ACTIVITE COOPERATIVESynonyme(s)Coopérative |
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E. Skrimizea ; J. Idbourrous ; S. ljlil ; R. Beghi ; K. Davidovic ; A. Paul ; C. Parra |Lhuile dargane est une ressource économique et un élément culturel clé de la région Souss Massa au Sud-ouest du Maroc. Ce compte-rendu dun groupe de discussion examine les défis socio-écologiques des coopératives féminines produisant et comm[...]Article
In the last decade, agricultural cooperatives have become increasingly popular in the food industry. This paper aims to shed light on the extensive literature on agricultural cooperatives. Design/Methodology/Approach: In conducting this review, [...]Article
The digital transformation (DT) of companies implies the emergence of new business models based on the widespread use of digital technologies. Digital transformation is necessary to improve efficiency, productivity, and market access in a contex[...]Article
Le Maroc est engagé dans une course contre la montre pour promouvoir son économie agricole. Si les coopératives agricoles (CA) ont été, au cours des deux dernières décennies, lun des outils privilégiés, leur contribution économique demeure néan[...]Article
Drawing on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's discourse theory of hegemony, the paper introduces a chain of equivalence that articulates discourses such as commons-based peer production, partner state and ethical market entities around th[...]Article
Les coopératives, et plus particulièrement les sociétés coopératives et participatives (Scop) et les sociétés coopératives dIntérêt Collectif (Scic), bénéficient dun regain dactivité, tant dans la sphère économique et politique que scientifiq[...]Article
Relationship between cooperative-member is very important for cooperatives to continue their activities successfully and effectively. Effective management of cooperative depends on participation of members in the process of cooperative managemen[...]Article
The Moroccan agricultural cooperative sector is a key player in self-employment and income generation through territorial anchoring. The governments MOURAFAKA program offers support for newly created cooperatives, including strategic diagnosi[...]Article
Larticle analyse le rôle que jouent les coopératives dans lécologisation et la numérisation de la viticulture. Lenquête menée en Occitanie montre que pour ces deux processus, elles jouent un rôle dintermédiaire entre les adhérents et les aut[...]Article
The enormous contribution of agricultural cooperative societies to the rural world has not gone unnoticed. This is corroborated by many international entities such as the International Cooperative Alliance, COPA-COGECA, the European Economic and[...]Article
Les coopératives agricoles ont un rôle crucial à jouer dans le redressement industriel et économique de la France. Des soutiens financiers sont donc nécessaires.Article
Depuis sa création en 2011, lorganisme d'auto-construction et de formation au machinisme agricole devenu lAtelier paysan vise à développer un plaidoyer et des alternatives au service de lautonomisation technique des paysans et paysannes. Dans[...]Article
G. Sacchi ; G. Stefani ; D. Romano ; G. Nocella |In recent years, a dramatic increase in Alternative Agri-Food Networks (AAFNs) has been interpreted by experts of the sector as triggered by innovative food supply chains capable to reconnect producers with consumers. Simultaneously, the worldwi[...]Article
Cet article propose de questionner les initiatives locales dans les projets de territoire et tente, dans le contexte de la crise socio-écologique actuelle, de dessiner les contours de nouvelles gouvernances territoriales. Plus précisément, il pr[...]E-Book
K. Mattas ; G. Baourakis ; C. Zopounidis ; C. Staboulis | Dordrecht [Pays-Bas] : Springer | Cooperative Management | 2022In the present economic, political, societal and environmental landscape, which is dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of challenges and issues that demand immediate and urgent responses is more intense than ever. Policymakers, int[...]Article
À travers une revue de presse et son analyse textuelle par le logiciel Iramuteq, cet article propose un panorama actualisé et problématisé des sociétés coopératives dintérêt collectif (Scic) dans le secteur agricole. Les auteurs montrent commen[...]Article
The article analyses the crisis and double bind situation to which Catalan dairy farmers find themselves subjected. Two contradictory commands are being imposed on them: act as if nature does not matter and increase production because, otherw[...]Article
The need to produce safe food products for an ever-growing world population while reducing the impact on climate change makes it necessary for the farm business to combine productivity and sustainability. As more efficient and sustainable produc[...]Article
Dans un pays confronté à des crises climatique et economique dévastatrices, des femmes et des jeunes tunisiens se sont constitués en coopératives pour protéger la biodiversité et assurer un revenu durable aux communautés locales.Article
C. Lytridis ; V.G. Kaburlasos ; T. Pachidis ; M. Manios ; E. Vrochidou ; T. Kalampokas ; S. Chatzistamatis |Agricultural robotics has been a popular subject in recent years from an academic as well as a commercial point of view. This is because agricultural robotics addresses critical issues such as seasonal shortages in manual labor, e.g., during har[...]Article
F. Elame ; E.H. Erraoui ; H. Lionboui |The market opening at national and international level and the current context of globalization have had the main effect of increasing the prices of argan oil and almonds. In order to meet the challenges of marketing, the organization of produce[...]Article
The transition of existing food value chains towards greater sustainability is a societal imperative and a potential competitive factor. To succeed, some actors in the chains define new practices to establish common sustainability goals. To date[...]Article
Au cours des dernières années, le Maroc a consacré une multitude de programmes pour développer ses territoires ruraux. Dans lensemble de ces programmes, une attention particulière est accordée à lamélioration de la condition des femmes rurales[...]Article
Afin de comprendre la dynamique de changement de la condition de la femme marocaine, cette contribution vise à analyser la difficulté daccès de la femme au leadership coopératif dans la commune rurale dAsrir relevant de la province de Guelmim.[...]Article
The purpose of this study was to illustrate and understand how consumers of cooperative food products could be segmented in the region of Western Greece. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was undertaken involving almost 500 consumers in t[...]Article
Recent years have witnessed a notable increase in the implementation of social innovation strategies for creating products with major social impact. Despite the lack of conceptual clarity still surrounding the term, social innovation, as a parti[...]Article
Marketing cooperatives are gaining popularity in the supply chain management of fruits and vegetables (F&V) due to consumers increasing desire to purchase cooperative products as well as producers willingness to reinforce their bargaining powe[...]Article
Lentrepreneuriat collectif est considéré comme une forme spécifique dentreprendre qui sest propagée dune manière remarquable ces dernières années et qui gagne de plus en plus dintérêt auprès de la communauté scientifique. En fait, cette for[...]Article
The present article proposes a complete framework for supply chain strategy (SCS) analysis that is adapted to the specific characteristics of the agrifood chain, thereby facilitating the management of the former. As a specific case of analysis, [...]