ENVIRONNEMENTSynonyme(s)Milieu naturel Zone écologiqueVoir aussi |
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N. Röder ; C. Krämer ; R. Grajewski ; S. Lakner ; A. Matthews |With the latest reform of the EUs common agricultural policy (CAP) in 2021, the EU has introduced a modified toolkit of environmental instruments. This paper compares the final version of the legal texts of the current and preceding CAP to anal[...]Article
M. Ben Jaballah ; M. Ghali ; N. Ben Arfa ; K. Daniel ; G. Kleftodimos ; A. Ridier |Farm-level investment in digital tools is often viewed as a necessary part of the agroecological transition. However, its actual relevance remains unclear due to currently ambiguous definitions of farm investments in general and equipment invest[...]Ouvrage
M. Saadé ; O. Jolliet ; P. Crettaz ; N. Jolliet-Gavin ; S. Shaked ; G. Soucy, collab. ; G. Houillon, collab. | Lausanne [Suisse] : EPFL Press | 2024Lanalyse du cycle de vie (ACV) ou écobilan évalue limpact environnemental dun produit, dun service ou dun système en considérant toutes les étapes de son cycle de vie. Elle permet didentifier les points sur lesquels un produit peut êtr[...]Article
L.A. Mendonça ; J.J. Loomis ; M. Limont ; M.L.C. Bartz ; W.B. Rauen |Water and food security are constantly on the sustainable development agenda since they are interrelated with anthropogenic and ecosystemic issues present in the economic, environmental, and social spheres. The non-integrative management of thes[...]Article
Soil plays an essential role as a habitat, source of nutrients and support for vegetation. Promoting food security and environmental sustainability of agricultural systems requires an integrated approach to soil fertility management. Agricultura[...]Article
This research focuses on the environmental taxation applicable to the agri-food sector and aligns with the objectives of the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy of the European Green Deal context. Indeed, the methodology of the research develops a theor[...]Article
R.L. Pânzaru ; R.L. Pânzaru ; D. Firoiu ; G.H. Ionescu ; A. Ciobanu ; D.M. Medelete ; R. Pîrvu |Organic agriculture is considered an important component of sustainable development because it promotes environmental sustainability and social responsibility, involving the use of practices that minimize the negative impact of agriculture on th[...]Article
M. Lanfredi ; R. Coluzzi ; V. Imbrenda ; B. Nosova ; M. Giacalone ; R. Turco ; M. Prokopovà ; L. Salvati |Forest management is a complex topic at the interface between sustainability and the resilience of socioeconomic and environmental systems. The influence of market forces, supranational, country and regional policies, as well as climate change, [...]Article
La future PAC affiche une plus grande ambition climatique et environnementale recherchée via notamment le nouvel instrument de l'éco-régime du premier pilier. Cet article analyse les conditions d'accès des agriculteurs à l'éco-régime français pa[...]Article
Many Member States and diverse stakeholders continue to present conservative positions in the CAP reform process to enhance environmental sustainability. During the last process of reform, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture favoured the mainten[...]Article
M. Rapinski ; R. Raymond ; D. Davy ; T. Herrmann ; J.-P. Bedell ; A. Ka ; G. Odonne ; L. Chanteloup ; P.J. Lopez ; E. Foulquier ; E.F. da Silva ; N. El Deghel ; G. Boëtsch ; V. Coxam ; F. Joliet ; A.-M. Guihard-Costa ; L. Tibère ; J.-A. Nazare ; P. Duboz |Globalization is transforming food systems around the world. With few geographical areas spared from nutritional, dietary and epidemiological transitions, chronic diseases have reached pandemic proportions. A question therefore arises as to the [...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Revue des Sciences Humaines, n. 49 - Janvier-Mars 2023 - Écrire la ruralité. Penser les usages de la terre
S. Coyault, ed. ; C. Jacquier, ed. | 2023Les études rassemblées dans ce numéro embrassent plus de deux siècles d'écritures de la ruralité, à partir des prodromes de la conscience écologique au 18e siècle jusquaux écritures les plus contemporaines. Elles en montrent lévolution, en rel[...]Article
Les auteurs partent du constat quen réponse aux spécificités de la recherche sur les problèmes ayant trait à lenvironnement, au développement durable et à la transition écologique et sociale nécessité de les aborder en tenant compte de[...]Ouvrage
Philosophie, sociologie, anthropologie, études littéraires, linguistique, histoire, géographie, psychologie, musicologie, esthétique, histoire de lart, économie, sciences politiques, droit, archéologie : les disciplines couvertes par les[...]Ouvrage
Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment describes the relationship of agriculture, society, nature and the environment, sustainable agriculture and sustainable development goals, management of biophysical resources for sustainable food and e[...]Ouvrage
R. Bentirou Mathlouthi, dir. ; A. Pomade, dir. ; S. Becerra, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Environnement | 2023L'expression « Vulnérabilité(s) environnementale(s) » renvoie à plusieurs situations de fragilité, de résilience et de précarité du vivant humain et du vivant non-humain, de l'individuel au collectif. Face à cette notion à géométrie variable, un[...]Article
Barbara Redlingshöfer a soutenu une thèse interdisciplinaire sur les pertes et gaspillages alimentaires en ville. Caroline Petit axe ses travaux sur les questions de reconnexion entre agriculture et consommation à léchelle territoriale. Ensembl[...]Article
S. Zingale ; P. Guarnaccia ; A. Matarazzo ; G. Lagioia ; C. Ingrao |It is recognised today that the global food system does not always deliver good nutrition for all human beings, and, additionally, dramatically contributes to climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. In particular, the c[...]Article
Society recognises the importance of agriculture to supply goods, which are essential for human survival and well-being. Sustainable agriculture is an important goal since resources need to be preserved for future generations. The recent agricul[...]Article
After the Second World War, technological advancements helped to develop agriculture and meet urgent food needs. The green revolution was based on the cultivation of new high-yielding varieties, the adoption of plant protection measures, and syn[...]Article
Complex agricultural problems concern many countries, as a result of competing economic and environmental objectives. In this work we model three common agricultural problems through optimization techniques: a water-scarce area with overexploite[...]Article
J.-E. Bergez ; A. Béthinger ; C. Bockstaller ; C. Cederberg ; E. Ceschia ; N. Guilpart ; S. Lange ; F. Müller ; P. Reidsma ; C. Riviere ; C. Schader ; O. Therond ; H.M.G. van der Werf |Agriculture's primary function is the production of food, feed, fibre and fuel for the fast-growing world population. However, it also affects human health and ecosystem integrity. Policymakers make policies in order to avoid harmful impacts. Ho[...]Article
Assessing the spatial and temporal changes in ecosystems is essential to account for natural capital contribution to human well-being. However, various methods to quantify these changes challenge the development of reliable values which can be i[...]Article
L.V. De Luca Peña ; S.E. Taelman ; N. Préat ; L. Boone ; K. Van der Biest ; M. Custódio ; S. Hernandez Lucas ; G. Everaert ; J. Dewulf |Nowadays, a variety of methodologies are available to assess local, regional and global impacts of human activities on ecosystems, which include Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) and Ecosystem Services Assessment ([...]Article
Farming faces new and urgent pressures, with an array of mounting social, environmental and economic challenges, and growing public and political expectations for improved stewardship of natural resources [...]Article
Agriculture presents one of the central global pressures on biodiversity and climate. In the EU, the Green Deal, the Farm to Fork, and the Biodiversity Strategy 2030 set ambitious environmental targets, acknowledging the key role of agriculture [...]Article
Conventional agricultural systems have contributed to social, economic and environmental problems and are the main threat to global sustainability. In response, theoretical frameworks to describe the transition to sustainable food systems have b[...]Ouvrage
Après lère du « progrès », place à lâge de la résilience. La Terre a été mise à mal par lactivité humaine au cours des derniers siècles et il est urgent de transformer notre rapport à notre environnement. Jeremy Rifkin, prospectiviste de reno[...]E-Book
P. Luu ; M.-C. Bidault, collab. ; S. Le Foll, préf. ; I.A. Mayaki, préf. ; G. Bastien, préf. | Auray [France] : La Butineuse | 2022Comment nourrir demain 10 milliards dêtres humains ? Peut-on le faire autrement que par la déforestation, lusage intensif dengrais et de produits de synthèse, qui aggravent le dérèglement climatique et lérosion de la biodiversité ? Le débat [...]