PMESynonyme(s)Petite et moyenne entreprise ;Petite entreprise (+ 20 salariés) Moyenne entreprise |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (193)

O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; L. Arnalte-Mur ; P. Cerrada-Serra ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; H. Bjørkhaug ; G. Brunori ; M. Czekaj ; D. Duckett ; P.A. Hernández ; C. Noble ; T. Pinto-Correia ; A. Plonka ; P. Prosperi ; M. Redman ; M. Rivera ; S. Sumane ; D. Ortiz-Miranda |This study stems from a participatory foresight exercise conducted in nine Mediterranean, Baltic, Nordic and Eastern European regions, aiming to strengthen the role of small farms and small food businesses in ensuring food security. A wide range[...]![]()
Within Circular Economy (CE) studies, the concept of Circular Supply Chains (CSCs) is still not mature, although it is expected to significantly develop in the next few years thanks to the growing interest of scholars, practitioners, and policym[...]![]()
The financial and real crisis started in 2007-2008 has deeply transformed the way the Italian financial and capital market act. Italian SMEs need to be aware of the transformation not to be pushed out of the market itself and to take profit of t[...]![]()
The primary objective of this study is the development of an integrated framework for sustainable development in agri-food Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a variety of production types. Dealing with the significant research problem of d[...]![]()
P. Prosperi ; F. Galli ; O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; Y. Chiffoleau ; S. Grando ; P. Karanikolas ; M. Rivera ; G. Goussios ; T. Pinto-Correia ; G. Brunori |With growing concern for the unsustainability of food systems, the international research community has turned its attention to small farms as key actors to potentially face the global food crisis. This study aims to support a policy design that[...]![]()
D. Ortiz-Miranda ; O. Moreno-Pérez ; L. Arnalte-Mur ; P. Cerrada-Serra ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; B. Adolph ; J. Atela ; S. Ayambila ; I. Baptista ; R. Barbu ; H. Bjørkhaug ; M. Czekaj ; D. Duckett ; A. Fortes ; F. Galli ; G. Goussios ; P.A. Hernández ; P. Karanikolas ; K. Machila ; E. Oikonomopoulou ; P. Prosperi ; M. Rivera ; L. Satola ; M. Szafranska ; T. Tisenkopfs ; C. Tonui ; R. Yeboah |This paper presents the cross-regional comparative analysis of a participatory scenario planning exercise conducted in 13 regions of 13 countries in both Europe and Africa as part of the H2020 research project SALSA Small farms, small food busi[...]![]()
Supporting agri-food SMEs in Italy in the post-COVID-19 context: from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe
C. Zarbà ; S. Bracco ; B. Pecorino ; G. Pappalardo ; G. Chinnici ; M. D'Amico |In recent decades, European policy has targeted specific measures towards SMEs. The recently concluded Horizon 2020 Programme, under the Europe 2020 Strategy, has provided economic support to stimulate competitiveness and boost the economy of me[...]![]()
Cet article sintéresse aux pratiques dinnovation ouverte des PME localisées dans des villes moyennes. Il interroge particulièrement le caractère intentionnel de ces pratiques ainsi que les formes partenariales mobilisées dans ces innovations à[...]![]()
Amidst the high number of frameworks associated with supply chain sustainability (SCS), proper consideration to the role and importance of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) has been missing in the literature. To address this research gap, this [...]![]()
Lobjet principal de cet article consiste à étudier les dynamiques et les spécificités du développement territorial qui caractérise la wilaya de Blida à partir de lenjeu des relations entre les entreprises (PME) et leur territoire dimplantatio[...]![]()
P.A. Hernández ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; S. Sumane ; D. Duckett ; H.E. Almaas |For small farms across Europe, connecting to small food businesses offers a significant route to market. We analyse survey data from 85 small food businesses in nine European regions and explore the enabling and limiting conditions around this c[...]![]()
L. Briamonte ; R. Pergamo ; B. Arru ; R. Furesi ; P. Pulina ; F.A. Madau |Today, the transition to a more sustainable model of the agro-food system is increasingly impellent, requiring all actors commitment. In particular, small and medium agro-food business (SMABs) play a decisive and central role in the food and ec[...]![]()
The main aim of this study was to determine the factors that influenced profitability of companies involved in the Valencia food industry between 2006 and 2015. For this, macroeconomic, sector and company variables were the key elements used in [...]![]()
M. Knickel ; S. Neuberger ; L. Klerkx ; K. Knickel ; G. Brunori ; H. Saatkamp |Existing research suggests that regions can develop their long-term competitive advantage through well-functioning interregional innovation cooperation. In this article, we use the example of innovation in small and medium-sized agri-food enterp[...]![]()
J.-L. Rastoin, animateur ; J. Pasquier ; C. Vermot-Desroches ; J.-M. Callois |La compétitivité est la capacité pour une entreprise, un pays ou un territoire à maintenir et développer sa part de marché pour un produit donné. Pour cela, différentes stratégies sont possibles. Classiquement, depuis les travaux de Michael [...]![]()
Lobjectif de cet article est de comprendre comment la digitalisation de léconomie affecte les Business Models dans les PME de lagroalimentaire. Nous avons cherché à comprendre quelles sont les caractéristiques et les compétences dinnovation [...]![]()
De nouvelles initiatives alternatives émergent dans le secteur alimentaire, avec un engouement particulier pour les circuits courts et la vente directe. Des producteurs se rassemblent pour créer des magasins de producteurs (MP) afin de vendre le[...]![]()
The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted many activities along agri-food supply chains in developing countries and posed unprecedented challenges in particular to small and medium agri-food enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on a [...]![]()
Lobjectif de notre travail, est dessayer de comprendre la réalité des petites entreprises agroalimentaires en zones arides, et ce à travers une entité située à Messaad (wilaya de Djelfa) spécialisée dans la fabrication et la mise en marché de [...]![]()
J. Popovic ; G. Kvrgic ; G. Coric ; J. Avakumovic ; D. Milosevic |The subject of the research is to explore the operational risks - the risk of emergencies and specific Coronavirus pandemic risk that are SMEs from agribusiness sector, from Western Balkan countries exposed to, and the significances of their eff[...]![]()
This research explores the role of sustainability in the business models (BMs) of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are operating in the wine sector in Italy, thus addressing recent calls in the literature on BMs. Consequently, this empir[...]![]()
Agricultural activity has changed significantly in recent years. There is a clear trend towards monoculture and the replacement of traditional crops for others which are more productive and achieve better economic results. These factors have two[...]![]()
The purpose of this study was to assess: what are the circular economy opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the meat processing sector to reduce their environmental impacts, using Life cycle assessment (LCA) as the analy[...]![]()
Les évolutions du commerce et des modes de consommation ne sont pas sans conséquences sur tous les maillons de la supply chain de l'agroalimentaire. Les transformations touchent de nombreux domaines : prévision des ventes, entrepôt, mutualisatio[...]![]()
Lentrepreneuriat au Maroc est considéré comme un véritable levier de développement économique et social. La création des petites et moyennes entreprises se heurte à certains obstacles internes et externes qui freinent leurs essors et leurs prom[...]![]()
This study on the role of development of small and medium enterprises at the local level, which has become one of the most important issues of the modern world economy, and with its exceptional private and within the policies of the developed co[...]![]()
Lobservation du mode de gouvernance multi parties prenantes de PME libanaises souligne le rôle de ladoption et de la mise en place des normes ESG (environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance) comme étant des outils de gestion permettant cette [...]![]()
Lémergence de la Responsabilité Sociétale dEntreprise (RSE) a commencé dans les grandes entreprises en même temps que la prise de conscience de son nécessaire ancrage territorial. Cette contingence se développe en corollaire de la mondialisati[...]![]()
This conceptual paper focuses on the Agro-Food Hub paradigm as the main enabler for the sustainable development of agro-food Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the context of the currently established agro-food systems. This paper is based o[...]![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Dans un contexte économique mondialisé et de plus en plus compétitif, les PME et les TPE rencontrent de grandes difficultés économiques, organisationnelles et financières, pour lancer leur activité et simposer sur leurs marchés respectifs. Le s[...]