Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (99)
Consumers have begun questioning the global agri-food system, seeking more sustainable alternatives to the conventional mode of food supply. Alternative food networks have been spreading globally, the predominant form of which is known as short [...]Article
Generational renewal is a core issue in European agriculture. Despite the continuous efforts of governments and the EU Council, the ageing of farmers seems an unstoppable process, accompanied by land concentration, the decrease in agricultural a[...]E-Book
K. Mattas ; G. Baourakis ; C. Zopounidis ; C. Staboulis | Dordrecht [Pays-Bas] : Springer | Cooperative Management | 2022In the present economic, political, societal and environmental landscape, which is dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of challenges and issues that demand immediate and urgent responses is more intense than ever. Policymakers, int[...]Article
Z. Benedek ; L. Barath ; I. Ferto ; E. Merino-Gaibor ; A. Molnar ; E. Orban ; G. Nemes |The outbreak of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused unprecedented disruption to the global food distribution network (Barrett, 2020; Hobbs, 2020; Torero, 2020). Although the major impact, with the exception of those who suffered from [...]Article
Countries from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) that joined the European Union (EU) since May 2004 have recorded rapid increases in their agri-food exports. While this increase in participation in international trade has been global, the CEE-11 [...]Article
The present research aimed to provide an extensive comparative analysis regarding the socioeconomic development paths of three selected Balkan countriesBulgaria, Croatia and Romaniaas well as Hungary, which was originally classified as a membe[...]Article
Z. Benedek ; P.G. Balogh ; L. Barath ; I. Ferto ; V. Lajos ; E. Orban ; G.G. Szabo ; G. Nemes |The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally reshaped our lives. Its effects on the sales and use of marketing channels of small-scale Hungarian producers are addressed here. Based on the level of proximity, sales channels were classified into three [...]Ouvrage
The role of the eus common agricultural policy in creating rural jobs : research for AGRI Committee
B. Schuh ; H. Gorny ; J. Kaucic ; S. Kirchmayr-Novak ; M. Vigani ; P. Powell ; E. Hawketts | Strasbourg [France] : European Parliament | 2016This study analysed the EUs Common Agricultural Policys role in creating rural jobs. Starting at the EU level, a thorough systematic literature review and a statistical analysis prepare the ground for more detailed Member Stare reviews and Cas[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
J.-F. Bélières ; P. Bonnal ; P.-M. Bosc ; B. Losch ; J. Marzin ; J.-M. Sourisseau ; V. Baron, collab. ; J. Loyat, collab. | Montpellier [France] : CIRAD | 2013Les agricultures familiales se trouvent au cur des transformations, mais aussi des contradictions contemporaines de l'agriculture. Elles constituent le socle des grandes révolutions agricoles des pays développés et elles forment la base sociale[...]Article
Deux décennies après la décollectivisation, lhyper-concentration foncière reste une singularité structurelle des agricultures centre-européennes. Larticle sattache à saisir le rôle des institutions qui ont pu favoriser la conversion de la gra[...]Bulletin : Revue
Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 43, n. 3 - Septembre 2012 - Le modèle européen LEADER (2007-2013). Logiques d'action et contextes de réception
P. Chevalier, coord. | 2012Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Economie rurale, n. 325-326 - 01/09/2011 - Vingt ans de transitions agricoles et rurales à l'Est : quels enseignements ?
G. Bazin ; M. Halamska ; L. Vajda |Dossier composé des articles suivants (présentations disponibles en texte intégral pour les 3 articles) : - Les enjeux agricoles et financiers de l'élargissement de l'Union européenne - Quel devenir pour l'agriculture paysanne en Pologne ? - [...]Ouvrage
M. Drouet, dir. ; X. Richet, dir. | Rennes [France] : Presses Universitaires de Rennes | Des Sociétés | 2007Article
Present-day Central and East European agriculture is characterized by a high incidence of small-scale farmers who are not producing for the market. This article uses household-level data from comparative farm surveys in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungar[...]Article
Bulletin : Revue
Eurochoices, vol. 3, n. 1 - April 2004 - Spécial élargissement [l'agriculture dans les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale]
2004Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Mondes en développement, vol. 32, n. 125 - 2004 - Tourisme et développement
N. Fabry, coord. | 2004Article
Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Région et développement, n. 18 - 2003 - Aspects régionaux de la transition en Europe de l'Est et en Russie
B. Haudeville, coord. ; X. Richet, coord. | 2003Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
S. Abele ; K. Frohberg ; M. Hartmann ; P. Weingarten ; A. Matthews | Halle [Allemagne] : IAMO | 2003