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FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2024Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2024-2033 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, sur les dix ans à venir, des marchés des produits agricoles, halieutiques et aquacoles. Lédition de ce[...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2023Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2023-2032 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, dans les dix ans à venir, des marchés nationaux, régionaux et mondiaux des produits agricoles, halieutiques [...]Article
E. Vargas-Bello-Pérez ; K. Tajonar ; G. Foggi ; M. Mele ; P. Simitzis ; A. Mavrommatis ; E. Tsiplakou ; M.R. Habib ; M. Gonzalez-Ronquillo ; P.M. Toro-Mujica |This study aimed to assess consumer knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions toward dairy products from sheep and goats. A web-based survey was conducted in Latin America (Mexico and Chile), Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece, and Denmark), and Asia (Ban[...]Article
V.M. Merlino ; S. Massaglia ; S. Blanc ; F. Brun ; D. Borra |The specialty milk market in Italy has shown positive trends in recent years. Companies, from small producers to market leaders, continue to invest in differentiating their product lines, increasingly orienting their production choices towards s[...]Article
Cheese production causes significant environmental impacts, which have to be reduced. In France, a lot of different cheeses are available, made from different milks but also from different cheese technologies. The goal of this study was to under[...]Article
V. Chatellier ; F. Cadudal ; P. Chotteau ; B. Duflot ; P. Heydemann |En modifiant la structure de la demande en types de produits animaux du fait de laugmentation de la consommation à domicile au détriment de la restauration hors foyer, la pandémie de Covid-19 a exigé une forte adaptation des acteurs de la trans[...]Article
A. Mohamed-Brahmi ; D. Tsiokos ; S. Ben Saïd ; S. Boudalia ; S. Smeti ; A. Bousbia ; Y. Gueroui ; A. Boudebbouz ; M. Anastasiadou ; G.K. Symeon |The indigenous cattle populations are threatened by extinction in many countries of the Mediterranean area. The objective of this study is the analysis of local cattle breeds production systems in Algeria, Greece, and Tunisia and the identifica[...]Article
Food supply chains are key to ensuring sufficient nourishment of the population. For instance, taking a circular economy approach can help facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices, such as the use of technology to combat food waste issue[...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2022Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2022-2031 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, dans les dix ans à venir, des marchés nationaux, régionaux et mondiaux des produits agricoles, halieutiques [...]Article
The purpose of the research is to evaluate the impact of different kinds of information disclosures of milk labels, investigating the interest among consumers based on their consumption behaviours and characteristics. In this research, all the a[...]Article
In Switzerland, there are separated value chains for dairy and cheese products, which differ in terms of industry concentration, value chain governance, and product characteristics. We analyze how milk prices are passed on along these different [...]Article
This paper aims to analyse the technical efficiency (TE) of dairy farms and find its determinants. To accomplish this problem, the Stochastic Frontier Analysis was applied. The data were obtained from the Farm Accountancy Data Network database f[...]Article
The study aims to explore the sources of competitiveness of dairy producers before and after the abolition of milk quotas in selected EU member states. The investigation is based on the stochastic frontier modelling of an input distance function[...]Article
Les politiques laitières coûteuses- adoptées en Algérie ont montré leur échec si lon note limportance de limportation dans le schéma organisationnel de la filière. Ainsi, nest-il pas étonnant de constater le maintien de ces mêmes politiques[...]Article
F. Mamine ; M. Fares ; G. Duteurtre ; T. Madani |La sécurité alimentaire est au cur des débats actuels concernant les politiques de développement agricole. Il sagit notamment darbitrer entre le soutien à la production locale et louverture au commerce international pour répondre à lessor r[...]Article
Accompanied by steps towards market liberalisation, dairy farmers in the European Union have been confronted with increased price risk in recent years, which might affect their innovation behaviour. We examine technological change and technical [...]Article
La production de lait de vache connaît une restructuration profonde et rapide, entre concentration géographique et agrandissement des exploitations. La mise en place et la gestion des quotas laitiers ont accompagné et encadré cette restructurati[...]Article
This study examines the integration of regional dairy markets in Poland, which is a major European dairy producing country. The analysis of prices is important, as many dairy farmers are members of dairy processing cooperatives, and their income[...]Article
C. Viti ; A. Bellabarba ; M. Daghio ; A. Mengoni ; M. Mele ; A. Buccioni ; G.C. Pacini ; A. Bekki ; K. Azim ; M. Hafidi ; F. Pini |In the past 10 years, the average demand for meat and milk across the world has significantly increased, especially in developing countries. Therefore, to support the production of animal-derived food products, a huge quantity of feed resources [...]Article
P. Borawski ; M.B. Borawski ; A. Parzonko ; L. Wicki ; T. Rokicki ; A. Perkowska ; J.W. Dunn |Organic milk production is an environmentally friendly production system based on local forage and a ban on using chemical fertilizers and certain other rules. Organic milk is considered to be healthier and is gaining attention worldwide. The ma[...]Article
We investigate the price dynamics between retail milk price and raw milk price in the Turkish fluid milk market. The study uses monthly fluid milk prices for 14 years between January 2003 and December 2016. We analyze the price adjustment in the[...]Article
E.C. Pappa ; E. Kondyli ; K. Sotirakoglou ; L. Bosnea ; M. Mataragas ; L. Allouche ; E. Tsiplakou ; A.C. Pappas |The aim of the present study, conducted under the ERA-NET ARIMNet2 Project (Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean Network), was to analyze the sheep and goat dairy sector and assess the quality and safety of milk at various stages of the da[...]Ouvrage
D. Belaïd ; C. Sautter, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Histoire et Perspectives Méditerranéennes, ISSN 0980-5265 | 2021En Algérie, les années 2020 représentent une période charnière. Quelles que soient les forces politiques au pouvoir, le pays devra prendre un virage décisif dans le domaine de l'agriculture. La manne que constituent les hydrocarbures a permis un[...]Article
This study investigated the impact of diverse technical and economic factors on sustainable dairy small ruminant farmer market choices in Cyprus. It determined the factors that affect farmer choice between selling milk to a large dairy processor[...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2021Fruit de la collaboration entre lOrganisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) et lOrganisation des Nations Unies pour lalimentation et lagriculture (FAO), les Perspectives agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2021‑203[...]Article
M. Thorsøe ; E. Noe ; D. Maye ; M. Vigani ; J. Kirwan ; H. Chiswell ; M. Grivins ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; T. Tisenkopfs ; E. Tsakalou ; P.-M. Aubert ; W. Loveluck |For more than two decades market conditions for European producers have changed significantly due to liberalization and increasing price volatility. The objective of this article is to analyze how farming systems in five European countries (Denm[...]Article
M. Lazereg ; K. Bellil ; M. Djediane ; Z. Zaidi |La crise sanitaire du COVID-19 a poussé certains gouvernements à modifier leurs politiques commerciales en matière alimentaire, tendant à restreindre les exportations et à faciliter les importations. Ces mesures restrictives peuvent, quoique les[...]Article
La politique de subvention du lait (à la production, à la collecte, et à la transformation) a permis laccès des petits éleveurs de la wilaya de Sétif à la chaîne de valeur de la filière. Cette politique était consolidée par une autorisation min[...]Article
This paper aims at to identify the differences in the performance of the agricultural sectors in the selected European Union Member States. The research covers 21 countries in the period from 20072017. The paper uses data from the Farm Accounta[...]