Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (397)
La mesure du revenu agricole, lanalyse de ses principaux déterminants et limpact des politiques publiques sur son niveau et son évolution constituent des enjeux importants. En effet, celui-ci est tout à la fois un indicateur de la performance [...]Article
Evidence overwhelmingly supports the view that we need to drastically reduce our consumption of animal products for reasons related to the environment and public health, while moral concerns about the treatment of animals in agriculture are beco[...]Article
M. Monda ; G. Gabrieli ; M. Mazziotta |The paper presents a composite indicator of well-being for Italian agriculture. Well-being is defined as the health condition of the agricultural sector from the point of view of farmers. The indicator is based on four dimensions: social, enviro[...]Article
K. Erjavec ; M. Janzekovic ; M. Kovac ; M. Simcic ; A. Mergedus ; D. Tercic ; M. Klopcic |The study aims to identify any changes in the communication channels used by Slovenian livestock farmers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the main (dis)advantages of relying on them. An online survey was completed by 502 Slove[...]Article
M.H. Aydogdu ; M.H. Aydogdu ; M. Cançelik ; M.R. Sevinç ; M.A. Çullu ; K. Yenigün ; N. Küçük ; B. Karli ; S. Ökten ; U. Beyazgül ; H.P. Dogan ; Z. Sahin ; N. Mutlu ; C. Kaya ; A. Yenikale ; A. Yenikale |This research aims to determine the belief-based drought perceptions and attitudes of farmers in Şanlıurfa, which is in a semi-arid climate regime, and the factors affecting them. The surveys were conducted through face-to-face intervi[...]Article
Treated wastewater is constantly produced and relatively unaffected by climatic conditions, while Constructed Wetlands (CWs) are recognized as green technology and a cost-effective alternative to improve treated wastewater quality standards. Thi[...]Article
La sécurité alimentaire en Tunisie ou à léchelle nationale est une question sensible et stratégique. La grande diversité du domaine climatique tunisien et l'extension des terres agricoles sur une superficie de 10 millions d'hectares, dont (5 mi[...]Article
Face au vieillissement des agriculteurs, la PAC post-2020 entend favoriser le renouvellement de la profession. Lattribution daides en fonction de la qualité des conditions de travail est une piste prometteuse pour soutenir lemploi.Article
Effective agri-environmental management of peatlands requires co-ordinated implementation action beyond that on a farm level due to the ecological functioning of the water system at the watershed level. We assess how farmers perceive different c[...]Article
D. Chargé ; B. Hervieu-Léger, intervieweur |Pour Dominique Chargé, président de La Coopération agricole, les transformations auxquelles est appelé le secteur agricole niront pas sans la promotion de lorganisation collective du travail. La PAC doit en constituer le cadre porteur.Article
En France, les politiques agricoles ont longtemps fait primer lagrandissement sur linstallation de nouvelles fermes. Pour renouveler la profession et faire face à la réduction du nombre dexploitations, un renversement simpose.Article
Les agriculteurs auront des profils de plus en plus diversifiés. La puissance publique aura des difficultés à répondre à leurs attentes.Article
S.F. Conway ; J. McDonagh ; M. Farrell ; A. Kinsella |Limited uptake of financial incentives, designed to confront global trends of an ageing farming population and low levels of land mobility, reveal resistance or at best ambivalence, amongst farmers towards altering existing farm management and o[...]Article
Les agriculteurs français utilisent de moins en moins de produits phytosanitaires. Néanmoins, une pharmacopée efficace doit toujours être à leur disposition.Article
In recent decades, many sustainability indicators and methods have been developed at farm level, but a validated set of quantitative and scientifically-sound indicators covering all three dimensions of sustainability is still needed. For this re[...]Article
To minimize the negative impacts of climate change, adaptation is key. There are, however, a range of factors that, unless recognized and dealt with effectively, can prevent or disrupt adaptation efforts by farmers. Barriers to climate change ad[...]Article
S.S. Maican ; A.C. Muntean ; C.A. Pastiu ; S. Stepien ; J. Polcyn ; I. Dobra ; M. Darja ; C.O. Moisa |The agricultural sector ensures food security and is a major source of employment, income, and economic activity in rural areas. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) considers that family farms are the key to a susta[...]Article
Dans les territoires urbanisés comme le Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NPDC), lagriculture rurale côtoie des formes dagriculture péri-urbaine et intra-urbaine. La prise en compte par les collectivités locales de chaque agriculture dans les projets de ter[...]Article
In South-east Spain the implementation of desalinated seawater for irrigation was planned as an alternative water supply for farmers. However, most high-volume desalination plants are underused as farmers current demands are lower than was prev[...]Article
C. Ciaccia ; E. Testani ; A. Fiore ; I. Iocola ; M. Di Pierro ; G. Mele ; F. Ferlito ; M. Cutuli ; F. Montemurro ; R. Farina ; D. Ceccarelli ; A. Persiani ; S. Canali ; M. Diacono |The implementation of agroecology principles within organic farming research is a crux to redesign sustainable agri-food systems. To govern this transition, the local research demand should be addressed by direct engagement of all stakeholders i[...]Article
Les collectifs dagriculteurs offrent un espace privilégié pour conforter ladoption de pratiques agronomiques écologisées, grâce à la construction et à léchange de connaissances. Or, une faible proportion dagriculteurs est engagée formellemen[...]Article
The aim of our study was to determine the level of anxiety among farmers in different agricultural branches in Turkey during the COVID-19 outbreak and to examine its association with socioeconomic concerns and social support variables. Based on [...]Article
Today, farmers are multioptional entrepreneurs, demanding far more skills than only those of agricultural production. The awareness of European agricultural landscape (EAL) values should enable farmers to create new business strategies. Open edu[...]Article
The issue of producers access to agricultural credit is the key word in contemporary debates in the sense that this theme is increasingly addressed at conferences and scientific congresses. This is explained by the fact that agricultural credit[...]Article
The budget for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is 365bn (European Commission, 2018) for 20212027, with the majority allocated to farmers through direct payments. Given the economic vulnerability of many farm enterprises, and the concern a[...]Article
Integrated Water Resources Management is a topic of great importance for both researchers and decision-makers, among the solutions proposed to better manage this crucial resource what is called an aquifer contract, which is a participatory way o[...]Article
Enchaînés à l'impératif du rendement, montrés du doigt pour leurs pratiques polluantes, cernés par les résidences secondaires, les agriculteurs conventionnels du Morbihan observent avec désarroi le succès de leurs collègues qui se sont tournés v[...]Article
Successful sustainable transitions require an understanding of the drivers and resources needed to support the required changes. While the importance of farmers' collectives in these transitions is underlined by various scientific studies and pu[...]Article
Un intérêt de plus en plus grandissant est porté sur l'entrepreneuriat en milieu rural et sur la promotion dentreprises dites « vertes ». Diverses politiques ont été adoptées pour pouvoir lencadrer. Ce travail cherche à étudier lentrepreneuri[...]Article
CONTEXT Successful scaling up from crop level research to adoption by farmers depends on its practitioners being aware of the constraints that arise as scaling up proceeds. Promising ideas from crop level research are not adopted by farmers in m[...]