Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (173)
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Agriculture is essential to any country's economy. Agriculture is crucial not only for feeding a country's population but also for its impact on other businesses. The paradox of agri-food companies generating substantial profits despite seemingl[...]![]()
Seaborne shipping is the dominant mode of transport in international trade in agricultural products, and an increasing part of seaborne agricultural trade is carried in containers. Furthermore, the majority of world containers are moved through [...]![]()
Since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) also the number of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) has risen strongly, from less than 50 in 1995 to more than 350 in 2022. Increasingly overlapping RTAs imply challenges and can rais[...]![]()
Nowadays, trends related to alternative promotion options for small farmers in changing agri-food supply chains stand out. Urban Agriculture (UA) is a multifaceted system ranging from traditional production, processing, distribution, and consump[...]![]()
G. Buti, dir. ; A. Montenach, dir. ; O. Raveux, dir. | Aix en Provence [France] : PUP, Presses Universitaires de Provence | Le Temps de l'Histoire | 2023Avant la révolution des transports, l'apparition de nouveaux moyens de communication et la mise en place des premiers réseaux logistiques au cours du xixe siècle, les chaînes du commerce étaient d'une grande diversité, le plus souvent segmentées[...]![]()
Philosophie, sociologie, anthropologie, études littéraires, linguistique, histoire, géographie, psychologie, musicologie, esthétique, histoire de lart, économie, sciences politiques, droit, archéologie : les disciplines couvertes par les[...]![]()
Les produits bio n'ont plus le monopole des produits sains et écologiquement responsables. La stagnation voire la baisse de consommation l'atteste.![]()
I. Nouira ; R. Hammami ; A. Fernandez Arias ; N. Gondran ; Y. Frein |Recent market studies showed that the demand for organic and local agrifood products is increasing despite their higher prices. The agribusiness actors should therefore rethink the supply chain configuration to cope with new market trends charac[...]![]()
Supply chain resilience is a critical capability needed to compete in the current turbulent and unpredictable business environment, but many companies still tend to underestimate its relevance. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding[...]![]()
J.F. Proenca ; A.C. Torres ; B. Marta ; D. Santos Silva ; G. Fuly ; H. Lopes Pinto |The literature shows that companies increasingly need to become more sustainable. To achieve sustainable development, supply chain management needs to be related to sustainable business practices, which include relevant values and sustainable pu[...]![]()
La grande distribution alimentaire moderne a fait ses premiers pas au Maroc au tout début des années 90. Depuis, elle continue sa progression mais à un rythme beaucoup moins soutenu que prévu. Pour autant, on connaît encore bien peu de choses su[...]![]()
A. Messaoudi | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Histoire et Perspectives Méditerranéennes, ISSN 0980-5265 | 2022Le commerce non sédentaire est un phénomène omniprésent, qui prend de l'ampleur. Il s'exerce sous différentes facettes : du marché forain au commerce de rue en passant par le marché périodique et le commerce itinérant. Il anime le paysage tant u[...]![]()
This study considers a retailer and a direct supplier (farmer) facing the strategic decision of whether to interact through a dual channel or to compete by selling different but comparable products. Consumers perceive the supplier's product as b[...]![]()
I. Ferto ; Z. Bakucs ; J. Falkowski |While the positive effect of economic integration on trade is commonly accepted, we still lack a proper understanding of the complex patterns behind this phenomenon. In particular, it is important to better understand how the structure of trade [...]![]()
LUnion européenne doit à la PAC de tenir un rang majeur dans le commerce mondial de denrées agroalimentaires. Une place qui lui confère de grandes responsabilités.![]()
S. Duvaleix ; S. Duvaleix ; C. Emlinger ; C. Gaigné ; K. Latouche |The protection of geographical indications is now an important feature of trade agreements. In this paper, we examine whether geographical indications are valued by foreign consumers and whether they have implications for trade at firm level. We[...]![]()
J.U. Gustavo ; L.R. Trento ; M. de Souza ; G.M. Pereira ; A.B. Lopes de Sousa Jabbour ; N.O. Ndubisi ; C.J. Chiappetta Jabbour ; M. Borchardt ; L. Zvirtes |This article seeks to identify and analyze green marketing actions that can reduce food waste (FW) of short shelf life (SSL) products by retailers and to propose effective FW mitigation strategies. The article is based on a multiple case study o[...]![]()
Climate change, water shortages and desertification threaten the economic and environmental sustainability in the Mediterranean. Limited rainfall and higher temperatures put agricultural production, which relies on water availability, in jeopard[...]![]()
Spain is a global leader in the wine sector in terms of production capacity, which is in stark contrast to its low domestic wine consumption. This situation forces Spanish producers to develop a clear focus on exports. Traditionally, the busines[...]![]()
The academic literature on consumer engagement and sustainable consumption has developed gradually over the last two decades. The body of knowledge related to the role of food and non-food retailers in this context, however, is only beginning to[...]![]()
Le début de lannée 2020 a été marqué par la propagation de la pandémie du SARS-CoV-2 suite à laquelle de nombreux pays ont adopté le confinement comme mesure sanitaire pour limiter lexpansion du virus. Lapparition de cette crise a donné naiss[...]![]()
The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted many activities along agri-food supply chains in developing countries and posed unprecedented challenges in particular to small and medium agri-food enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on a [...]![]()
D. Fernández-Uclés ; S. Elfkih ; A. Mozas Moral ; E. Bernal Jurado ; M.J. Medina-Viruel ; S. Ben Abdallah |This study aims to assess the economic efficiency of Tunisian olive oil firms in order to identify the organizational and technological variables that are directly associated with greater efficiency. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and fuzzy[...]![]()
Le secteur commerce a connu un développement important au Maroc ces dernières années, aujourdhui ce secteur est lun des piliers de léconomie nationale, il sagit du deuxième pourvoyeur demploi au Maroc après lagriculture. En 2017 ce secteur[...]![]()
Lexpérience de lindustrialisation dans les pays du Maghreb entamée dans les années 60 et consolidée dans les années 70 avait épuisé ses effets. Cette politique de développement na pas su transformer les opportunités quoffrait le protectionni[...]![]()
This research explores the role of sustainability in the business models (BMs) of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are operating in the wine sector in Italy, thus addressing recent calls in the literature on BMs. Consequently, this empir[...]![]()
We distinguish different types of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC); nevertheless, their common main characteristic relate to reduced numbers of intermediaries between farmers/food producers and consumers. The aim of the paper is to present the SF[...]![]()
In recent decades, the confluence of different global and domestic drivers has led to progressive and unpredictable changes in the functioning and structure of agri-food markets worldwide. Given the unsustainability of the current agri-food prod[...]