ENVIRONNEMENTSynonyme(s)Milieu naturel Zone écologiqueVoir aussi |
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S. Aubert, coord. ; A. Botta, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Nature et Société | 2022Les crises que nous traversons interrogent les modèles de société qui fondent nos priorités et nos actions. Comment retrouver une capacité à agir pour un idéal de justice sociale et écologique ? Comment remobiliser nos sens et habiter en conscie[...]Ouvrage
Nourrir le monde, sans pétrole, en régénérant la nature et le climat : telle est léquation alimentaire de notre temps. Face à la difficulté de lexercice, notre société dabondance hésite entre lutopie béate dun retour à la nature sauvage [...]Série
Les Tunisiens sont confrontés à la pire crise depuis une génération, conséquence du COVID-19, frappant une économie qui ralentissait déjà. Les politiques macroéconomiques ont limité la gravité de la récession, mais la pandémie a exacerbé les fai[...]Série
PNUD. Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement. New York (États-Unis) | New York [États-Unis] : ONU - PNUD | Rapport Arabe sur le Développement Humain | 2022The 2022 Arab Human Development Report assesses the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Arab States regions sustainable human development trajectory. The scourge of the Covid-19 pandemic on human development has been felt well beyond the s[...]Article
Depuis 1989 est développée au sein de lISARA [1], école dingénieurs en agriculture, alimentation, environnement située à Lyon, une spécialisation de fin de cursus orientée vers les métiers du développement local. Pourquoi et comment lIS[...]Ouvrage
Avec ses quantités effarantes de données à traiter, de terminaux à alimenter, de serveurs à refroidir et de réseaux à déployer, lintelligence artificelle est une source de pollution importante à lheure actuelle. Paradoxalement, la plupart des [...]Ouvrage
M.-L. Demeester, dir. ; V. Mercier, dir. ; N. Vicente, collab. ; D. Sussmann | Aix en Provence [France] : PUAM, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille | Collection de l'Institut de Droit des Affaires | 2022Belle et fragile Méditerranée. Attractive car trop belle. Surpeuplée sur le littoral, envahie par les déchets, saturée par le transport maritime, et si fragile car petite et semi-fermée. Sans parler du changement climatique qui aggrave nettement[...]Article
Although the visibility of women farmers in agriculture is increasing, we have little knowledge about the impact this will have on the environmental management of family farms. Numerous studies have documented that young women farmers show high [...]Article
B. Czúcz ; H. Keith ; J. Maes ; A. Driver ; B. Jackson ; E. Nicholson ; M. Kiss ; C. Obst |The UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) aims at regular and standardised stocktaking of the extent of ecosystems, their condition, and the services they provide to society. Recording the condition of eco[...]Article
D.S. Cristea ; S. Rosenberg ; A. Pustianu Mocanu ; I.A. Simionov ; A.A. Mogodan ; S.M. Petrea ; L.M. Moga |This research provides an analytical and predictive framework, based on state-of-the-art machine-learning (ML) algorithms (random forest (RF) and generalized additive models (GAM)), that can be used to assess and improve the Common Agricultural [...]Article
Dans cet article, nous traitons de lévolution des approches liant santé, environnement et écosystèmes, en partant dune vision fixiste de lenvironnement pour aller vers une vision dynamique de celui-ci. Les changements globaux en cours nécessi[...]Article
The Adriatic coast of Northeast Italy is one of the representative areas holding high ecological value in the Mediterranean. In this research, we have monitored the environmental change of coastal wetland in ten studied sites that covered all th[...]Article
Evidence overwhelmingly supports the view that we need to drastically reduce our consumption of animal products for reasons related to the environment and public health, while moral concerns about the treatment of animals in agriculture are beco[...]Article
L. Seguin ; F. Barataud ; L. Guichard ; M. Bonifazi ; V. Souchère ; S. Bouarfa ; J. Tournebize |Cet article propose danalyser la manière dont la construction transdisciplinaire dun projet de recherche, puis la mise en uvre dune démarche participative sur lenjeu des pollutions diffuses agricoles de leau (nitrates et pesticides), const[...]Article
La formulation des risques associés à lérosion de la biodiversité prend de lampleur dans les champs politique et scientifique. Plusieurs évènements nationaux et internationaux en 2020 et 2021 mettent en exergue limportance de cet [...]Article
This commentary considers the challenges and trade-offs in using blockchain as the facilitating digital infrastructure for degrowth projects. A blockchain is simply a distributed database. The technology is being used for a wide range of applica[...]Article
Analyzing governance is particularly important for understanding and managing social-ecological systems (SES). Governance systems influence interactions between actors and the ecological system and are in turn influenced by the changes that occu[...]Article
Agroecosystems are anthropised ecosystems where human activities, mainly agricultural practices, affect the innate functioning, leading to the provision of agroecosystem services (AES) and disservices (AEDS). This study presents a novel and inte[...]Article
Fertilizers stand at the base of current agricultural practices, providing the nutrient sustainment required for growing plants. Most fertilizers are synthetic chemicals, whose exploitation at very high levels poses a risk to cultivated land and[...]Article
Environmental economic valuation allows to derive values from individuals' behaviour in hypothetical markets, but it is not exempt from certain biases. This work aims to evidence the existence of Social Desirability Bias (SDB) in the use of the [...]Article
Agri-food systems (AFS) have been central in the debate on sustainable development. Despite this growing interest in AFS, comprehensive analyses of the scholarly literature are hard to find. Therefore, the present systematic review delineated th[...]Article
The article aims to present the essence of agritourism in the literature regarding the subject of its profitability during the COVID-19 pandemic. To verify the goal, data from our own research was applied. The research was conducted in 2019 and [...]Article
M.M. Sy ; H. Rey-Valette ; C. Figuières ; M. Simier ; R. De Wit |Preferences elicitation can be a challenging exercise for citizens participating in assessment surveys. It is even more challenging when it comes to complex and unfamiliar ecosystems and the threatened ecosystem services they provide. Making peo[...]Article
A. Salhi ; S. Benabdelouahab ; E.O. Bouayad ; T. Benabdelouahab ; I. Larifi ; M. El Mousaoui ; N. Acharrat ; M. Himi ; A. Casas Ponsati |In coastal watersheds, services and landuse favour coastal tourism and urbanization, depriving rural upstream of infrastructure and attention. This unbalanced management leads to an intensification of socioeconomic changes that generate a struct[...]Article
This paper describes the measures adopted by Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna (two Italian regions) for planning their peri-urban areas at regional level. Peri-urban territories merge urban and rural features and extend beyond the municipal administr[...]Article
G. Gabbi ; M. Matthias ; N. Patrizi ; F.M. Pulselli ; S. Bastianoni |The environment may constrain economic growth potential. In other words, economic growth cannot be pursued in spite of ecological limits any longer. Here we present an economic growth indicator adjusted by taking into account the current tendenc[...]Article
O. Farahy ; M. Laghfiri ; M. Bourioug ; L. Aleya |The cultivation of apple trees needs to use phytosanitary products, which are used in an irrational way by certain farmers. The harmful effects of pesticides result mainly from their persistence in the environment. Several studies have been carr[...]Article
G. Sneegas ; S. Beckner ; C. Brannstrom ; W. Jepson ; K. Lee ; L. Seghezzo |Q-methodology is a mixed qualitative-quantitative method used to measure social perspectives on issues relating to sustainability and environmental governance in a systematic, replicable manner. Although its use grown over the past two decades, [...]Article
Greening, which was introduced during the last reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, targets the enhancement of ecological sustainability in European agriculture. Due to its association with such sustainability gains, growing agricultural [...]