Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (424)
M. Albert ; J.-E. Bergez ; S. Couture ; R. Faivre ; M. Willaume |Agricultural practices are heterogeneous among farmers in the face of climate hazards. Structural and material resources as well as risk preferences explain some of this heterogeneity, but little is known about how psychological factors associat[...]Article
Concerns for the future of the French livestock sector are growing, amongst others due to the profession low attractiveness which is partly related to its difficult working conditions. Agroecology in its search for social sustainability could o[...]Article
En France, lintense débat public sur lusage des pesticides demeure encore peu accessible aux travailleurs agricoles alors même quun changement de pratiques est attendu de leur part et quils sont fortement exposés. Cette configuration de la «[...]Article
Protection de la ressource en eau du bassin de lAuxerrois et transformation des pratiques agricoles
Avec des taux de nitrates dépassant les seuils définis par la Directive européenne « nitrates », puis la présence de résidus de pesticides utilisés par les activités agricoles du secteur, leau des bassins dalimentation de captages de lAuxerro[...]Article
Alors que les conséquences des changements climatiques sont de plus en plus visibles et ne peuvent plus être totalement évitées, lusage des pesticides en agriculture fait lobjet dune profonde remise en cause, du fait de ses conséquences envir[...]Article
Brands hold a promising contribution to align the food system with sustainable farm development. The food system consists of a myriad of, generally small-scale, producers and consumers and retail chains provide the link between the two. As such,[...]Article
O. Del Hierro ; P. Gallejones ; G. Besga ; A. Artetxe ; C. Garbisu |This study aimed to estimate the environmental impact of barley production in the Basque Country, Northern Spain, using cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, as well as to assess how methodological choices (i.e., the use of IPC[...]Article
Nitrogen is an element present on Earth in different forms, such as gaseous in the air, dissolved in water, immobilized in the soil, as well as biologically bound in all living organisms. The transition from one form to another constitutes the n[...]Article
As freshwater overexploitation in agriculture is rising, the application of alternative farming practices, particularly in water-scarce areas, is critical for the sustainability of the sector. Organic agriculture constitutes an opportunity for f[...]Article
This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the technology adaptation of dairy farms. For this purpose, according to the stratified random sampling method, 125 dairy farms were determined as the sample size. In the analysis of the factor[...]Article
This research examined livestock farmers intention to move manure waste to an allocated landfill and the impact of financial support by municipalities on farmers behavior. The theoretical framework was developed using the Theory of Planned Beh[...]Article
K. Akakpo ; S. Bouarfa ; M. Benoît ; C. Leauthaud |Identifying locally adapted and adopted efficient practices can be a step towards the agroecological transition of irrigated plains of the Southern Mediterranean region. However, these types of practices - often little known - are drowned within[...]Article
A. Al Dirani ; G.K. Abebe ; R.A. Bahn ; G. Martiniello ; I. Bashour |Agriculture is the most natural resource-intensive and climate-sensitive sector. This study examines the perceptions and attitudes of small family farmers toward climate change and identifies adaptation strategies supporting household food secur[...]Article
Lutilisation de produits phytosanitaires par les agriculteurs possédant des petites exploitations agricoles est nécessaire pour obtenir un rendement satisfaisant. Mais lapplication de ces produits peut affecter la santé et la sécurité de lagr[...]Article
In the current context of resource scarcity, global climate change, environmental degradation, and increasing food demand, the circular economy (CE) represents a promising strategy for supporting sustainable, restorative, and regenerative agricu[...]Article
L. Viguier ; N. Cavan ; C. Bockstaller ; S. Cadoux ; G. Corre-Hellou ; S. Dubois ; R. Duval ; O. Keichinger ; C. Toque ; A.-L. Toupet de Cordoue ; F. Angevin |A major path helping agriculture achieve the dual challenges of production and environmental preservation, consists of transitioning from the current, external input-based, conventional farming systems to a biodiversity-based agricultural system[...]Article
R. Ikkou ; H. Lazhar ; Y. Benbrahim |La forêt d'Itzer s'inscrit dans le cadre géographique du versant Sud du Moyen Atlas Plissé, région où la dégradation de la couverture végétale est terriblement présente. L'utilisation de limagerie satellitaire (Landsat) nous a permis davoir un[...]Article
The emphasis put on environmental issues of the European Union (EU) agricultural sector in the strategies like the European Green Deal, Biodiversity and Farm to fork strategy give new directions to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) changing t[...]Article
European rural landscapes contain high nature value farmlands that, in addition to being the main economic activity in many rural areas, host habitats and species of great conservation value. The maintenance of these farming systems largely depe[...]Article
Une partie des ouvriers agricoles saisonniers marocains qui alimentent les exploitations de la huerta provençale deviennent des entrepreneurs agricoles. Ces derniers négocient leur insertion dans les interstices en friche dun milieu agricole en[...]Article
Les agriculteurs français utilisent de moins en moins de produits phytosanitaires. Néanmoins, une pharmacopée efficace doit toujours être à leur disposition.Article
This article analyzes the adoption of practices face to the ecological and social issues and the constraints perception to agroecological development in the MZab Valley. The socioecological approach shows that the current agrosystem is hybrid[...]Article
C. Berthelot ; R. Jean ; M. Riou ; L. Fouyer |Les sols sont des milieux abritant une grande diversité de micro-organismes et de microfaune. Ils jouent un rôle clé dans la fertilité des sols et sont acteurs de nombreux services écosystémiques dont la résistance des cultures, la régulation de[...]Article
Fertilizers stand at the base of current agricultural practices, providing the nutrient sustainment required for growing plants. Most fertilizers are synthetic chemicals, whose exploitation at very high levels poses a risk to cultivated land and[...]Article
R. Lahlali ; M. Boulif ; A. Moinina |Dans la région de Fès-Meknès, notamment au Moyen Atlas, la culture du pommier est dune importance capitale. En effet, elle occupe le deuxième rang des spéculations arboricoles de la région derrière lamandier. Néanmoins, cette culture est sujet[...]Article
The production of residual biomass, such as vine pruning, presents environmental problems since its elimination is usually carried out through the uncontrolled burning of the remaining materials and with the emission of greenhouse gases without [...]Article
The Common Agricultural Policy 20142020, set up in 2015 and extended until 31 December 2022, introduced a payment instrument called Greening. The aim of Greening was to encourage agricultural practices that are beneficial for the environment wh[...]Article
J. Calatrava ; D. Martinez-Granados ; R. Zornoza ; M. Gonzalez-Rosado ; B. Lozano-Garcia ; M. Vega Zamora ; M.D. Gómez-López |This study identifies, through consultation with relevant stakeholders, low-input farming practices that can help to minimize the most pressing agronomic and environmental problems in some of the most relevant Mediterranean woody crops in Spain [...]Article
Greening payment represents one of the main and controversial novelties of the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 20152020 programming period. Such payments bind a portion of farm subsidies to compliance with specified practices, such as [...]Article
Les fermes maraîchères biologiques présentent une gamme de structures agricoles, associées à des pratiques avec différents niveaux d'agroécologie et différents niveaux de recours aux intrants. Une analyse typologique sur 165 fermes a permis de c[...]