Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (56)
Aim of study: This study focuses on the segmentation of local forest honey market based on consumer preferences for its origin and other sensory attributes. Area of study: Tunisia. Material and methods: The empirical analysis relies on a face-to[...]Article
The purpose of this study is to segment Turkish wine customers based on generational cohorts. It also explores the characteristics of the customers in each group based on wine attributes, information sources, wine consumption, purchase behaviour[...]Article
A. Nicolosi ; D. Di Gregorio ; G. Arena ; V.R. Lagana ; D. Privitera |The study looks at the problems facing coastal fishing communities. It highlights the impacts that, in the complex framework of the EU reforms, have manifested themselves on economic activities and on society. The aim of the paper is twofold: to[...]Article
Ecotourism is one of the tourism variants with more annual growth. Motivation has become a fundamental criterion for travel behavior. Segmentation is used to identify the market niches of different tourism products and services. This study colle[...]Article
The purpose of this study was to illustrate and understand how consumers of cooperative food products could be segmented in the region of Western Greece. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was undertaken involving almost 500 consumers in t[...]Article
Quelle que soit l'allégation, l'analyse croisée avec plusieurs professionnels de la filière amène à la conclusion suivante : le zéro ou sans (résidu de) pesticides a vocation à rester un segment, qui permettra de tirer globalement vers le haut l[...]Article
Food waste is a global challenge that raises many questions about the reasons and prevalence of this phenomenon in all sectors of the economy. The youth is regarded as a consumer group, which is the most prone to food waste. This paper aims to u[...]Article
A. Funk ; B. Sütterlin ; M. Siegrist |Food consumption has a large environmental impact, but the total impact of households can be reduced substantially by changing consumers food-related decisions and behaviors. Consumers differ in their motives and willingness to behave in an env[...]Article
The wine market is very heterogeneous and complex, being the knowledge of the behaviour and attitudes of consumers a key tool to design efficient marketing plans, namely in countries that are traditionally wine producers and consumers, such as P[...]Article
W. An ; S. Alarcon |Aim of study: To explore rural tourists views in order to identify different market segmentation in relation to rural tourism experiences. Area of study: Spain. Material and methods: Visual Q, a personal subjectivity research methodology, was a[...]Article
Olive oil tourism is a recent development in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, but it is now spreading to other regions of the world. The main reasons people are choosing this special interest tourism (SIT) are to find out about the cult[...]Article
S.M. Pedersen ; K.M. Lind ; O. Xhoxhi ; A. Yazar ; S.-E. Jacobsen ; J.E. Orum |In order to look for a more diverse and sustainable cropping system with high value crops in the Mediterranean region of Turkey, the drought and salt tolerant crop quinoa was analysed as an alternative to the current major crops, for instance wh[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Être leader sur un marché nécessite la mise en place dune stratégie marketing bien étudiée et bien élaborée. SumiAgro France, filiale du groupe japonais Sumitomo corporation, souhaite suivre sa stratégie de développement et dextension de march[...]Article
La concurrence mondiale entre les pays producteurs dhuile dolive est de plus en plus intense face aux exigences accrues des consommateurs en termes de qualité nutritionnelle, de traçabilité des produits, de conditions et de processus de fabric[...]E-Book
L. Lehmann-Ortega, coord. ; F. Leroy, coord. ; B. Garrette, coord. ; P. Dussauge, coord. ; R. Durand, coord. | Paris [France] : Dunod | 2016Article
Nombreuses sont les initiatives pour différencier les segments spécifiques du marché oléicole. Produit emblématique de la Méditerranée, le marché de lhuile dolive évolue avec le régime international de lorigine et de la qualité. Notre objecti[...]Article
X. Irz ; M. Mazzocchi ; V. Réquillart ; L.-G. Soler |Over the past 30 years, food chains in Europe have undergone a dramatic transformation resulting from technological, economic and other societal changes. In turn, this evolution has opened multiple new areas of research for food economists, and [...]Ouvrage
J.-J. Friboulet, dir. ; J. Brot, dir. ; H. Gérardin, dir. | Paris [France] : Karthala | Hommes et Sociétés, ISSN 0993-4294 | 2015Face au désengagement des États provoqué par les difficultés financières mais aussi par leur échec à prendre en compte les besoins des populations, la société civile a émergé et sest développée, tant au Nord quau Sud. Profitant dune liberté d[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Mondes en développement, n. 166 - 01/04/2014 - L'économie informelle dans les pays en développement : déterminants, genre et dynamiques de l'emploi
P. Adair, coord. ; J. Charmes, coord. | 2014Article
Many researchers pointed out that the lack of marketing knowledge and of the knowledge of new technologies can be the reason for product failure. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to find out the consumers preferences about wi[...]Article
Rétablir la confiance en lavenir Si la campagne 2010 a ramené un peu de sérénité chez les serristes dEurope de lOuest, la confiance en lavenir nest pas encore pleinement rétablie : beaucoup attendront fin 2011 et une éventuelle confirmation[...]Article
When wine tourism is approached as a form of consumer behavior, a part of research focuses on the demand side, exploring the consumers who travel to wine regions. Key researchers have commented that there is no stereotypical wine tourist; howeve[...]Article