Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (65)
Cotton cultivation is resource-intensive, posing significant environmental challenges, especially with conventional farming methods. Growing interest in sustainable agriculture drives the exploration of organic farming as a potential alternative[...]Article
R. Ouassissou ; G. Lacombe ; M. Kuper ; A. Hammani ; M. El Amrani |Despite the attention given to the waterenergyfood nexus, there is little field evidence of how this plays out for irrigators. This article analyses the diversity of irrigation system configurations and their related water and energy use in se[...]Article
Water use and its associated energy consumption in wine processes are often unnoticed in best practice. Many proprietors are insensitive to how water is used within their winery procedures. Key areas of environmental concern currently faced by t[...]Article
Recent progress in IoT and software development has simplified data acquisition and immutability of information in the agri-food supply chain. In the last few years, several frameworks and applications were proposed to ensure traceability in the[...]Article
Au cours de lannée 2020, nous avons ouvert, dans Futuribles, une série spécifiquement consacrée à la transition écologique et énergétique. Ces derniers mois, plusieurs organisations ont rendu publics différents travaux visant à alimenter le déb[...]Ouvrage
Avec ses quantités effarantes de données à traiter, de terminaux à alimenter, de serveurs à refroidir et de réseaux à déployer, lintelligence artificelle est une source de pollution importante à lheure actuelle. Paradoxalement, la plupart des [...]Article
En agriculture, lutilisation de techniques dirrigation plus efficaces est souvent vue comme un moyen de protéger lenvironnement en créant un impact positif sur la gestion de la ressource en eau. Utiliser des techniques efficaces doit ainsi pe[...]Article
Many organisations consider environmentally friendly activities, including the reduction of their carbon footprint, to be a significant aspect of their operation. In this study, a mathematical model was used to calculate the carbon footprint of [...]Article
Managing the use of water and energy for food production is the main challenge for agriculture in underdeveloped countries. Therefore, a change in farmers insight about resources consumption is essential. This study aims to apply the water-ener[...]Article
A. Amato ; M. Mastrovito ; A. Becci ; F. Beolchini |The agriculture sector produces significant amounts of organic residues and the choice of the management strategy of these flows affects the environmental sustainability of the sector. The scientific literature is rich with innovative processes [...]Article
Different bio-impacts affect the various properties and composition of soil, plant residues, harvests, and technological processes, as well as the interactions between different parts of the soil, working machine tools, energy consumption and en[...]Article
Eco-tourism is a growing part of the tourism industry. However, there are no agreed-upon criteria of what constitutes eco-tourism, so the industry is currently self-identified, with eco-lodges simply declaring themselves so. Here we present the [...]Article
Analysis of energy consumed and greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by farming systems is considered an important part of an environmental performance's evaluation, especially within an agroecological context. In this study, we focused on the aspects[...]Article
This study describes the evolution of the Spanish irrigated sector and focuses on water abstraction, water consumption, and energy use in the period 19502017. The analysis shows evidence of the basins reaching closure state and the impact on en[...]Article
Recent research studies and policies about innovative solutions to reduce water and energy consumption in food production are briefly reviewed. Options to increase water use efficiency and productivity include soil mulching, drip irrigation, def[...]Article
Due to increased environmental impacts and their important role in human life, reduction of impacts made by human has attracted more attention, recently. Green supply chains are among the most effective issues related to environmental impacts an[...]Article
De tout temps, le prélèvement sur la ressource forestière a constitué une menace sur les espaces naturels et sur leur diversité biologique. Lénergie bois est probablement la première à avoir été utilisée par lhomme, après le soleil, mais elle [...]Article
À travers lexploration de scénarios contrastés, nous évaluerons les fondamentaux sur lesquels reposent des visions alternatives du futur qui partagent les mêmes ambitions de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Pour cela, nous disti[...]Article
The aim of the GREDRIP model (Part I) is to provide centralized management of an irrigation network, with a minimum energy cost at the pumping station, based on irrigation scheduling to guarantee crop water requirements in the irrigation network[...]Article
Parmi les options régulièrement mises en avant, le modèle de léconomie circulaire suscite une attention croissante. Système économique déchange et de production qui, à tous les stades du cycle de vie des produits, vise à augmenter lefficacité[...]Article
The broiler sector in Turkey has advanced particularly in recent years. Hence, it has become one of the most crucial sub-sectors in the food industry, serving as a huge source of employment. Despite all these developments, land scarcity and ener[...]Article
Les termes de « TIC vertes », « Green IT » ou « éco-TIC » se propagent depuis plusieurs années afin daffirmer le potentiel écologique des technologies numériques, tout en soulignant par effet de miroir les progrès qui doivent être accomplis[...]Article
This study uses life cycle assessment methodology to quantify the energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and water use of processed tomato products grown, processed, and consumed within the Great Lakes region of the United States, and tomat[...]Article
Sustainable consumption in the food sector is a desirable goal which is often difficult to achieve depending as it does on the interaction of a broad set of factors, such as market prices or consumer preferences. In the current study, a distinct[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Pour, n. 218 - Les défis énergétiques du rural
2013La question de lénergie, dans toutes ses dimensions, est devenue dune grande actualité. Elle interroge naturellement toute la société et tous les territoires, mais elle prend des connotations particulières dans les espaces ruraux. En effet, le[...]Article
Les stratégies de développement contemporaines se déploient dans un univers particulièrement incertain, soumis de surcroit à la contrainte climatique. Cette dernière est de plus en plus prise en compte par les pays du Sud, comme le témoigne la m[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
New Medit, n. suppl. - 01/12/2012 - Organic farming: a sustainable model for transition in the Mediterranean
The possible contribution of local sales chains to the reduction of energy consumption has been hotly debated in recent years. Some authors establish a link between the reduction of distances traveled by food and lower energy consumption due to [...]