Détail de l'auteur
Auteur A. Kouriati |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

A. Kouriati ; A. Tafidou ; E. Lialia ; A. Prentzas ; C. Moulogianni ; E. Dimitriadou ; T. Bournaris |Focusing on sustainability, the new Common Agricultural Policy (20232027) sets ambitious goals for water management, as reducing irrigation water use is a vital issue. Cooperation among farmers, relevant authorities, and researchers plays a sig[...]![]()
A. Tafidou ; E. Lialia ; A. Prentzas ; A. Kouriati ; E. Dimitriadou ; C. Moulogianni ; T. Bournaris |Management and utilization of factors of production, in addition to diversification of land use, affect the performance of farms. In this article, it is identified whether the diversification of land use through its disposal to tourism infrastru[...]![]()
This study aims to identify the relationships between critical factors and successful Enterprise Resource Planning implementation in the agricultural processing companies of Central Macedonias (Greece) region. Therefore, critical factors are ta[...]