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This study aims to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sustainability of international trade in agricultural products through semi-structured, in-depth interviews, focusing on businesses engaged in agricultural product exports in[...]![]()
Spain and Portugal, two countries located in southern Europe, share a significant export specialization in agricultural and agri-food products compared to the EU-27 as a whole. Based on arguments drawn from the literature and information provide[...]![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
S. Över | 2024In international trade, comparative advantage indices are the main tools used to measure competitiveness. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of France and Turkey in the agricultural sector. International agricultural trade is critica[...]![]()
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2023 decreased marginally, by 2 per cent, to $1.3 trillion. This headline figure was affected by wild swings in financial flows through a small number of European conduit economies; excluding the effect [...]![]()
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2024Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2024-2033 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, sur les dix ans à venir, des marchés des produits agricoles, halieutiques et aquacoles. Lédition de ce[...]![]()
D. Vackárová ; H. Medková ; P. Krpec ; J. Weinzettel |Agricultural activities utilize provisioning ecosystem services while degrading nature?s contributions to people of natural ecosystems. These impacts are partly driven by international trade and consumption abroad. The objective of this Communic[...]![]()
The RussianUkrainian conflict has led to the disruption of global supply chains, thus posing a threat to food security. The study aimed to assess the short-term impact of the conflict on food supply and global retail food prices resulting from [...]![]()
Climate change and trade are closely related. Climate may alter the comparative advantages across countries, which may in turn trigger changes in trade patterns. Trade itself may constitute an adaptation strategy, moving excesses of agri-food su[...]![]()
In the last two decades, Portugal suffered the effects of two global crises, the financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the Common Agriculture Policy reforms. These crises had a great impact on the Portuguese economy, but it is c[...]![]()
Food crises represent a challenge to global food security because of their recurrence and severity. The world is experiencing its third food crisis in the past 15 years. The 20212022 crisis affects more people than the previous two crises[...]![]()
Produit vital pour lhumanité, le blé sinvite chaque jour à la table de milliards dindividus. Alors que sa consommation se mondialise, sa production savère très inégalement répartie sur la planète. Les changements climatiques et géostratégiqu[...]![]()
UNCTADs World Investment Report 2023 reveals a widening annual investment deficit that developing countries face as they work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The gap is now about $4 trillion per year up from $2.5[...]![]()
FAO (Rome, Italie) ; OCDE (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : OCDE | Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE | 2023Les Perspectives agricoles de lOCDE et de la FAO 2023-2032 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être lévolution, dans les dix ans à venir, des marchés nationaux, régionaux et mondiaux des produits agricoles, halieutiques [...]![]()
Afin de contribuer à une transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus durables et inclusifs, des recherches explorent les processus de transition dans les territoires, en considérant à la fois leurs acteurs et les espaces. Cet article y contri[...]![]()
The European Geographical Indication quality scheme (GI) is supposed to enhance local expertise and support spatially-embedded products worldwide. Currently, the effect of GIs on trade is controversial. In general, GIs seem to support internatio[...]![]()
J.R. Ferrer ; R. Serrano ; S. Abella ; V. Pinilla ; M. Teresa Maza |Aim of study: This study analyses how business strategy has influenced the export performance of the Spanish wine industry. In recent decades, Spain has been among those countries that have significantly increased their wine exports. Area of stu[...]![]()
The present work aims to analyze the performance of the Tunisian olive oil exports compared to its main competitors (Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Portugal) during the last fifteen years, on the European market and four potential markets: the[...]![]()
Providing affordable access to enough healthy and safe food for an ever-more-affluent and growing world population has become more challenging in the face of climate change, rising income inequality and a more uncertain global trade environment.[...]![]()
La guerre en Ukraine entraîne des répercussions sur léconomie mondiale. Le secteur agricole pourrait en subir le contrecoup.![]()
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to suddenly adapt their daily operations. This has also affected the agri-food sector, which is one of the main sectors of the Spanish economy in terms of exportations. Hence, the purpose of this study [...]![]()
C. Staboulis ; D. Natos ; A. Gkatsikos ; E. Tsakiridou ; K. Mattas ; W. Bojar ; P. Baranowski ; J. Krzyszczak ; O. Parra Rivero ; A. Ojeda Roldan |The present paper attempts to investigate whether the Sub-Measure 6.1 Start-Up Aid for Young Farmers payments of the 20142020 Rural Development Programme have a role to play in explaining Greek farms export orientation and export performance[...]![]()
Lexplosion du 4 août 2020 a révélé des failles de gouvernance structurelles au port de Beyrouth et dans le secteur public libanais. Au-delà du chantier de la reconstruction physique, lenjeu est également dappuyer la définition de nouvelles st[...]![]()
Lobjectif de cette étude est de mettre en lumière empiriquement les enjeux de la dépendance de la filière de blé en Algérie vis-à-vis du marché extérieur, en utilisant des techniques de séries temporelles et de prédiction. Létude investigue le[...]![]()
Comme la plupart des mers plus ou moins fermées, la Méditerranée compte quelques passages spécifiques, les plus importants en sont sa sortie occidentale du détroit de Gibraltar vers lAtlantique et les détroits turcs qui la connectent avec le ba[...]![]()
Global agricultural trade, which increased at the end of 2020, has been described as resilient to the impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic; however, the size and channels of its quantitative impacts are not clear. Using a reduced-form,[...]![]()
The systematically strengthening role of emerging economies has become a factor strongly determining the overall trade policy of the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA), as well as their bilateral relations. One of the ini[...]![]()
C. Détang-Dessendre, coord. ; H. Guyomard, coord. ; P. Mauguin, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2022As in other parts of the world, agriculture in Europe is not sustainable. It must urgently and importantly evolve. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) must foster this evolution. In that perspective, this book draws the contours of an ambitious[...]