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Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (1437)
Water Stewardship means that all water users within a catchment context work collaboratively for sustainable water management. The Water and Productivity Project (WAPRO) has been bringing together stakeholders from various countries for this pur[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The present bulletin is a general outlook on the cereal harvest in the Mediterranean region . It provides early qualitative forecasting of the 2020 cereal campaign, with a particular focus on soft wheat, durum wheat and barley. The second bullet[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The present bulletin is a general outlook on the cereal harvest in the Mediterranean region . It provides early qualitative forecasting of the 2020 harvest on three cereals crops: Soft wheat, durum wheat and barley. The first bulletin provides a[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The present bulletin is a general outlook on the cereal harvest in the Mediterranean region. It provides early qualitative forecasting of the 2020 cereal campaign, with a particular focus on soft wheat, durum wheat and barley. This is the final [...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2020Fruit de la collaboration entre lOrganisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) et lOrganisation des Nations Unies pour lalimentation et lagriculture (FAO), les Perspectives agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2020‑202[...]Article
A. Gara ; M. Hammami ; L. Rached |Pistachio tree is considered one of the main fruit species widely cultivated in arid and semi-arid zones of Tunisia. It has a socio-economic and environmental importance. It is mainly cultivated in Gafsa-North region located in south Tunisia reg[...]Ouvrage
C. Hermon ; I. Doussan ; B. Grimonprez | Paris [France] : LexisNexis | Droit & Professionnels, ISSN 2119-3169 | 2020Parce que l'agriculture et l'environnement sont irréductiblement liés, le droit de l'environnement a progressivement inscrit son empreinte sur la production agricole par un dispositif normatif extrêmement dense. Ce qui frappe d'emblée, c'est la [...]E-Book
This book provides one of the most detailed and comprehensive examinations of the Moroccan argan tree, the products derived from it and its cultural significance. The Moroccan argan trade is booming, but as the tree provides important ecologica[...]Article
Food insecurity is extensive throughout the world and hunger and malnutrition are expected to remain serious humanitarian and political concerns, both in the short term and for the foreseeable future, particularly in low income developing countr[...]Article
La filière huile d'olive se caractérise par une progression durant ces deux dernières décennies, d'où une analyse de données sur cette filière permettra d'éclaircir dans quel contexte évolue cette dernière, par ailleurs ce travail élucidera la v[...]Article
This paper aimed at evaluating the level of sustainability in agriculture in 28 member states of the European Union. The surveys were carried out based on a synthetic technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS)-bas[...]Article
R. Simoncini ; I. Ring ; C. Sandström ; C. Albert ; U. Kasymov ; R. Arlettaz |The European Unions Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), being one of the strongest drivers of agricultural land-use practices, has a substantial impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Member States. The initial focus of the CAP to i[...]Article
Le Giec est partial. Il ne souligne pas l'apport positif de l'agriculture et de la forêt dans la compensation des émissions de GES.Article
La nature ne doit plus être perçue comme une menace mais comme un partenaire. Aux agriculteurs d'établir une complémentarité entre les deux.Article
J. Vos ; P. Van Oel ; P. Hellegers ; G.J. Veldwisch ; J. Hoogesteger |Virtual water flows, incorporated in global food trade has increased the last decade. The drivers and consequences are complex. These complex relations between humans and water resources are studied from different perspectives. In this article, [...]Article
X. He ; L. Estes ; M. Konar ; D. Tian ; D. Anghileri ; K. Baylis ; T.P. Evans ; J. Sheffield |Understanding the cross-scale linkages between drought and food security is vital to developing tools to reduce drought impacts and support decision making. This study reviews how drought hazards transfer to food insecurity through changes in ph[...]Article
Over the last decades, the European wine industry has been object of increased international competition, which has implications for the dynamics of wine production. This paper examines the underlying factors of wine production in the European U[...]Article
T.A. Gardner ; M. Benzie ; J. Börner ; E. Dawkins ; S. Fick ; R. Garrett ; J. Godar ; A. Grimard ; S. Lake ; R.K. Larsen ; N. Mardas ; C.L. McDermott ; P. Meyfroidt ; M. Osbeck ; M. Persson ; T. Sembres ; C. Suavet ; B. Strassburg ; P. Wolvekamp |Over the last few decades rapid advances in processes to collect, monitor, disclose, and disseminate information have contributed towards the development of entirely new modes of sustainability governance for global commodity supply chains. Howe[...]Article
Accompagnant la révolution numérique de lagriculture, la robotique agricole connaît un nouvel essor, comme en témoignent les récents progrès réalisés sur lautonomie des robots, la reconnaissance dimages, la perception visuelle de lenvironnem[...]Article
Herbicide application in agricultural systems is currently critically discussed because of its possible adverse effects on the environment and human health. Currently, governments and food industry actors search for solutions to reduce herbicide[...]Article
A. Fallot ; F. Bousquet ; S. Dury |Larticle analyse les correspondances et les décalages entre la pensée sur la résilience dans la littérature et la façon dont on traite de résilience en matière de développement et de sécurité alimentaire dans les projets et dans les guides prat[...]Article
Unsustainable use of water is becoming a huge problem. The innovative push-pull-policy approach addresses this issue by involving all stakeholders in promoting better agricultural practices, creating financial incentives to use them and improvin[...]Article
Comment réduire les pertes et gaspillages alimentaires ? Cette question interpelle les décideurs politiques, compte tenu des enjeux environnementaux, économiques et sociaux. Depuis plusieurs années, diverses mesures daction publique ont été tes[...]Article
Lorsquil sagit de décrire le lien entre femmes rurales, sécurité alimentaire et conservation des ressources naturelles, certaines déclarations reviennent sans cesse dans les études des spécialistes. Non seulement elles encouragent à stéréotype[...]Article
Les exportations de vins dans le monde sont analysées à plusieurs échelles, mondiale, nationale, régionale et locale. Elles révèlent une Europe encore dominante malgré des pertes en parts de marché en faveur des pays du Nouveau Monde et le rôle [...]Article
Through the case study of the rural village of Wn, situated in the south-west area of Bethlehem (West Bank), this article brings to light the processes that led to the decrease of agricultural production and to food insecurity in the Palestinian[...]Article
L. Skaf ; E. Buonocore ; S. Dumontet ; R. Capone ; P.P. Franzese |World population is expected to approach 9.7 billion by 2050. This scenario will lead to an increase in food demand, worsening environmental problems due to intensive agricultural productions. For this reason, one of the major challenges is to a[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Chambre régionale d'agriculture d'Occitanie ; Cerfrance | Castanet Tolosan : Chambre régionale d'agriculture d'Occitanie | Agri'scopie | 2019Pour la 4e année consécutive, Agriscopie® Occitanie vous expose les principaux chiffres de lagriculture régionale et vous permet de mieux comprendre et appréhender les problématiques de notre agriculture régionale. Agriscopie® se positionne[...]