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Auteur C. Ringler |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (4)

C. Ringler ; M. Agbonlahor ; J. Barron ; K. Baye ; J.V. Meenakshi ; D.K. Mekonnen ; S. Uhlenbrook |The United Nations Food Systems Summit aimed to chart a path toward transforming food systems toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite the essentiality of water for food systems, however, the Summit has not sufficiently consid[...]![]()
G.C. Nelson ; M.W. Rosegrant ; A. Palazzo ; I. Gray ; C. Ingersoll ; R. Robertson ; S. Tokgoz ; T. Zhu ; T. Sulser ; C. Ringler ; S. Msangi ; L. You | Washington [États-Unis] : IFPRI | Research Monograph | 2010This monograph takes advantage of and expands on IFPRIs cutting-edge climate modeling expertise to address the climate change threat in the context of larger food security challenges. It provides the most comprehensive analysis to date on the s[...]![]()
C. Ringler, ed. ; A.K. Biswas, ed. ; S.A. Cline, ed. | New York [États-Unis] : Springer | Water Resources Development and Management, ISSN 1614-810X | 2010This volume examines the various drivers of global change, including climate change, and the use of agricultural knowledge, science, and technology, as well as the outcomes of global change processes, including impacts on water quality and human[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
G.C. Nelson ; M.W. Rosegrant ; R. Robertson ; T. Sulser ; T. Zhu ; C. Ringler ; S. Msangi ; A. Palazzo ; M. Batka ; M. Magalhaes ; R. Valmonte-Santos ; M. Ewing ; D. Lee | Washington [États-Unis] : IFPRI | Food Policy Report | 2009La croissance incontrôlée des émissions de gaz à effet de serre est en train de réchauffer la planète, avec pour conséquences la fonte des glaciers, laugmentation des précipitations, la multiplication de phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, et [...]