Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (1331)

Motivation Contract farming plays a significant role in the growth of agriculture in many countries. Contracting poses substantial challenges when courts and companies are insufficiently developed, constraining the fulfilment of contracts. Expl[...]![]()
The longevity of the natural environment is fundamental for sustainable production and consumption. The circular economy conserves natural resources, ensures sustainable production and consumption, and protects the natural environment. The role [...]![]()
The circular economy is a tangible paradigm in response to the unsustainable model of production and consumption of resources in the agri-food system. The circular economy allows for a reduction in the environmental impact through the minimizati[...]![]()
This Special Issue on "Applications of Econometrics in Agricultural Production" has aimed to rebuild and extend the approach to agricultural production analysis by including econometric methods for (a) developing a new paradigm for agricultural [...]![]()
L. Nicita ; F. Bosello ; G. Standardi ; R. Mendelsohn |In the past decades, agricultural landscapes have simplified with crop specialization and the reduction of seminatural covers leading to a decline of biodiversity and (biodiversity-driven) ecosystem services. This study measures the impact of la[...]![]()
Government support for enterprises can be provided in different forms, such as subsidies, tax incentives, or direct public investment. Government support can also be given to develop environmentally and socially responsible initiatives. In the a[...]![]()
Historiquement, dans la vallée du Todgha, au sud de la chaîne de lAtlas, la reproduction matérielle des habitants dépendait de la mise en valeur des vallées irrigables et des parcours désertiques sur lesquels les troupeaux broutaient. Ce modèl[...]![]()
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2023 decreased marginally, by 2 per cent, to $1.3 trillion. This headline figure was affected by wild swings in financial flows through a small number of European conduit economies; excluding the effect [...]![]()
On ne peut se passer dune refonte des enseignements en économie et en finance pour faire face aux enjeux du xxie siècle. En effet, la plupart des grandes théories économiques et financières ont été conçues aux xixe et xxe siècles, une période o[...]![]()
Les pays dAfrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient sont confrontés à de très fortes inégalités socio-économiques et à des crises environnementales qui mettent en péril leur développement. Les populations les plus vulnérables sont les plus exposées à [...]![]()
Within Circular Economy (CE) studies, the concept of Circular Supply Chains (CSCs) is still not mature, although it is expected to significantly develop in the next few years thanks to the growing interest of scholars, practitioners, and policym[...]![]()
This study's main goal was to clarify the correlation between Circular Economy Practices (CEP), Eco-Innovation (ECI), Cleaner Production (CLP), and the Resilience of Production Systems (RePS). This experiment research utilized primary data colle[...]![]()
The past decade has seen the transition of agricultural economics from perceived irrelevance to being seen as key to saving the world from an array of grand challenges. These challenges include global climate change, non-communicable diseases, h[...]![]()
M. Valencia ; N. Bocken ; C. Loaiza ; S. De Jaeger |The social value of the circular economy (CE) has only been recently explored in the literature. To understand the social implications of the implementation of the CE, a semi-systematic literature review was completed evaluating the variables of[...]![]()
Lusage croissant des technologies de linformation et de la communication accompagne les mutations du financement des filières agrialimentaires. Lessor du crowdfunding contribue à pallier le difficile accès au crédit bancaire pour certaines pe[...]![]()
This paper investigate how cereal price volatility impacts import bill, tax revenue and foreign exchange reserves in Morocco. It uses GARCH family models to characterize the price and exchange rate volatility functions, ARDL model and Toda and Y[...]![]()
While many Circular Economy (CE) indicators communicate that they measure sustainability, they do not consider the sustainability tripod. Thus, any decision to adopt a CE strategy must be carefully reasoned about its potential sustainability per[...]![]()
A transition to a circular economy (CE) affects different stakeholders - positively and negatively. Social aspects still receive little consideration in the context of CE, which is why the assessment and monitoring of the social impacts of CE st[...]![]()
Léconomie grecque a rebondi après la crise liée au COVID-19, ce qui sest traduit par une croissance vigoureuse de lemploi. Les mesures daide prises par les pouvoirs publics, la mise en uvre du plan pour la reprise et la résilience baptisé «[...]![]()
Alongside a fast recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, macroeconomic policies and high commodity prices have contributed to surging inflation, growing external imbalances and implicit liabilities. These vulnerabilities reduce the economys resili[...]![]()
UNCTADs World Investment Report 2023 reveals a widening annual investment deficit that developing countries face as they work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The gap is now about $4 trillion per year up from $2.5[...]![]()
Banque Mondiale (Washington, États-Unis) | Washington [États-Unis] : Banque Mondiale | Rapport sur le Développement dans le Monde, ISSN 0163-5085 | 2023La migration est un problème de développement. Environ 184 millions de personnes, soit 2,5 % de la population mondiale, vivent en dehors de leur pays de nationalité. Près de la moitié dentre eux se trouvent dans des pays à revenu faible ou inte[...]![]()
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
C. Reynaud ; A. Barbe ; J.E. Rougier ; A. Bourceret ; L. Grohens ; M. Pradeille ; F. Honoré ; E. Meunier ; C. Robert | 2023![]()
A. Pakseresht ; A. Yavari ; S.A. Kaliji ; K. Hakelius |A transition towards a circular economy within the agri-food sector requires the improvement of efficiency in resource utilization, the prevention of food loss or waste, whilst adopting regenerative agricultural practices. In addition to the tec[...]![]()
Notre objectif est d'étudier comment le crowdfunding peut aider la transition agroalimentaire. Nous mobilisons la perspective multi-niveaux qui considère que les transitions sont le résultat d'un processus dynamique déclenché par des innovations[...]![]()
Le contexte actuel de crises rend nécessaire la co-construction par le monde académique, le monde des institutions publiques et celui de l'entreprise, de nouveaux concepts de politique publique. Cet article présente et met en dialogue deux conce[...]![]()
B. Arru ; R. Furesi ; P. Pulina ; P. Sau ; F.A. Madau |Agriculture and the agri-food industry are central to fostering economic growth and the Sustainable Development Goals targets. However, to meet the worlds future development, it is necessary to make the agri-food system more resource-efficient[...]![]()
S.M. Ayati ; E. Shekarian ; J. Majava ; B.V. Wæhrens |The integration of the concept of the circular economy (CE) within the supply chain is known as the circular supply chain (CSC). Although various articles have identified barriers to implementing CE, no comprehensive study has investigated the i[...]