COMMERCE AGRICOLESynonyme(s)Echange agricoleVoir aussi |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (1020)
R.G. Robu ; A.P. Alexoaei ; V. Cojanu ; D. Miron |This paper attempts to provide insights into the current network configurations of the food-trade system and to study the short-term effects of one of the ongoing and lasting global crises, the Ukraine War, on the link intensity. Towards this en[...]Article
This paper assesses the effects of deep trade agreements on agri-food global value chain (GVC) integration. We employ a theory-consistent gravity model and utilize a detailed bilateral GVC flow dataset covering 1991 to 2020. Our findings indicat[...]Article
We examine the perceived business risks and impacts on performance associated with the Russian aggression in Ukraine in February 2022 among 450 Egyptian small and medium-sized agrifood enterprises. Our analysis identifies six distinct clusters o[...]Article
Agri-food global value chains (GVCs) have transformed food production and trade, fostering efficiency and specialization across international borders and also introducing new challenges. This paper synthesizes insights from a special issue focus[...]Article
La volonté de libéralisation des échanges a joué un rôle clé dans le développement des relations entre lUnion européenne et les pays du Sud de la Méditerranée. Les produits agricoles apparaissent stratégiques dans ces relations, reflétant des [...]Article
We are currently witnessing a global transition (albeit slow) towards new, more sustainable models of development and consumption. This transition activates and highlights a series of discrepancies between the various actors in agri-food marketi[...]Article
Seaborne shipping is the dominant mode of transport in international trade in agricultural products, and an increasing part of seaborne agricultural trade is carried in containers. Furthermore, the majority of world containers are moved through [...]Article
In the last decade, agricultural cooperatives have become increasingly popular in the food industry. This paper aims to shed light on the extensive literature on agricultural cooperatives. Design/Methodology/Approach: In conducting this review, [...]Article
This study utilises structural gravity models to examine the impact of globalisation on distance in agricultural and processed food trade, the relative effects of international distance and home bias effects. The results show that larger interna[...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2024Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2024-2033 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, sur les dix ans à venir, des marchés des produits agricoles, halieutiques et aquacoles. Lédition de ce[...]Article
The agri-food sector is a key component of the Italian economy and the Made in Italy products are altogether the core of it with a strong export propensity. This paper analyses the recent export performance of the Made in Italy as a whole and at[...]Article
Climate change and trade are closely related. Climate may alter the comparative advantages across countries, which may in turn trigger changes in trade patterns. Trade itself may constitute an adaptation strategy, moving excesses of agri-food su[...]Article
In this study, we use a gravity model to analyze virtual water flows due to the trade of agricultural products for Turkey. We calculate virtual water flows of agricultural trade for 326 products and 192 trade partners for 2002?2019. The empirica[...]Article
The past decade has seen the transition of agricultural economics from perceived irrelevance to being seen as key to saving the world from an array of grand challenges. These challenges include global climate change, non-communicable diseases, h[...]Article
In the last two decades, Portugal suffered the effects of two global crises, the financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the Common Agriculture Policy reforms. These crises had a great impact on the Portuguese economy, but it is c[...]Article
Food production and trade play a fundamental role in the globalized food system. However, the phenomena of decreasing food production and trade interruptions are becoming increasingly common. Currently, there is a lack of simultaneous research o[...]Article
Since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) also the number of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) has risen strongly, from less than 50 in 1995 to more than 350 in 2022. Increasingly overlapping RTAs imply challenges and can rais[...]Article
In recent times, there has been a growing interest in the role of food trade in achieving food security. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between food trade and food security within the context of the Belt and Roa[...]Article
We analyse whether global value chains (GVCs) reduce trade barriers in the agricultural and food sectors as they affect lobbying and government incentives. Political economy theory predicts that tariffs will be lower in countries integrated in G[...]Article
The liberalization of world trade has led to a significant increase in agricultural trade, which has brought to light various environmental externalities, including climate change, deforestation, and water pollution. While economic studies tend [...]Série
FER (Madrid, Espagne) | Madrid [Espagne] : UPA. Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos | Agricultura Familiar en Espana: Anuario, ISSN 1887-9292 | 202330 años de Agricultura Familiar En 1994, UPA comenzó la aventura de publicar un Anuario de la Agricultura Familiar. El objetivo era sencillo, aunque ambicioso: recoger en una obra de carácter anual los principales datos, ideas y propuestas de e[...]Série
S. Abis, dir. ; A. Marie, coord. | Paris [France] : Club Déméter | Déméter : Economie et Stratégies Agricoles, ISSN 1166-2115 | 2023Lagriculture et lalimentation sont au cur des défis contemporains et des solutions de demain. Toujours déterminantes pour la sécurité collective et lexistence de chacune et chacun, elles conditionnent les trajectoires de développement durabl[...]Ouvrage
Produit vital pour lhumanité, le blé sinvite chaque jour à la table de milliards dindividus. Alors que sa consommation se mondialise, sa production savère très inégalement répartie sur la planète. Les changements climatiques et géostratégiqu[...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2023Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2023-2032 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, dans les dix ans à venir, des marchés nationaux, régionaux et mondiaux des produits agricoles, halieutiques [...]Article
Transaction costs create inefficiencies in agricultural markets, and poor trade digitalization lowers agrifood productivity of developing countries. This paper argues that trade facilitation via digitalization cuts transaction costs thereby incr[...]Article
In light of increasing concerns towards climate change and its implications for global agriculture and international food security, a small but growing literature has assessed the sensitivity of agricultural trade to weather conditions and event[...]Article
Corporations and independent experts alike consider inclusive agribusiness (IAB) instrumental to achieving sustainable and equitable development for small farmers. As businesses that productively integrate small farmers into commercial agrifood [...]Article
Linvasion russe de lUkraine le 24 février provoque une onde de chocs sur les marchés internationaux énergétiques et agricoles, en raison du poids de ces deux pays sur ces secteurs stratégiques. À elles deux, la Russie et lUkraine représentent[...]Article
Aggregation models where small farms jointly access credit, inputs, information, and product markets are not new to global agricultural systems. For over a century, agricultural cooperatives worldwide have tried rectifying small farm disadvantag[...]