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Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (92)
Cet article décrit la trajectoire technologique des Outils numériques daide à la décision (OADn) pour les agriculteurs en France, à partir du cas de la fertilisation azotée. Il sappuie sur lanalyse de deux corpus dentretiens auprès de concep[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Cette étude sinscrit dans le lot 4 portant sur lidentification des déterminants socio- économiques et techniques de l'usage des fertilisants déchets sourcés pour les agriculteurs du projet RECYPEE Impact du recyclage du phosphore à partir [...]Article
Machine-learning methodologies are part of the artificial intelligence approaches with several applications in different fields of science and dimensions of human life. These techniques appear in the frameworks of the digital transition, where s[...]Article
This paper analyzes how agricultural advisory services support farmers in the evaluation and adoption of a digital innovation: decision support tools for fertilizer application. We interviewed farmers with different user profiles for this techno[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
F. Dautaj | 2023Agriculture as an industry is developing day by day, due to the need for high-quality food products which is essential to sustaining human existence. In order to supply that need the chemical stress biostimulants have entered in the game, these [...]Article
A. Mamassi ; H. Marrou ; M. El Gharous ; J. Wellens ; F.-E. Jabbour ; Y. Zeroual ; A. Hamma ; B. Tychon |Crop models have evolved over the past decade to incorporate more soil-related processes. While this may open avenues to support farmers regarding fertilization practices, it also widens the pitfalls related to model parametrization. Open-access[...]Article
Aim of study: To assess the economic viability of implementing carbon fertilisation (CF) on the Campo de Dalías greenhouse agricultural sector. Area of study: Agricultural area of Campo de Dalías (Southeast of Spain), the highest density of gre[...]Article
G. Billen ; J. Garnier ; J. Le Noë |De nombreux travaux récents montrent que, à surface agricole constante, il est possible dassurer lapprovisionnement alimentaire de la France, de lEurope et du monde sans engrais industriels azotés. Au prix cependant de profonds changements st[...]Article
Climate change and silvopasture: the potential of the tree and weather to modify soil carbon balance
N. Ferreiro-Dominguez ; F.J. Rodriguez-Rigueiro ; A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez ; M. Pilar Gonzalez-Hernandez ; M.R. Mosquera-Losada |Silvopastoral systems play an important role in climate change mitigation, considering their effect on soil carbon sequestration. In silvopastoral systems, sewage sludge can be used as fertiliser, which is promoted by the Circular Economy Packag[...]Article
E. Sinha ; K.V. Calvin ; P.G. Kyle ; M.I. Hejazi ; S.T. Waldhoff ; M. Huang ; S. Vishwakarma ; X. Zhang |Since the 1950's, global fertilizer usage has increased by more than 800% resulting in detrimental impacts to the environment. The projected increase in crop production due to increasing demands for food, feed, biofuel, and other uses, may furth[...]Article
Under the high temporal variability of the Mediterranean climate, the prompt emergence of wheat seedlings and early vigor are pivotal attributes, positively affecting the final grain yield. Phosphorus (P) fertilization at sowing is largely used [...]Article
Use of Sentinel-2 Satellite for spatially variable rate fertiliser management in a sicilian vineyard
Satellites can be used for producing maps of within-field crop and soil parameters and, consequentially, spatially variable rate crop input application maps. The plant vegetative vigour index (i.e., Normalised Difference Vegetation IndexNDVI) a[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Z. Chaoui | 2022Weeds are characterized by a remarkable duality, they are at the same time a source of biodiversity, food and habitat for many organisms, while having negative impacts on crop productivity. To manage them in a context of reduced dependence on ch[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
La pomme de terre de Noirmoutier jouit dun climat doux et ensoleillé qui contribue à perpétuer sa qualité gustative connue du monde entier. Pourtant, derrière ce produit renommé se cache des enjeux culturaux importants. Les conditions sablonneu[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
S. Ellefi | 2022Farmers were always skeptical and questioned the economic profit of the adoption of site-specific fertilization technologies under uncertain climate conditions. In the light of this, the present study aims to examine the profitability of applyin[...]Article
A. Muscolo ; F. Romeo ; F. Marra ; C. Mallamaci |This work was focused on recycling different typology of pollutant wastes (olive pomace and orange residues; municipal wastes and sulphur residue of hydrocarbon refining processes) with the triple objectives of limiting wastes in landfill, reduc[...]Article
A. Tomaz ; J.F. Palma ; T. Ramos ; M.N. Costa ; E. Rosa ; M. Santos ; L. Boteta ; J. Dôres ; M. Patanita |The evaluation of the role of different agronomic strategies in achieving sustainable wheat yields under variable Mediterranean climate conditions may involve the use of resource-use indicators that combine productivity and environmental impact.[...]Article
A l'exception des légumineuses qui peuvent fixer l'azote atmosphérique, la quasi-totalité des espèces cultivées ont besoin d'un apport externe d'azote sous forme d'engrais chimiques ou organiques ou encore d'engrais vert. En effet, l'azote est l[...]Article
Improvements in the sustainability of agricultural production depend essentially on advances in the efficient use of nitrogen. Precision farming promises solutions in this respect. Variable rate technologies allow the right quantities of fertili[...]Article
The N2O emissions of 21 dairy farms in Germany were evaluated to determine the feasibility of an estimation of emissions from farm data and the effects of the farm management, along with possible mitigation strategies. Emissions due to the appli[...]Article
Fertilizers stand at the base of current agricultural practices, providing the nutrient sustainment required for growing plants. Most fertilizers are synthetic chemicals, whose exploitation at very high levels poses a risk to cultivated land and[...]Article
M. El Janati ; N. Akkal-Corfini ; A. Bouaziz ; A. Oukarroum ; P. Robin ; A. Sabri ; M. Chikhaoui ; Z. Thomas |Circular agriculture is an effective approach for the management of soil organic inputs that improves soil fertility and cropping system sustainability. We developed a cropping system typology and assessed effects of crop rotation, organic ferti[...]Article
F. Cadeddu ; R. Motzo ; F. Mureddu ; F. Giunta |Thanks to their low fertilization requirements and high consumer demand, ancient wheats and old durum wheat cultivars represent an attractive option for the marginal areas of Mediterranean environments no longer cultivated due to the low grain y[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Le gouvernorat de Sousse en Tunisie, du fait de sa forte activité touristique et de la prédominance de loléiculture, engendre la production annuelle de nombreux déchets, tout en faisant face à un accès difficile à leau dirrigation, accentué p[...]Article
Le sol représente la couche superficielle, meuble, de la croûte terrestre, résultant de la transformation de la roche mère, enrichie par des apports organiques. Il est à la fois le support et le produit du vivant. Le sol est considéré comme un s[...]Article
D. Cammarano ; D. Cammarano ; D. Ronga ; I. Di Mola ; M. Mori ; M. Parisi |Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a globally important vegetable recognized for its positive health benefits. As most of the vegetable production, tomato require significant amount of agronomic inputs. However, recent shifts in climate pattern[...]Article
Desalinated sea water (DSW) provides a steady agricultural water supply that overcomes climatological and hydrological constraints, fostering food security and socio-economic stability in water-stressed regions. In the last decade, seawater desa[...]Article
Comment économiser r eau dans les cultures dans un climat qui se réchauffe tout en maintenant la production en quantité et qualité ? Trois agronomes spécialistes des productions végétales ont accepté de répondre à cette question.