PRODUCTION AGRICOLESynonyme(s)Offre agricoleVoir aussi |
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Economic, social, and climatic conditions affect agricultural production. Those changes are relevant to the rainfed agricultural areas of the Mediterranean Belt, including Spainthe largest producer of olive oil in the world. However, little is [...]Article
Nombre de journalistes et collaborateurs réguliers du « Monde diplomatique » ont contribué à l'ouvrage « Le Nouveau Monde. Tableau de la France néolibérale » (Éditions Amsterdam), à paraître le 10 septembre. Dessinant un portrait de la France co[...]Article
Agricultural statistical data enable the detection and interpretation of the development of agriculture and the food supply situation over time, which is essential for food security evaluation in any country. Based on the historical agricultural[...]Article
Sustainability is a widely accepted goal across many sectors of our society and, according to new concepts, it includes resilience and adaptive capacity. Resilience is important for a system to guarantee the maintenance of functions and structur[...]Article
V. Labeyrie ; D. Renard ; Y. Aumeeruddy-Thomas ; P. Benyei ; S. Caillon ; L. Calvet-Mir ; S.M. Carrière ; M. Demongeot ; E. Descamps ; A. Braga Junqueira ; X. Li ; J. Locqueville ; G. Mattalia ; S. Miñarro ; A. Morel ; A. Porcuna-Ferrer ; A. Schlingmann ; J. Vieira da Cunha Avila ; V. Reyes-García |Homogenization of crop portfolios from the field to the global scale is raising concerns about agricultural adaptation to climate change. Assessing whether such trends threaten farmers long-term adaptive capacity requires a thorough understandi[...]Article
Achieving the transition to a sustainable global food and agricultural system will require a shift in the pattern of production and consumption from commodities that generate substantial emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to those that generat[...]Article
Parmi les alliacées, le merchandising constitue un indispensable instrument de stimulation économique. Depuis quelques années, il se teinte de plus en plus d'allégations agroécologiques. De quoi raconter plein d'histoires au consommateur.Article
Resilient crop-livestock production systems become crucial to face environmental challenges such as climate mitigation. Progress in the SDG 2.4.1 indicator (proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture) requires r[...]Article
Improvements in the sustainability of agricultural production depend essentially on advances in the efficient use of nitrogen. Precision farming promises solutions in this respect. Variable rate technologies allow the right quantities of fertili[...]Article
B. Grizzetti ; O. Vigiak ; A. Udias ; A. Aloe ; M. Zanni ; F. Bouraoui ; A. Pistocchi ; C. Dorati ; R. Friedland ; A. De Roo ; C. Benitez Sanz ; A. Leip ; M. Bielza |Intensive agriculture and densely populated areas represent major sources of nutrient pollution for European inland and coastal waters, altering the aquatic ecosystems and affecting their capacity to provide ecosystem services and support econom[...]Article
Whereas many studies adopting a broad perspective on sustainability have highlighted the differences and interactions between alternative and conventional models of agricultural production, very few have investigated the contradictions internal [...]Article
En Algérie, le secteur agricole a bénéficié dune stratégie appliquée à partir de lannée 2000. Lobjectif recherché est lamélioration des capacités productives du pays et la réduction des importations pour la concrétisation de la sécurité alim[...]Article
La politique agricole, en Algérie, à partir de lannée 2000 est fondée sur lencouragement de linvestissement. Dans cet article, nous allons examiner limpact de cette politique sur les filières darboricultures fruitières. Grâce à lexploitati[...]Article
Securing agricultural commodities for a growing population requires a paradigm shift in agricultural thinking. An appropriate agricultural development pathway should be determined, which may include larger land extensions and water consumption o[...]Article
La saison de récolte des olives fait naître une temporalité et un paysage qui façonnent les relations sociales et économiques. Ce moment deffervescence collective autour dune activité agricole emblématique de lespace méditerranéen offre une p[...]Article
N. Borghino ; M. Corson ; L. Nitschelm ; A. Wilfart ; J. Fleuet ; M. Moraine ; T.A. Breland ; P. Lescoat ; O. Godinot |Territorial Life Cycle Assessment (TLCA) appears a promising method to support informed decision making of local actors in territorial agricultural production systems (TAPS), by assessing environmental impacts of agricultural activities and pote[...]Article
P.A. Hernández ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; S. Sumane ; D. Duckett ; H.E. Almaas |For small farms across Europe, connecting to small food businesses offers a significant route to market. We analyse survey data from 85 small food businesses in nine European regions and explore the enabling and limiting conditions around this c[...]Article
In the region of MSila, a steppe zone and characteristic of a dominant agro-pastoral framework, the local olive sector has certainly grown in terms of area expansion, but the information available indicates that its future in terms of performan[...]Article
The Osijek-Baranya County at the east part of Croatia, generally is known as lowland region in whose economy agriculture and food industry are of great importance. Eastern Croatia abounds in various traditional products, mainly based on smoked p[...]Article
Numerous attempts have been made to estimate the share of the worlds food produced by family farms and by farms of different sizes. This paper updates estimates of the number of farms worldwide, their distribution and that of farmland, using th[...]Article
A distinctive feature of Greek agriculture is its important position in the economy and society. Depending on the state of the national economy, and especially in times of economic recession, different population groups may consider agriculture [...]Article
La filière courte est une tendance qui s'observe depuis quelques années, qui n'est plus seulement l'émanation de quelques entreprises ou filières éparses. La crise de la Covid vient encore accélérer le déploiement de filières amont-aval courtes,[...]Article
The aim of our study was to determine the level of anxiety among farmers in different agricultural branches in Turkey during the COVID-19 outbreak and to examine its association with socioeconomic concerns and social support variables. Based on [...]Article
Afin de nourrir dix milliards dêtres humains dici à 2050, les agriculteurs ne doivent sinterdire aucune piste.Article
La Commission européenne veut fournir au secteur de lagriculture biologique les bons outils pour atteindre lobjectif de 25 % de terres agricoles dédiées à lhorizon 2030.Article
Un peu plus dun an après le début de la pandémie et les scènes daffolement montrant de nombreuses personnes remplissant leur chariot dans les magasins par crainte de pénuries de nourriture, les Français ont pu constater quils nont manqué de [...]Article
As the core of civilian production and an indispensable part of the national economy, the agricultural industry plays a role in many aspects, but it also generates a large amount of carbon emissions that are harmful to the environment. A game mo[...]Article
The growing presence of community or allotment gardens seeks to respond to the challenges of todays urban societies in terms of sustainability. The food dimension of this phenomenon is one of its most important aspects, with clear repercussions[...]Article
Expanding populations, the impacts of climate change, availability of arable land, and availability of water for irrigation collectively strain the agricultural system. To keep pace and adapt to these challenges, food producers may adopt unsusta[...]Article
Agricultural research has fostered productivity growth, but the historical influence of anthropogenic climate change (ACC) on that growth has not been quantified. We develop a robust econometric model of weather effects on global agricultural to[...]