EAU SOUTERRAINESynonyme(s)Eau phréatiqueVoir aussi |
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Groundwater-dependent cultivation is imperative to meet the ever-increasing food demands in Egypt. To explore the Moghra aquifer?s potential, where a large-scale rural community is being established, a finite element groundwater flow (i.e., FEFL[...]Article
Le présent article explore la gouvernance de leau à travers une étude de cas sur la plaine de Berrechid au Maroc. Cette région subit une pression croissante sur ses eaux souterraines, exacerbée par laugmentation des surfaces irriguées (maraîch[...]Article
Water scarcity is a growing challenge to the governance of water resources and to multiple water uses. Dealing with water scarcity requires a better-shared understanding of water supply and demand dynamics on the part of the different stakeholde[...]Article
Z. Bouzidi ; N. Faysse ; I. Mekki ; I. Ferchichi ; E. Hassenforder ; J.-D. Rinaudo |Au Maroc et en Tunisie, la surexploitation des eaux souterraines saccentue, dans un contexte de baisse de la pluviométrie et daugmentation des usages. Après plusieurs années de mise en uvre, lapproche réglementaire et celle cherchant à mobil[...]Article
Le Maroc est souvent érigé en exemple international pour sa gestion des ressources en eau. Après une période dinvestissement dans les barrages et les périmètres irrigués publics, cest lintensification de lagriculture et le recours aux eaux s[...]Article
Y. Khardi ; G. Lacombe ; M. Kuper ; A. Taky ; S. Bouarfa ; A. Hammani |Les agriculteurs utilisant les eaux des khettaras, galeries souterraines drainant la nappe phréatique et donnant un accès collectif à leau souterraine dans les oasis, font aujourdhui face à un dilemme. Les khettaras se tarissent sous leffet c[...]Article
Due to poor water resources management, groundwater-dependent agriculture induces substantial stress on several aquifer systems worldwide, which poses a serious threat to water and food security. However, only a few studies have addressed this v[...]Article
Lenvironnement dans le monde entier subit une dégradation très alarmante. Cela se manifeste au niveau de pénurie des ressources en eaux souterraines, due notamment au changement climatique qui se manifeste dans le réchauffement climatique. Les [...]Article
L. Dhaouadi ; H. Besser ; N. Karbout ; R. Khaldi ; Z. Haj-Amor ; S. Ben Maachia ; F. Ouassar |In dry-hot areas, such as southern Tunisia, the availability of good water is very limited by the low scanty rainfall, the long dry periods and the high evaporation rate. Thus, to deal with these issues, information concerning the quality of irr[...]Article
F.Z. Echogdali ; S. Boutaleb ; A. Bendarma ; M.E. Saidi ; M. Aadraoui ; M. Abioui ; M. Ouchchen ; K. Abdelrahman ; M.S. Fnais ; K.S. Sajinkumar |Ensuring water availability for agriculture and drinking water supply in semi-arid mountainous regions requires control of factors influencing groundwater availability. In most cases, the population draws its water needs from the alluvial aquife[...]Article
Droughts have severe impacts on the economy, society, and environment. They also have impacts on groundwater and vice versa. While most analyses consider drought and groundwater as disconnected, we argue that drought and groundwater management s[...]Article
O. El Mountassir ; M. Bahir ; A. Chehbouni ; D. Dhiba ; H. El Jiar |Groundwater is essential for both water supply and environmental conservation, especially in semi-arid and desert areas. Managing groundwater resources requires a thorough understanding of groundwater characteristics and dynamics. The hydrogeoch[...]Article
Z.M. Nigatu ; D. Fan ; W. You ; A.M. Melesse ; L. Pu ; X. Yang ; X. Wan ; Z. Jiang |Soil moisture (SM) and groundwater (GW) depletion triggered by anthropogenic and natural climate change are influencing food security via crop production per capita decrease in the Nile River Basin (NRB). However, to the best of our understandin[...]Article
Assessment of groundwater contamination is an efficient means to discover and carry out the demarcation of the more vulnerable zones to pollution from human activities. This study is focused on the plain of El Asnam (Northern Algeria) characteri[...]Article
Groundwater forms the basis for millions of rural and urban livelihoods in the Global South. Its use for irrigation has spurred widespread socio-economic development in various areas but has also led to aquifer overdraft and related socio-enviro[...]Article
The relative scarcity of water resources in Algeria and their unequal distribution induce a rational use of available resources. The Zana-Gadaïne plain appears as an exemplary case study, where the difficulties posed by the problem of crop water[...]Article
A. Lyra ; A. Loukas ; P. Sidiropoulos ; K. Voudouris ; N. Mylopoulos |The scope of this study is to assess the effects of agronomic and water resources management scenarios on groundwater balance, seawater intrusion, and nitrate pollution and the comparison of the developed scenarios relative to the current crop p[...]Article
E. Madene ; A. Boufekane ; M. Meddi ; G. Busico ; A. Zghibi |The proposed study aims to assess groundwater quality and suitability of the Upper and Middle Cheliff plains (northwest of Algeria) for irrigation and drinking. Here the groundwater is the main source for domestic, agricultural and industrial ac[...]Article
Controlling groundwater use has become one of the most urgent and difficult issues in common-pool resource governance. This article analyses an aquifer contract in Morocco as an innovative, participatory approach to the problem. Cleaver's concep[...]Article
Groundwater serves as the most reliable source of water both for domestic use and for irrigation in arid zones, which are characterized by low rainfall and high evaporation. To overcome the water scarcity in these regions traditional water manag[...]Article
Over the last years, the global application of machine learning (ML) models in groundwater quality studies has proved to be a robust alternative tool to produce highly accurate results at a low cost. This research aims to evaluate the ability of[...]Ouvrage
W.L. Filho, ed. ; E. Manolas, ed. | Cham [Suisse] : Springer | Climate Change Management, ISSN 1610-2010 | 2022This book serves the purpose of showcasing some of the works in respect of applied research, field projects, and best practice to foster climate change adaptation across the region. Climate change is having a much greater impact in the Mediterr[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
G. Kleftodimos ; A. Zaatra ; M. Requier-Desjardins ; H. Belhouchette | 2022Article
The water pollution risk is considering a topical subject in Algeria and throughout the world, especially in view of the problems of water scarcity and the climate change phenomena. The infiltration of untreated urban waste into the subsoil pres[...]Article
Les eaux souterraines sont devenues indispensables pour lagriculture dans les pays semi-arides et dont les ressources en eau sont sous forte pression. À de rares exceptions près, elles sont longtemps restées invisibles. Leur mise en visibilité [...]Article
The quantitative monitoring of the shallow aquifer in Marrakesh and its surrounding area shows that the water table has been lowered gradually over the last 40 years, and attaining an acute decline in the early 2000s. This declining trendif con[...]Article
The present study concerns the Dradère-Souière water table and consists of characterizing the climatic variability at the level of the aforementioned basin and looking for the links between this hydrological variability and climatic fluctuations[...]Article
The Harran Basin is an important region where agricultural activities have been conducted for millennia. The agricultural water needs of the basin are largely met with surface irrigation through the GAP (South-Eastern Anatolian Project), while g[...]Article
Cet article sintéresse aux difficultés dengagement des acteurs dans la planification de la gestion des eaux souterraines, notamment celle des grands aquifères captifs. En sappuyant sur un exemple dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, il montre comm[...]