Thésaurus IAMM > METHODE
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Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (923)
M.-A. Magne ; A. Alaphilippe ; A. Bérard ; S. Cournut ; B. Dumont ; Marie G. ; M. Hedde ; K. Morel ; S. Mugnier ; V. Parnaudeau ; M.-O. Nozières-Petit ; R. Paut ; T. Puech ; C. Robert ; J. Ryschawy ; R. Sabatier ; F. Stark ; A. Vialatte ; G. Martin |In response to criticism of current specialized and input-intensive agriculture, diversified farming systems (DFS) have increased in popularity. The most advanced forms of DFS include perennial components (e.g., perennial crops, trees), function[...]Article
Assessing the sustainability of agriculture is a relevant methodological issue with practical implications. In this study, a systematic approach is followed to develop a composite indicator that ranks the sustainability performance of Spanish re[...]Ouvrage
M. Saadé ; O. Jolliet ; P. Crettaz ; N. Jolliet-Gavin ; S. Shaked ; G. Soucy, collab. ; G. Houillon, collab. | Lausanne [Suisse] : EPFL Press | 2024Lanalyse du cycle de vie (ACV) ou écobilan évalue limpact environnemental dun produit, dun service ou dun système en considérant toutes les étapes de son cycle de vie. Elle permet didentifier les points sur lesquels un produit peut êtr[...]Article
F. Zahm ; A.A. Ugaglia ; J.-M. Barbier ; D. Carayon ; B. Del'Homme ; M. Gafsi ; P. Gasselin ; C. Gestin ; S. Girard ; L. Guichard ; C. Loyce ; V. Manneville ; B. Redlingshöfer ; I. Rodrigues |This article presents the conceptual framework for assessing farm sustainability using the IDEA4 method. IDEA4 combines a dual assessment approach based on sustainable agriculture objectives and the properties of sustainable farming systems. It [...]Article
F. Zahm ; A.A. Ugaglia ; J.-M. Barbier ; D. Carayon ; B. Del'Homme ; M. Gafsi ; P. Gasselin ; C. Gestin ; S. Girard ; L. Guichard ; C. Loyce ; V. Manneville ; B. Redlingshöfer ; I. Rodrigues |This article presents the conceptual framework for assessing farm sustainability using the IDEA4 method. IDEA4 combines a dual assessment approach based on sustainable agriculture objectives and the properties of sustainable farming systems. It [...]Article
Dans les rapports du Giec, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et lempreinte carbone de lagriculture sont surestimées en raison da priori méthodologiques et de conventions statistiques.Article
The objectives of this paper are to determine the factors that influence interannual movements of farms between income categories, and to forecast future income categories of farms under several different market, climate, and policy scenarios. T[...]Article
While there is a consensus on the need to transition towards more sustainable food systems, moving from a conceptual approach to a more operational understanding of food systems remains a research front. The objective of this paper is to take st[...]Article
L. Latruffe ; Y. Desjeux ; G. Enjolras ; P. Jeanneaux |Valuation of a farm at current market value is a crucial part of the process of farm transfer, be it between family members through inheritance or on the open market between buyers and sellers. This article explains the methods available to and [...]Article
The AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System) concept is now widely applied in the EU partly due to latest CAP regulation.The AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System) concept is now widely applied in the EU partly due to lat[...]Article
M. Zambelli ; V. Giovenzana ; A. Casson ; A. Tugnolo ; A. Pampuri ; S. Vignati ; R. Beghi ; R. Guidetti |When talking about environmental and sustainability topics, the wine sector plays a fundamental role ensuring that wine remains not only economically but also environmentally sustainable, hence the importance of conducting analyses to measure th[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
A. Fournarakos ; A. Petropoulou ; K. Kravvaritis ; P. Zafiraki ; H. Panoutsopoulos ; T. Berchoux ; M.C. Lostrangio | 2023This document is the Digital Platform and Toolkit report for the GRANULAR Digital Platform. It has been developed to fulfil the needs of the projects Deliverable 7.2. It summarises the work conducted in the GRANULAR Digital Platform (Task 7.3) [...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
F. Zahm, dir. ; S. Girard, dir. ; A. Alonso Ugaglia ; J.-M. Barbier ; H. Boureau ; D. Carayon ; S. Cohen ; B. Del'Homme ; M. Gafsi ; P. Gasselin ; C. Gestin ; L. Guichard ; C. Loyce ; V. Manneville ; B. Redlingshöfer ; I. Rodrigues | Dijon [France] : Educagri | 2023IDEA4 est une méthode d'évaluation et d'analyse de la durabilité des exploitations agricoles. Son cadre théorique combine une double approche basée sur les trois dimensions de la durabilité - agroécologique, socio-territoriale, économique - et l[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
G. Calabrese ; M.R. Bteich ; M. Requier-Desjardins ; A. Martin ; R. Mehdioui ; P. Reidsma ; G. van de Ven ; K. Boudedja | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | NATAE Project | 2023This document is the Methodological Framework for the Assessment of Performance of Agroecological Practices envisaged in the task 1.2 of the project NATAE (D1.1) and it is developed in interaction with the NATAE Living Lab Guidelines (D4.1) that[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins ; K. Papadopoulou ; R. Jalkh ; E. Lemaitre-Curri | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | NATAE Project | 2023This deliverable establishes all quality methods and processes to ensure quality management, quality monitoring of NATAE project and its outcomes according to the main rules and standards of Horizon Europe and to allocate responsibilities for en[...]Ouvrage
Ce manuel propose un apprentissage guidé pour être en mesure de réaliser une enquête, par questionnaires et entretiens de qualité, dans le cadre des études en sciences sociales. Avec cet ouvrage à la fois complet et accessible, construit en quat[...]Article
In recent years, there has been a significant change in Turkeys agricultural support policies, especially on livestock supports. The livestock support, with a share less than 5% in total has in early 2000s has reached up to 35% at the end of 20[...]Article
J.A. Martínez-López ; R. López-Urrea ; A. Martínez-Romero ; J.J. Pardo ; J. Montero ; A. Domínguez |Scarcity of water resources is one of the main constraints on agricultural activity in arid and semi-arid areas. Despite the great technological development over recent decades, farmers are demanding methodologies and tools adapted to their trai[...]Article
L. Battisti ; F. Larcher ; S. Grella ; N. Di Bartolo ; M. Devecchi |The Natura 2000 network is an ecological network covering the whole territory of the European Union to ensure the long-term maintenance of threatened or rare natural habitats and species of flora and fauna, including in metropolitan and rural ar[...]Article
L.V. De Luca Peña ; S.E. Taelman ; N. Préat ; L. Boone ; K. Van der Biest ; M. Custódio ; S. Hernandez Lucas ; G. Everaert ; J. Dewulf |Nowadays, a variety of methodologies are available to assess local, regional and global impacts of human activities on ecosystems, which include Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) and Ecosystem Services Assessment ([...]E-Book
Lagriculture urbaine apparaît aujourdhui comme un levier de la transition écologique des villes et un outil déducation à lalimentation durable. De nombreux acteurs de laménagement urbain mettent en place des projets sur leurs territoires : [...]Article
Comment rendre compte finement des pratiques, des représentations et des interactions dune population vulnérable ? En sintéressant aux immersions réalisées durant notre thèse auprès de salariés saisonniers étrangers dans de grandes entreprises[...]Ouvrage
S. Alami ; D. Desjeux ; I. Garabuau-Moussaoui | Paris [France] : Presses Universitaires de France | Que Sais-Je ?, ISSN 0768-0066 | 2022Comment détecter les phénomènes sociaux émergents une nouvelle technologie, un nouvel usage ou un nouvel imaginaire sociétal ? Lenquête qualitative, parce quelle est au plus près du terrain et des acteurs, permet de mettre au jour des faits,[...]Article
C. Grimene ; O. Mghirbi ; S. Louvet ; J.-P. Bord ; P. Le Grusse |The preservation of natural resources via the management of diffuse pollution is currently considered to be a significant challenge in France. Pollution reduction policies are notably based on the identification of vulnerable areas. In this cont[...]Article
Measuring the environmental efficiency of firms using data envelopment analysis (DEA) has recently gained momentum due to the urgency of climate change. The existing literature on environmental efficiency ignores the internal structures of the p[...]Article
The aim of this paper is to study the sustainability of Social farming (SF), with attention to practices addressed people suffering from addictions. In this study the Social Return on Investment (SROI) has been used as assessment methodology; ha[...]Article
This ex-ante study explores the readiness of local stakeholders in a rural area to undertake the collective actions necessary to create a Geographical Indication on cheese to protect it from unfair competitiveness provided by brand usurpation. T[...]Article
H. Bazzi ; N. Baghdadi ; G. Amin ; I. Fayad ; M. Zribi ; V. Demarez ; H. Belhouchette |In this study, we present an operational methodology for mapping irrigated areas at plot scale, which overcomes the limitation of terrain data availability, using Sentinel-1 (S1) C-band SAR (synthetic-aperture radar) and Sentinel-2 (S2) optical [...]Article
In recent decades, many sustainability indicators and methods have been developed at farm level, but a validated set of quantitative and scientifically-sound indicators covering all three dimensions of sustainability is still needed. For this re[...]