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Changing pasture management practices on the Greek island of Samothraki: obstacles and opportunities
Context On the Greek island of Samothraki, decades of overgrazing by the large domestic population of small ruminants accelerated soil degradation and surface erosion, with direct consequences for ecosystem functioning and the delivery of ecosys[...]Article
In Southern Europe, the abandonment of the traditional transhumant system where sheep graze lowland areas during winter and distant mountain systems during summer has led to an important cultural loss and still poorly understood ecological conse[...]E-Book
A. Ickowicz, coord. ; C.H. Moulin, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2023Family-run ruminant grazing systems in the Mediterranean and tropical areas contribute directly to eight of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. For a long time, these livestock systems have been [...]Article
The spatiotemporal changes of the grazed Greek landscapes in the last 75 years resemble those evidenced in most parts of the northern Mediterranean region, where woody vegetation encroached on open areas changing landscape structure and diversit[...]Article
C. Vidaller ; C. Malik ; T. Dutoit |Grazing is well-known to shape plant populations and plant communities and to affect several compartment characteristics of grazed ecosystems. Semi-natural grassland conservation depends on the maintenance of traditional extensive grazing system[...]Article
Agro-sylvo-pastoral systems are common around the Mediterranean Basin, where they provide a variety of goods and services to the local populations. Their sustainability relies on efficient grazing management, especially in Mediterranean rangelan[...]Article
A. Mayer ; C. Egger ; A. Loyau ; C. Plutzar ; D.S. Schmeller ; V. Gaube |Mountain pastures are embedded in highly sensitive mountain ecosystems and provide forage for livestock during summer. In years when forage in the lowlands becomes scarce due to over-grazing and land degradation, or climate-related extreme event[...]Article
E. Garmendia ; A. Aldezabal ; E. Galán ; A. Andonegi ; A. Del Prado ; G. Gamboa ; O. Garcia ; G. Pardo ; N. Aldai ; L.J.R. Barron |Pastoral systems face increasing pressure from competing global markets, food sector industrialization, and new policies such as Europes post-2020 Common Agriculture Policy. This pressure threatens the use of extensive sheep-grazing systems in [...]Article
S. Baronti ; F. Ungaro ; A. Maienza ; F. Ugolini ; A. Lagomarsino ; A.E. Agnelli ; C. Calzolari ; F. Pisseri ; G. Robbiati ; F.P. Vaccari |Over the past 30 years, farming in the Alpine region has undergone important changes: the average number of animals per farm and the use of external inputs have increased while the diversity of farming practices has decreased, becoming similar t[...]Article
Mountain grazing systems, based since ancient times on common land, are finding it increasingly challenging to ensure their economic viability. Although marginal in productive terms, these systems are high-value natural areas that provide multip[...]Article
Most grazing lands in Mediterranean ecosystems that support extensive sheep farming systems are characterized by unfavorable edapho-climatic conditions, especially in semi-arid areas. Often, though, their use is far from sustainable, causing ero[...]E-Book
A. Ickowicz, coord. ; C.H. Moulin, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2022Les élevages familiaux de ruminants au pâturage, en territoires méditerranéens et tropicaux, contribuent directement à huit des dix-sept objectifs du développement durable (ODD) du programme des Nations unies pour 2030. Ces élevages ont été long[...]Article
S. Merdas ; Y. Kouba ; T. Mostephaoui ; Y. Farhi ; H. Chenchouni |Despite many studies that have explored the effect of livestock grazing on plant communities, the response of species composition and diversity to livestock grazing in arid rangelands remains ambiguous. This study examined the effects of livesto[...]Article
S. Ravetto Enri ; F. Petrella ; F. Ungaro ; L. Zavattaro ; A. Mainetti ; G. Lombardi ; M. Lonati |Alpine pastures are agricultural systems with a high provision of ecosystem services, which include carbon (C) stocking. Particularly, the soil organic C (SOC) stocks of Alpine pastures may play a pivotal role in counteracting global climate cha[...]Article
The N2O emissions of 21 dairy farms in Germany were evaluated to determine the feasibility of an estimation of emissions from farm data and the effects of the farm management, along with possible mitigation strategies. Emissions due to the appli[...]Article
A. Wezel ; S. Stöckli ; E. Tasser ; H. Nitsch ; A. Vincent |An ongoing decrease in habitat and species diversity is occurring in many areas across Europe, including in grasslands in mountain areas, calling for adapted biodiversity management and measures. In this context, we carried out 79 interviews wit[...]Article
L.J.R. Barron ; A. Andonegi ; G. Gamboa ; E. Garmendia ; O. Garcia ; N. Aldai ; A. Aldezabal |This article describes a novel methodological approach for the integrated sustainability assessment of pasture-based dairy sheep systems. Most studies on livestock system sustainability focus on animal production, farm profitability, and mitigat[...]Article
A. Papadopoulou ; A. Ragkos ; A. Theodoridis ; D. Skordos ; Z. Parissi ; E. Abraham |Small ruminant production is predominantly linked to the use of natural pastures; however the intensification process in past decades has led to a gradual abandonment of grazing and the prevalence of intensive patterns. This paper contributes to[...]Article
A. Abaab ; A. Bouaicha ; A. Hajji ; Y. Saadani ; F. Gouhis ; J. Kailen ; H. Khemiri |Lanalyse des approches en matière de développement pastoral conduit en premier lieu à se poser la question suivante : quest-ce quune approche en matière de développement pastoral : sagit-il des aspects purement techniques ou socio-économique[...]Article
Land Cover (LC) and Land Use (LU) changes are usually considered as one change, limiting the understanding of their individual effects on Ecosystem Services (ESs). The aim of this study is to investigate the different effects of LC change and LU[...]Article
G. Quaranta ; R. Salvia ; L. Salvati ; V. De Paola ; R. Coluzzi ; V. Imbrenda ; T. Simoniello |Depopulation and economic marginalization of rural districts have induced a progressive land abandonment in agricultural and pastoral districts. In Europe, areas at higher risk of farmland abandonment are characterized by low-intensity pasture s[...]Article
C. Dibari ; S. Costafreda-Aumedes ; G. Argenti ; M. Bindi ; F. Carotenuto ; M. Moriondo ; G. Padovan ; A. Pardini ; N. Staglianò ; C. Vagnoli ; L. Brilli |As the basis of livestock feeding and related performances, pastures evolution and dynamics need to be carefully monitored and assessed, particularly in the Alps where the effects of land abandonment are further amplified by climate change. As s[...]Article
Le pâturage des bovins est perçu par le consommateur comme une pratique délevage de meilleure qualité, ancrée dans son territoire et porteuse dun meilleur traitement animal. Cette étude explore les moyens les plus efficaces de communiquer sur [...]Article
Les prairies permanentes constituent sous nos latitudes un important réservoir de biodiversité. Alors que les prairies de montagne diversifiées ont jusquici été relativement épargnées, lenjeu de nos travaux est de proposer des modes de conduit[...]Article
F.A. Ruiz ; M. Vazquez ; J.A. Camunez ; J.M. Castel ; Y. Mena |Aim of study: To characterize and analyse the extensive livestock farming systems in environmental protected area and propose strategies for their sustainable improvement. Area of study: Sierra Nevada Protected Area (Spain). Material and methods[...]Article
Dans le bassin méditerranéen, les activités pastorales extensives, très souvent fondées sur la mobilité des troupeaux, constituent des cultures millénaires que la modernisation du secteur na pas fait disparaître. Une activité fondamentale de ce[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
P. Virkajärvi, ed. ; K. Hakala, ed. ; M. Hakojärvi, ed. ; J. Helin, ed. ; I. Herzon, ed. ; V. Jokela, ed. ; S. Peltonen, ed. ; M. Rinne, ed. ; M. Seppänen, ed. ; J. Uusi-Kämppä, ed. | Wageningen [Pays-Bas] : Wageningen Academic Publishers | 2020Article
La gouvernance des terres communes, considérées comme un bien commun, a toujours été une question dimportance majeure pour léconomie et la cohésion sociale en zones rurales. En effet, elle influence dans une large mesure la durabilité des syst[...]Article
Despite a constant decline in grassland areas between the 1970s and 2010 at the regional and national scale in France, in particular on lowlands, grasslands have been maintained locally. This raises questions about long-term changes on the farms[...]