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Auteur A. Benmihoub |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (8)
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The pressure on water resources that Algeria encounters is due to the scarcity and the water demand increase by different sectors of activity. This induces managers to reconsider the traditional supply management approach. The new water policies[...]Article
This article analyzes the adoption of practices face to the ecological and social issues and the constraints perception to agroecological development in the MZab Valley. The socioecological approach shows that the current agrosystem is hybrid[...]Article
Our work consists in finding, through the application of the cost-effectiveness analysis method, the optimal investment sequence, that would cover, with a lower cost, the future water demand in the Algerian coastal basin 02a, by the horizon 2030[...]Article
The restructuring of agriculture, in place since 1980, has led to a social recomposition of farms especially in irrigated areas. Such recomposition is based on different access to production resources and social opportunities. Our paper analyzes[...]Article
Ces dernières années en Algérie, dimportants investissements dans les infrastructures de mobilisation, dadduction et de distribution de leau ont été réalisés (barrages, transferts et dessalement de leau de mer). Cet article présente une anal[...]Article
Lobjectif de ce papier est danalyser -grâce à une enquête- lopinion des irrigants du périmètre irrigué public du Hamiz (Mitidja-Est) par rapport à la tarification actuelle de leau à usage agricole. Il sagit de déterminer leur attitude vis-à[...]Article
J.-C. Poussin ; A. Imache ; R. Beji ; P. Le Grusse ; A. Benmihoub |Most methods used to predict irrigation water consumption at a regional scale are based on biophysical models and cropping patterns. Their aim is to provide accurate estimations of water demand that are useful for water resource management. Ho[...]