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Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
T. Chambolle ; C. Kalaitzidis, ed. ; A. Lopez-Francos, ed. ; M. Maire, ed. ; J.-L. Peyron, ed. ; J. Urruela Roquero, ed. | Paris [France] : GID | 2024Article
S. Vermeulen ; Jan Cools ; J. Staes ; S. Van Passel |Due to climate change, the frequency and intensity of droughts are expected to increase. To improve resilience to droughts, proactive drought management is essential. Economic assessments are typically included to decide on the drought risk-redu[...]Article
The present paper embarks on an investigation of the main risks associated with agri-food supply chains. A total of 11 key risks, namely Natural disasters of a global or local scale; Workers strikes; Change in government regulations or safety s[...]Article
The Income Stabilisation Tool (IST), which was recently added to the European Common Agricultural Policy's risk management toolkit, is a mutual fund that aims at stabilising farmers' income. We investigate the drivers of farmers' participation i[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins ; K. Papadopoulou ; R. Jalkh ; E. Lemaitre-Curri | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | NATAE Project | 2023This deliverable establishes all quality methods and processes to ensure quality management, quality monitoring of NATAE project and its outcomes according to the main rules and standards of Horizon Europe and to allocate responsibilities for en[...]Article
Climate variability and extremes, socio-economic conditions, crisis and market shocks are among the main factors determining risk in the agricultural sector. Drought, heat stress, flood, market volatility among the others, have caused heavy loss[...]Article
Like in all Mediterranean countries, Table olive farming has an important tradition and production potential in western Turkey, and thus it is critical to assess the risk sources and risk management strategies that farmers perceive. This study i[...]Article
Even though agricultural activities have always had to face systemic risk, increasing uncertainty linked to market conditions, policy revision and climate change require the adoption of extensive, functional and informed risk management strategi[...]Article
Agricultural insurance stands prominant in the protection of crop products. In Italy, the increasing occurrence of extreme weather events has had an important impact on the crop insurance markets dynamics by lowering insurance companies propens[...]Article
C. Mosnier ; M. Benoît ; J.J. Minviel ; P. Veysset |Mixed farming systems are gaining interest both as a risk management strategy and to apply agroecological principles. This study set out to assess the sustainability of mixed systems compared to their specialized counterparts. The Orfee bioecono[...]Article
R. Koenig ; M. Brunette ; P. Delacote ; C. Tevenart |Le secteur agricole français est exposé à de nombreux risques météorologiques qui vont saccentuer sous leffet du changement climatique. La gestion de ces risques est un enjeu essentiel de lactivité des agriculteurs. Parmi les instruments à le[...]Article
Supply chain resilience is a critical capability needed to compete in the current turbulent and unpredictable business environment, but many companies still tend to underestimate its relevance. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding[...]Article
A. Perrin ; M. Czyrnek-Delêtre ; M. Ben Jaballah ; A. Rouault ; H.M.G. van der Werf ; M. Ghali ; A. Sigwalt ; C. Renaud-Gentié |There is an urgent need for agriculture in general, and for viticulture in particular, to reduce their impacts on the environment. Doing so requires an approach that supports transitioning to more environmentally friendly practices. Involving fa[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Le présent rapport, élaboré dans le cadre dun master professionnel, porte sur lamélioration de la gestion des portefeuilles produits à différents niveaux au sein du groupe Bel. Lobjectif de ce travail est lié à lamélioration de la stratégie [...]Article
G. Bagnarosa ; M. Cummins ; M. Dowling ; F. Kearney |We apply a multivariate mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) conditional quantile regression technique to understand the dairy commodity exposure of European dairy firms. Leveraging a theoretically sound hedonic dairy pricing framework, we show that our [...]E-Book
C. Détang-Dessendre, coord. ; H. Guyomard, coord. ; P. Mauguin, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2022As in other parts of the world, agriculture in Europe is not sustainable. It must urgently and importantly evolve. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) must foster this evolution. In that perspective, this book draws the contours of an ambitious[...]Article
Farms face various risks such as uncertainties in the natural growth process, obtaining adequate financing, volatile input and output prices, unpredictable changes in farm-related policy and regulations, and farmers' personal health problems. Ac[...]Article
Agricultural policymakers call for the operationalisation of farm resilience as a dynamic concept. Therefore, we quantify farm resilience along the dimensions of robustness, adaptation and transformation. Using the rich Farm Accountancy Data Net[...]Article
Lélevage ovin a toujours été la profession et la source de revenu des pasteurs. Il apparaît, dans cette analyse, que le futur de la production ovine savère difficile lorsquon prend en considération la fermeture des marchés à bestiaux. Aussi, [...]Article
EU income stabilization tool: potential impacts, financial sustainability and farmers risk aversion
The Income Stabilization Tool, a risk management scheme introduced within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 20142020, could help European Union farmers manage the income risks they face. This study assesses the potential impact of implementi[...]Article
In this article, we investigate how pest risk management protocols may affect trade flows of fresh apples. We apply our analysis to two major players in the international trade of fresh apples: France and Chile. These two countries have been cho[...]Article
M. Juigner ; M. Robin ; M. Audère ; P. Fattal ; B. Hervy ; R. Kerguillec ; J.-B. Suzanne ; S. Costa ; M. Lopin ; O. Maquaire ; M. Medjkane ; J. Pagny ; A. Thulie |Les côtes basses sableuses sont des espaces contraints et sensibles aux aléas côtiers. Limplantation des activités humaines à proximité du bord de mer fait de ces espaces des territoires du risque. Lidentification des territoires exposés au re[...]Article
This article investigates the stability of farmers risk attitude over time. To this end, we estimate responses to changes in agricultural policies and production shocks. We use a unique panel data of over 36,000 Italian farms specialised in cer[...]Article
To minimize the negative impacts of climate change, adaptation is key. There are, however, a range of factors that, unless recognized and dealt with effectively, can prevent or disrupt adaptation efforts by farmers. Barriers to climate change ad[...]Article
Volatile prices and income uncertainties are major issues for farmers, leading to a demand for policies that mitigate such risks. However, the budgetary consequences of risk management schemes are uncertain due to their dependence on market pric[...]Article
D. Bertolozzi-Caredio ; I. Bardaji ; A. Garrido ; R. Berry ; J. Bijttebier ; C. Gavrilescu ; H. Harizanova ; B. Jendrzejewski ; M.P.M. Meuwissen ; F. Ollendorf ; C. Pinsard ; J. Rommel ; S. Severini ; B. Soriano |The challenges faced by agricultural systems call for an advance in risk management (RM) assessments. This research identifies and discusses potential improvements to RM across 11 European Union (EU) farming systems (FS). The paper proposes a co[...]Article
H. Assa ; H. Sharifi ; A. Lyons |This study examines how managing risk by introducing commodity price insurances may improve the likelihood of increased investment in agri-food supply chains. A model is introduced which shows how insurance products on index prices can reduce th[...]E-Book
This textbook integrates three related fields in economics, namely agricultural/forestry economics, environmental economics, and international trade, by foregrounding cost-benefit analysis as a significant policy tool. Exploring how welfare mea[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
K. Baldwin ; F. Casalini | Paris [France] : OCDE | OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers | 2021Increasingly frequent and severe droughts are threatening Italys agricultural sector. With climate change forecast to accelerate these trends, the sector must build long-term resilience. This will require better planning and preparing for, abso[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Bagherzadeh ; M. Shigemitsu | Paris [France] : OCDE | OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers | 2021Turkey is exposed to multiple natural hazard-induced disasters (NHID) and has considerable experience in managing the associated risks. Drought, in particular, has had significant impacts on the countrys agricultural sector, and the frequency o[...]