Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (1080)
Impact des certifications agricoles sur les pratiques de la RSE : cas des exploitations de fraisiers
H. Mootacem ; O. Tijani ; A. Ouazzani |Situé au nord du Maroc, le périmètre du Loukkos constitue le plus grand bassin de production de fraises au niveau national. Pour faire face à la forte concurrence des pays comme lEspagne et la Grèce, les producteurs doivent se conformer aux sta[...]Article
R. Zouhair ; A. Chebil ; K. Ouerghi ; S. Selmi |La production de dattes présente une forte valeur marchande, ce qui lui attribue dêtre une source principale de revenus des ménages essentiellement dans les régions de production (Tozeur et Kébili). Toutefois, le rendement des dattes reste enco[...]Article
Notre étude sinscrit dans le cadre dun projet de recherche, Smart, qui sintéresse globalement à la mise en place dun système déconomie circulaire autour dune innovation environnementale : les films de semi-forçage en plastique recyclé. Un [...]Article
A. Benaradj ; H. Boucherit ; R. Benniou ; S. Bouarfa |Dans la région sud de Naâma, lagro-système aride est construit et maintenu par la population locale du Ksar à partir dune gestion rigoureuse et équitable des ressources naturelles biologiques, édaphiques et hydriques. Lobjectif de cette étude[...]Article
This paper analyses the technical efficiency of arable farms in Serbia and its determinants using a two-stage double bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach on the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) data from 2014 and 2015 with spec[...]Article
Aim of the study: The sheep breeding sector in Turkey has lost its potential to become a highly competitive and efficient sector despite a number of policies being implemented over the years. Therefore, the objective of the study was to empiric[...]Article
Les espaces-test agricoles (ETA) sont des dispositifs novateurs et réversibles daccès au foncier qui permettent de tester le métier dagriculteur en conditions réelles avec un minimum de risques. Ils sont encore peu étudiés. Cet article sintér[...]Article
Depuis le milieu du XXe siècle, les périphéries désertiques égyptiennes sont devenues le lieu de projection de l'avenir de l'agriculture nationale. Une véritable frontière agro-désertique a émergé, se déplaçant à des rythmes inégaux au cours des[...]Article
In Mediterranean-climate regions, irrigated agriculture is especially vulnerable to the risk of hydrological drought, and irrigators are particularly concerned about the negative effects of water supply failures. This paper proposes a new index-[...]Article
The authors provide an overview and the analysis of the situation of agricultural holdings in the Republic of Serbia and Romania, with special emphasis on the importance and role of small and family farms in creating economic and social sustaina[...]Article
J. Schuler ; R. Adelhart Toorop ; M. Willaume ; A. Vermue ; N. Schläfke ; S. Uthes ; P. Zander ; W.A.H. Rossing |Regional impact studies are needed to explore possible adaptation options to climate change. We estimated impacts and adaptation options for future scenarios that feature different assumptions regarding climate, cropping pattern and access to ir[...]Article
The COVID-19 pandemic has had strong impact on the tourism market. As a result of the lockdown and the closing of borders, tourist traffic came to an abrupt halt. Agritourism is an important way of diversifying agriculture and rural areas. In ad[...]Article
La filière marocaine des fruits rouges a connu un essor consistant durant la dernière décennie, soutenue par la stratégie nationale agricole et tractée par lexpansion de la demande sur les marchés internationaux. Cependant, lévolution qua enr[...]Article
R. Sardaro ; P. La Sala ; L. Roselli |Farmland can supply a wide variety of ecosystem services, i.e. provision of food and fibre, as well as regulating, supporting, recreational, aesthetic and cultural services. In addition, farmland can be characterized by the presence of anthropic[...]Article
Good management of water resources requires a good allocation of their availability, especially in public irrigated schemes in Tunisia. This paper contributes to a better reallocation of available water resources at the farm and regional levels.[...]Article
Agricultural specialization has disconnected crop and livestock production in many farms and regions. As a result, crop farms are deficient in nitrogen to fertilize their crops, while livestock farms are deficient in proteins to feed their anima[...]Article
Collective action by farmers including the development of cooperatives is regarded as one of solutions to overcome low productivity. This study investigates the impact of agricultural cooperative on technical efficiency (TE) and total factor pro[...]Article
The conventionalization of organic agriculture has been described as a process in which organic agriculture increasingly adopts the features of conventional modes of production based on industrial farming methods. The increasing supply of organi[...]Article
In view of the foremost concern about the generational renewal in livestock farming, the identification of both the drivers that determine the process of incorporating young farmers into the livestock sector, as well as the strategies young peop[...]Article
M.P.M. Meuwissen ; P.H. Feindt ; P. Midmore ; E. Wauters ; R. Finger ; F. Appel ; A. Spiegel ; E. Mathijs ; K.J.A.M. Termeer ; A. Balmann ; Y. de Mey ; P. Reidsma |Many farming systems in Europe are struggling to respond to accumulating economic, environmental, institutional and social challenges. From a resilience perspective, they need three distinct capacities to continue delivering products, income and[...]Article
The paper focuses on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on some Italian farms. In particular, the aim is to investigate the consequences of the health emergency on diversified farms, their reactions, and their agricultural and rural policy nee[...]Article
V. Kypréos ; G. Lacquement ; F. Authier ; W. Ludwig |Cet article propose une analyse de la vulnérabilité des exploitants agricoles confrontés au risque de diminution de leau en contexte de changement climatique. Elle porte sur des petites régions du Roussillon, délimitée par le bassin versant de [...]Article
Les circuits courts seraient l'avenir de l'agriculture. Dans l'idéal, sans doute. Mais la réalité du terrain témoigne de leurs limites et de leurs contraintes.Article
J. Popovic ; G. Kvrgic ; G. Coric ; J. Avakumovic ; D. Milosevic |The subject of the research is to explore the operational risks - the risk of emergencies and specific Coronavirus pandemic risk that are SMEs from agribusiness sector, from Western Balkan countries exposed to, and the significances of their eff[...]Article
This study examines the relative technical efficiency of mixed crop-livestock farming systems and assesses their economic performance between the Upper and Delta regions of Egypt. A non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is empiri[...]Article
Resilience of food systems is being tested by the COVID-19 disruption. As with any severe disruption, collapse of some systems, innovation in others, and total reorganization of some will occur. Direct delivery of food, online farmers markets, c[...]Article
Social distancing and mobility restrictions adopted in Italy to deal with the COVID-19 emergency can also alter the operating conditions of the Italian agricultural labour market. The restrictions can limit the movement of temporary labour that [...]Article
J. Phillipson ; M. Gorton ; R. Turner ; M. Shucksmith ; K. Aitken-McDermott ; F. Areal ; P. Cowie ; S. Maioli ; R. McAreavey ; D.M. Souza Monteiro ; R. Newbery ; L. Panzone ; F. Rowe ; S. Shortall |This paper presents a rapid assessment of current and likely future impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on rural economies given their socio-economic characteristics. Drawing principally on current evidence for the UK, as well as lessons from the 2[...]Article
Apulia has a considerable demand of irrigation water, however high inefficiency levels of the collective water networks force most of the regional farms to use groundwater, with a consequent worsening of its quality, as well as of soil and crops[...]