Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (430)
M. Trabelsi ; E. Mandart ; P. Le Grusse ; J.-P. Bord |Over the last few years, intensive agriculture has often been denounced as a source of negative effects, particularly at the environmental and health level (overexploitation of natural resources, degradation of their quality, appearance and deve[...]Article
P. Prosperi ; J. Kirwan ; D. Maye ; F. Bartolini ; D. Vergamini ; G. Brunori |This paper presents an analysis of the diversification and non-productivist practices and strategies deployed by European small-scale fishers vis-à-vis contextual regulatory and market factors. Building on resilience thinking combined with a q[...]Article
R. Srinivasan ; V. Giannikas ; M. Kumar ; R. Guyot ; D. McFarlane |Changes in climate conditions are expected to pose significant challenges to the food industry, as it is very likely that they will affect the production of various crops. As a consequence, decisions associated with the sourcing of food items wi[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
The integration of trees on farms, commonly referred to as agroforestry, has been recognized as a potential strategy to enhance farmers' adaptation to and mitigation of the adverse effects of climate change. Agroforestry is also considered as co[...]Ouvrage
S.M. Gardner ; S.J. Ramsden ; R.S. Hails | Cambridge [États-Unis] : Cambridge University Press | Ecological Reviews | 2019Agriculture as a social-ecological system embraces many disciplines. This book breaks through the silos of individual disciplines to bring ecologists and economists together to consider agriculture through the lens of resilience. It explores the[...]E-Book
Climate Change and Agricultural Ecosystems explains the causative factors of climate change related to agriculture, soil and plants, and discusses the relevant resulting mitigation process. Agricultural ecosystems include factors from the surro[...]E-Book
P. Castro ; A.M. Azul ; W. Leal Filho ; U.M. Azeiteiro | Cham [Suisse] : Springer | Climate Change Management, ISSN 1610-2010 | 2019This book collects wide-ranging contributions such as case studies, reviews, reports on technological developments, outputs of research/studies, and examples of successful projects, presenting current knowledge and raising awareness to help the [...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
La Tunisie post-révolutionnaire fait face à de multiples enjeux socio-économiques et agri-climatiques. La participation, depuis la révolution de 2011, a pris une place importante dans toutes les politiques de développement, vu la nécessité dimp[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Le changement climatique, avec l'augmentation des températures, des évènements climatiques extrêmes plus intenses et plus fréquents et de façon générale une plus grande variabilité, a un impact sur la production agricole, au niveau des quantités[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins, dir. ; T. Berchoux, dir. ; A. Cobacho, dir. | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | Analyse Diagnostic d'une Zone Rurale | 2019E-Book
T. Josling, ed. ; D. Blandford, ed. ; K. Hassapoyannes, ed. | Singapore : World Scientific Publishing | World Scientific Series in Grand Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century | 2019This book examines the current and future challenges facing the food and agricultural system and their implications for policymaking at the national and international level. The growth in global population and income is expected to result in in[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
P. Bergeret ; M. Stuiver ; B. de Rooij | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2019Among the 257 million migrants on the planet, in 2017 it is estimated that 66 million persons have been forcibly displaced1. This number has steadily increased over the last decade and is mostly composed of people displaced in their own countrie[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
P. Bergeret ; M. Stuiver ; B. de Rooij | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2019Parmi les 257 millions de migrants que comptait notre planète en 2017, on estime que 66 millions de personnes étaient victimes de déplacements forcés. Leur nombre, en augmentation constante depuis une décennie, se compose principalement de perso[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Laccord de Paris signé lors de la COP21 à Paris en 2015, reconnaît « la priorité fondamentale consistant à sauvegarder la sécurité alimentaire et à éliminer la faim ainsi que la vulnérabilité des modes de production alimentaire aux effets du ch[...]Article
Cet article revient sur les échanges qui ont eu lieu lors du colloque « Entre connaissance et action : regards croisés sur les enjeux climatiques et environnementaux » organisé au Centre national détudes spatiales à Paris en décembre 2016. Les [...]E-Book
C. Compagnone | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Update Sciences et Technologies, ISSN 1773-7923 | 2019Cet ouvrage rend compte de la façon dont les dynamiques de changements de pratiques des agriculteurs sont liées à la structure des réseaux de dialogues professionnels dans lesquels ils sont insérés. Développant une analyse des réseaux sociaux, i[...]Série
Banque Mondiale (Washington, États-Unis) | Washington [États-Unis] : Banque Mondiale | Rapport sur le Développement dans le Monde, ISSN 0163-5085 | 2019Work is constantly reshaped by technological progress. New ways of production are adopted, markets expand, and societies evolve. But some changes provoke more attention than others, in part due to the vast uncertainty involved in making predicti[...]Article
R.P. Kipling ; C.F.E. Topp ; A. Bannink ; D.J. Bartley ; I. Blanco-Penedo ; R. Cortignani ; A. Del Prado ; G. Dono ; P. Faverdin ; A.-I. Graux ; N.J. Hutchings ; L. Lauwers ; S. Özkan Gülzari ; P. Reidsma ; S. Rolinski ; M. Ruiz-Ramos ; D.L. Sandars ; R. Sándor ; M. Schönhart ; G. Seddaiu ; J. van Middelkoop ; S. Shrestha ; I. Weindl ; V. Eory |Modelling is key to adapting agriculture to climate change (CC), facilitating evaluation of the impacts and efficacy of adaptation measures, and the design of optimal strategies. Although there are many challenges to modelling agricultural CC ad[...]Article
P. Aigrain ; B. Bois ; F. Brugière ; E. Duchene ; I.G. de Cortazar-Atauri ; J. Gautier ; E. Giraud-Héraud ; R. Hammond ; H. Hannin ; N. Ollat ; J.-M. Touzard |Foresight studies are regularly conducted at sectoral or geographical scales, in order to help policy makers and economic actors to define their strategy of adaptation to climate change (CC)Article
I. Ouraich ; W.E. Tyner |This paper provides estimates of the economic impacts of climate change and estimates the adaptation potential of the current Moroccan agricultural development and investment strategy, the Moroccan Green Plan (MGP). We develop a regionalised Mor[...]Article
Laction collective est généralement analysée du point de vue de la structure qui ladministre. Loriginalité de larticle réside dans le fait que lobjet détude ne porte plus sur la structure mais sur lindividu qui la gère. La recherche sint[...]Article
Au Maghreb, la mobilisation des eaux souterraines a permis le développement rapide de filières agricoles basées sur des systèmes de production très intensifs en capital. Ces transitions rapides ont entraîné dans bien des situations une surexploi[...]Article
M. El Amrani ; A. Bentassil ; H. Houry ; Z. Abbad ; M. Lamine Ley |Dans le Rif occidental au Nord du Maroc, le bassin versant du Tleta est affecté par de nombreux changements globaux, dont la magnitude sest amplifiée ces 15 dernières années. Il sagit dune baisse tendancielle des pluies, mais aussi et surtout[...]Article
Elaborée pour accompagner la mise en uvre du Plan Maroc Vert, la stratégie du conseil agricole constitue une nouvelle vision du dispositif de conseil et daccompagnement des acteurs. Lobjectif de ce travail est didentifier les changements de [...]Article
Communities in northern Morocco are vulnerable to increasing water scarcity and food insecurity. Context specific adaptation options thus need to be identified to sustain livelihoods and agroecosystems in this region, and increase the resilience[...]Article
The objective of this work is to determine the effects of climate change on the water needs of crops in the Bounamoussa perimeter, which is one of the large irrigation systems in the North-East of Algeria in order to predict a diagnosis of its o[...]Article
Z. Malek ; P.H. Verburg |Meeting the growing demand for food in the future will require adaptation of water and land management to future conditions. We studied the extent of different adaptation options to future global change in the Mediterranean region, under scenari[...]Article
P. Caron ; G. Ferrero y de Loma-Osorio ; D. Nabarro ; E. Hainzelin ; M. Guillou ; I. Andersen ; T. Arnold ; M. Astralaga ; M. Beukeboom ; S. Bickersteth ; M. Bwalya ; P. Caballero ; B. Campbell ; N. Divine ; S. Fan ; M. Frick ; A. Friis ; M. Gallagher ; J.P. Halkin ; C. Hanson ; F. Lasbennes ; T. Ribera ; J. Rockstrom ; M. Schuepbach ; A. Steer ; G. Verburg ; A. Tutwiler |Evidence shows the importance of food systems for sustainable development: they are at the nexus that links food security, nutrition, and human health, the viability of ecosystems, climate change, and social justice. However, agricultural polici[...]Article
The recent, neoliberal period has seen a deepening penetration of capital into agriculture in Turkey alongside mass urban migration. This would seem to imply the realisation of classical political economic theory, which argues for the demise of [...]Article
C. Taylor ; B. Cullen ; M. D'Occhio ; L. Rickards ; R. Eckard |Underestimating the impacts of climate change on agricultural production could lead to complacency about the potential adaptation challenges. This study used a Representative Climate Futures (RCF) approach to model projected wheat yields under c[...]