INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRESynonyme(s)Industrie des oeufs ;Entreprise agroalimentaire ;Agro alimentaire ;Agro-alimentaire ;Agroalimentaire ;Industrie agro-alimentaire Entreprise agro-alimentaireVoir aussi |
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S. Ammirato ; A.M. Felicetti ; M. Ferrara ; C. Raso ; A. Violi |It is widely recognized that the adoption of collaborative organization models in the agri-food sector can help farmers in rural areas to reach sustainable development goals. In any case, a holistic and coherent view of sustainability, organizat[...]Article
Food loss and waste occur at all stages of the food supply chain. Since their causes are interconnected and may influence each other, then approaches with holistic supply chain perspectives are useful to map their relationships and guide the sel[...]Article
K. Sredl ; M. Prasilova ; L. Severova ; R. Svoboda ; M. Stebetak |The aim of this article was to express social and economic aspects of the sustainable livestock production in relation to meat consumption in the Czech Republic and to predict the possibilities of further development of livestock production in t[...]Article
As countries develop, agriculture's role as domestic employer declines. But the broader agri-food system also expands, and the scope for agriculture-related job creation shifts beyond the farm. Historically, technological revolutions have shaped[...]Article
The present article proposes a complete framework for supply chain strategy (SCS) analysis that is adapted to the specific characteristics of the agrifood chain, thereby facilitating the management of the former. As a specific case of analysis, [...]E-Book
This informative book reviews the challenges of agribusiness in the Southeast Mediterranean. The author focuses on sugarcane cultivation in Egypt to illustrate the impact of climate change on agribusiness, and his method and findings may be help[...]Série
D. Belaïd ; C. Sautter, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Histoire et Perspectives Méditerranéennes, ISSN 0980-5265 | 2021En Algérie, les années 2020 représentent une période charnière. Quelles que soient les forces politiques au pouvoir, le pays devra prendre un virage décisif dans le domaine de l'agriculture. La manne que constituent les hydrocarbures a permis un[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
De nos jours, de plus en plus dentreprises sont soumises à la concurrence et doivent sans cesse tenter dinnover et daméliorer leur performance pour devenir plus compétitives et générer des bénéfices. Plusieurs axes permettent daméliorer la p[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Strictement liée à la stratégie de lentreprise, la qualité demeure un outil indispensable pour améliorer la compétitivité et développer les performances internes des organisations. Dans cette étude, nous étions amenés à choisir la démarche qual[...]Article
Global climate change, its risks and required measures for their mitigation is of great importance for the agro-food sector. The present paper reviews the climate change impacts of major factors (global warming and elevated atmospheric CO2) and [...]Série
S. Abis, dir. ; M. Brun, dir. | Paris [France] : Club Déméter | Déméter : Economie et Stratégies Agricoles, ISSN 1166-2115 | 2021La pandémie de Covid-19 a produit un choc dune ampleur sans précédent. Dans un tel contexte dincertitudes, les champs de priorités se resserrent sur lessentiel. Lalimentation, comme la santé, fait partie de ces enjeux universels et atemporel[...]Article
Lobjectif de cet article est de comprendre comment la digitalisation de léconomie affecte les Business Models dans les PME de lagroalimentaire. Nous avons cherché à comprendre quelles sont les caractéristiques et les compétences dinnovation [...]Ouvrage
N. Bricas, ed. ; D. Conaré, ed. ; M. Walser, ed. ; C. Fischler, préf. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | 2021Repenser nos alimentations, cest repenser nos sociétés. Car partager un repas et même faire ses courses sont des moyens de se relier aux autres. La façon de nous nourrir construit notre santé. Nos modes de production agricole façonnent nos p[...]Ouvrage
Ce nest que tout récemment, avec lémergence de réflexions originales sur léconomie circulaire, que les chercheurs ont commencé à véritablement intégrer le « monde agricole » dans le jeu économique. Plus encore, léconomie circulaire fait de l[...]Article
Le producteur agricole est reconnu comme étant le principal responsable de la conduite de son exploitation et des stratégies mises en place pour opérationnaliser sa croissance. Il a toutefois été démontré quil est encadré et influencé dans ses [...]Article
Climate change is threatening worldwide crop yields and varieties, and the desertification of Southern Europe and Mediterranean areas is endangering the cultivation of tomato, not only one of the most important cultivated crops, but also one of [...]Article
En el seno del Proyecto de Cooperación Transfronteriza para la Valorización Integral de la Dehesa-Montado (PRODEHESA-MONTADO), cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa INTERREG España-Portugal, se ha[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Les coproduits sont générés par les industries agroalimentaires au cours du processus alimentaire de transformation/production de denrées destinées à lalimentation humaine. Leur valorisation sinscrit dans une démarche déconomie circulaire bas[...]Article
Green agri-food supply chains are increasingly attracting research interest, owing to their potential capacity for resilience against recent crises (e.g., financial, COVID-19) as well as end-consumers concerns on sustainability issues. In this [...]Article
J.A. Aznar-Sánchez ; J.M.F. Mendoza ; C. Ingrao ; S. Failla ; A. Bezama ; T. Nemecek ; A. Gallego-Schmid |Agriculture and the food sector plays a crucial role in the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Moreover, it has an enormous potential to mitigate climate change if compared to other economic sectors. The development of agricu[...]Article
A. Antonelli ; G. Brunori ; J. Jawhar ; D. Petruzzella ; R. Roma |This paper is the outcome of a reflection on the MIP report 2020, a collection of information and data used to describe the scenario on youth innovation and entrepreneurship in agrifood sector in Mediterranean countries. In particular, it highli[...]Article
C. Contini ; G. Marotta ; B. Torquati |This special issue of Agricultural and Food Economics consists of four articles that were part of the scientific programme of the First SIDEA-SIEA Joint Conference, held in Bisceglie in September 2017. The conference afforded agricultural econom[...]Article
A certain number of factors can affect the functioning of the distribution chains of large agrifood companies and impact their efficiency. Among them, poor adaptation to fluctuations in demand, imperfect control of production and transport costs[...]Article
The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted many activities along agri-food supply chains in developing countries and posed unprecedented challenges in particular to small and medium agri-food enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on a [...]Article
Lobjectif de notre travail, est dessayer de comprendre la réalité des petites entreprises agroalimentaires en zones arides, et ce à travers une entité située à Messaad (wilaya de Djelfa) spécialisée dans la fabrication et la mise en marché de [...]Article
The agri-food industry plays an important role in the manufacturing industry in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain). The main objective of this study is to identify which business factors influence the success of the innovative perfo[...]Article
The current public and private policies pursuing environmental sustainability targets mandate incisive management of packaging waste, starting with those sectors that use virgin materials most. Food industries and food supply chains adopt huge v[...]Article
L.A. German ; A.M. Bonanno ; L.C. Foster ; L. Cotula |Sustained interest by the business community in commercial agriculture in the global South has been welcomed for its potential to bring capital into long neglected rural areas, but has also raised concerns over implications for customary land ri[...]Article
A. Thomas ; C. Lamine ; B. Allès ; Y. Chiffoleau ; A. Doré ; S. Dubuisson-Quellier ; M. Hannachi |We discuss in this paper the role of the economic and social organization in agriculture and the food industry, in relation with the Health-Agriculture-Food-Environment (HAFEN) concept. The aim is to better understand the potential impact of the[...]