUATION ECONOMIQUE ; TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ; COMMERCIALISATION ; COMPETITIVITE ; COMMERCE ; ANALYSE D'ENVELOPPEMENT DES DONNEES ; TUNISIE Résumé : This study aims to assess the economic efficiency of Tunisian olive oil firms in order to identify the organizational and technological variables that are directly associated with greater efficiency. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and fuzzy sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) method were used to achieve this. We find the managing directors education level and information and communication technologies (ICT) training, the longevity of the company in inverse relationship with efficiency, the companys presence on and use of virtual social networks, and the outsourcing of ICT management in combination have significant explanatory power in the companies that display greater economic efficiency. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Economic situation of dairy farms in identified clusters of European Union countries
Economic situation of dairy farms in identified clusters of European Union countries [Article] / W. Poczta ; J. Sredzinska ; M. Chenczke . - 2020 . - p. 1-22.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agriculture > vol. 10, n. 4 (April 2020) . - p. 1-22Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGRICOLE ; CLASSIFICATION ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; SITUATION ECONOMIQUE ; POSSIBILITE DE PRODUCTION ; RESEAU D'INFORMATION COMPTABLE AGRICOLE ; REVENU AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTIVITE DU TRAVAIL ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : The economic situation of EU dairy farms is unstable and differs strongly between member countries. Most studies addressing the EUs agricultural sector focus on selected countries or selected groups of operators. Conversely, this paper seeks to determine the economic situation of dairy farms in EU countries grouped into types according to their production potential. The analysis relied on data collected and processed in the FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network). The farms were classified based on a hierarchical clustering routine. The agglomerative technique was used. Distances between clusters were calculated using the Wards method. In turn, the distance between countries was calculated as the Euclidean distance. This study enabled the identification of five different types of dairy farms in the EU. On an EU-wide basis, medium and large-sized highly specialized intensive farms play a key role in milk production. Despite their profitability being somehow restricted, they report high levels of labor productivity thanks to an advantageous production potential. In turn, an insufficient potential is among the main restrictions faced by other dairy farms in the EU; their advantageous financial indicators often fail to provide satisfactory levels of income which could drive investment and consumption opportunities Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : L'économie laitière en chiffres : édition 2020
in L'économie laitière en chiffres L'économie laitière en chiffres : édition 2020 [Série] / CNIEL (Paris, France) . - Paris [France] : CNIEL, 2020 . - 194 p.. - (L'Economie Laitière en Chiffres) .Langues : Français (fre)Catégories : Thésaurus IAMMFRANCE ; MONDE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE ; LAIT ; DONNEE STATISTIQUE ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; COLLECTE DU LAIT ; STRUCTURE DE PRODUCTION ; PRIX ALIMENTAIRE ; STOCKAGE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; FILIERE ; CONTINGENT DE PRODUCTION ; UNION EUROPEENNECatégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits Laitiers Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Les enjeux systémiques de la logistique dans la filière céréalière française
Les enjeux systémiques de la logistique dans la filière céréalière française [Article] / J.-M. Bournigal ; N. Ferenczi . - 2020 . - p. 77-82.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Réalités industrielles > n. 2 (Mai 2020) . - p. 77-82Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.6 - Produits issus des CéréalesThésaurus IAMMLOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; FILIERE ; CEREALE ; CEREALICULTURE ; PRODUCTIVITE ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; COMPETITIVITE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; STOCKAGE ; TRANSPORT ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; FRANCE Résumé : Pour la filière céréalière française qui collecte et traite chaque année 64 Mt de grains, la logistique est un facteur-clé de compétitivité. Si son infrastructure et son organisation en termes de collecte, de stockage et de transport routier, fluvial et maritime ont permis à la France dêtre lun des pays les plus performants, les progrès réalisés par ses concurrents et les retards en matière dinvestissements dans certaines infrastructures imposent daccomplir aujourdhui de réels efforts pour optimiser le fonctionnement et les coûts de la chaîne logistique. Les apports du numérique, la segmentation croissante de marchés plus exigeants, lavènement de politiques publiques environnementales plus restrictives et la prise de conscience de limportance de certains nouveaux modes dorganisation collective des acteurs sont autant dopportunités et de leviers pour améliorer la compétitivité de la filière logistique céréalière française. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : EU wine policy in the framework of the CAP: post-2020 challenges
EU wine policy in the framework of the CAP: post-2020 challenges [Article] / E. Pomarici ; R. Sardone . - 2020 . - p. 1-40.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural and Food Economics > vol. 8 (December 2020) . - p. 1-40Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; PAC ; VIN ; UNION EUROPEENNE ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; REFORME DE LA PAC ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE Résumé : The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and with it the EU wine policy, is experiencing a reform process, started in 2018, in order to address ambitious environmental and social objectives, in conjunction with the goal of a competitive agricultural sector. Given the role of the EU in wine supply, the aim of this paper is to present the design, the rationale and the potential effect of the proposed reform with specific reference to wine sector. To better understand the forthcoming process, it is firstly presented how CAP and its wine policy evolved in terms of objectives and tools over time. The EU wine policy is a paradigmatic example of a combination between the horizontal measures, valid for all agricultural sectors, and vertical measures, peculiarly encompassing the whole wine supply chain. The reform proposal confirms, with some interesting modifications, the set of tools already operating in the sector; however, it calls for a planning of the implementation of the available tools for all products in a unitary frame represented by a national CAP Strategic Plan, applying a lean administrative procedure. In the hypothesis that the COVID-19 outbreak will not cause a radical change in the global agri-food system, the proposed planning process should stimulate shared strategies. These are intended to effectively coordinate, according to the principle of complementarity, the implementation of available policy tools, in order to obtain a better use of resources and a more balanced achievement of all policy objectives. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Factors shaping cows milk production in the EU
Factors shaping cows milk production in the EU [Article] / P. Borawski ; A. Pawlewicz ; A. Parzonko ; J.K. Harper ; L. Holden . - 2020 . - p. 1-15.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 1 (January 2020) . - p. 1-15Catégories : Catégories principales10.5 - Produits Laitiers ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMPRODUCTION LAITIERE ; LAIT ; EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; RENDEMENT LAITIER ; CONTINGENT DE PRODUCTION ; UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : The milk market in the European Union (EU) is adjusting rapidly to the removal of dairy quotas. The most important changes include increased milk yield per cow, increased total milk production, decreased number of cows, and the decreased milk consumption. The main aim of the paper is to examine the milk production changes in the EU. We investigated the dynamics of changes in farm milk production during the period from 19982017 in the EU. Moreover, we investigated the impact of the removal of quotas on the production of milk on farms in the EU countries for the period from 20152017. Milk production in the EU increased from 151 million tons in 1998 to 165 million tons in 2017 (a 10% increase). A multi-variate regression model was to test which explanatory variables have an impact on milk production in the EU. The most important factors were a gross domestic product, final household consumption expenditure (current prices, million euro), and population (number). Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - La filière des dattes et valorisation commerciale dans les pays méditerranéens : focus sur le cas de la Tunisie [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / R. Harabi . - s.l. : s.n., 2020 . - 102 p.Mémoire Master 2. Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours : Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique [CDV]. CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; TUNISIE Résumé : La filière des dattes constitue un réel potentiel pour les pays de sud de la méditerranée, en particulier pour les pays du Maghreb en raison de leur proximité avec le marché européen qui pourrait leur servir de portail pour dautres marchés potentiels, tels que celui des États-Unis, du Royaume-Uni et des pays scandinaves. Étant étroitement liée à la phniciculture qui apparaît en amont (maillon de production), la maîtrise de la chaîne de valeur de la datte se repose, tout dabord, sur lorganisation logistique de la production et la bonne coordination entre ses acteurs et les autres acteurs de cette chaîne de valeur. Les pays du Maghreb, qui renferment le tiers du nombre des palmiers dattiers dans le monde, nont pas accordé dimportance à cette filière pourtant prometteuse et susceptible de créer un dynamisme socio-économique dans les zones de production. Actuellement, la Tunisie, lAlgérie et le Maroc viennent de se lancer dans le secteur dattier à travers des initiatives encourageantes dans ce domaine, afin de bien se positionner sur le marché international et dassurer léquilibre de leur balance commerciale. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDV) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : El Hadad-Gauthier F. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Hammoudi A.; Prosperi P. Permalink : La filière lait algérienne face aux conséquences de la Covid-19
La filière lait algérienne face aux conséquences de la Covid-19 [Article] / M. Lazereg ; K. Bellil ; M. Djediane ; Z. Zaidi . - 2020 . - p. 227-250.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Arabe (ara)in Cahiers du CREAD (Les) > vol. 36, n. 3 (Juillet 2020) . - p. 227-250Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPRODUCTION LAITIERE ; LAIT ; PRODUIT LAITIER ; COVID-19 ; POLITIQUE PUBLIQUE ; POLITIQUE DE MARCHE ; SUBVENTION ; VOLATILITE DES PRIX ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; MARCHE MONDIAL ; ALGERIE Résumé : La crise sanitaire du COVID-19 a poussé certains gouvernements à modifier leurs politiques commerciales en matière alimentaire, tendant à restreindre les exportations et à faciliter les importations. Ces mesures restrictives peuvent, quoique les stocks mondiaux soient élevés, faire grimper les prix des denrées alimentaires, nuire aux revenus et exacerber la faim dans le monde. LAlgérie a pris des mesures de constitution des stocks stratégiques qui semblent actuellement satisfaisantes, mais qui risquent daffronter des défis futurs à cause des volatilités de prix sur le marché mondial. Pour la filière lait, nous proposons une réflexion pour réorienter la politique de subventions des prix vers une politique basée sur le ciblage. Cela passera par la création des pôles de production intégrés, la segmentation de soutien selon les tailles dexploitations, et une préférence pour les espèces rustiques selon les étages bioclimatiques. Nous proposons également lorganisation des circuits de commercialisation et la vulgarisation de lorganisation professionnelle afin que les éleveurs aient une force de propositions en cas de crises. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - La filière Vigne et Vin face au changement climatique : enseignements dun forum de prospective pour le Val de Loire [Article] / J.-M. Touzard ; N. Ollat ; P. Aigrain ; B. Bois ; F. Brugière ; E. Duchene ; I. Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri ; J. Gautier ; R. Hammond ; H. Hannin . - 2020 . - p. 83-89.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Norois > n. 255 (Avril 2020) . - p. 83-89
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVITICULTURE ; CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; VIGNE ; VIN ; ADAPTATION ; PRATIQUE AGRICOLE ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; PROSPECTIVE ; APPROCHE PARTICIPATIVE ; FRANCE ; LOIRE Résumé : Larticle rend compte du forum de prospective organisé en 2019 par INRAE et InterLoire pour explorer les futurs possibles des vignobles du Val de Loire face au changement climatique. 90 acteurs de la filière ont exprimé leurs perceptions des conséquences du changement climatique en 2050, opté pour un scénario dadaptation et proposé des leviers daction pour quil se réalise. Les positions et propositions sont analysées et comparées à celles des forums réalisés dans six autres régions viticoles, montrant les spécificités du val de Loire, en particulier sur les liens avec les enjeux denvironnement. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Food governance in Territorial Short Food Supply Chains: different narratives and strategies from Colombia and Spain [Article] / L. Reina-Usuga ; T. De Haro Gimenez ; C. Parra-López . - 2020 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of rural studies > vol. 75 (April 2020) . - p. 1-11
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMGOUVERNANCE TERRITORIALE ; CIRCUIT COURT ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; TERRITOIRE ; SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ; POLITIQUE ALIMENTAIRE ; ESPAGNE ; CORDOBA ; COLOMBIE Résumé : Traditional approaches and debates in Agrifood Governance (AFG) have focused exclusively on the role of market forces and public policies. The emergence of alternative food movements, such as Territorial Short Food Supply Chains (TSFSCs), suggest the need to re-evaluate the role of civil society as a driver of governance mechanisms and a source of innovation and transformation of agrifood systems. This paper analyses the AFG processes that are configured in TSFSCs based on social discourses and coordination mechanisms of agents design. For this, the Q method and an exploratory/descriptive analysis are used, and the cities of Bogotá (Colombia) and Córdoba (Spain) are taken as case studies. Results show five different social discourses around AFG: 1) food activism, 2) development cooperation, 3) market niche, 4) local self-management, and 5) social and ecological awareness. It is also noted that TSFSCs configure a mode of reflexive food governance. Coordination mechanisms of the SFSCs are mainly settled in the social and market sphere, and they are in line with features of governance network. These two governance approaches (reflexive and networked) operate in tandem, with important complementary and synergistic effects that foster food democracy. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Food supply pressure in France and Germany during COVID-19. Causes from manufacturing
Food supply pressure in France and Germany during COVID-19. Causes from manufacturing [Article] / S. Liu . - 2020 . - p. 1-4.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development > vol. 9, n. 4 (June 2020) . - p. 1-4Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOVID-19 ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; MALADIE DE L'HOMME ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE ; STOCK ALIMENTAIRE ; PRODUIT TRANSFORME ; TRANSPORT ; LIVRAISON ; VEHICULE ; PAYS DEVELOPPE ; EUROPE ; FRANCE ; ALLEMAGNE Mots-clés : PANDEMIE Résumé : The food supply has been disrupted by COVID-19. Shopping in supermarkets and grocery stores in the pandemic may not be a pleasant experience, as it can often lead to disappointment and anxiety since a lot of food items are not available or out of stock. The pandemics impact on the food supply has attracted attention from scholars and practitioners alike, and there have been many studies based on evidence from developing countries (e.g., Zurayk, 2020). However, there is still a lack of research based on the experiences of more developed and industrialized economies such as France and Germany. This is an important knowledge gap to be bridged, as people in developed countries tend to consume more food than those in developing countries (Delgado, 2003). Developed countries are also usually in the center of global food supply chains due to their stronger influence in trade... Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Fruit sector strategic management : an exploration of agro-food chain actors perception of market sustainability of apple innovation [Article] / M. Zanetti ; A. Samoggia ; J. Young . - 2020 . - p. 1-28.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 16 (August 2020) . - p. 1-28
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMPOMME ; FRUITS ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; PRODUIT FRAIS ; ALIMENT SANTE POUR HOMME ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INNOVATION ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ITALIE ; NOUVELLE ZELANDE Résumé : The fresh fruit industry is a highly dynamic sector in the food market. Fresh fruit chain actors have to adapt to the changing market environment in order to face upcoming challenges. The objective of this study is to analyze the market sustainability of red-fleshed apples (RFA) by exploring consumers and fresh fruit industry experts and stakeholders opinions in Italy and New Zealand. The study was carried out in Italy and New Zealand from December 2018 to June 2019 including 778 consumers and 29 expert and stakeholder interviews. Results show a promising market potential of RFA. Innovative attributes and nutritional value of RFA are the most important factors that push consumers interest and willingness to buy RFA. New Zealand consumers and women show a higher appreciation of RFA. The nutritional value of the fruit can be a strategic marketing management attribute especially for health-conscious consumers. However, experts think the market for RFA will develop slowly, and will remain a niche product. Some stakeholders are skeptical about consumer RFA appreciation, and fear that RFA are too radical a novelty on the market. The RFA may be perceived as not natural. There is the need to coordinate food chain stakeholders management practices on RFA. This allows to mitigate risks, set food standards acceptable for all chain stakeholders, and make sustainable economic investment on innovation. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Growing olive oil export and intra-industry trade in mediterranean countries : application of Gravity Model [Article] / K. Kashiwagi ; E. Yamna ; L. Arfa ; L. Zaibet . - 2020 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 17 (September 2020) . - p. 1-16
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ; EXPORTATION ; COMMERCE INTRAINDUSTRIE ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; IMPORTATION ; COMPETITIVITE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : While olive oil production is spreading to the non-traditional producer countries, including the US, Australia, and New Zealand, Mediterranean countries are still major producers and exporters. However, little is known about their olive oil exports simultaneously growing in tandem with their large volume of imports. This paper examines the factors that affect olive oil exports and imports in Mediterranean countries. Using balanced panel data of olive oil trade in Mediterranean countries from 1998 to 2016, we estimated the commodity-specific gravity model. Results suggest that an increase in the overall bilateral size of trading partners positively affects the flow of olive oil trade. The difference in factor endowments has a negative impact on exports, whereas its effect is positive on their imports. The members of the European Union (EU) are competitive in olive oil export, and the volume of its import is large among the EU countries whose per capita income and demand properties are similar. These results support Linders hypothesis rather than the predictions from the traditional HeckscherOhlin trade theory. The simultaneous export and import of olive oil in Mediterranean countries implies the relevance of a growing intra-industry trade rather than a countrys specialization following its comparative advantage. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Impact of Industry 4.0 on environmental sustainability
Impact of Industry 4.0 on environmental sustainability [Article] / J. Olah ; N. Aburumman ; J. Popp ; M.A. Khan ; H. Haddad ; N. Kitukutha . - 2020 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 11 (June 2020) . - p. 1-21Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.1 - Toutes industries confonduesThésaurus IAMMPOLITIQUE INDUSTRIELLE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ENVIRONNEMENT ; NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; PROTECTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ENTREPRISE ; LITTERATURE Résumé : Industry 4.0 is a concept that originated from the German industry, and whose essence is the use of technology for efficient production. In business today, the emergence of Industry 4.0 for production, and its related technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems, amongst others, have, however, a negative impact on environmental sustainability as a result of air pollution, the poor discharge of waste, and the intensive use of raw materials, information, and energy. The method used in this study is an analysis of a literature review of manuscripts discussing topics related to Industry 4.0 and environmental sustainability published between 2000 and 2020. There is currently a gap existing between the actual and the desired situation, in that production occurs in a weak sustainability model, and, therefore, this research debates the effects on environmental sustainability and the challenges facing Industry 4.0. Four scenarios are discussed: a deployment scenario, an operation scenario, integration and compliance with sustainable development goals, and a long-run scenario. The results indicate that there is a negative relationship related to the flow of the production process from the inputs to the final product, including raw materials, energy requirements, information, and waste disposal, and their impacts on the environment. However, the integration of Industry 4.0 and the sustainable development goals enhance environmental sustainability to create ecological support that guarantees high environmental performance with a more positive impact than before. This paper will help stakeholders and companies to provide solutions to the existing environmental challenges that can be mediated through adopting new technologies. The novelty of this study is its depiction of Industry 4.0 and its technologies integrated with sustainable development goals to create a sustainable Industry 4.0 combining environmental protection and sustainability. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Implications of green logistics management on sustainable business and supply chain performance: evidence from a survey in the greek agri-food sector [Article] / P. Trivellas ; G. Malindretos ; P. Reklitis . - 2020 . - p. 1-29.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 24 (December 2020) . - p. 1-29
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMDEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; GRECE Résumé : Green agri-food supply chains are increasingly attracting research interest, owing to their potential capacity for resilience against recent crises (e.g., financial, COVID-19) as well as end-consumers concerns on sustainability issues. In this context, this paper aims to explore the relationship between green supply chain management practices and three different performance aspects, namely, supply chain, green (environmental) and business performance, and controlling for environmental dynamism. Field research was conducted through a structured questionnaire contacted to 134 executives of firms in the agri-food sector in Greece. The results reveal that information sharing, logistics networking and transportation are the most powerful factors that impact sustainable, business and supply chain performance. In addition, green packaging is related to financial and social performance aspects. Interestingly, green warehousing and logistics emissions failed to establish any relationship with performance outcomes. The conclusions and recommendations drawn in the present study are expected to provide meaningful guidance for the supply chain decision-making process, as logistics managers are becoming increasingly aware of exploiting all available resources, knowhow and competitive advantages for attaining sustainable performance. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Improving animal health on organic dairy farms: stakeholder views on policy options
Improving animal health on organic dairy farms: stakeholder views on policy options [Article] / M. Krieger ; P.J. Jones ; I. Blanco-Penedo ; J.E. Duval ; U. Emanuelson ; S. Hoischen-Taubner ; K. Sjöström ; A. Sundrum . - 2020 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 7 (April 2020) . - p. 1-17Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMPOLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; BIEN ETRE ANIMAL ; VACHE LAITIERE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; ELEVAGE BIOLOGIQUE ; SANTE ANIMALE ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : Although ensuring good animal health is a stated aim of organic livestock farming and an important reason why consumers purchase organic products, the health states actually achieved are comparable to those in conventional farming. Unfortunately, there have been no studies to date that have assessed stakeholder views on different policy options for improving animal health on organic dairy farms. To address this deficit, stakeholder consultations were conducted in four European countries, involving 39 supply-chain stakeholders (farmers, advisors, veterinarians, inspectors, processors, and retailers). Stakeholders were encouraged to discuss different ways, including policy change, of improving organic health states. Acknowledging the need for further health improvements in organic dairy herds, stakeholders generally favoured establishing outcome-oriented animal health requirements as a way of achieving this. However, as a result of differing priorities for animal health improvement, there was disagreement on questions such as: who should be responsible for assessing animal health status on organic farms; and how to define and implement minimum health requirements. The results of the study suggest that future research must fully explore the opportunities and risks of different policy options and also suggest ways to overcome the divergence of stakeholders interests in public debates. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Inclusive business in agriculture: evidence from the evolution of agricultural value chains
Inclusive business in agriculture: evidence from the evolution of agricultural value chains [Article] / L.A. German ; A.M. Bonanno ; L.C. Foster ; L. Cotula . - 2020 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in World development > vol. 134 (October 2020) . - p. 1-21Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMAGRICULTURE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; ENTREPRISE ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; AGRICULTURE COMMERCIALE ; ZONE RURALE ; INTEGRATION ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INTEGRATION SOCIALE ; DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE Résumé : Sustained interest by the business community in commercial agriculture in the global South has been welcomed for its potential to bring capital into long neglected rural areas, but has also raised concerns over implications for customary land rights and the terms of integration of local land and labor into global supply chains. In global development policy and discourse, the concept of inclusive business has become central in efforts to resolve these tensions, with the idea that integrating smallholders and other disadvantaged actors into partnerships with agribusiness firms can generate benefits for national economies, private investors, and local livelihoods. Scholarly treatment of the topic has tended to be polarized into win/lose narratives, or points to the contingency and social differentiation of localized experiences. This review paper takes a different approach, exploring published evidence on the structural factors shaping agricultural value chains and their implications for social inclusion. We develop a typology of seven agricultural value chains, and use this to select a sample of crops in specific world regions for an analysis of how structural factors in value chain relations - from crop features, to market dynamics and policy drivers affect social inclusion (and exclusion). Such an approach allows us to ask whether inclusive agribusiness is a realistic goal given the broader structuring of agribusiness and the global economic system. Our study finds that while the characteristics of specific crops and supply chains exert a strong influence on opportunities and constraints to inclusion, the overall trend is towards more exclusive agribusiness as governments scale back support to smallholders, more stringent standards raise barriers to entry, and firms streamline operations to enhance competitiveness. This raises questions about the feasibility of this goal under the current political economic system. Findings point to the need to re-consider the policy choices behind these trends, and how we deploy the fiscal, legislative, and gate-keeper functions of the state to shape agrarian trajectories. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Indicators for circular economy in the agri-food sector
Indicators for circular economy in the agri-food sector [Article] / J.A. Aznar-Sánchez ; J.M.F. Mendoza ; C. Ingrao ; S. Failla ; A. Bezama ; T. Nemecek ; A. Gallego-Schmid . - 2020 . - p. 1-2.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Resources, Conservation and Recycling > vol. 163 (December 2020) . - p. 1-2Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; INDICATEUR Résumé : Agriculture and the food sector plays a crucial role in the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Moreover, it has an enormous potential to mitigate climate change if compared to other economic sectors. The development of agriculture activity has brought about relevant negative environmental impacts: overexploitation of natural resources, soil and water pollution, changes in land use, biodiversity loss and CO2 emissions, among others. Future perspectives point out that these consequences will be strengthened. On the one side, agriculture production should be increased to meet the food needs of a growing world population. On the other side, changes in food demand drive changes in agricultural production. These trends will exert further pressure on natural resources and their intensification level. In this sense, more external inputs will be applied (nutrients, agrochemicals, energy, etc.) and more polluting outputs will be produced (sub-products, organic and inorganic wastes, nitrates, etc.). The food sector is inherently linked to agriculture and offers manifold opportunities to improve its circularity by reusing resources, valorising by-products, cascading use of biomass, reducing food loss and food waste. By-products and wastes from the food industry are often used in agriculture e.g. as feedstuffs or fertilisers. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Innovation ecosystems for youth agrifood entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region
Innovation ecosystems for youth agrifood entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region [Article] / A. Antonelli ; G. Brunori ; J. Jawhar ; D. Petruzzella ; R. Roma . - 2020 . - p. 99-115.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 19, n. 4 (December 2020) . - p. 99-115Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMENTREPREUNARIAT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; INNOVATION ; INNOVATION SOCIALE ; CONCEPT ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE Résumé : This paper is the outcome of a reflection on the MIP report 2020, a collection of information and data used to describe the scenario on youth innovation and entrepreneurship in agrifood sector in Mediterranean countries. In particular, it highlights the need to study innovation in Mediterranean regions under the lens of social and institutional innovation. It is argued that social and institutional innovation are key drivers of the development of Innovation Ecosystems. The paper discusses the main findings and relevant case studies of the MIP report, with a specific attention to the role of the Innovation Support Organizations. It is noted that while in the field of institutional innovation there are signs of official activity, in the field of social innovation there is no or very limited attempt to embody social innovation into national policy frameworks. However, the article identifies interesting bottom-up initiatives that may constitute the basis for new policy initiatives. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : - Le lien entre lamont et laval : coordonner la transformation au niveau de tous les maillons de la filière [Article] / D. Amirault . - 2020 . - p. 73-76.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Réalités industrielles > n. 2 (Mai 2020) . - p. 73-76
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMFILIERE ; COORDINATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; TRAITEMENT ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; INDUSTRIE D'AMONT ; MARQUE COMMERCIALE ; CONSOMMATEUR Résumé : Les industries agroalimentaires jouent un rôle de pivot au sein dune chaîne se composant de trois maillons : un maillon « amont » qui rassemble les agriculteurs et les producteurs de matières premières alimentaires à transformer, un maillon « central » qui est en charge de la modification des produits fournis par le précédent maillon en produits alimentaires intermédiaires ou finis, et un maillon « aval » qui se compose des canaux de distribution et de commercialisation. Dans cette filière marquée par un déséquilibre dans les relations commerciales entre un aval concentré et un amont atomisé, le développement de labels et de filières responsables permet, dune part, de mieux répondre aux attentes des consommateurs et, dautre part, de renforcer les liens de coordination entre tous les maillons de la filière, au même titre que la contractualisation. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - A life cycle assessment study of dairy farms in northern Germany : the influence of performance parameters on environmental efficiency [Article] / J. Drews ; I. Czycholl ; J. Krieter . - 2020 . - p. 1-10.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Environmental Management > vol. 273 (1 November 2020) . - p. 1-10
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; RECHAUFFEMENT GLOBAL ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; GAZ A EFFET DE SERRE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; ALLEMAGNE Résumé : Recently, consumers concerns towards an environmental friendly food production are growing. The dairy sector contributes to the production of important greenhouse gases such as methane. The life cycle assessment (LCA) method enables to quantify the emissions and the use of resources throughout the entire life cycle of a product. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of performance parameters on the level of important environmental impacts (global warming potential (GWP), freshwater eutrophication (FE), terrestrial acidification (TA) and agricultural land occupation (ALO)) associated with milk production. Therein, the environmental impacts were analyzed using LCA considering two separate datasets (total, continuous) from Northern German farms throughout the years 20042013. Therefore, the performance parameters determining the level of environmental impacts were identified using the partial least square method. Thereby, a differentiated analysis among regions with various soil characteristics (Heath, Hill, Marsh) was conducted additionally. Further, linear mixed models were applied to each of the environmental impact categories. Energy-corrected milk yield (ECM), ECM from roughage, feed efficiency and the use of concentrates were identified as the most important determinants of environmental impacts. In general, an increase in productivity, especially an increase in ECM per cow and an increase in the amount of ECM produced per area of agricultural land accompanied with an improvement in environmental efficiency. The type of feed used had the major impact on the level of environmental impacts, whereby both concentrates and roughage had disadvantages. These results were in line with previous studies. Although, this study provides additional information relating the most important determinants of different environmental impacts, including a differentiated consideration of the relationship between performance parameters and environmental efficiency among regions. Further analyses on specific soil characteristics and their impact on environmental efficiency are recommended. In line with the concept of eco-efficiency, useful mitigation strategies in practice need to be applied depending on individual framework conditions. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Logistique des produits périssables : organisation des acteurs et contraintes spécifiques. Cas de la filière fruits et légumes en France [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / I. Laarif . - s.l. : s.n., 2020 . - 70 p.Mémoire Master 2. Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours : Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique [CDV]. CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMPRODUIT PERISSABLE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; LOGISTIQUE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; FRANCE Résumé : La filière fruits et légumes en France joue un rôle central dans le secteur agricole du pays. Lun des enjeux majeurs de cette filière est la logistique. Avec comme objectif didentifier les facteurs qui déterminent le degré des pertes tout au long de sa chaîne logistique, nous nous sommes appuyés sur lapproche filière pour étudier les différents acteurs impliqués dans son organisation ainsi que leurs interactions. Cette étude nous a permis de comprendre les principaux facteurs à maîtriser afin daugmenter lefficience de la chaîne logistique des fruits et légumes et dassurer la disponibilité et la qualité de ces produits qui sont périssables et qui, par conséquent, rencontrent de nombreuses contraintes tout au long de la supply chain. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDV) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Harbouze R.; El Hadad-Gauthier F. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Harbouze R.; Prosperi P. Permalink : Management options to reduce the environmental impact of dairy goat milk production
Management options to reduce the environmental impact of dairy goat milk production [Article] / M. Zucali ; D. Lovarelli ; S. Celozzi ; J. Bacenetti ; A. Sandrucci ; L. Bava . - 2020 . - p. 1-9.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Livestock Science > vol. 231 (January 2020) . - p. 1-9Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; LAIT DE CHEVRE ; EVALUATION IMPACT SUR ENVIRONNEMENT ; GESTION DE L'EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; ELEVAGE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; ITALIE ; LOMBARDIA Résumé : Although numbers are still low compared to cattle rearing, intensive dairy goat farms have been widely spreading in the Italian livestock systems. Since goats are quite rustic, they can easily adapt to different management practices; however, improving the efficiency can make the difference, both in productivity and on the environmental impact attributed to goat milk production. In the present study, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach was used to quantify the potential environmental impact of goat milk production system in 17 farms in Lombardy (Northern Italy). Together with the environmental assessment, statistical analysis was carried out in order to determine whether it was possible to identify any relation among the variables that characterise this farming system. From an environmental point of view, it has been shown that the lower the individual milk production, the more it affects the environmental impact: specifically, the carbon footprint appears higher than the one emitted by cattle milk production. Climate Change resulted, on average, equal to 2.67 kg CO2 eq/kg Fat and Protein Corrected Milk (FPCM) with a wide variability (min: 1.12 kg CO2 eq/kg FPCM; max: 5.05 kg CO2 eq/kg FPCM). Purchased feed was the main hotspot for several environmental impact categories (such as freshwater eutrophication, land use and mineral, fossil and renewable resources depletion). Enteric emissions and emissions from manure storage were hotspots for climate change, particulate matter and terrestrial acidification. The C sequestration during crop cultivation was not considered. As shown by the statistical analysis, the main driver which influenced the 6 main impact categories was, in fact, individual milk production. The environmental assessment was also performed considering a second Functional Unit (FU) (i.e. 1 ha of land) and the statistical analysis conducted on this FU showed the relevance of livestock intensity. In addition to this, the statistical analysis also showed how a restricted land availability can negatively affect the environmental outcome. This study represents one of the first studies on the environmental impact assessment of dairy goat milk production. Additionally, studying two FUs and using a statistical analysis approach helped to identify the main management options to which farmers should pay attention to improve goat milk production from an environmental point of view. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Marketing strategy, social responsibility, and value chain in the agri-food system
Marketing strategy, social responsibility, and value chain in the agri-food system [Article] / F. Sgroi ; E. Donia ; M. Franco ; A.M. Mineo . - 2020 . - p. 208-215.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in HortScience > vol. 55, n. 2 (Février 2020) . - p. 208-215Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; MARKETING ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; CREATION DE VALEUR ; COMPETITIVITE ; PERFORMANCE ECONOMIQUE ; ENTREPRISE ; QUALITE ; ITALIE Résumé : The agri-food sector has changed significantly over the years, moving from a simple production system to a more and more industrialized one. For agents/operators involved in this sector, ensuring product quality and environmental externalities has become the key point to gaining a competitive advantage. In this context, corporate social responsibility (CSR) fits perfectly. This study analyzes the influence of CSR practices on the economic performance of a random sample of 130 agri-food companies in Italy. The results of an analysis of multiple linear regression models show that the economic performance (measured through value added and income) of agri-food enterprises seems to be influenced statistically by workplace CSR practices. Analysis of another model, during which we studied the relationship between income and the CSR practices (independent variables), highlights that operating results (economic performance) can be improved by CSR practices regarding the workplace, environment, and local community. Thus, empirical evidence shows that some CSR practices have positive effects on economic performance, with several implications for theory and practice. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Motives, barriers, and expected benefits of ISO 14001 in the agri-food sector
Motives, barriers, and expected benefits of ISO 14001 in the agri-food sector [Article] / R. Carrillo-Labella ; F. Fort ; M. Parras Rosa . - 2020 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 5 (March 2020) . - p. 1-17Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DURABILITE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; NORME ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; OLEICULTURE ; INDUSTRIE DES CORPS GRAS ; REGLEMENTATION ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Over time, sustainability has gained a greater presence in companies and with consumers around the world, although it can be said that there is still some confusion in its conceptualization and in the identification of the driving factors. A part of the literature considers that environmental management systems (EMS) such as ISO 14001 are facilitating factors that allow organizational remodeling towards more sustainable production. For a better understanding, this paper presents a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews to analyze the perceptions that managers, employees, and quality managers have about the concept of sustainability and, given that environmental management systems are considered as motivational factors, it also analyzes the perceptions they have about the motivations, barriers, and expected benefits of their adoption in the olive food industry in southern Spain. It is possible to point out the existence of some confusion about the concept of sustainability, and that both regulatory and market factors such as image and reputation improvement, differentiation, and sales increases, especially in exports, are considered to be motivational for their implementation. This work contributes to the literature on sustainability and environmental management systems in sectors of activity with high environmental involvement, such as the agri-food industry. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Multi-actor approaches to implement cooperative strategies and value chains based on sustainability
Multi-actor approaches to implement cooperative strategies and value chains based on sustainability [Article] / C. Contini ; G. Marotta ; B. Torquati . - 2020 . - p. 1-4.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Agricultural and Food Economics > vol. 8 (December 2020) . - p. 1-4Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMECONOMIE AGRICOLE ; STRATEGIE ; ACTIVITE COOPERATIVE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; CREATION DE VALEUR ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; GESTION DES DECHETS ; ACTEUR Résumé : This special issue of Agricultural and Food Economics consists of four articles that were part of the scientific programme of the First SIDEA-SIEA Joint Conference, held in Bisceglie in September 2017. The conference afforded agricultural economists the opportunity to reflect on cooperative strategies to promote competitiveness of the agri-food supply chain, with a focus on environmental quality and social sustainability. The selected articles address these themes from different perspectives: those of firms, of consumers, and of policy makers, stressing that sustainability calls for the active participation of all of the actors. The case studies presented propose an effective interpretation of the strategies for value creation with respect to the challenges of climate change, food waste management, the development of marginal rural areas, and that of the fish sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Natural wine: do consumers know what it is, and how natural it really is?
Natural wine: do consumers know what it is, and how natural it really is? [Article] / P. Alonso Gonzalez ; E. Parga-Dans . - 2020 . - p. 1-5.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 251 (April 2020) . - p. 1-5Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; CONSOMMATEUR ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; DURABILITE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; FILIERE Résumé : Natural wine is a small but rapidly growing sector within the wine industry. Expertise in the field has been advanced by wine experts and professionals, while publications to aid in further understanding the topic lag behind. This manuscript highlights the need to develop more rigorous methodologies to better understand the market segment of natural wine, its consumers, and their composition and behaviour. Moreover, it calls for a deeper theoretical engagement with the notion of natural wine, which positions it among other sustainable and ecological certifications, including organic, biodynamic or sulphite-free. This would allow researchers to advance from the current state of knowledge, which continues to limit our practical capacity for advice to policy makers but not to winemakers and marketers. These theoretical and methodological developments would allow scholars to catch up with debates being held by different social actors in the natural wine scene, including winemakers and consumer associations, bloggers, writers and professional marketers. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : La notion de traçabilité des produits. Perception et attentes des consommateurs
La notion de traçabilité des produits. Perception et attentes des consommateurs [Article] / C. Baros . - 2020 . - p. 10-14.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Infos CTIFL > n. 358 (Janvier-Février 2020) . - p. 10-14Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMTRACABILITE ; FILIERE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; PRODUIT FRAIS ; PROVENANCE ; PROXIMITE ; COMMERCIALISATION ; QUALITE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; FRANCE Résumé : La veille sociologique consacrée à lévolution des modes de vie des Français et les différentes études réalisées par le DP2E du CTIFL mettent en évidence une attente de la part des consommateurs, de connaissance de lorigine des fruits et légumes frais achetés. La recherche de lorigine France sélargit à une attente de recherche de production régionale, voire locale. Il sagit de rassurer, de garantir, donner confiance, en mettant à disposition des informations, sous différents formats, physiques et/ou digitaux, pas forcément consultées mais dont lexistence rassure sur limplication de la filière à proposer des produits aux qualités identifiées. Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : Optimisation des réseaux de distribution des produits agroalimentaires: modélisation et application
Optimisation des réseaux de distribution des produits agroalimentaires: modélisation et application [Article] / S. Kendi ; M.S. Radjef ; A. Hammoudi . - 2020 . - p. 51-68.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 19, n. 4 (December 2020) . - p. 51-68Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMDISTRIBUTION ECONOMIQUE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; RECHERCHE OPERATIONNELLE ; AIDE A LA DECISION ; ENTREPOT ; TRANSPORT ; LOGISTIQUE ; LOCALISATION DES INDUSTRIES ; ALGERIE Résumé : A certain number of factors can affect the functioning of the distribution chains of large agrifood companies and impact their efficiency. Among them, poor adaptation to fluctuations in demand, imperfect control of production and transport costs and poor location of distribution centers. These dysfunctions can have negative consequences with high product prices, supply disruptions and customer dissatisfaction. The company is therefore required to review regularly the distribution plan for its products in order to optimize it: addition, deletion, relocation, reassignment of warehouses, delivery centers, etc. We propose, through a case study of the agro-food group Cevital (Algeria), a solution to the problem of restructuring supply and distribution networks, at a stage of development of this company. Using an operational research tool (mixed-integer linear programming), the study assesses four scenarios for structuring the companys distribution network and suggests, for decision-making purposes, strategic solutions for managers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : [...] Permalink : - Part de la consommation intérieure couverte par la production nationale - Le taux dauto-approvisionnement : focus sur un indicateur [Article] / M. Serrurier . - 2020 . - p. 9-13.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Infos CTIFL > n. 364 (Septembre 2020) . - p. 9-13
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMAPPROVISIONNEMENT ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; PRODUIT FRAIS ; INDICATEUR ; CONCURRENCE ECONOMIQUE ; IMPORTATION ; COMMERCIALISATION ; CONSOMMATION INTERIEURE ; FRANCE Résumé : Le taux dauto-approvisionnement est un indicateur suivi par le CTIFL, permettant de mesurer dans le temps lévolution de la part de la consommation française en fruits et légumes frais couverte par la production nationale. Résultant de la confrontation des données de production, de commerce extérieur et de consommation, cet indicateur reflète également la pression concurrentielle exercée par les produits dimportation sur loffre nationale. Il sétablit à 62 % en 2018 contre 74 % en 2000, pour lensemble des fruits et légumes frais produits dans lHexagone, témoignant ainsi de leffritement de la production nationale et du développement des importations. Cet indicateur connait dimportantes variations (espèces, périodes de lannée). Cet article se propose den décrire certaines, en prenant lexemple des cinq premiers fruits et légumes consommés au 3e trimestre. Cote : Demander à l'accueil Permalink : - Performance evaluation of the supply chain system of a food product manufacturing system using a questionnaire-based approach [Article] / O. Makinde ; T. Mowandi ; T. Munyai ; M. Ayomoh . - 2020 . - p. 751-757.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Procedia Manufacturing > vol. 43 (2020) . - p. 751-757
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PERFORMANCE ; PERFORMANCE ECONOMIQUE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; EVALUATION ; QUESTIONNAIRE Résumé : Effective management of the end-to-end process of a food industry is vital for the achievement of the key strategic objectives of this organisation. However, various factors have limited the performance and productivity of the supply chain system of food industries; thus hindering an organisation from meeting its customers demand target. Hence; there is a need to appraise the performance of the supply chain system of a food industry with a view to identify factors limiting its performance and ensure continuous end-to-end process improvement. In light of this, this paper assesses the performance of the supply chain system of a food industry using a questionnaire-based approach. The structure of the questionnaire consists of myriad of questions that appraises the performance of various factors responsible for effective functioning and optimal flow of the supplier and production sections of the supply chain of a food industry based on the industry benchmark for these factors. The production operators responded to the appropriate sections of the questionnaire. The questionnaire result revealed that the overall performance of work stations 1, 3, 4 and 5 are below the organisation?s target. Hence, the resolutions of various factors lowering the performance of these work stations were recommended as future studies. The questionnaire developed in this study serve as a template that could be used by supply chain managers to measure the performance of their supply chain systems, with a view to ensure continuous and sustainable end-to-end process improvement. Congrès : 17. Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, 2019/11/9-11, Shangaï (Chine) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Phenolic compounds and fatty acids content of some West Algerian olive oils
Phenolic compounds and fatty acids content of some West Algerian olive oils [Article] / M.C. Bendi Djelloul ; S.M. Amrani ; P. Rovellini ; R. Chenoune . - 2020 . - p. 1-11 [e3247].Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Comunicata Scientiae > vol. 11 (June) . - p. 1-11 [e3247]Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMOLIVE ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; COMPOSE PHENOLIQUE ; TENEUR EN LIPIDES ; ACIDE GRAS ; ANTIOXYDANT ; NUTRITION HUMAINE ; ALIMENT SANTE POUR HOMME ; ALGERIE Résumé : Olive represents the most widespread fruit cultivated in Algeria. Olive oil is the primary source of added fat in the Mediterranean diet with health benefits of which have been verified for millennia. Interest in phenolic compounds in olive oil has increased due to its antioxidant activity, which plays a very important role in human health. The present study is carried out to study the phenolic compounds and fatty acids profile of some olive oils from western Algeria. The quality parameters (acidity, peroxide value, K232, K270), tocopherol analysis, fatty acid composition and phenolic profile were determined by High performance chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that chemlal oil (SBA) recorded the highest level of tocopherol-α with 228.12 mg/Kg. Regarding the fatty acid composition, oleic acid was the most dominant, oil Oleaster (Bensekrane) records the highest percentage (72.80%) of oleic acid. The quantitative data on the phenolic content of the seven samples revealed that chemlal oil (SBA) had the highest level of polyphenols (328.99 mg/Kg). However, Sigoise oil (Sebra1) was characterized by the highest levels of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol (15.89 mg/kg and 22.42 mg/kg, respectively). The highest concentrations of oleuropein derivatives and ligstroside derivatives were observed in chemlal oil (SBA) and the recoreded values were 105.97 mg/Kg and 83.49 mg/Kg, respectively. Chemlal oil (SBA) was characterized by the highest amount of lignans (35.93 mg/Kg), luteolin (10.16 mg/Kg) and apigenin (5.44 mg/Kg). Oleocanthal was found in all the tested samples and it was higher in Chemlal oil (102.43 mg/kg). Cote : Online URL / DOI : Permalink : Politique laitière et accès au marché formel des petits éleveurs dans La région de Sétif
Politique laitière et accès au marché formel des petits éleveurs dans La région de Sétif [Article] / M. Lazereg ; F. Brabez . - 2020 . - p. 131-160.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Arabe (ara)in Cahiers du CREAD (Les) > vol. 35, n. 4 (Mai 2020) . - p. 131-160Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; CONTRAT ; SUBVENTION ; LAIT ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; ELEVAGE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; LAITERIE ; ALGERIE ; SETIF Résumé : La politique de subvention du lait (à la production, à la collecte, et à la transformation) a permis laccès des petits éleveurs de la wilaya de Sétif à la chaîne de valeur de la filière. Cette politique était consolidée par une autorisation ministérielle, en 2009, permettant la collecte du lait de tous les élevages (agréés ou non). Cet article apporte une démonstration à partir dune enquête effectuée auprès dune centaine déleveurs dans cette région. Les résultats montrent que les subventions de lOffice National du lait (ONIL) a permis laugmentation du nombre déleveurs conventionnés avec les laiteries. Cet accroissement du nombre sest accompagné par un accroissement du pouvoir de négociation des collecteurs avec les éleveurs et avec les laiteries (par leur stratégie de collecte) qui ont un très faible niveau dinfluence sur les choix des éleveurs laitiers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : La préférence des consommateurs tunisiens pour lhuile dolive
La préférence des consommateurs tunisiens pour lhuile dolive : effets du label biologique et de la région dorigine [Article] / S. Dekhili ; M.A. Achabou ; M. Hamdoun . - 2020 . - p. 121-140.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Revue gestion 2000 > vol. 37, n. 5 (Septembre-Octobre 2020) . - p. 121-140Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; LABEL DE QUALITE ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; CONSOMMATION RESPONSABLE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; PRODUIT REGIONAL ; TERROIR ; ENQUETE AUPRES DES CONSOMMATEURS ; TUNISIE Résumé : Cet article vise à examiner linfluence du label biologique sur la préférence des produits régionaux dans le contexte tunisien. Les résultats issus dune enquête auprès de 193 consommateurs montrent globalement une faible préférence pour le label biologique. Plus précisément, « les amateurs du terroir et de la production naturelle » ont une préférence pour une huile dolive biologique, quils associent davantage à un petit terroir de production. « Les non avertis », en revanche, expriment une préférence pour une production intensive. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Quelle place pour les petits exploitants dans lagriculture contractuelle ? Le cas de la tomate industrielle en Algérie [Article] / S. Assassi ; A. Daoudi ; J.-P. Colin . - 2020 . - p. 1-9.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Cahiers Agricultures > vol. 29 (Janvier 2020) . - p. 1-9
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMAGRICULTURE CONTRACTUELLE ; TOMATE D'INDUSTRIE ; PETITE EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; COMMERCIALISATION ; APPROVISIONNEMENT ; COUT DE TRANSACTION ; ALGERIE ; GUELMA Résumé : Les travaux portant sur linclusion des petits exploitants dans lagriculture contractuelle dans le monde dressent des constats contradictoires. En Algérie, lÉtat a engagé en 2009 un programme dappui à lintégration des filières lait et tomate industrielle, en accordant des primes aux entreprises et aux agriculteurs qui sengagent ensemble dans des contrats de commercialisation. Ladhésion des agriculteurs et des entreprises à ce dispositif contractuel a été importante dès son lancement, mais quen est-il du développement de contrats de production et de lintégration des petits producteurs ? Nous avons étudié le dispositif contractuel mis en place par la plus grande conserverie de tomate en Algérie (CAB) dans le plus grand bassin de production de tomate industrielle du pays (wilaya de Guelma), avec des enquêtes portant sur la moitié de ses contractants (184/368) et des producteurs hors contrat de la région (58/115). Létude témoigne du rôle déterminant de la prime dans ladhésion de lentreprise et des agriculteurs au contrat de commercialisation. Elle augmente le prix aux producteurs et les motive à livrer leur production à lentreprise, sécurisant ainsi les approvisionnements de cette dernière. Cette forte participation au contrat de commercialisation a incité la CAB à proposer aux agriculteurs des contrats de production. Les petits producteurs, pourtant majoritaires, y participent très peu, pour des raisons mises en évidence dans larticle. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Research on environmental, economic, and social sustainability in dairy farming: a systematic mapping of current literature [Article] / K. Arvidsson Segerkvist ; H. Hansson ; U. Sonesson ; S. Gunnarsson . - 2020 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 14 (July 2020) . - p. 1-14
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMEXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; VACHE LAITIERE ; ANALYSE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; DURABILITE ; ECOLOGIE ; ELEVAGE ; BIEN ETRE ANIMAL ; GAZ A EFFET DE SERRE Résumé : Dairy cows are able to convert fibrous materials, such as grass, roughage, and by-products from the food industry, into milk and meat, which justifies their role in food production. However, modern dairy farming is associated with major sustainability challenges, including greenhouse gas emissions. In order to develop sustainable future production, it is important to implement existing knowledge and fill knowledge gaps. The aim of this study was to systematically map the scientific literature on environmental, economic, and social sustainability at farm level in dairy farming. Literature published between January 2000 and March 2020 and with the geographical focus on Europe, North America, and AustraliaNew Zealand was included. In total, the literature search resulted in 169 hits, but after removing duplicates and papers outside the study scope only 35 papers remained. Of these, only 11 dealt with the three dimensions of sustainability, and several of these only mentioned one or two of the dimensions or set them in relation to that/those actually studied. Overall, the selected literature did not clearly explain how aspects of sustainability are interlinked, so possible negative or positive interactions between different aspects of sustainability dimensions remain unidentified. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Responding to change: farming system resilience in a liberalized and volatile European dairy market
Responding to change: farming system resilience in a liberalized and volatile European dairy market [Article] / M. Thorsøe ; E. Noe ; D. Maye ; M. Vigani ; J. Kirwan ; H. Chiswell ; M. Grivins ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; T. Tisenkopfs ; E. Tsakalou ; P.-M. Aubert ; W. Loveluck . - 2020 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Land Use Policy > vol. 99 (December 2020) . - p. 1-11Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMQUOTA ; EXPLOITATION LAITIERE ; LIBERALISATION DES ECHANGES ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; PRIX ; VOLATILITE DES PRIX ; LAIT ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE ; REGULATION DE LA PRODUCTION ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; STRATEGIE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; CONTINGENT DE PRODUCTION ; PAYS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE Résumé : For more than two decades market conditions for European producers have changed significantly due to liberalization and increasing price volatility. The objective of this article is to analyze how farming systems in five European countries (Denmark, Greece, France, Latvia, and the United Kingdom) have reacted to the emerging instability of the milk market. Dairy production is an ideal setting to study how different farming systems respond to changing conditions as a number of policy changes have altered market conditions for producers. Empirically, the analysis draws on statistical data on dairy production and farm structure, and qualitative and quantitative data from case studies in the five countries. During the period under study, dairy farming systems have operated under the same overarching EU regulation, but dairy sectors at the national level followed specific pathways. We found different strategies and institutional arrangements deployed to address price volatility at the national levels. We argue that divergence in the strategies developed to address this disturbance reflects different configurations of value chain organization (particularly dairies), production factors (production facilities and biophysical conditions), and market orientation. Increasing market volatility implies that succession planning and attracting investments is difficult for farming systems across all countries, and thereby to formulate strategies for resilience. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Le secteur agroalimentaire, levier du développement socio-économique
Le secteur agroalimentaire, levier du développement socio-économique [Article] / K. Benazzi ; M. Razzouki ; M. Gharrafi . - 2020 . - p. 936-944.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies > vol. 29, n. 4 (July 2020) . - p. 936-944Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE ; PLAN MAROC VERT ; SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIEL ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; VIABILITE ECONOMIQUE ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; ANALYSE INPUT OUTPUT ; MAROC Résumé : Dans tout environnement économique mondialisé, les secteurs d'activité économique se comportent et résistent différemment selon les causes des turbulences. Certains secteurs ont une attitude résiliente et jouent un rôle stabilisateur, soutenant la croissance et l'emploi. Ces secteurs sont généralement liés aux besoins fondamentaux de la population; en loccurrence, le secteur agroalimentaire. La présente recherche s'efforce d'examiner le potentiel de l'agroalimentaire dans la promotion d'un développement intégré dans léconomie nationale, en saisissant ses interactions avec les autres secteurs, notamment ceux de la transformation des produits alimentaires et de lagro-industrie. L'analyse des entrées-sorties a été appliquée afin dexaminer à la fois la contribution du secteur primaire, ainsi que l'impact de la politique agricole (Plan Maroc Vert) sur le reste de l'économie. En utilisant cet outil analytique, le modèle input-output, fondé sur le tableau Ressources-Emplois (TRE), il est démontré que l'impact de ladite politique agricole ne se limite pas au secteur primaire, mais, il affecte directement et indirectement d'autres secteurs, ainsi que la production totale, l'emploi et le revenu des ménages. Les résultats suggèrent aussi que l'agriculture est un moteur de croissance important, contribuant à l'augmentation de la production locale, garantissant un approvisionnement stable en denrées alimentaires et assurant aux agriculteurs un niveau de vie raisonnable. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Social economy, environmental proactivity, eco-innovation and performance in the spanish wine sector
Social economy, environmental proactivity, eco-innovation and performance in the spanish wine sector [Article] / F. Calle ; A. González-Moreno ; I. Carrasco ; M. Vargas Vargas . - 2020 . - p. 1-28.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 15 (August 2020) . - p. 1-28Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMECONOMIE SOCIALE ; ECO-INNOVATION ; PERFORMANCE ; VITICULTURE ; ESPAGNE ; COOPERATIVE VITIVINICOLE ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; GESTION DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT Résumé : Concerned about climate change, cooperatives in the wine sector are beginning to adapt their strategies, guided by cooperative principles that encompass high social responsibility and the pursuit of community values. In this context and focused on the analysis of the decisions that drive firms to be more environmentally sustainable, our goal is twofold. On the one hand, we wish to examine whether there exist differences between cooperative and non-cooperative firms as regards their environmental proactivity. On the other hand, we hope to demonstrate the diversity of behaviors within the category of cooperative firms, identifying the possible patterns of environmental proactivity in Spanish cooperatives in the wine sector. We first conducted a difference of means t-test for independent samples (n = 251; sampled in 2017)cooperatives (51) vs. non cooperative firms (200)- and then a two-stage cluster analysis and a subsequent variance analysis, using SPSS 24. Our results show no significant differences between cooperative and non-cooperative firms concerning their environmental behavior and underlines the diversity within the cooperatives in the wine sector as regards their environmental proactivity, revealing the existence of proactive, preventive and activist patterns of behavior. These patterns also show differences in the motivations for their environmental behaviors and their assessment of financial performance. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Social life cycle assessment of product value chains under a circular economy approach: a case study in the plastic packaging sector [Article] / D. Reinales ; D. Zambrana-Vasquez ; A. Saez-De-Guinoa . - 2020 . - p. 1-17.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 16 (August 2020) . - p. 1-17
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.1 - Toutes industries confonduesThésaurus IAMMCHAINE DE VALEUR ; INDUSTRIE DE L'EMBALLAGE ; ANALYSE SOCIALE DU CYCLE DE VIE ; MATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; ECONOMIE CIRCULAIRE ; IMPACT SOCIAL ; INNOVATION SOCIALE ; CIRCUIT DE COMMERCIALISATION ; MATIERE PLASTIQUE Résumé : Environmental and economic impact assessment of products have a long record, while social performance analysis of products have less references in the scientific literature due its particularities and the adaptations needed for the features of the studied subject. In addition, there is a lack of a methodological framework of its application in the analysis of value chains, with the aim of estimating the impacts of technical innovations from the social point of view. This paper describes the theoretical framework and impact assessment approach for the Social Life Cycle Assessment of product value chains under a circular economy approach by applying a scoring system in different subcategories and indicators, considering the plastic packaging sector as a case study. Twelve subcategories have been chosen, because of their relevance to the case study, related to the impacts on the labor conditions, consumers well-being, end-of-life of the product, local community conditions, technology and suppliers, among others. The validation of the methodology in the plastic packaging sector is done by considering the main stakeholders involved in the value chain and the particularities of the sector. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Les stratégies de valorisation des coopératives laitières selon les territoires
Les stratégies de valorisation des coopératives laitières selon les territoires [Article] / D. Lacombe . - 2020 . - p. 62-64.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Réalités industrielles > n. 2 (Mai 2020) . - p. 62-64Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.5 - Produits LaitiersThésaurus IAMMACTIVITE COOPERATIVE ; VALORISATION ; COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE ; INDUSTRIE LAITIERE ; TERRITOIRE ; COORDINATION ; MARQUE COMMERCIALE ; APPELLATION D'ORIGINE PROTEGEE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; POLITIQUE AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTION LAITIERE Résumé : Depuis sa création au début des années 1990, la coopérative Sodiaal poursuit un but principal : créer le maximum de valeur ajoutée à redistribuer à ses associés-coopérateurs, en tirant le meilleur de nos territoires laitiers riches de leur diversité et en contribuant à la pérennité dun tissu économique dynamique sur lensemble du territoire. Cette recherche constante passe par le développement de nouveaux produits, de nouvelles marques ou de nouvelles segmentations, ainsi que par le renforcement des positions de la coopérative sur des segments de marchés créateurs de valeur ajoutée. Pour assurer ses missions au quotidien, la coopérative a également besoin de coordination entre ses actions en tant quacteur économique et les politiques publiques. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainability of wine production
Sustainability of wine production [Article] / S. Maicas ; J.J. Mateo . - 2020 . - p. 1-10.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 2 (January 2020) . - p. 1-10Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; INDUSTRIE DU VIN ; DURABILITE ; SECTEUR AGRICOLE ; GESTION DES DECHETS ; EAU USEE ; RESIDU Résumé : Wine production is one of the most important agricultural activities around the world. The production of wine involves the use of a large number of valuable resources, such as water, fertilizers, and other organic products. Moreover, it produces a large amount of wastewater and organic waste that must be treated adequately to avoid contaminating the areas of production. The nature of the waste produced depends very closely on the specific vinification procedures, which also affect the physicalchemical properties of the residual material generated, whose characteristics determine its subsequent use and even condition the subsequent specific recovery circuit in which can be integrated. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Sustainable collective innovation in the agri-food value chain: the case of the Aureo wheat supply chain [Article] / M. Stanco ; C. Nazzaro ; M. Lerro ; G. Marotta . - 2020 . - p. 1-14.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 14 (July 2020) . - p. 1-14
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.6 - Produits issus des CéréalesThésaurus IAMMDURABILITE ; GOUVERNANCE ; ECO-INNOVATION ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; PARTICIPATION ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; BLE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT Résumé : This paper contributes to the theoretical debate in agri-food economics on sustainable innovations. Specifically, it aims to define an interpretative model of sustainable innovation processes conceived at the supply chain level, and the determinants promoting these processes. The paper also proposes a best practice of sustainable collective innovation, namely the Aureo wheat supply chain. Sustainable collective innovation requires the commitment and involvement of all actors of the agri-food supply chain, while its effectiveness depends on the governance models adopted. The study findings validate the proposed theoretical framework, highlighting several economic, social, and environmental benefits that the process can provide. The results contribute to the debate on the topic, providing useful insights for practitioners and policy-makers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Sustainable food supply chains: is shortening the answer? A literature review for a research and innovation agenda [Article] / Y. Chiffoleau ; T. Dourian . - 2020 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 23 (December 2020) . - p. 1-21
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; CIRCUIT COURT ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; CIRCUIT DE DISTRIBUTION ALTERNATIF ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; RESILIENCE ; SYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE ; EUROPE Résumé : Short food supply chains (SFSCs) are increasingly garnering attention in food systems research, owing to their rising popularity among consumers, producers and policy-makers in the last few decades. Written with the aim to identify research gaps for the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, this literature review provides a state of play of the definition and characterisation of SFSCs, and of their sustainability. Drawing on hypotheses about SFSC sustainability elaborated in an expert network in France, this review summarises a wide range of papers from various disciplines in the SFSC literature, written in English or French, while specifically highlighting the empirical results derived from European projects. Though the literature tends to generally agree on the social benefits of SFSCs, their economic and environmental impacts typically elicit more heterogeneous outcomes, while their health/nutrition and governance dimensions remain under-explored. Based on this review, recommendations for a future research and innovation programme are outlined, addressing the contribution of SFSCs to agrifood system transition and resilience in the current context of the Covid-19 crisis and of the Green New Deal objectives. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Sustainable growth in the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
Sustainable growth in the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) [Article] / F. Hernandez-Perlines ; A. Ariza-Montes ; L. Araya-Castillo . - 2020 . - p. 1-19.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 12 (June 2020) . - p. 1-19Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMACTIVITE COOPERATIVE ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE ; ENTREPRISE ; PERFORMANCE ; SITUATION ECONOMIQUE ; ASPECT SOCIAL ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : The present study aims at analysing the sustainable growth in the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). To this end, the study examines the impact of the corporate social responsibility (hereinafter CSR) on the performance of the agro-food cooperatives. CSR is analysed based on the three dimensions suggested by the triple bottom line approach: Economic dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension. Results are analysed using a partial least squares regression (PLS-SEM). The main contributions are as follows: (1) The measurement of the CSR through the triple bottom line approach has proven to be appropriate for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-la Mancha, as it presents adequate values of reliability and validity; (2) these dimensions make up the CSR, although the environmental dimension is the most relevant one for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha; and (3) CSR positively and significantly affects the performance of agro-food cooperatives, as it explains 39.2% of their variance, thus confirming a sustainable growth model for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Systèmes alimentaires et relations aux ressources agricoles : déterminants, impacts et valeurs
Systèmes alimentaires et relations aux ressources agricoles : déterminants, impacts et valeurs [Article] / G. Trystram ; H. Serhan . - 2020 . - p. 9-15.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)in Annales des mines - Réalités industrielles > n. 2 (Mai 2020) . - p. 9-15Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMSYSTEME AGROALIMENTAIRE ; RESSOURCE AGRICOLE ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; SYSTEME ALIMENTAIRE ALTERNATIF ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; BIODIVERSITE ; GESTION DES RESSOURCES ; DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE Résumé : Un système alimentaire représente la manière dont les hommes et les sociétés sorganisent pour produire et consommer leur alimentation. La trajectoire dévolution des systèmes alimentaires distingue une cohabitation entre un système agro-industriel en voie de globalisation proposant des denrées alimentaires standardisées et des systèmes alimentaires alternatifs - revendiquant lutilisation des circuits courts, des pratiques socialement inclusives -, respectueux de lenvironnement et des ressources. Si les innovations scientifiques, technologiques et organisationnelles qui ont agi sur la trajectoire du système agro-industriel dominant ont encouragé le développement dune offre diversifiée et retardée, à bas prix et offrant une sécurité sanitaire irréprochable, leurs impacts sur la santé, lenvironnement et les ressources sont multiples et préoccupants. En effet, lalimentation est responsable de 30 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et son impact carbone est de 23 %. Son impact eau est lui aussi de 23 % et est de 9 % en matière dénergie. En outre, 25 à 30 % des aliments transformés sont gaspillés, et les aliments ultra transformés à forte densité énergétique sont responsables de nombreux problèmes de santé. De plus, léloignement des bassins de production des lieux de transformation et de consommation a modifié le rapport de lalimentation à ses déterminants : les ressources nécessaires à sa production, ses fonctions et les attributs de sa valeur, ainsi que laccès physique et économique aux denrées alimentaires. Confrontés aux impacts de leurs activités, les systèmes alimentaires sorientent aujourdhui vers lélaboration dune offre qui protège la santé et la biodiversité, qui soit acceptable culturellement et accessible, et qui optimise lusage des ressources. Si lindustrie a fait des progrès considérables en termes déconomie deau, dénergie, de réduction des pertes des ressources, une large part de la durabilité se construit en dehors de la seule valorisation à finalité alimentaire. Aujourdhui, ce sont les voies de la bioéconomie visant la valorisation des coproduits de la production de ressources qui probablement installent la durabilité à léchelle écosystémique, en proposant à lindustrie agroalimentaire des valorisations énergétiques, en termes de matériaux, de molécules ou de synthons, concurrentes des voies habituelles issues du carbone fossile. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Systèmes dinformation et optimisation de la performance logistique des entreprises de transformation : cas de la start-up « Il était un fruit » [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / C. Bouhouch . - s.l. : s.n., 2020 . - 55 p.Mémoire Master 2. Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours : Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique [CDV]. CIHEAM-IAMM.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.3 - Fruits et LégumesThésaurus IAMMPERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; LOGISTIQUE ; GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; FRUITS ET LEGUMES ; METHODE D'OPTIMISATION ; FRANCE Résumé : Afin datteindre un objectif de performance au sein dune entreprise, la révision des activités logistiques savère cruciale pour favoriser le passage dune logique de flux poussés à une logique de flux tirés par la demande des clients. Ainsi, le recours aux systèmes dinformation logistique nest plus un choix si lon vise à améliorer ses pratiques logistiques, à satisfaire ses clients et surtout à rationaliser ses coûts. Chez la startup « Il était un fruit », divers défis sont à relever, notamment loptimisation de la gestion de sa chaîne logistique. Le présent travail explique et analyse le fonctionnement de chaque maillon composant la chaîne logistique de cette entreprise, en mettant laccent sur la gestion des stocks, qui est considérée comme un facteur clé dans la maîtrise de la chaîne logistique. Cette analyse sera accompagnée dune proposition de pistes damélioration. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDV) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : El Hadad-Gauthier F. Membres du Jury : El Fallah D.; El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Prosperi P. Permalink : - The examination and assessment of winery business and contribution to the development of wine tourism of Serbia [Article] / N.B. Radovic ; S. Milicevic . - 2020 . - p. 1103-1123.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economics of agriculture > vol. 67, n. 4 (December 2020) . - p. 1103-1123
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMVIN ; TOURISME VITIVINICOLE ; VITICULTURE ; VALORISATION ; PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; TOURISME EN MILIEU RURAL ; DEVELOPPEMENT TERRITORIAL ; SERBIE Résumé : The tradition of winemaking on the territory of Serbia dates back to ancient times. Today the activities related to wine production are on the rise, as is the number of wineries, and they participate in the valorization of wine tourism activities as an important Serbian tourist product. The aim of this paper is to assess the business excellence of wine producers in Serbia via the application of BEX model while establishing a correlation with the data on the promotion of wine tourism activities on the analyzed wineries websites. The attained research results indicate a decrease in the BEX index in 2018 in comparison with the values from 2017 and are within the parameters for good values. However, there is no correlation between the performance of wineries and the promotion of wine tourism on their websites. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - The impact of agricultural cooperatives on efficiency and productivity: evidence from olive-growing farms in west bank of Palestine [Article] / K. Kashiwagi . - 2020 . - p. 21-41.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 19, n. 3 (September 2020) . - p. 21-41
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMCOOPERATIVE AGRICOLE ; ACTION COLLECTIVE ; INDUSTRIE DES CORPS GRAS ; EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; PRODUCTIVITE ; EFFICACITE ; OLEICULTURE ; TERRE AGRICOLE ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE ; PALESTINE Résumé : Collective action by farmers including the development of cooperatives is regarded as one of solutions to overcome low productivity. This study investigates the impact of agricultural cooperative on technical efficiency (TE) and total factor productivity (TFP) of olive farms in the West Bank of Palestine. Using cross-section data of olive-growing farms in Jenin governorate, we estimated a stochastic frontier production function with inefficiency components. TFP was also estimated by residual approach. We employed propensity score matching to reduce self-selection bias in becoming a member of the cooperative. Results suggest that cooperative membership has a positive impact on TE and TFP, as joining a cooperative raises the TE by 10.16 to 10.52 percentage points. We interpret access to credits, land and productive olive seedlings, and extension services provided by cooperatives are possible pathways that affect TE and TFP. Due to the existence of huge inefficiency and low land productivity of olive farms in Jenin, we imply participation in cooperatives is an effective strategy for them to catch up with productive farms in the Mediterranean region. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - The role of territorially embedded innovation ecosystems accelerating sustainability transformations: a case study of the transformation to organic wine production in Tuscany (Italy) [Article] / C. Chaminade ; F. Randelli . - 2020 . - p.1-13.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 11 (June 2020) . - p.1-13
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMAGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; VIN ; ECOSYSTEME ; INNOVATION ; DURABILITE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; TERRITOIRE ; ITALIE ; TOSCANA Résumé : Over the last few years, there has been a growing concern among academics and practitioners about the slow pace in which sustainability transformations unfold. While most socio-technical transformations tend to happen over extended periods, research shows that unless some dramatic changes are introduced, we are risking damaging the critical earth systems that sustain human life. In this context, understanding why and how transformations happen at a much faster pace in certain places than in others is of crucial importance. This paper investigates the rapid transformation of Panzano, from traditional wine production to organically produced wine. Using a combination of document analysis, participant observation, and face to face interviews in Panzano in 2019, this article examines the role of the territorially embedded innovation ecosystems facilitating this fast transformation. The study looks at place based-structural preconditions and different forms of agency at different stages in the transformation. Our findings illustrate that a place-based agency is paramount for accelerating sustainability transformations. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Towards an innovative olive oil value chain: options for Inclusive development in south-eastern Tunisia [Article] / M. Fetoui ; B. Dhehibi ; A. Frija ; A. Sghaier ; A. Aw-Hassan ; M.A. Abdeladhim ; M. Sghaier . - 2020 . - p. 3-20.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in New Medit > vol. 19, n. 3 (September 2020) . - p. 3-20
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.4 - Huile d'OliveThésaurus IAMMHUILE D'OLIVE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; INNOVATION SOCIALE ; INDUSTRIE DES CORPS GRAS ; OLEICULTURE ; PERFORMANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; PARTENARIAT ; TUNISIE Résumé : The objective of this paper is to analyse the olive oil value chain (OVC) in the Governorate of Medenine (south-east of Tunisia) and the relationships between its main operators for an effective involvement and better performance and resilience of olive sector. Based on semi structured interviews and participatory multi-stakeholders workshops, OVC has been analysed and described. MACTOR approach has been applied to establish linkages among chain operators and activities in a partnership approach. Innovative interventions were proposed to strengthen farmers organizations to increase profitability of OVC. Empirical findings suggest that public-private-civil society partnerships are essential for the development of pro-poor approaches for uncovering technological and institutional innovations which may involve more inclusive olive oil value chains. The underpinnings of our argument will be of interest and value to both development practitioners and the research community engaged within Tunisia, and the wider region more generally, on initiatives aimed at fostering effective, inclusive and contextually relevant processes for agricultural innovation. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Uncertainty in SMEs assessment of coronavirus pandemic risk impact on agri-food sector in Western Balkans [Article] / J. Popovic ; G. Kvrgic ; G. Coric ; J. Avakumovic ; D. Milosevic . - 2020 . - p. 445-460.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Economics of agriculture > vol. 67, n. 2 (June 2020) . - p. 445-460
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMCOVID-19 ; INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; EXPLOITATION AGRICOLE ; ANALYSE DU RISQUE ; RISQUE ; VIABILITE ECONOMIQUE ; PME ; INCERTITUDE ; REVENU ; MALADIE DE L'HOMME ; METHODE STATISTIQUE ; BALKANS ; SERBIE ; MONTENEGRO ; BOSNIE HERZEGOVINE ; ALBANIE Mots-clés : PANDEMIE Résumé : The subject of the research is to explore the operational risks - the risk of emergencies and specific Coronavirus pandemic risk that are SMEs from agribusiness sector, from Western Balkan countries exposed to, and the significances of their effect as independent variables to the sustainability of revenues in 2020. For that purpose, a survey of 102 SMEs from Agri-food and farms from the agribusiness sector from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro were provided at the end of March 2020. Methods used are: descriptive statistical analysis, correlation and regression analysis, ANOVA test, Persons correlation and multiple linear correlations. The results confirmed the hypothesis of the research - which the Sustainability risk of SMEs and farms in Western Balkan countries is significantly influenced by operational risk of emergencies and, ongoing Coronavirus pandemic) risk level in 2020. The contribution could to the sector actors exposure to these risks for efficient managing future uncertainties. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : Understanding the behaviour of olive oil tourists : a cluster analysis in southern Spain
Understanding the behaviour of olive oil tourists : a cluster analysis in southern Spain [Article] / J. Pulido-Fernandez ; J. Casado-Montilla ; I. Carrillo-Hidalgo . - 2020 . - p. 1-21.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Sustainability > vol. 12, n. 17 (September 2020) . - p. 1-21Catégories : Catégories principales10.4 - Huile d'Olive ; 10 - INDUSTRIESThésaurus IAMMTOURISME ; HUILE D'OLIVE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; OLEICULTURE ; MOULIN ; TOURISME EN MILIEU RURAL ; REGION MEDITERRANEENNE ; SEGMENTATION DU MARCHE ; ESPAGNE Résumé : Olive oil tourism is a recent development in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, but it is now spreading to other regions of the world. The main reasons people are choosing this special interest tourism (SIT) are to find out about the culture surrounding olive oil and to enjoy the whole host of activities related to the product. This has led to the creation of strong links between olive oil tourism and other types of special interest tourism. The studies undertaken thus far to characterise the profile of olive oil tourisms demand, and its motivations, expectations and needs, have been limited and partial, focusing on specific cases. Therefore, this paper aims to take a closer look at the demand for olive oil tourism. Based on a survey of 609 visitors to olive oil mills in the south of Spain, olive oil tourists were segmented according to the type of trip and the olive oil tourism experience enjoyed during the trip, using a two-step cluster analysis. The results obtained enabled us to identify four segments with well-differentiated behaviours, which will help stakeholders, policy makers and destination managers to reach decisions, with a view to adapting their product to the expectations and needs of potential customers. Cote : En ligne URL / DOI : Permalink : - Use of multiple indicators to compare sustainability performance of organic vs conventional vineyard management [Article] / E. Borsato ; M. Zucchinelli ; D. D'Ammaro ; E. Giubilato ; A. Zabeo ; P. Criscione ; L. Pizzol ; Y. Cohen ; P. Tarolli ; L. Lamastra ; F. Marinello . - 2020 . - p. 1-11.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Science of the Total Environment > vol. 711 (1 April 2020) . - p. 1-11
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.9 - VinThésaurus IAMMINDICATEUR DE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ; AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE ; AGRICULTURE INTENSIVE ; VIGNOBLE ; VITICULTURE ; VIN ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; PERFORMANCE ENVIRONNEMENTALE ; IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ; ANALYSE COMPARATIVE ; ITALIE Résumé : The wine sector is paying more attention to sustainable wine production practices, but this topic is highly debated because organic viticulture aims to a reduction of environmental impacts, while conventional viticulture ensures an increase of yield. This work provides an economic and environmental comparison using different indicators whereas no previous studies on viticulture have faced on both aspects of sustainability. Two distinct vineyards within the same case study farm were considered, where conventional and organic viticulture practices were applied for 5 years. For each type of production, we calculated the economic benefit and environmental indicators such as the Water Footprint, Carbon Footprint, and an indicator of environmental performance associated with the vineyard phase (Vineyard Management or Vigneto indicator part of the Italian VIVA certification framework). This latter considers six sub-indicators investigating pesticides management, fertilizers management, organic matter content, soil compaction, soil erosion, and landscape quality. The multi criteria approach is a novel framework assessing sustainability on vineyard management using environmental indicators from VIVA calculator and the economic aspect. Main results showed that organic management in viticulture can be applied without having economic losses and with the benefit of better preserving the natural capital. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : Valorisation des produits carnés : une étude du signal « élevé au pâturage » sur le packaging
Valorisation des produits carnés : une étude du signal « élevé au pâturage » sur le packaging [Article] / G. Denos ; J.-M. Ferrandi ; G. Pantin-Sohier . - 2020 . - p. 23-41.Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)in Economie rurale > n. 373 (Juillet-Septembre 2020) . - p. 23-41Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.8 - Produits CarnésThésaurus IAMMPRODUIT CARNE ; VALORISATION ; VIANDE BOVINE ; CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEUR ; ALIMENTATION DURABLE ; PATURAGE ; METHODE D'ELEVAGE ; BIEN ETRE ANIMAL ; QUALITE ; MATERIEL DE CONDITIONNEMENT ; CONSENTEMENT A PAYER Résumé : Le pâturage des bovins est perçu par le consommateur comme une pratique délevage de meilleure qualité, ancrée dans son territoire et porteuse dun meilleur traitement animal. Cette étude explore les moyens les plus efficaces de communiquer sur le sujet, mais également les inférences engendrées au niveau du produit. Elle appréhende limpact relatif de messages présents sur le packaging dune même pièce de viande. Ces messages valorisent le pâturage selon trois angles dargumentation : lexpérience de consommation, les croyances liées aux bienfaits sur la santé ou celles liées aux bienfaits pour lanimal et pour lenvironnement. Cet article valide la reconnaissance dune communication sur le pâturage comme signal de qualité avant tout reliée à lexpérience gustative. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Which is the relationship between the products environmental criteria and the product demand? Evidence from the French food sector [Article] / L. Palacios-Argüello ; N. Gondran ; I. Nouira ; M.-A. Girard ; J. Gonzalez-Féliu . - 2020 . - p. 1-16.Langues : Anglais (eng) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)in Journal of Cleaner Production > vol. 244 (January 2020) . - p. 1-16
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMINDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRE ; INDICATEUR ENVIRONNEMENTAL ; CHAINE D'APPROVISIONNEMENT ; FOURNISSEUR ; AGRICULTURE ALTERNATIVE ; DEMANDE ; PRODUIT ALIMENTAIRE ; ENTREPRISE ; ALIMENT BIOLOGIQUE POUR HOMME ; LABEL DE QUALITE Résumé : The purpose of this paper is to identify which environmental criteria can influence the product demand in a context of business-to-business. These criteria can be related to the products environmental characteristics, to the organization strategies or green practices developed by the firms and to the supplier selection process. Building the conceptual framework from the literature review, a set of environmental criteria were extracted, selected and validated. These criteria were used as a basis for the definition of a questionnaire survey that was sent to 5820 professionals from the food industry in France. The analysis of the 248 complete answers shows that the environmental characteristics of the product can influence products demand. The most influential attribute to improve the products environmental quality that increases the products demand is the introduction of organic labelled raw materials. Besides, the practices that influence mostly the product demand are related to the geographical proximity with the stakeholders. Moreover, the results show that the most important selection criterion when choosing a supplier is the importance given to the quality and environmental performance of components offered. Hence, we show that in the French food market, as opposite to what is usually assumed in many research works, the carbon emissions yield during the production process and transportation process have still no significant impact on products demand. Lastly, in this work, we quantify the demand increase that company can achieve when enhancing the environmental quality of its products. We show that the impact of the enhancement of those criteria on the demand can have different aspects. 55.6% of respondents advocate for a demand increase and most of them (33.6%) estimate this increase between 5 and 10% of the initial demand. Finally, some respondents (4.8%) indicate that the enhancement of environmental quality does not necessarily increase the demand. However, without efforts to enhance the environmental quality of their products, the demand can decrease. These findings allowed concluding that the business-customers are becoming more and more exigent by privileging organic labelled and local products and making that the companies analyse the geographical proximity with the stakeholders as a key factor during the selection process. We provide companies managers in food industry with better understanding about the environmental criteria that increase the products demand helping them to target the right decisions and to be efficient in their process of environmental quality enhancement. We also assess and try to quantify and give an estimation about the demand evolution regarding the enhancement of products environmental quality. Our findings are also helpful for Operational Research community. Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM URL / DOI : Permalink : - Analyse des difficultés de lapprovisionnement matière première dans une multinationale Mars Chocolat France [Thèse, Mémoire, Master] / A. Moussaoui . - s.l. : s.n., 2019 . - 42 p.Mémoire Master 2 Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Parcours Chaines de Valeur et Agrologistique (CDV).Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Français (fre)
Catégories : Catégories principales10 - INDUSTRIES ; 10.2 - IAA (en général)Thésaurus IAMMAPPROVISIONNEMENT ; MATIERE PREMIERE ; ENTREPRISE MULTINATIONALE ; CHOCOLAT ; FILIERE ; CHAINE DE VALEUR ; CACAO ; FRANCE Résumé : L'approvisionnement en matière première est une fonction qui occupe une importance majeure dans l'entreprise. Sachant que l'approvisionnement peut présenter plus de difficultés selon la nature des matières approvisionnées, ce rapport tend à préciser les difficultés liées à l'approvisionnement en chocolat suite aux différentes crises du cacao. Une deuxième partie de ce rapport explique la complexité et l'organisation des approvisionnements dans une multinationale en expliquant les moyens et les outils mis en place pour assurer une bonne communication entre les différents acteurs. Nature du diplôme : Mémoire (Master 2 CDV) Université de soutenance : CIHEAM-IAMM Ville de l'université de soutenance : Montpellier (France) Cote : Réservé lecteur CIHEAM Directeur de Thèse : Kessari M.-E. Membres du Jury : El Hadad-Gauthier F.; Kessari M.-E.; Merdji M.; Monteiro Pinto K. Permalink : Analyse économique de la compétitivité de la filière tomate dans la régio