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Auteur A. Volkov |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (4)

The present paper embarks on an investigation of the main risks associated with agri-food supply chains. A total of 11 key risks, namely Natural disasters of a global or local scale; Workers strikes; Change in government regulations or safety s[...]![]()
A. Zickiene ; R. Melnikiene ; M. Morkunas ; A. Volkov |This study presents an innovative approach to measuring the impact of EU CAP direct payments on the economic resilience of agriculture at a sectoral level. The construct of resilience is approached from the perspective of the resilience of the m[...]![]()
This paper aims at to identify the differences in the performance of the agricultural sectors in the selected European Union Member States. The research covers 21 countries in the period from 20072017. The paper uses data from the Farm Accounta[...]![]()
The effects of globalization have often been adverse for the agricultural sector, especially its most vulnerable elementthe small farm. The importance of the agricultural sector as a whole and small farms in the sense of ensuring food security,[...]