CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUESynonyme(s)Changement du climatVoir aussi |
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The crop yield modeling remains a central input in the assessment of climate change risks. This study aims at investigating to what extent that rainfall, temperature and runoff could ably transmit significant information needed for analyzing and[...]Article
A. Montsant ; O. Baena ; L. Bernardez ; J. Puig |Aim of study : To assess the impacts of climate change on local agriculture with a high resolution in a Mediterranean region with a diversity of climates. Area of study : Catalonia (NE Spain). Material and methods : Based on historical meteorolo[...]Article
This paper is based on the results of an empirical study conducted on a sample of 103 employees of the Croatian Agricultural and Forestry Advisory Service in mid- 2018. The main goal of the study was to determine the opinions and attitudes of ag[...]Article
R. Lahlali ; M. Boulif ; A. Moinina |Dans la région de Fès-Meknès, notamment au Moyen Atlas, la culture du pommier est dune importance capitale. En effet, elle occupe le deuxième rang des spéculations arboricoles de la région derrière lamandier. Néanmoins, cette culture est sujet[...]Article
Global drylands comprise over 40% of the earths land surface, support millions of pastoralists and account for half of the worlds livestock. Climate change and socio-economic drivers are rapidly altering dryland social-ecological systems, with[...]Article
The Covid-19 pandemic newly brings food resilience in cities to our attention and the need to question the desired degree of food self-sufficiency through urban agriculture. While these questions are by no means new and periodically entering the[...]Article
Urban and peri-urban areas are subject to major societal challenges, like food security, climate change, biodiversity, resource efficiency, land management, social cohesion, and economic growth. In that context, Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture [...]Article
Le pastoralisme français, aujourd'hui encore bien présent et soutenu économiquement, fait face à divers défis : baisse de la consommation de viande, impacts du changement climatique sur les ressources en herbe, concurrence accrue pour l'usage du[...]Article
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means[...]Article
The application of true cost accounting (TCA) at farm level requires a common framework and metric for measuring, capturing and valuing sustainability. We propose such a framework and farm metric that build on the four capitalsnatural, social, [...]Article
Climate change, the agri-food sector and trade are closely related. This contribution aims at presenting issues related to the economic impacts of climate changes on international trade. The agri-food sector is one of the most hit by changes in [...]Article
This paper presents a systemic Adaptation Assessment Framework (AAF) conceived to guide agricultural adaptation mainstreaming into broader policy domains, particularly, those related to rural development. Starting from a review of the main phase[...]Article
The implications of weather and climate extremes on the viticulture and winemaking sector can be particularly detrimental and acquire more relevance under a climate change context. A four-member ensemble of the Regional Climate Model-Global Clim[...]Article
Afin de nourrir dix milliards dêtres humains dici à 2050, les agriculteurs ne doivent sinterdire aucune piste.Article
Environmental pollution, increasing CO2 atmospheric levels and the greenhouse effect are closely associated with the ongoing climate change and the extreme climatic events we are witnessing all over the Earth. Drought, high temperature and salin[...]Article
Among the multiple adaptations that exist to face climate change, irrigation is one straightforward option for wine growing. Yet, widespread development of irrigation may strengthen water scarcity and further increase farmers' vulnerability to w[...]Article
I. Funes ; I. Funes ; R. Savé ; F. de Herralde ; C. Biel ; E. Pla ; D. Pascual ; J. Zabalza ; G. Cantos ; G. Borràs ; J. Vayreda ; X. Aranda |In this study, the suitability of major crops currently growing in three case study basins in Catalonia (NE Spain) was assessed for the first half of the 21st century. For this purpose, an estimation was made of net hydric needs (NHN) and a set [...]Article
N. El Assaoui ; A. Sadok ; I. Merimi |The scientific knowledge of processes related to climate change impact on groundwater resources remains insufficient both nationally and internationally. This is due particularly to: the inadequacy of databases both quantitatively and qualitativ[...]Article
Expanding populations, the impacts of climate change, availability of arable land, and availability of water for irrigation collectively strain the agricultural system. To keep pace and adapt to these challenges, food producers may adopt unsusta[...]Article
Forest management is an untapped tool, yet to realize its full potential to fight against climate change. The capability of forests to act as carbon sinks makes them a key resource to reduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. However, carbon w[...]Article
The growing interest in climate change and related risks has triggered efforts to address both its causes and impact. Climate action is mainstreamed in various public policies in which spatial planning has a key role and operates as a coordinati[...]Article
K.V. Varotsos ; A. Karali ; G. Lemesios ; G. Kitsara ; M. Moriondo ; C. Dibari ; L. Leolini ; C. Giannakopoulos |The paper presents the analysis of a sub-set of high-resolution bias-adjusted simulations from the EURO-CORDEX initiative, in order to examine the changes in the mean climate and the extremes in three Mediterranean islands, namely, Sicily, Crete[...]Article
C. Viti ; A. Bellabarba ; M. Daghio ; A. Mengoni ; M. Mele ; A. Buccioni ; G.C. Pacini ; A. Bekki ; K. Azim ; M. Hafidi ; F. Pini |In the past 10 years, the average demand for meat and milk across the world has significantly increased, especially in developing countries. Therefore, to support the production of animal-derived food products, a huge quantity of feed resources [...]Article
F. Reyes ; M. Gosme ; K.J. Wolz ; I. Lecomte ; C. Dupraz |Introduction: Climate change (CC) and the increased occurrence of extreme climatic events pose a serious threat to crop yields and their stability worldwide. This study analyzed the CC mitigation potential of an alley cropping system on crop phy[...]Article
Agricultural research has fostered productivity growth, but the historical influence of anthropogenic climate change (ACC) on that growth has not been quantified. We develop a robust econometric model of weather effects on global agricultural to[...]Article
M. Pommerieux ; N. Blanc ; L. Laigle ; S. Tonnelat |Alors que lattention portée à léchelle mondiale à ladaptation au changement climatique sintensifie, lobjet de cet article est détudier lévolution des stratégies dadaptation à léchelle locale, au sein de trois territoires franciliens. No[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
EU rural review, n. 30 - April 2021 - Climate action in rural areas
2021Climate action, particularly climate change mitigation, can provide opportunities for the primary sector, rural communities and businesses to become more sustainable, resilient and competitive. These rural development stakeholders can make a maj[...]Article
Le changement climatique affecte le cycle de leau et oblige le monde agricole à anticiper ces évolutions, en adaptant ses systèmes de culture, en augmentant lefficience de ses pratiques dirrigation, et en semployant à préserver la ressource.[...]