Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (112)
Où et comment ferons-nous nos courses demain ? Avec lessor des plateformes numériques, le libre-service est remis en cause, dans lalimentaire comme ailleurs. Et le parcours client dhier se réinvente à tâtons. Ce livre imagine quatre scénario[...]Article
Online presence is essential for companies operating in the social economy. The health crisis resulting from Covid-19 has reinforced the need to access the Internet and develop online commerce. This paper analyses the online presence of Catalan [...]Ouvrage
Transaction costs create inefficiencies in agricultural markets, and poor trade digitalization lowers agrifood productivity of developing countries. This paper argues that trade facilitation via digitalization cuts transaction costs thereby incr[...]Article
The purpose of this research is to study transaction costs and their antecedents, in relation to the willingness to buy groceries online in Italy, and to observe the effect of Covid-19 is having in those. The study used a positivist deductive ap[...]Article
Ces vingt dernières années, le commerce en ligne a connu un réel essor notamment dans le secteur alimentaire. Nous analysons leffet de lémergence du e-commerce sur le comportement du consommateur ainsi que son bien-être, la concurrence en aval[...]Article
A. Costa ; J. Soares ; E. Salas-Leiton ; A. Bordalo ; S. Costa-Dias |The fisheries industry has been one of the most immediate and severely impacted sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns in particular. This study aimed to gather detailed information about the new initiatives that, preferentially on an on[...]Article
D. Recchia ; P. Rollet ; M. Perignon ; N. Bricas ; S. Vonthron ; C. Perrin ; C. Méjean |Background: To limit the spread of COVID-19, a strict lockdown was imposed in France between March and May 2020. Mobility limitations and closure of non-essential public places (restaurants, open-air markets, etc.) affected peoples' food environ[...]Article
With the prosperity of e-commerce, agricultural products e-commerce has also achieved certain development in the past few years, but there is still a large room for growth compared with the number of Internet users and the overall economic scale[...]Article
The development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media, along with the emergence of wikis, blogs, online communities, and social networks, has rapidly transformed e-commerce. This phenomenon is commonly known as social commerce, an evolution o[...]Article
Les freins à l'achat en ligne de fruits et légumes sont-ils en train de disparaître ? Pendant des années, la performance moindre des produits frais en ligne s'expliquait par l'absence de sensorialité. Désormais, différents signaux indiquent que [...]Article
Economics has been trying to understand market functioning for a long time. However, the neoclassical approach does not satisfy the understanding of the mechanisms that operate in the construction, stabilization, and transformation of markets. F[...]Article
La croissance rapide du cheptel mondial de dromadaires et de chameaux vise notamment à répondre à une demande croissante en lait de chamelle. Nous analysons ces mutations en étudiant le commerce en ligne, apparu récemment, de produits issus de l[...]Article
The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy, in the period MarchMay 2020, quickly triggered a deep crisis, causing an immediate economic slowdown and consequently a strong contraction in domestic demand and trade. The food supply chain faced s[...]Article
L.S. Alaimo ; M. Fiore ; A. Galati |The pandemic COVID 19 has upset the economic, social, financial, and general behavioral systems. Global crisis has a large impact overall and related fallouts significantly affect existent structural paradigms in every country and region across [...]Article
The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact that food delivery mobile applications have on consumers' behaviour in the context of the changes generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, we aimed to bridge the gap in the literature and p[...]Article
The dynamic development of e-commerce in the foodservice market has been observed in recent years (especially during the COVID-19 pandemic), both in Poland and in other countries. The purpose of the study was to determine the characteristics of [...]Article
The digitization of the agri-food sector is a strategic priority in the political agenda of European institutions. The opportunity to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of the sector offered by new technologies comes together with its po[...]Article
M. Vlachopoulou ; C. Ziakis ; K. Vergidis ; M. Madas |The agribusiness sector shows tremendous growth and sustainability prospects by exploiting the challenges of AgriFood-Tech business models in the digital environment, by encouraging innovation, accelerating institutional and structural change,[...]Article
In situ conservation of local breeds requires populations in economically sustainable and resilient production systems. In those countries where the market recognizes the quality of the products of local breeds, the traditional relationship betw[...]Article
The article focuses on the specificity of the behavior of modern prosumers in the market for organic products as a determinant of sustainable consumption. The strengthening of the pro-consumer relationship is made possible thanks to ongoing tech[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Le contexte économique et commercial actuel est challengeant, de ce fait il est indispensable davoir une organisation logistique performante pour développer un avantage concurrentiel, réduire les coûts et maîtriser les niveaux de stock. Lentre[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Pour faire face au développement exponentiel des marchés agroalimentaires qui se trouvent dans un environnement gouverné par la mondialisation, il est nécessaire, pour les entreprises, de penser à réorganiser leur business model afin de répondre[...]Article
The Spanish olive oil sector is the world leader in terms of olive oil production. This sector primarily comprises companies in the social economy, especially cooperatives, which account for more than 75% of production. The emergence of second-t[...]Article
The advent of the Internet has significantly changed consumption patterns and habits. Online grocery shopping is a way of purchasing food products using a web-based shopping service. The current COVID-19 pandemic is determining a rethinking of p[...]Article
Over the past decades, consumer adoption of online grocery shopping has increased steadily. Yet, overall market share is still comparatively low and retailers start questioning the prospects of the maturing distribution channel. The existing lan[...]Article
F. Oncini ; F. Oncini ; E. Bozzini ; F. Forno ; N. Magnani |This paper makes use of a unique dataset on the population of online food provisioning services to shed light on the organization of the food e-commerce in the Italian context. Building on the opposition between pipelines and platforms, we propo[...]Article
En prospective, comme les lecteurs de Futuribles le savent bien, on étudie différents scénarios, mais également les ruptures possibles. En juillet 2019, lors dun atelier sur les ruptures possibles du système alimentaire, les membres du club Vig[...]