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Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (268)

The agricultural industry has undergone several significant changes over the past few centuries, influenced by the industrial revolutions that have occurred. These changes have progressed from Indigenous agriculture to mechanized farming and the[...]![]()
CONTEXT Technological innovation systems (TIS) play a key role in facilitating digital transformation (DT) in various sectors. In agriculture in particular, traditional qualitative assessments of TIS fall short of providing actionable insights. [...]![]()
E.M.B.M. Karunathilake ; A.T. Le ; S. Heo ; Y.S. Chung ; S. Mansoor |Precision agriculture employs cutting-edge technologies to increase agricultural productivity while reducing adverse impacts on the environment. Precision agriculture is a farming approach that uses advanced technology and data analysis to maxim[...]![]()
M. Coronese ; M. Occelli ; F. Lamperti ; A. Roventini |This paper presents a dynamic agent-based model of land use and agricultural production under environmental boundaries, finite available resources and endogenous technical change. In particular, we model a spatially explicit smallholder farming [...]![]()
This study aims to measure the total productivity of agricultural production factors through the calculation of the Malmquist index for six Mediterranean countries during the period 2003-2018. The results indicate that the growth of agricultural[...]![]()
This paper adopts an alternative method for the analysis of the CAP's impact on farms' productivity based on a system of equations derived from a non-nested three-factors CES production function. With this method, we estimate the elasticity of s[...]![]()
Women contribute decisively to the economy and have an important participation in agricultural exploitation in the world, providing their labor. But if they had better access to technology and training in a more equitable way, they could contrib[...]![]()
A. Pyka ; G. Cardellini ; H. van Meijl ; P.J. Verkerk |With its update of the Bioeconomy Strategy and the Green Deal, the European Commission committed itself to a transformation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral European Union. This process is characterised with an enormous complexity, whic[...]![]()
This paper investigates structural change in family farming in ten EU New Member States from Central and Eastern Europe which can be treated as a borderline between transition and developed economies. The paper proposes that farms using at least[...]![]()
The agricultural sector is undergoing a period of rapid transformation, driven by the powerful and interconnected impacts of climate change, demographic transitions and uneven economic growth around the world. For governments and the internation[...]![]()
Despite the growing importance of the digital transformation (DT) of the agrifood sector on the political agenda, traditional policies are not enough to provide proactive responses to rapid technological changes and new approaches for policy pla[...]![]()
This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the technology adaptation of dairy farms. For this purpose, according to the stratified random sampling method, 125 dairy farms were determined as the sample size. In the analysis of the factor[...]![]()
La France et lEurope ne doivent plus délaisser les biotechnologies végétales. Elles doivent innover dans ce secteur, porteur davenir pour lagriculture.![]()
Cet article revient sur les origines de la notion dacceptabilité sociale avant de décrire des stratégies participatives qui y sont associées. Certaines sapparentent davantage à de la manipulation quà une volonté de co-construction. À travers [...]![]()
Accompanied by steps towards market liberalisation, dairy farmers in the European Union have been confronted with increased price risk in recent years, which might affect their innovation behaviour. We examine technological change and technical [...]![]()
S. Renner ; J. Sauer ; N. El Benni |A split-panel latent class stochastic frontier model is applied to account for technological heterogeneity among Swiss dairy farms and to assess the potential performance improvements through technology choice and change over 11 years. Three tec[...]![]()
The number of tasks that nowadays are accomplished by using unmanned aerial vehicles is rising across many civil applications, including agriculture. Thus, this work aims at providing the reader with an overview of the agronomical use of unmanne[...]![]()
Y. Chiffoleau ; A. Echchatbi ; J. Rod ; L. Gey ; G. Akermann ; D. Desclaux ; G. Jard ; M.-E. Kessari ; K. Moinet ; J. Peres ; M.-H. Robin ; M.F. Samson |Le verrouillage technologique des filières blés a suscité, dans la période récente, lémergence dalternatives qui prennent aujourdhui une nouvelle dimension au regard des préoccupations des consommateurs vis-à-vis du gluten. Basé sur une reche[...]![]()
L'adoption des nouvelles technologies dans le secteur agricole marocain est devenue aujourdhui une impérative nécessité. Dune part, pour suivre la tendance mondiale en matière dinnovation et rester compétitif, et dautre part pour répondre à [...]![]()
Assessing the effectiveness of precision agriculture management systems in mediterranean small farms
L. Loures ; A. Chamizo ; P. Ferreira ; A. Loures ; R. Castanho ; T. Panagopoulos |While the world population continues to grow, increasing the need to produce more and better-quality food, climate change, urban growth and unsustainable agricultural practices accelerate the loss of available arable land, compromising the susta[...]![]()
Ecosystem services (ES) assessment has become a widely recognized analytical framework for addressing socio-ecological interactions within and across different biomes. The services provided by nature are crucial for life on earth and affect dire[...]![]()
S. Rotz ; E. Duncan ; M. Small ; J. Botschner ; R. Dara ; I. Mosby ; M. Reed ; E.D.G. Fraser |Digital technologies are being developed and adopted across the agro‐food system, from farm to fork. Within decision‐making spaces, however, little attention is being paid to political factors arising from such technological developm[...]![]()
The goal of the study is to answer the question of whether the current processes of technological change and innovation within the agri-food system could help to increase its sustainability. Four strands of literature are used to unveil the nexu[...]![]()
Les agriculteurs dans le mouvement de la numérisation du monde : enjeux économiques et sociologiques
K. Daniel, coord. ; N. Courtade, coord. | Dijon [France] : Educagri | Références, ISSN 1629-7474 | 2019Applications, bases de données, équipements connectés : lagriculture sinscrit sans conteste dans le mouvement de numérisation du monde. Au-delà des enjeux technologiques majeurs, ce phénomène a, pour les agriculteurs, lexploitation, pour la [...]![]()
B. Le Buanec, dir. ; B. Jarry, préf. ; C. Lecoeur, préf. | Paris [France] : Presses des Mines | Académie d'Agriculture de France | 2019L'agriculture française est dans une période difficile et doit affronter des défis techniques, économiques et sociétaux. Face à ce constat, des membres de l'Académie d'agriculture de France et de l'Académie des technologies ont créé un groupe de[...]![]()
Banque Mondiale (Washington, États-Unis) | Washington [États-Unis] : Banque Mondiale | Rapport sur le Développement dans le Monde, ISSN 0163-5085 | 2019Work is constantly reshaped by technological progress. New ways of production are adopted, markets expand, and societies evolve. But some changes provoke more attention than others, in part due to the vast uncertainty involved in making predicti[...]![]()
This paper investigates the nature and degree of complementarity between environmental innovation and organizational changes in firms. We study the relationships of complementarity between eco-innovation processes and organizational and technica[...]![]()
« La bonne dose, au bon endroit et au bon moment » Et si nous abordions l'agriculture de précision sous un autre angle : celui de l'agronomie ? En effet, si les outils technologiques sont nécessaires pour faire de l'agriculture de précision, ce [...]