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A. Paulus ; N. Hagemann ; M.C. Baaken ; S. Roilo ; V. Alarcón-Segura ; A.F. Cord ; M. Beckmann |Agri-environmental schemes (AES) belong to the main instruments of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to foster sustainable farming practices that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate cha[...]Article
Les tensions de rôles au travail des agriculteurs constituent un sujet très actuel encore peu traité. La mutation des systèmes agricoles conduit les agriculteurs à endosser de nouveaux rôles en particulier en matière de distribution de leur prod[...]Article
M. Salman ; I. Ferto ; E. Pék ; I.A. El-Desouky ; S. Zaki ; R. Darwesh ; F. Lebdi ; Q. Alali |Irrigation development is essential for reducing vulnerability to water resource scarcity, food insecurity, and climate change impacts in Egypt. The centralized irrigation development must, however, overcome the challenges of the diversity of sm[...]Article
Le contexte géopolitique, climatique et sanitaire oblige les agriculteurs à sadapter. Anticipation des risques et flexibilité sont les maîtres mots dans un monde instable.Article
C.D. Pérez-Blanco ; R. Parrado ; A.H. Essenfelder ; J. Bodoque ; L. Gil-García ; C. Gutiérrez-Martín ; J. Ladera ; G. Standardi |Farmers' adaptation responses to water conservation policies involve a complex decision-making process that depends on a range of criteria, including water availability, profits, and risks, which are in turn dependent on (and might have conseque[...]Article
Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) have undergone tremendous development in the recent past. With the sharp increase in documentation requirements for agricultural businesses, the potential of FMIS to become widely used comprehensive man[...]Article
Y. Vecchio ; J. Di Pasquale ; T. Del Giudice ; G. Pauselli ; M. Masi ; F. Adinolfi |CONTEXT Precision farming (PF) is a term that is now widespread throughout agricultural systems worldwide. It is studied in many ways, from its strictly technical connotation of a farm management strategy that uses information technology to sup[...]Article
H. Veisi ; M. Carolan ; A. Alipour ; A.V. Besheh |In this study, a cross-cultural analysis was undertaken to compare the knowledge of organic producers and agricultural experts in Iran concerning the concepts of good farming, good farmer, and organic farming in the field of sustainable agricult[...]Article
Current European agriculture policies and strategies are aimed to boost the transition from the predominant conventional to a more environmentally friendly agriculture model. As part of this, it is crucial to identify the barriers that exist to [...]Article
To achieve social sustainability, there is a need to incorporate social metrics of farmers well-being into agricultural monitoring systems. We contribute to the operationalisation of the measurement of farmers well-being by determining how far[...]Article
CONTEXT The social network analysis of farmers who have adopted agroecological practices give the possibility to identify which actors are involved in the agroecological transition and are influencing the resilience at territorial level. OBJECTI[...]Article
Pour gérer les crises agricoles et agroalimentaires quelles qu'elles soient, l'action collective s'avère un outil indispensable.Article
R. Koenig ; M. Brunette ; P. Delacote ; C. Tevenart |Le secteur agricole français est exposé à de nombreux risques météorologiques qui vont saccentuer sous leffet du changement climatique. La gestion de ces risques est un enjeu essentiel de lactivité des agriculteurs. Parmi les instruments à le[...]Article
Providing farmers with essential agricultural information and training in the era of COVID-19 has been a challenge that has prompted a renewed interest in digital extension services. There is a distinct gender gap, however, between mens and wom[...]Article
Previous studies have shown that enhancing adaptive capacity can reduce vulnerability of farmers to water scarcity and improve their resiliency against environmental changes in the Social-Ecological Systems (SES). The present study aims to evalu[...]Article
Lobjectif de cet article est détudier les paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE), qui sont des incitations monétaires attribuées aux agriculteurs volontaires pour changer leurs pratiques agricoles afin de préserver lenvironnement et d[...]Article
This work presents a tool to support the transformation of the farmer into a rural entrepreneur, raising the level of management of his company and increasing its competitiveness and sustainability in the long term, enabling its growth and not j[...]Article
C. Staboulis ; D. Natos ; A. Gkatsikos ; E. Tsakiridou ; K. Mattas ; W. Bojar ; P. Baranowski ; J. Krzyszczak ; O. Parra Rivero ; A. Ojeda Roldan |The present paper attempts to investigate whether the Sub-Measure 6.1 Start-Up Aid for Young Farmers payments of the 20142020 Rural Development Programme have a role to play in explaining Greek farms export orientation and export performance[...]Article
S. Calla ; L. Lécuyer ; E. Skrimizea ; E. Balian ; J.C. Young |Food systems are changing through various socioeconomic and policy processes. For example, in France, following concerns over the effects of pesticides on ecosystems and health, the French government launched the Ecophyto II+ plan in 2019 that[...]Article
A. Gkatsikos ; D. Natos ; C. Staboulis ; K. Mattas ; M. Tsagris ; A. Polymeros |Generation renewal in farming is an urgent matter for European policy institutions that strive to maintain social cohesion and improve economic development in rural areas. Aids to young Europeans to enter the agricultural business sector have be[...]Article
L. Hossard ; C. Tardivo ; J.-M. Barbier ; R. Cittadini ; S. Delmotte ; C. Le Page |The Companion Modeling approach aims to stimulate learning and sharing of perceptions among several actors through the co-construction and use of a model, while the Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Systems aims to assess a large set of perf[...]Ouvrage
L'agriculture est devenue un sujet de débat dont chacun sempare en ignorant la révolution indicible en cours : mutations souvent douloureuses, effondrement démographique de ce milieu professionnel, la fragilisation de sa place et de son image a[...]Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
A. Menéndez I Molist ; Z. Kallas ; M. Puig de Morales ; Y. Noutfia ; H. Ouabouch ; O. Boughamoura ; A. Benali ; K. El Baamran | 2022The promotion of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) is an issue that is becoming more relevant to both the public and research agenda, aiming to build more sustainable agri-food supply chains and empower smallholder farmers. This research aims to d[...]Article
M. Albert ; J.-E. Bergez ; S. Couture ; R. Faivre ; M. Willaume |Agricultural practices are heterogeneous among farmers in the face of climate hazards. Structural and material resources as well as risk preferences explain some of this heterogeneity, but little is known about how psychological factors associat[...]Article
E. Paroissien ; L. Latruffe ; L. Piet |This article investigates the effects of economic performance and neighbours characteristics on farmers exit behaviour before retirement age. Using a unique set of social security data describing all French farmers under 50 over the years 2004[...]Article
EU income stabilization tool: potential impacts, financial sustainability and farmers risk aversion
The Income Stabilization Tool, a risk management scheme introduced within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 20142020, could help European Union farmers manage the income risks they face. This study assesses the potential impact of implementi[...]Article
Although the visibility of women farmers in agriculture is increasing, we have little knowledge about the impact this will have on the environmental management of family farms. Numerous studies have documented that young women farmers show high [...]Article
Participatory action research involving farmers and researchers is crucial to enhance the adoption of farming innovations and ensure the long term sustainability of agroecosystem restoration. However, the factors for successful participatory res[...]Article
L. Piet ; V. Chatellier ; N. Delame ; Y. Desjeux ; P. Jeanneaux ; C. Laroche-Dupraz ; A. Ridier ; P. Veysset |Larticle décrit les principaux résultats de la recherche AgrIncome, financée par le ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation, et réalisée en 2019 par l'UMR SMART-LERECO (INRAE), qui visait à analyser le revenu des agriculteurs français [...]Article
The environmental impact of conventional food production systems imposes a rapid transition towards sustainable production systems through the adoption of agroecological practices. The barriers and accelerators of the adoption of agroecological [...]