Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (398)
Conservation practices (CPs) are frequently presented as a solution to the environmental impacts of intensified agriculture systems. CPs have, however, not been universally adopted by farmers, despite significant state financial support. Meta-an[...]Article
Farmers representations of the effects of precision livestock farming on human-animal relationships
F. Kling-Eveillard ; C. Allain ; X. Boivin ; V. Courboulay ; P. Créach ; A. Philibert ; Y. Ramonet ; N. Hostiou |Precision livestock farming affects the nature and frequency of farmers daily tasks, specifically in relation to animals. It consequently may modify how farmers consider their animals, the quality of the human-animal relationship and animal wel[...]Article
Farm succession is a key policy concern of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and the European Commission's proposals for the future. This article uses the agent‐based model AgriPoliS to study the effects of the availability of potential [...]Article
A variety of indicator-based methods have been developed for the sustainability assessment of farming systems (FSs). However, many of them lack holisticity, focus on a specific agricultural sector/product, and do not provide aggregated results t[...]Article
Climate change constitutes a major threat to agricultural production, food security, and natural resource management. Saudi Arabia is particularly susceptible to increasing temperatures and extreme climatic events, such as arid weather and droug[...]Article
I. Coteur ; H. Wustenberghs ; L. Debruyne ; L. Lauwers ; F. Marchand |A multitude of farm-level sustainability assessment tools (SATs) exists, reflecting a variety of agricultural practices and sustainability perceptions. Tools differ and insight is lacking about how they match with farmers' needs. This paper exam[...]Article
Cooperation among farmers is an effective alternative to reduce production costs in smallholdings of traditional olive groves and increase their low profitability. However, an increase in efficiency reduces working hours and the labour required [...]Article
Innovation capacity is essential for farmers to remain competitive and overcome the challenges facing Mediterranean agricultural systems. Based on an extensive empirical study, this paper elucidates the common attributes of innovative farmers in[...]Article
Choisir ses productions est un casse-tête pour les agriculteurs. Les pouvoirs publics pourraient les aiguiller pour répondre aux attentes des consommateurs.Article
C. Font ; R. Padró ; C. Cattaneo ; J. Marull ; E. Tello ; A. Alabert ; M. Farré |In this paper we propose an approach to understand how different farmers goals can contribute to structure cultural landscapes and how the information-as-structure held in energy flows within farm systems can be measured. We start from a histor[...]Article
The overexploitation of groundwater for irrigation purposes is a general problem affecting the management of common resources. The objective of this study was to analyze some of the policy options when facing this issue. A choice experiment was [...]Article
Over the last 30 years, the European Union has significantly reformed its Common Agricultural Policy by introducing direct payments to farmers and reducing price support levels. While the European agricultural prices become more volatile, all ec[...]Article
La question de la rémunération des agriculteurs est intrinsèquement liée à linternationalisation du marché alimentaire et à lévolution de nos modes de consommation. Aujourdhui, le comportement des consommateurs reflète un paradoxe : sils sou[...]Article
In recent years, urban contexts and urban-rural linkages have become central for scholars and activists engaged in agrarian questions, agroecological transitions and food system transformation. Grassroots experimentations in urban agroecology an[...]Article
M. Ghanian ; O.M. Ghoochani ; M. Dehghanpour ; M. Taqipour ; F. Taheri ; M. Cotton |Adaptation to climate change is a matter of urgent social scientific analysis. Within the agricultural sector of many developing nations, farmers must make long-term decisions to adapt to climate change impacts in order to provide food security [...]Bulletin : Revue
Végétable : l'écho de la planète fruits et légumes, n. 376 - Avril 2020
J.-L. Gregorini, dir. | 2020Article
Cet article apporte un éclairage nouveau sur la genèse des Associations pour le maintien dune agriculture paysanne (Amap) en les réintégrant dans une histoire militante qui prend sa source au début des années 1990 avec lAlliance Paysans Écolog[...]Article
The eco-schemes proposed by the European Commission for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP ) have the potential to make agriculture more sustainable and climate smart. Based on Dutch policy advice we suggest basing the implementation on foo[...]Article
F. Pagliacci ; E. Defrancesco ; D. Mozzato ; L. Bortolini ; A. Pezzuolo ; F. Pirotti ; E. Pisani ; P. Gatto |The EU rural development policy has addressed challenges related to climate change in agriculture by introducing public voluntary schemes, which financially support the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. Several factors, most of w[...]Article
P. Mischler ; G. Martel ; P. Tresh ; N. Chartier |Cet article propose une synthèse de deux projets Casdar (Phytoel, RED-SPyCE), portant sur leffet de lassociation de lélevage et des cultures sur lusage des intrants, en mobilisant des bases de données (BDD) dEcophyto et dInosys Réseaux dE[...]Article
Climate change, in addition to reducing rainfall and increasing temperature, has led to a decline in water quality and increased groundwater salinity in Iran. These factors have a negative effect on crop yields. Therefore, the assessment of the [...]Article
The concept of resilience gained traction in academic, policy, and development discourse in recent years, yet its conceptualization and application at the farm level has received little attention. For instance, recent policy recommendations pres[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Alim'agri, n. 1570 - Février 2020
2020L'agriculture française ne cesse de se réinventer. Ce magazine en 100 chiffres est composé de textes courts qui montrent comment les agriculteurs et les entreprises agroalimentaires innovent dans tous les domaines (agroéquipement, agroécologie, [...]Article
L. Stringer ; E.D.G. Fraser ; D. Harris ; C. Lyon ; L. Pereira ; C.F.M. Ward ; E. Simelton |One of the greatest challenges humanity faces is feeding the worlds human population in a sustainable, nutritious, equitable and ethical way under a changing climate. Urgent transformations are needed that allow farmers to adapt and develop whi[...]Article
While there is broad agreement in theory that farmers' expertise should be integrated into discussions of land management and climate change adaptation in the food system, it is unknown how much research practice has integrated these recommendat[...]Article
Les productions agricoles sont soumises à des aléas portant sur les prix des récoltes, sur leur rendement ou encore sur leur état sanitaire. Si la gestion du risque de prix repose largement sur lutilisation dinstruments financiers adaptés ou d[...]Article
This study examines the scope and depth of research on the five major types of risks in agriculture, and the extent to which those studies have addressed the impacts of, and policies to mitigate individual types of risk as opposed to more holist[...]