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Depopulation is a major challenge for many rural inland areas, as is the case in a considerable number of rural municipalities in Galicia (north-western Spain). The pandemic had a considerable impact on internal migration in 2020, but it was far[...]Article
Recent econometric work suggests that there is a positive link between the development of land rental markets and the migration of workers out of agriculture in the developing world. I investigate this claim using a two-sector model of structura[...]Article
D. Bruno ; R. Sorando ; B. Alvarez-Farizo ; C. Castellano ; V. Céspedes ; B. Gallardo ; J.J. Jiménez ; M.V. López ; R. Lopez-Flores ; D. Moret-Fernandez ; E. Navarro ; F. Picazo ; M. Sevilla-Callejo ; J. Tormo ; J.J. Vidal-Macua ; J.M. Nicolau ; F.A. Comin |Despite the exponential increase in human population at global scale, some rural areas have experienced a progressive abandonment over the last decades. Under particular socioecological and policy contexts, changes in demography may promote land[...]Article
European traditional cultural landscapes are increasingly modified by rural abandonment and urban growth processes. Acknowledged as of High Nature Value for providing multiple ecosystem services while contributing to human well-being, the future[...]Article
Depopulation is one of the main problems in declining rural territories, whose inhabitants have the perception of being immersed in a spiral of socio-economic deterioration where each setback experienced in the region push a greater number of yo[...]Article
S. Akdemir ; E.A. Kougnigan ; F. Keskin ; H. Akcaoz ; I. Boz ; I. Kutlar ; Y. Miassi ; G. Kusek ; M. Turker |Agriculture is a sector that is widely known to be impacted not only by the natural conditions of a country but also by other economic and political sectors. Turkish agriculture, in a context marked in recent years by a rural exodus of young peo[...]Article
The current international migration has transformed the morphology, the social structures and the local economies in many rural areas, often helping to reverse a long-term demographic and social decline. Analyzing two experiences of Southern Ita[...]Article
Depopulation is a serious problem facing developed countries, among them Spain. It is especially severe in rural areas, where some vicious circles emerge, nourished by reduced infrastructures and services, deteriorated quality of life, the low i[...]Article
Protected areas (PAs) seek to conserve valuable genes, species and ecosystems by applying a legal regime that restricts some socioeconomic activities and also offers opportunities for new ones. As a result, PAs have been claimed by some authors [...]Article
The Anti-Atlas is subject to an intense rural exodus. The agricultural terraces built for several centuries have been abandoned. They are gradually deteriorating. The risks of runoff and erosion are becoming significant. The objective was to stu[...]Article
The depopulation of rural areas in Spain, a phenomenon that has given rise to what is currently known as empty Spain, has become a serious social problem. The mass exodus of the young to the country's cities poses the main threat to rural sust[...]Article
S. Darly ; C. Hochedez ; J. Le Gall ; M. Poulot ; C. Aragau |Après un retour sur des écrits de géographie économique et de sociologie du travail qui ont traditionnellement analysé la place des migrants comme travailleurs de lactivité agricole, larticle envisage la bibliographie issue des recherches sur [...]Série
G. Quaranta ; R. Salvia ; L. Salvati ; V. De Paola ; R. Coluzzi ; V. Imbrenda ; T. Simoniello |Depopulation and economic marginalization of rural districts have induced a progressive land abandonment in agricultural and pastoral districts. In Europe, areas at higher risk of farmland abandonment are characterized by low-intensity pasture s[...]Article
Mediterranean land systems are amongst the most susceptible to global change, in part due to the regions vulnerability to climate change and misfit within a high production demanding political and societal setting. The impact of global drivers [...]Série
FER (Madrid, Espagne) | Madrid [Espagne] : UPA. Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos | Agricultura Familiar en Espana: Anuario, ISSN 1887-9292 | 2020Un año más, el Anuario de la Agricultura Familiar en España sale a la luz gracias a la Fundación de Estudios Rurales, entidad creada en el año 2000 en el seno de UPA con el objetivo de impulsar el estudio y debate de todos los aspectos culturale[...]Article
Jobs and agricultural policy: Impact of the common agricultural policy on EU agricultural employment
This paper investigates the relationship between EU agricultural subsidies and the outflow of labor from agriculture. We use more representative subsidy indicators and a wider coverage (panel data from 210 EU regions over the period 2004-2014) t[...]Série
P. Plaza, dir. ; T. Melonio, dir. ; AFD (Paris, France) ; CIHEAM (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2019Today, migratory phenomena are an essential part of political agendas. Little known, their effects on territories of origin and destination have an impact on the socio-economic balance in an already preoccupying climate context. As a major compo[...]Ouvrage
P. Plaza, dir. ; T. Melonio, dir. ; CIHEAM (Paris, France) ; AFD (Paris, France) | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2019Les phénomènes migratoires occupent aujourd'hui une place essentielle dans les agendas politiques. Moins connus sont leurs effets sur les équilibres socioéconomiques des territoires d'origine et daccueil, dans un contexte climatique déjà préocc[...]Article
The recent, neoliberal period has seen a deepening penetration of capital into agriculture in Turkey alongside mass urban migration. This would seem to imply the realisation of classical political economic theory, which argues for the demise of [...]Série
Chapitre d'ouvrage
M. Requier-Desjardins ; O. Bessaoud ; D. Issa ; D. Berdaguer ; Z. Ahmed ; R. Harbouze ; A. Debrun | 2018Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) | Rome [Italie] : FAO | La Situation Mondiale de l'Alimentation et de l'Agriculture, ISSN 0251-1460 | 2018Les investissements peuvent-ils influencer les décisions des personnes sur l'opportunité de migrer? Les politiques peuvent-elles maximiser les effets positifs de la migration tout en en minimisant les effets négatifs? Le SOFA 2018 étudie le lie[...]Série
FAO (Rome, Italie) | Rome [Italie] : FAO | La Situation Mondiale de l'Alimentation et de l'Agriculture, ISSN 0251-1460 | 2017Lun des principaux défis de notre temps consiste à éliminer la faim et la pauvreté, tout en rendant les systèmes alimentaires et agricoles durables. La croissance démographique continue, lévolution profonde de la demande alimentaire et la mena[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
M. Requier-Desjardins ; O. Bessaoud ; D. Issa ; D. Berdaguer ; Z. Ahmed ; R. Harbouze ; A. Debrun | 2016Lexode rural est un phénomène global et massif de déplacement de population des campagnes vers les villes, qui exprime la recherche de conditions de vie meilleures. Les facteurs principaux concernent laugmentation de la population rurale et la[...]Article
Évolution de la ruralité en Kabylie : dynamiques sociodémographiques et mutations spatio-économiques
Cet article a pour objectif de présenter les principales caractéristiques des espaces ruraux kabyles et de saisir les transformations majeures dont ils ont fait lobjet depuis lindépendance. Après une période de reconstruction rurale qui a suiv[...]Article
This article aims at giving an overview about the four main collections of problems and studies that have structured over the last four decades what could be called the French school of rural sociology: from the rural exodus to the rural renais[...]