Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (18)

V. Chatellier ; F. Cadudal ; P. Chotteau ; B. Duflot ; P. Heydemann |En modifiant la structure de la demande en types de produits animaux du fait de laugmentation de la consommation à domicile au détriment de la restauration hors foyer, la pandémie de Covid-19 a exigé une forte adaptation des acteurs de la trans[...]![]()
The N2O emissions of 21 dairy farms in Germany were evaluated to determine the feasibility of an estimation of emissions from farm data and the effects of the farm management, along with possible mitigation strategies. Emissions due to the appli[...]![]()
The subject of this research is cattle breeding with a focus on the production of cows milk in the Republic of Serbia. The main goal is to analyze the state and trends of cows milk production in Serbia during the last ten years in relation to [...]![]()
Increasing pressures surrounding efficiency and sustainability are key global drivers in dairy farm management strategies. However, for numerous resource-based, social, and economic reasons sustainable intensification strategies are herd-size de[...]![]()
Farmers representations of the effects of precision livestock farming on human-animal relationships
F. Kling-Eveillard ; C. Allain ; X. Boivin ; V. Courboulay ; P. Créach ; A. Philibert ; Y. Ramonet ; N. Hostiou |Precision livestock farming affects the nature and frequency of farmers daily tasks, specifically in relation to animals. It consequently may modify how farmers consider their animals, the quality of the human-animal relationship and animal wel[...]![]()
Dairy cows are able to convert fibrous materials, such as grass, roughage, and by-products from the food industry, into milk and meat, which justifies their role in food production. However, modern dairy farming is associated with major sustaina[...]![]()
M. Krieger ; P.J. Jones ; I. Blanco-Penedo ; J.E. Duval ; U. Emanuelson ; S. Hoischen-Taubner ; K. Sjöström ; A. Sundrum |Although ensuring good animal health is a stated aim of organic livestock farming and an important reason why consumers purchase organic products, the health states actually achieved are comparable to those in conventional farming. Unfortunately[...]![]()
Dairy farms play a fundamental role in both social and economic areas, due to the high quantity of milk production they have. In this area, the nutritional management and the dairy control practices must be carefully analyzed, since they are dir[...]![]()
C. Allain ; F. Bidan ; P. Philippe ; R. Courties ; Y. Quiniou ; C. Disenhaus ; H. Croiseau-Leclerc ; P. Salvetti ; S. Fréret ; E. Leyrat-Bousquet ; M.A. Bekara ; M. Bareille |Développer des outils daide à la décision pour séquiper en détecteurs automatisés des chaleurs et tirer le meilleur parti des capteurs déjà installés dans les élevages laitiers, voilà les objets du projet MARIAGE, piloté par l'Institut de l'El[...]![]()
B. Haddada ; B. Grimard ; A. El Aloui Hachimi ; J. Najdi ; H. Lakhdissi ; A.A. Ponter ; J.-P. Mialot |Parmi les performances de reproduction des vaches laitières dans la région du Tadla (Maroc) sur une période de 4 années, lâge à la première insémination artificielle (IA) a été de 573,4 ± 35,6 jours et à lâge au premier vêlage de 853,8 ± 103,5[...]![]()