Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (51)
Rural women in low- and middle-income countries face multiple constraints in accessing and benefiting from essential complementary resources, technologies, and services for agricultural production and participation in the agrifood system. This p[...]Article
J. Steinke ; C. Schumann ; S. Langan ; A. Müller ; F.O. Opola ; B. Ortiz-Crespo ; J. van Etten |CONTEXT Digital innovations can enhance the participation of often-marginalized social groups ? including women and resource-poor farmers in low- and middle-income countries ? in sustainable, profitable food systems. But digital interventions ca[...]Article
Women farmers experiences are not necessarily homogeneous between contexts, and overall different social structures might have different spillover effects into agriculture. Despite the so-called feminisation of Greek agriculturemanifested as[...]Article
This article focuses on inequalities in agriculture in the European Union. We examine the mismatch between European legislation on employment and any rigorous interrogation of women's employment position in agriculture. Our central argument is t[...]Article
There is a strong impetus in international agricultural development to close gender gaps in agricultural productivity. The goal of empowering women is often framed as the solution to closing these gaps, stimulating the proliferation of new ind[...]Article
The term "feminization of agriculture" is used to describe changing labor markets that pull men out of agriculture, increasing women's roles. However, simplified understandings of this feminization persist as myths in the literature, limiting ou[...]Article
Lobjectif principal de cet article est détudier le rôle du tourisme rural dans le développement local de la commune rurale de Moulay Bouâzza au niveau socio-économique, socio-culturel et environnemental. Pour y parvenir, nous avons réalisé un [...]Article
Providing farmers with essential agricultural information and training in the era of COVID-19 has been a challenge that has prompted a renewed interest in digital extension services. There is a distinct gender gap, however, between mens and wom[...]Article
Women contribute decisively to the economy and have an important participation in agricultural exploitation in the world, providing their labor. But if they had better access to technology and training in a more equitable way, they could contrib[...]Article
Outre la dynamique démographique rurale qui concerne les seniors, la ruralité se trouve traversée par dautres questions relatives aux problématiques de populations qui méritent dêtre analysées. Une question essentielle concerne la géographie d[...]Article
Several authors have noted that there is an under-representation of gender approaches in fisheries policy and research. While fisheries are widely considered a male-dominated industry, women play a significant and vital role in the survival of s[...]Article
T. Laajini ; H. Jekki |Les produits du terroir se construisent sur la base des ressources ancrées dans un territoire. La valorisation et la marchandisation de ces ressources dites « spécifiques ou territoriales » contribuent à dynamiser en interne léconomie locale, c[...]Article
In this study, it was aimed to determine the participation tendencies in organic agriculture activities of women living in rural areas of the northwestern part of Turkey. The data were collected from 183 rural women by simple random sampling met[...]Article
Spanish women pastoralists' pathways into livestock management: motivations, challenges and learning
Rural studies has made considerable theoretical and empirical progress on gender and agriculture, yet almost none of this work focuses specifically on women involved in livestock production in the Global North. To address this gap, we explored t[...]Article
This paper deals with gendering innovation, with the purpose of exploring the entrepreneurial spaces of innovation among Italian farms managed by women. More precisely, the hypothesis is that entrepreneurial orientation has to be considered th[...]Article
Les femmes représentent 54 % des employés dans le secteur du tourisme, un taux très supérieur à la moyenne d'autres secteurs, où elles ne représentent que 39 %. Le tourisme peut offrir des opportunités de travail aux femmes, en contribuant à leu[...]Article
La saison de récolte des olives fait naître une temporalité et un paysage qui façonnent les relations sociales et économiques. Ce moment deffervescence collective autour dune activité agricole emblématique de lespace méditerranéen offre une p[...]Article
While female labour force participation is on the decline in many parts of the developing world, female participation in agriculture is increasing worldwide. Our review of the literature however confirms that employment in farming has not yet br[...]Article
Qui sont les agricultrices aujourdhui ? Quelle place occupent-elles dans le monde agricole ? Alors quelles représentent 32 % des actifs permanents agricoles et quun quart des chef·fe·s dexploitations ou collaborateurs/trices sont des femmes,[...]Article
Au cours des dernières années, le Maroc a consacré une multitude de programmes pour développer ses territoires ruraux. Dans lensemble de ces programmes, une attention particulière est accordée à lamélioration de la condition des femmes rurales[...]Article
Afin de comprendre la dynamique de changement de la condition de la femme marocaine, cette contribution vise à analyser la difficulté daccès de la femme au leadership coopératif dans la commune rurale dAsrir relevant de la province de Guelmim.[...]Article
Par une approche compréhensive des réponses à lenquête par questionnaire menée par la Fédération nationale dagriculture biologique et lAgence Bio en 2018, le présent article sattelle à donner à voir les agricultrices bio au travers de leur r[...]Article
Agribusiness is both a complex social process and a market structure, consisting of many independent economic entities that generate demand for labour in the sector. The role of people whose activity is directly or indirectly related to the prod[...]Article
This article addresses sex-gender relations within the context of changing class relations shaped by the historical formation of an intensive system of agricultural production in Almeria (Spain). The analysis of work, both on the farm and within[...]Article
While vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 were launched worldwide, a drama has been unfolding in the Moroccan countryside. It has been marked, over the last couple of decades, by rapid agrarian transformation, manifestations of which have inc[...]Article
Traditionally the role of women in fishing has gone largely unnoticed, but now in recent years there has been a growing interest about them. However, the task of identifying and quantifying the role played by women in fisheries has yet to be ful[...]Article
Les données chiffrées indiquent que, parmi les salariés de léconomie sociale et solidaire, la part des femmes est majoritaire. Pourtant, plus léchelle des responsabilités augmente, moins les femmes y sont représentées. Se pose donc la question[...]Article
Economic development approaches are increasingly entailing local geographic scales and encouraging the mobilization and organization of territorial actors given local conditions and resources. Lebanon is a country facing frequent uncertainty wit[...]Article
I. Benabdallah ; S. Businaro ; M. Angot ; D. Palermo ; M. Giannelli |The South Mediterranean region is exposed to numerous challenges related to food, climate, resource availability, and social-economic instability. Characterized by a strong demographic growth, the region has seen consumption patterns and food de[...]