Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (4)

C. Vidaller ; C. Malik ; T. Dutoit |Grazing is well-known to shape plant populations and plant communities and to affect several compartment characteristics of grazed ecosystems. Semi-natural grassland conservation depends on the maintenance of traditional extensive grazing system[...]![]()
A. Papadopoulou ; A. Ragkos ; A. Theodoridis ; D. Skordos ; Z. Parissi ; E. Abraham |Small ruminant production is predominantly linked to the use of natural pastures; however the intensification process in past decades has led to a gradual abandonment of grazing and the prevalence of intensive patterns. This paper contributes to[...]![]()
Bulletin : Revue
Sécheresse, vol. 22, n. 4 - 01/10/2011 - Zone aride, développement durable ? Exemples en Amérique latine
Y. Poncet, coord. | 2011![]()
Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
M.M. Yanguas ; M.R. Pascual ; A. Gómez Sal | Zaragoza [Espagne] : CIHEAM-IAMZ | Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens, ISSN 0253-1542 | 1989The maintenance of mountain pastures (called puertos in Spanish) is doubly important because of their being a productive resource and their role in nature conservation. Their present use by transhumant livestock, the number of which has decrease[...]