Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (572)

H. Helander ; S. Schnepf ; T. Stetter ; F. Ferrara ; S. Leipold |Supermarkets play an important role in industrialized food systems, which is why many in academia, politics, industry, and civil society view them as key players in transforming the food system toward greater sustainability. We analyse narrative[...]![]()
E. Skrimizea ; J. Idbourrous ; S. ljlil ; R. Beghi ; K. Davidovic ; A. Paul ; C. Parra |Lhuile dargane est une ressource économique et un élément culturel clé de la région Souss Massa au Sud-ouest du Maroc. Ce compte-rendu dun groupe de discussion examine les défis socio-écologiques des coopératives féminines produisant et comm[...]![]()
Où et comment ferons-nous nos courses demain ? Avec lessor des plateformes numériques, le libre-service est remis en cause, dans lalimentaire comme ailleurs. Et le parcours client dhier se réinvente à tâtons. Ce livre imagine quatre scénario[...]![]()
Online presence is essential for companies operating in the social economy. The health crisis resulting from Covid-19 has reinforced the need to access the Internet and develop online commerce. This paper analyses the online presence of Catalan [...]![]()
L'article explore les tensions entre les objectifs économiques et les objectifs sociaux et environnementaux dans un processus de mise à l'échelle d'un business model durable. Une étude de cas qualitative et séquentielle de l'entreprise Biocoop, [...]![]()
Since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) also the number of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) has risen strongly, from less than 50 in 1995 to more than 350 in 2022. Increasingly overlapping RTAs imply challenges and can rais[...]![]()
Les enjeux de transformation des pratiques de production et de commercialisation questionnent les arrangements organisationnels dans les filières agricoles, dont les démarches contractuelles. Celles-ci sont diverses et peu de travaux étudient le[...]![]()
This article analyses several possibilities to valorize prickly pear farming in Algeria, a context dominated by semi-arid ecosystems. It uses sociotechnical and evolutionary approaches in order to understand the new dynamics happening within thi[...]![]()
S. Hakkou ; M. Sabir ; N. Machouri |Les truffes dans le Sahara marocain constituent une opportunité pour le développement local. Cependant, la filière na pas eu lattention adéquate de la part des institutions de développement et elle est mal connue dans son potentiel de producti[...]![]()
P. Beullens ; Y. Ghiami |In this article, we examine how an Operational Research (OR) modeling approach can help in identifying how structural components in the supply process of a food product subject to a small probability of almost immediate failure affects the amoun[...]![]()
This article presents trends in olive oil consumption in the Mediterranean countries. The objective is to observechanges in the production and consumption of olive oil around the world, with a focus on a few Mediterraneancountries, particularly [...]![]()
The purpose of this article is to investigate the factors that influence consumers intention to purchase organic food in Egypt. Given the novelty of organic food marketing in developing countries, much of the factors that influence its consumpt[...]![]()
A. Mohamed-Brahmi ; D. Tsiokos ; S. Ben Saïd ; S. Boudalia ; S. Smeti ; A. Bousbia ; Y. Gueroui ; A. Boudebbouz ; M. Anastasiadou ; G.K. Symeon |The indigenous cattle populations are threatened by extinction in many countries of the Mediterranean area. The objective of this study is the analysis of local cattle breeds production systems in Algeria, Greece, and Tunisia and the identifica[...]![]()
European mountain areas have experienced a persistent loss of agricultural land and economic activities over time, with negative effects from both an environmental and a cultural perspective. In 2012, the European Union devised the mountain prod[...]![]()
T. Laajini ; H. Jekki |Les produits du terroir se construisent sur la base des ressources ancrées dans un territoire. La valorisation et la marchandisation de ces ressources dites « spécifiques ou territoriales » contribuent à dynamiser en interne léconomie locale, c[...]![]()
Le marketing peut jouer un rôle positif dans les transformations en cours. Les enjeux de développement durable nont pas changé en profondeur les façons de pratiquer le marketing. Et pourtant, la question nest plus de savoir si les professionn[...]![]()
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the most recommended oil crops due to its nutritional and medicinal properties. It is a tropical and subtropical plant; however, it is also cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions, including Morocco. Nevert[...]![]()
Depuis 18 mois, la crise sanitaire liée au COVID 19 affecte fortement lensemble de la filière fruits et légumes. De la production à la vente au consommateur final, tous les maillons ont été plus ou moins impactés et ont dû sadapter à de nouvel[...]![]()
Farmer seed systems come in many shades: Conserving, producing, and using diverse plant material for different motives and purposes, whether the conservation or selection of locally adapted plant varieties and populations, or the safeguard of so[...]![]()
Local products are considered among the agricultural products to which the State has attached particular importance in recent years, distinguishing them by a set of projects within the framework of solidarity farming. It aimed to improve the con[...]![]()
L.R. Trento ; G.M. Pereira ; C.J. Chiappetta Jabbour ; N.O. Ndubisi ; V. Mani ; M. Hingley ; M. Borchardt ; J.U. Gustavo ; M. de Souza |This exploratory paper investigates how to reduce 25% of the potential perishable processed food disposal (PPFD) in the industrial-retail sector in a specific emerging economy The data were collected through 28 semi-structured interviews with su[...]![]()
This study was conducted to determine sheep farmers selection of marketing channels in livestock sales and the factors affecting their choices. The research data were generated from the survey data of 53 enterprises selected via simple random s[...]![]()
The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of EU legislation in shaping innovation in cereal varieties. The research focuses on two fields of law and their relationship, i.e., intellectual property and agricultural law. More specifically, [...]![]()
L. Fredriksson ; M. Rizov ; S. Davidova ; A. Bailey |Bulgaria has a long tradition of smallholder farming, predominantly producing for self-consumption. As a result of land reform and farm restructuring, many rural households received agricultural land. Some developed commercial farms but most hou[...]![]()
Cet article porte sur les migrations des néo-agriculteurs vers lItalie rurale. À partir dune enquête qualitative (entretiens et observations) menée en Sardaigne et dans la Tuscia (Italie centrale), il étudie comment ils sappuient sur les ancr[...]