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Supriya ; A.B. Srivastava ; G. Sharma ; A.M.G. Al Khatib ; M. Abotaleb | New Delhi [Inde] : NIPA | 2024Farm Management, Production, and Resource Economics" is an indispensable textbook that showcases the power of economic principles to explain and predict issues in the farm sector. The book focuses on efficient farm management, sustainable produ[...]Article
Smallholder farmers play an important role in ensuring world food security. In addition to food security, small-scale farming also provides numerous other direct and indirect environmental, social, cultural, and economic benefits by improving cr[...]Article
The sustainability analysis of wheat farms is increasingly becoming interesting for the scientific community in order to help propose a production model ensuring food security and sustainability of agricultural production. This work aims to asse[...]Article
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between farm size and farm performance in Algeria. Unlike most previous studies, this preliminary study uses a large dataset comprising 26 735 farmers in Biskra region. Two farming sectors[...]Article
This paper deals with the efficiency level of cereal-dairy sheep production systems in the Mediterranean Basin. It studies them in the Protected Designation of Origin Manchego Cheese, located in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Previous studies hav[...]Article
I. Ferchichi ; I. Mekki ; A. Biarnès ; M. Elloumi ; A. Zaïri |Dans le monde rural tunisien, la libéralisation de léconomie a favorisé le développement des grandes exploitations entrepreneuriales, souvent irriguées et intensifiées au détriment des autres types dexploitations : en particulier, les petites [...]Article
This paper aims to analyse the technical efficiency (TE) of dairy farms and find its determinants. To accomplish this problem, the Stochastic Frontier Analysis was applied. The data were obtained from the Farm Accountancy Data Network database f[...]Article
En France, les politiques agricoles ont longtemps fait primer lagrandissement sur linstallation de nouvelles fermes. Pour renouveler la profession et faire face à la réduction du nombre dexploitations, un renversement simpose.Article
The emphasis put on environmental issues of the European Union (EU) agricultural sector in the strategies like the European Green Deal, Biodiversity and Farm to fork strategy give new directions to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) changing t[...]Article
The main objectives of this paper are to assess the production costs and to measure the total factor productivity (TFP) of durum wheat production for a sample of cereal farmers in the North of Tunisia. Our hypothesis is that improvement of these[...]Article
Israeli agriculture has experienced rapid structural changes in recent decades, including the massive exit of farmers, a resulting increase in average farm size, a higher farm specialization and a higher reliance on non-farm income sources. The [...]Article
Numerous attempts have been made to estimate the share of the worlds food produced by family farms and by farms of different sizes. This paper updates estimates of the number of farms worldwide, their distribution and that of farmland, using th[...]Article
M. Rabelo ; M. Debolini ; R. Villani ; T. Sabbatini ; N. Silvestri |The study aims to describe and interpret the agricultural system dynamics on the Western Mediterranean areas in terms of occupied land and crop specialization, by using the available data from the two last agricultural censuses. From the spatial[...]Article
The budget for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is 365bn (European Commission, 2018) for 20212027, with the majority allocated to farmers through direct payments. Given the economic vulnerability of many farm enterprises, and the concern a[...]Article
The evolution of farm size and land use are important determinants of the efficiency and profitability of agriculture and the configuration of the territory. In this paper, a conceptual framework of the evolution of the number of farms and land [...]Article
The paper investigates the drivers of farm size and farm size growth in Slovenia during the period 2007-2017 using a farm-level Farm Accountancy Data Network dataset within a quantile regression framework. Farm size growth is measured by growth [...]Article
Increasing pressures surrounding efficiency and sustainability are key global drivers in dairy farm management strategies. However, for numerous resource-based, social, and economic reasons sustainable intensification strategies are herd-size de[...]Article
As a multi-objective policy, the EU Common Agricultural Policy continues to secure significant income support for farmers as one of the nine specific objectives. We estimate the income transfer efficiency of a broad set of pivotal policy measure[...]Article
Ce travail vise à expliciter linteraction entre les producteurs dolives, étant les acteurs sociaux, et les instruments entretenus par les acteurs publics dans le cadre de la politique publique de développement mise en uvre. Le résultat attein[...]Ouvrage
S. Bouarfa, coord. ; F. Brelle, coord. ; C. Coulon, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2020Lagriculture irriguée produit plus de 40 % de lalimentation mondiale sur moins de 20 % des terres cultivées. Lirrigation, qui consiste à agir sur le cycle naturel de leau pour conduire et sécuriser les cultures dans des contextes géographiqu[...]Article
Z. Rached ; M. Ameur ; S. Boudiche ; A. Chebil ; K. Raoudha |Lobjectif de ce travail est de vérifier la diversité des exploitations céréalières en Tunisie en les classant en groupes homogènes. Cette classification aidera à bien cibler la nature des interventions de l'Etat et par conséquent, elle aura des[...]Article
S. Neuenfeldt ; A. Gocht ; T. Heckelei ; P. Ciaian |In this paper, we analyse the drivers of farm structural change in the EU-27, applying a novel analytical framework in the field of agricultural economics known as the multiplicative competitive interaction (MCI) model. MCI offers a more parsimo[...]Article
The objectives of this work are twofold. In first place, a stochastic frontier approach (SFA) is used to estimate the technical efficiency and its determinants of 232 durum wheat farms in sub-humid regions of northern Tunisia. Secondly, the rela[...]Article
Au Maghreb, la mobilisation des eaux souterraines a permis le développement rapide de filières agricoles basées sur des systèmes de production très intensifs en capital. Ces transitions rapides ont entraîné dans bien des situations une surexploi[...]Article
The widely reported claim that smallholders produce 7080% of the worlds food has been a linchpin of agricultural development policy despite limited empirical evidence. Recent empirical attempts to reinvestigate this number have lacked raw data[...]Article
N. Guiomar ; S. Godinho ; T. Pinto-Correia ; M. Almeida ; F. Bartolini ; F. Bezák ; M. Biró ; H. Bjørkhaug ; S. Bojnec ; G. Brunori ; M. Corazzin ; M. Czekaj ; S. Davidova ; J. Kania ; S. Kristensen ; E. Marraccini ; Zs Molnár ; J. Niedermayr ; E. ORourke ; D. Ortiz-Miranda ; M. Redman ; T. Sipiläinen ; H. Sooväli-Sepping ; S. Sumane ; D. Surová ; L.-A. Sutherland ; E. Tcherkezova ; T. Tisenkopfs ; T. Tsiligiridis ; M.M. Tudor ; K. Wagner ; A. Wästfelt |The contribution of small farms to local food supply, food security and food sovereignty is widely acknowledged at a global level. In the particular case of Europe, they often are seen as an alternative to large and specialised farms. Assessing [...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Lobjectif visé par ce travail est didentifier les facteurs susceptibles dinfluencer la décision des agriculteurs tunisiens dadopter ou de ne pas adopter une innovation technologique damélioration des systèmes de production : un hachoir pour[...]Article
Ils doivent maintenant se battre pour leur survie mais leurs marchés seront, pendant longtemps encore, en croissanceArticle
Depuis les années 2000, la filière laitière a connu dimportants changements structurels, y compris avant la sortie des quotas laitiers en 2015. Ces transformations donnent une importance particulière à la connaissance et à lanalyse des exploit[...]Article
The restructuring of agriculture, in place since 1980, has led to a social recomposition of farms especially in irrigated areas. Such recomposition is based on different access to production resources and social opportunities. Our paper analyzes[...]