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Auteur L. Garrote |
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This paper proposes how drought management may be more sustainable in the Mediterranean region in order to face climate change. This paper collects information on the extraordinary efforts to manage drought in the region, highlighting how polici[...]Article
In recent decades, increased water demand combined with the effects of climate change has endangered water availability in many regions. In this context, sustainable water management has become a priority, seeking to balance human needs with the[...]Article
The effects of climate change on agriculture are often characterised by changes in the average productivity of crops; however, these indicators provide limited information regarding the risks associated with fluctuations in productivity resultin[...]Ouvrage
A. Iglesias ; L. Garrote, ed. ; A. Cancelliere, ed. ; F. Cubillo, ed. ; D. Wilhite, ed. | New York [États-Unis] : Springer | Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research | 2009Today drought causes severe social problems and receives broad attention from the international scientific and policy communities. Drought management in the Mediterranean region exemplifies many other drought-prone regions with rapidly expanding[...]Ouvrage
A. Iglesias, ed. ; A. Cancelliere, ed. ; D. Gabiña, ed. ; A. Lopez-Francos, ed. ; M. Moneo, ed. ; G. Rossi, ed. ; T. Ameziane ; M. Belghiti ; S. Benbeniste ; M. Bergaoui ; B. Bonaccorso ; T. Christofides ; Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo (Madrid, Espagne) ; F. Cubillo ; L. Euchi ; A. Garrido ; L. Garrote ; J.C. Ibáñez ; S. Hajispyrou ; E. Keravnou-Papailiou ; A. Lapeña ; F. Lebdi ; M.H. Louati ; M. Mathlouthi ; H.J. Mellouli ; A. Ouassou ; D. Pangalou ; P. Pashardes ; S. Quiroga ; N. Rostandi ; D. Saraçoglu ; T. Sibou ; D. Tigkas ; G. Tsakiris ; N. Tsiourtis ; C. Vangelis ; A. Ziyad | Zaragoza [Espagne] : CIHEAM-IAMZ | 2007