Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (104)

Along food supply chains, one-third of global food production is wasted annually: circular economy can be applied to prevent and recover food waste. The literature has explored food waste from many perspectives; however, no attention has been de[...]![]()
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global food waste patterns through unanticipated shifts in composition and quantities. This review explores the impacts of COVID-19 on food waste generation and management approaches in the Near East and North Afr[...]![]()
R. Ramanathan ; U. Ramanathan ; K. Pelc ; I. Hermens |Food waste is a serious global problem. Efforts to reduce food waste are closely linked to the concepts of circular economy and sustainability. Though food organizations across the world are making efforts to reduce waste in their supply chains,[...]![]()
Food waste represents one of the major problems in the food industry, as it accounts for substantial social, economic, and environmental challenges due to the waste of resources along the food supply chain - such as waste of water, land, fertili[...]![]()
Reducing food losses presents an opportunity to enhance food security, minimize waste, and improve profitability within the production sector. Creating awareness among various stakeholders in the value chain about the significance of reducing po[...]![]()
In recent years, the waste management field has received substantial attention from policymakers, organizations, academics, and researchers due to increased focus on sustainability and carbon footprint reduction as well as concerns around rapid [...]![]()
R.N. Ratu ; I.D. Velescu ; F. Stoica ; A. Usturoi ; V.N. Arsenoaia ; I.C. Crivei ; A.N. Postolache ; F.D. Lipsa ; F. Filipov ; A.M. Florea ; M.A. Chitea ; I.S. Bruma |Every year, the global food industry produces a significant number of wastes and by-products from a variety of sources. By-products from the food-processing sector are produced in large quantities, and because of their undesirable qualities, the[...]![]()
Hunger (811 million people, 2020) and food waste (931 million tonnes annually, 2020) are long-standing interconnected challenges that have plagued humankind for centuries. Food waste originates from various sources, including consumption habits [...]![]()
Food waste is a global multidimensional problem, with economic, social, and environmental dimensions linked to sustainable development. This study analyses the socio-economic and pollution effects of reducing food waste in the European Union. Th[...]![]()
The food chain is intrinsically linked to agriculture and enables a transition towards a Circular Economy (CE) system and a resource efficient future. Accordingly, the development of analytical models appears particularly useful to address these[...]![]()
Food losses and waste (FLW) reduction and mitigating climate impact in food chains are priorities in achieving sustainable development goals. However, many FLW-reducing interventions induce additional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, for example,[...]![]()
Due to the increase in food waste worldwide, food supply chains (FSCs) have started to adopt smart technologies and assets aiming to reduce it and several inefficiencies. In light of this, the objective of this research was to verify the state o[...]![]()
M. Baquero ; E. Cifrian ; J.R. Viguri ; A. Andrés |Food waste (FW) accounting methodology is of paramount importance in Europe. The European Commission established a common methodology and minimum quality requirements for its measurement. Although these guidelines represents a great advance, imp[...]![]()
S. Ahmadzadeh ; T. Ajmal ; R. Ramanathan ; Y. Duan |Food waste reduction, as a major application area of the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data technologies, has become one of the most pressing issues. In recent years, there has been an unprecedented increase in food waste, which has had a neg[...]![]()
M. Masotti ; S. van der Haar ; A. Janssen ; E. Iori ; G. Zeinstra ; H. Bos-Brouwers ; M. Vittuari |Since COVID-19 outbreak, States adopted different combinations of measures to restrain its spread that affected individual behaviors and the already fragile local and global food systems. The aim of this research is to contribute to the scientif[...]![]()
E.H. Bartali ; M. Boutfirass ; Y.A. Yigezu ; A.A. Niane ; M. Boughlala ; M. Belmakki ; H. Halila |Several research and development efforts have been made to ensure food security in developing countries. Dissemination of improved agricultural technologies was used as the main avenue through which some increases in food supply have been achiev[...]![]()
Barbara Redlingshöfer a soutenu une thèse interdisciplinaire sur les pertes et gaspillages alimentaires en ville. Caroline Petit axe ses travaux sur les questions de reconnexion entre agriculture et consommation à léchelle territoriale. Ensembl[...]![]()
The quantification of food waste is a significant challenge of the environmental community, which advocates both in the context of good circular economy practices, and more broadly, in the context of efficient management of resources policies. T[...]![]()
Food waste has adverse economic, social, and environmental impacts and increases the prevalence of food insecurity. Panic buying at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak raised serious concerns about a potential rise in food waste levels and hi[...]![]()
Increasing pressure from customer expectations to government regulation for sustainable food products warrants research in the sustainable food supply chain (FSC). One-third of the food produced is wasted, despite the potential to valorize food [...]![]()
S. Ghaziani ; D. Ghodsi ; K. Schweikert ; G. Dehbozorgi ; H. Rasekhi ; S. Faghih ; R. Doluschitz |Current household food waste (HFW) reduction plans usually focus on raising consumer awareness, which is essential but insufficient because HFW is predominantly attributed to unconscious behavioral factors that vary across consumer groups. There[...]![]()
Household food waste represents one of the main challenges threatening the sustainability of modern food systems globally. As is widely recognised, a deeper understanding of wasteful behaviour profiles is the starting point of designing interven[...]![]()
L.C. Lu ; S.-Y. Chiu ; Y.-H. Chiu ; T.-H. Chang |This study adopts the Modified Dynamic Three-stage Circular Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Model to explore food production, consumption, and waste recycling in 27 European countries from 2008 to 2016 and use food waste recycling as the circula[...]![]()
F. Ciccullo ; M. Fabbri ; N. Abdelkafi ; M. Pero |Because the volume of food waste is increasing, actions are required to mitigate the environmental and social impact of food waste generation. This paper investigates the business models of 41 selected startups (technology and service providers)[...]![]()
The issue of food waste has received increased attention in recent years, from both researchers and practitioners, due to the unethical and negative environmental implications of wasting food. Recovering waste effectively depends on existing or [...]![]()
C.O. Dölekoglu ; S. Gün ; S. Sengül ; H. Giray ; I. Var |Food waste creates an increasing concern at the global level and searching methods how to solve food waste is also a significantly increasing. Finding adequate solutions and implementing is only possible through defining the problem. To solve a [...]![]()
J. Music ; S. Charlebois ; L. Spiteri ; S. Farrell ; A. Griffin |The era of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a variety of individual lifestyle and behavioural changes, and could, therefore, potentially involve a shift towards more sustainable food systems. This research was conducted through an online su[...]![]()
La récente autorisation des farines animales pour les porcs et les volailles a remis les coproduits sous les feux de la rampe. Très médiatisées, ces rations alimentaires ne représentent pourtant quune petite fraction des coproduits de lagricul[...]![]()
M. Vittuari ; M. Masotti ; E. Iori ; L. Falasconi ; T. Gallina Toschi ; A. Segré |The COVID-19 outbreak forced national governments to the adoption of social distancing and movement limitation measures aimed to reduce the diffusion of the virus and to mitigate its highly disruptive impact on the healthcare systems. Reduced in[...]