Catégories principales > 07 - ENVIRONNEMENT > 7.5 - Dégradation : Impact, Désertification
7.5 - Dégradation : Impact, Désertification |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (275)
P. Palma ; S. Fialho ; A. Lima ; A. Catarino ; M.J. Costa ; M.V. Barbieri ; L.S. Monllor-Alcaraz ; C. Postigo ; M.L. de Alda |The study aimed to assess the occurrence and the environmental risk of a group of 51 selected pesticides in the Guadiana Basin (a biodiversity hotspot, in the Mediterranean). The most abundant pesticides were bentazone and 2,4-D, while terbuthyl[...]Article
N. Baran ; N. Surdyk ; C. Auterives |Contaminants in groundwater are a major issue worldwide. Temporal trends of such occurrences in French groundwaters were evaluated for several active substances of pesticides belonging to different chemical classes, to identify key factors expla[...]Article
Leffacement du couvert végétal dans les steppes de lEst marocain, territoire vulnérable par nature en situation très déplorée, est subséquent aux phénomènes de défrichement et de mise en culture, de surcharge animale, de mitage urbain et de la[...]Article
M.H. Aydogdu ; M.H. Aydogdu ; M. Cançelik ; M.R. Sevinç ; M.A. Çullu ; K. Yenigün ; N. Küçük ; B. Karli ; S. Ökten ; U. Beyazgül ; H.P. Dogan ; Z. Sahin ; N. Mutlu ; C. Kaya ; A. Yenikale ; A. Yenikale |This research aims to determine the belief-based drought perceptions and attitudes of farmers in Şanlıurfa, which is in a semi-arid climate regime, and the factors affecting them. The surveys were conducted through face-to-face intervi[...]Article
In the Mediterranean basin, edaphic salinization, sodification and alkalinization related to anthropic pressures and climatic changes may hinder the ecosystem sustainability. It is pertinent to study the mid and long-term variability of these so[...]Article
Long-term impact of wastewater irrigation on soil pollution and degradation: a case study from Egypt
There is consensus on the impact of wastewater irrigation on soil properties and heavy metal accumulation. The studies that show the impact of temporal changes as a result of different long-term additions of wastewater on the heavy metal accumul[...]Article
Diffuse water pollution is a major problem in many agroecosystems, especially in irrigated areas linked to ecosystems of high ecological value. Pollution abatement policies imply the modification of agricultural measures and are usually rejected[...]Article
M. Juigner ; M. Robin ; M. Audère ; P. Fattal ; B. Hervy ; R. Kerguillec ; J.-B. Suzanne ; S. Costa ; M. Lopin ; O. Maquaire ; M. Medjkane ; J. Pagny ; A. Thulie |Les côtes basses sableuses sont des espaces contraints et sensibles aux aléas côtiers. Limplantation des activités humaines à proximité du bord de mer fait de ces espaces des territoires du risque. Lidentification des territoires exposés au re[...]Article
R. Ikkou ; H. Lazhar ; Y. Benbrahim |La forêt d'Itzer s'inscrit dans le cadre géographique du versant Sud du Moyen Atlas Plissé, région où la dégradation de la couverture végétale est terriblement présente. L'utilisation de limagerie satellitaire (Landsat) nous a permis davoir un[...]Article
Forests provide a number of ecological and hydrological services, for instance, contributing to decreased water and sediment yields through increased infiltration and reduced soil erosion. However, forest fires can turn positive forest services [...]Article
Les tendances climatiques des cédraies se situent dans les fourchettes des projections climatiques 2016-2035 du GIEC pour le Maroc. Elles sont caractérisées par une augmentation de la fréquence des années sèches, une tendance à la baisse des pré[...]Article
Le bassin versant de lOued Guigou connait des facteurs dévolution généraux. Jusquà une époque récente, aucune menace significative na pesé sur la stabilité de ce bassin versant. Aujourdhui, cet équilibre est devenu précaire et on peut voir [...]Article
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the world. It provides food for the growing world populations while also creating employment opportunities. This sector, however, is greatly threatened by climate change, increased water scarci[...]Article
Desertification is one of the most important problems facing arid and semi-arid regions, whether it is caused by irresponsible human activity or due to natural conditions or both. The objectives of the study were to assess the environmental sens[...]Article
Global drylands comprise over 40% of the earths land surface, support millions of pastoralists and account for half of the worlds livestock. Climate change and socio-economic drivers are rapidly altering dryland social-ecological systems, with[...]Article
La partie aval de loued Aoulai est caractérisée par une grande irrégularité des précipitations, le plus souvent à caractère orageux, une forte pente, une topographie accidentée et une lithologie essentiellement fragile ; combinées à une défores[...]Article
M.J. Al Sayah ; C. Abdallah ; M. Khouri ; R. Nedjai ; T. Darwich |This study aims to implement the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) concept on a test site: the 309 km2 Nahr Ibrahim watershed Lebanon, by integrating soil erosion as an LDN indicator given its status as a land degradation driver and common conce[...]Article
The Anti-Atlas is subject to an intense rural exodus. The agricultural terraces built for several centuries have been abandoned. They are gradually deteriorating. The risks of runoff and erosion are becoming significant. The objective was to stu[...]Article
Drought is among the highest-impact natural hazards affecting drylands around the world in a warming climate. The Mediterranean region, including Tunisia, is projected to experience the most predominant drying trends worldwide. However, a detail[...]Article
Calabria is a region of southern Italy characterized by several natural and heritage sites located on seaboard areas, within a distance of 300 m from the coast. In fact, 58 Natura 2000 sites and 63 cultural heritage sites (42.9% of which overlap[...]Article
O. Farahy ; M. Laghfiri ; M. Bourioug ; L. Aleya |The cultivation of apple trees needs to use phytosanitary products, which are used in an irrational way by certain farmers. The harmful effects of pesticides result mainly from their persistence in the environment. Several studies have been carr[...]Article
M. Raimondo ; M. Raimondo ; C. Nazzaro ; G. Marotta ; F. Caracciolo |This study aims at estimating the wheat yield response to future challenges (land degradation and climate change) through a statistical emulator. Data from Global Agro-ecological Zones on the overall wheat yields of 254 provinces for nine main w[...]Article
Agency shifts in agricultural land governance and their implications for land degradation neutrality
Given current land degradation trends, Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN, SDG Target 15.3) by 2030 could be difficult to attain. Solutions to avoid, reduce, and reverse land degradation are not being implemented at sufficiently large scales, poin[...]Article
V. Resco de Dios ; J. Hedo ; À. Cunill Camprubí ; P. Thapa ; E. Martínez del Castillo ; J. Martínez de Aragón ; J.A. Bonet ; R. Balaguer-Romano ; R. Díaz-Sierra ; M. Yebra ; M.M. Boer |Fuel moisture limits the availability of fuel to wildfires in many forest areas worldwide, but the effects of climate change on moisture constraints remain largely unknown. Here we addressed how climate affects fuel moisture in pine stands from [...]Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
O. Mghirbi ; P. Le Grusse ; C. Grimene ; E. Mandart ; J. Fabre ; J. Caubel ; I. Nembrot ; J.-P. Boulanger ; J.-P. Bord | 2021EToPhy is a web application/platform which aims to assess and control the impacts related to the phytosanitary products used in agriculture on the environment and on human health. The EToPhy web platform is presented as a dashboard to determine [...]Article
Lérosion hydrique est une préoccupation agronomique, économique et environnementale importante en milieu semi-aride méditerranéen. Le choix de la méthode pour lestimer dépend des données disponibles et des conditions de la zone détude. Cet ar[...]Ouvrage
M. Azaitraoui ; A. Belghazi ; S. Hennani ; H. Houdaïfa ; H. Jalal ; O. Jmad ; S. Lemaizi ; K. Maâras ; D. Mseffer ; M. Samouni ; K. Sefrioui ; M. Taleb ; F. Tounassi ; G. Zine | Casablanc [Maroc] : En toutes lettres | Enquêtes | 2021Désertification, sécheresse, pollution, disparition décosystèmes, menaces sur la biodiversité la dégradation de lenvironnement constitue déjà dans toutes les régions du Maroc un grave problème de société, qui aggrave la précarité des plus fra[...]Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
C. Grimene ; O. Mghirbi ; P. Le Grusse ; J.-P. Bord | 2021Despite the political efforts, France is among the main consuming countries of pesticides in the world and the first at European level with a consumption of more than 85,900 tons/year (BNVD 1, 2019). The preservation of natural resources through[...]Article
Sustainable land management practices can be suitable vehicles to simultaneously address the causes and consequences of land degradation, desertification, and climate change in land managed systems. Here, we assess the potential of a variety of [...]Article
Agricultural land expansion and intensification, driven by human consumption of agricultural goods, are among the major threats to environmental degradation and biodiversity conservation. Land degradation can ultimately hamper agricultural produ[...]