Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (405)
The pricing behavior of agricultural processing firms in input markets has large impacts on farmers and processors prosperity as well as the overall market structure. Despite analytical approaches to food processors pricing in agricultural in[...]Article
La situation des agriculteurs est inconfortable. Ils doivent anticiper les changements, notamment climatiques, sans pour autant avoir de solutions appropriées et pérennes.Article
Food security has become a concerning issue because of global climate change and increasing populations. Agricultural production is considered one of the key factors that affects food security. The changing climate has negatively affected agricu[...]Article
Dans un contexte de crise polysémique, la question de coût complet doit se situer au coeur des politiques alimentaires. Les coûts cachés sont induits par des externalités négatives sur la santé humaine, l'environnement et l'économie. Selon diffé[...]Article
Le marché des produits de lagriculture biologique avait le vent en poupe. Or, depuis 2021, la filière observe une croissance atone au mieux, au pire une décélération affirmée et préoccupante pour son avenir.Article
Ukraine and Russia are two important grain producers and exporters in the world, accounting for 12% and 17% of the world's wheat exports, respectively. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine may greatly impact Ukraine's wheat production and exp[...]Article
Egypt is considered a net wheat importer, with the Egyptian market being vulnerable to future wheat markets because of the effect future market price discovery can have on the stability of spot prices. This study assesses the relationship betwee[...]Article
G. Di Vita ; R. Vecchio ; M. Borrello ; R. Zanchini ; G. Maesano ; G. Gulisano ; F. Brun ; M. D'Amico |The current study assesses consumer preferences toward different production methods of clementines (Citrus clementina). Based on a survey of Italian urban individuals (N = 345), responsible for household food purchases, it investigates whether c[...]Article
In Switzerland, there are separated value chains for dairy and cheese products, which differ in terms of industry concentration, value chain governance, and product characteristics. We analyze how milk prices are passed on along these different [...]Article
This study examines the integration of regional dairy markets in Poland, which is a major European dairy producing country. The analysis of prices is important, as many dairy farmers are members of dairy processing cooperatives, and their income[...]Article
The spread of COVID-19 has not only led to many deaths but also to social and economic downturn globally. The study represents an exhaustive compilation of relevant macroeconomic data regarding the status of the agri-food sector from a demand si[...]Article
This paper examines aggregate supply response of 19 selected crops in Algerian agriculture during the 1966-2018 period by employing cointegration analysis and error correction model (ECM). It tests whether there has been a long-run equilibrium r[...]Article
E. Schimmenti ; E. Viola ; C. Funsten ; V. Borsellino |This study attempts to measure the capacity of the EU geographical certification scheme to positively influence the price of certified products and the incomes of their producers. A comparison of the economic results of two cheese-producing dair[...]Article
H. Assa ; H. Sharifi ; A. Lyons |This study examines how managing risk by introducing commodity price insurances may improve the likelihood of increased investment in agri-food supply chains. A model is introduced which shows how insurance products on index prices can reduce th[...]Article
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Quelles stratégies de développement durable pour les pays du Tiers-monde ? Avec quel rôle pour les États et dans quelles conditions dinsertion internationale ? Comment analyser lévolution contemporaine du capitalisme et de la crise qui sappro[...]Article
S. Boudiche ; M. Ameur ; M. Ben Kaabia ; R. Khaldi |Lobjectif de ce travail est danalyser la portée du marché européen et ses effets sur le secteur de l'huile d'olive tunisienne. En effet, le développement de ce secteur est conditionné par plusieurs facteurs dont les fluctuations des prix et de[...]Article
Distribution systems for food can change quickly in emergent markets, requiring new competences for consumers, and even in some European countries we have seen considerable changes in the distribution system for food in recent decades, raising t[...]Article
M. Thorsøe ; E. Noe ; D. Maye ; M. Vigani ; J. Kirwan ; H. Chiswell ; M. Grivins ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; T. Tisenkopfs ; E. Tsakalou ; P.-M. Aubert ; W. Loveluck |For more than two decades market conditions for European producers have changed significantly due to liberalization and increasing price volatility. The objective of this article is to analyze how farming systems in five European countries (Denm[...]Article
We examine empirically the predictability of conditions associated with a higher probability of a price spike in agricultural commodity markets. We find that the forward spread is the most significant indicator of probable price jumps in maize, [...]Article
R. Sardaro ; P. La Sala ; L. Roselli |Farmland can supply a wide variety of ecosystem services, i.e. provision of food and fibre, as well as regulating, supporting, recreational, aesthetic and cultural services. In addition, farmland can be characterized by the presence of anthropic[...]Article
Les marchés à terme de matières premières connaissent un développement considérable dans le monde. Lintérêt de ces marchés réside dans la fonction de découverte et de gestion de risque de prix. Dans cet article, nous caractérisons à travers un [...]Article
Pour atténuer limpact de cette pandémie du COVID-19, l'Algérie a adopté des mesures exceptionnelles. L'une de ces mesures concerne les restrictions aux importations et le blocage de toutes les exportations des produits alimentaires de première [...]Article
The Corona virus is spreading at a very rapid rate, causing tremendous damage to all sectors without any exception, but nevertheless the extent of these damage and the losses resulting from the pandemic differ from one sector to another and from[...]Article
A.F. Osseni ; F. Bareille ; P. Dupraz |Limpact de lagriculture sur son environnement immédiat et, par conséquence, sur le bien-être des résidents est régulièrement débattu. En effet, les activités agricoles influent sur la fourniture de plusieurs biens publics valorisés positivemen[...]Article
Choisir ses productions est un casse-tête pour les agriculteurs. Les pouvoirs publics pourraient les aiguiller pour répondre aux attentes des consommateurs.Article
Participants in agricultural land markets require comprehensive statistics in order to make informed decisions in relation to agricultural land and the associated production. The publication of such data supports land mobility, the competitivene[...]Article
Participants in agricultural land markets require comprehensive statistics in order to make informed decisions in relation to agricultural land and the associated production. The publication of such data supports land mobility, the competitivene[...]