Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (73)

F.A. Becot ; S. Contzen ; M. Reusch ; M.C. Istenic ; J. Valliant ; S. Inwood ; H. Budge ; A. Kroeplin |Rural social scientists have long sought to understand what the structure of agriculture will look like in the future, who is going to do the work, and under what conditions with a focus on family owned and operated farms. Central to the theoriz[...]![]()
L. El Ansari ; R. Chenoune ; Y.A. Yigezu ; A.M. Komarek ; C. Gary ; H. Belhouchette |CONTEXT Farmers in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region face several interrelated challenges including natural resource depletion, low crop productivity, and food and nutrition insecurity. To address some of these challenges, governmen[...]![]()
CONTEXT Ongoing decreases in family farms and livestock numbers in European mountain areas are linked to multiple interconnected challenges. The continuity of such farms concerns society at large since they also act as landscape stewards, and th[...]![]()
T. Berchoux ; C. Hutton ; O. Hensengerth ; H.E. Voepel ; V.P.D. Tri ; P.T. Vu ; N. Hung ; S. Eslami ; D.R. Parsons ; S.E. Darby |Dans SSRN (online, March)The Mekong Delta faces significant challenges in sustainably supplying Vietnam and its export market countries with agricultural commodities, while ensuring livelihoods and providing living space to its growing population in the context of clima[...]![]()
This paper addresses the implementation of the Kawasan Mandiri Pangan (KMP) program, a microfinance program for farmer groups, assessing whether the program affects farmers decisions concerning production, marketing, and consumption or not, and[...]![]()
Climate change is expected to have serious environmental, economic, and social impacts on arid regions such as Tunisia country. This research uses a bottom-up approach, which seeks to gain insights from the farmers themselves based on a farm h[...]![]()
L. Piet ; V. Chatellier ; N. Delame ; Y. Desjeux ; P. Jeanneaux ; C. Laroche-Dupraz ; A. Ridier ; P. Veysset |Larticle décrit les principaux résultats de la recherche AgrIncome, financée par le ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation, et réalisée en 2019 par l'UMR SMART-LERECO (INRAE), qui visait à analyser le revenu des agriculteurs français [...]![]()
La frontière entre sphère privée et sphère professionnelle est encore aujourdhui difficile à tracer pour les revenus et le patrimoine des ménages agricoles. Dans les formes sociétaires, le patrimoine foncier est souvent détenu par les associés [...]![]()
Small farms are a key part of the system of food flows that happen outside of marketing channels, and which is a crucial source of food for to the most vulnerable part of the world population living in the rural or connected to the rural through[...]![]()
The analyses focus on the structural change in agriculture and farm households for the selected hilly and mountainous areas in Slovenia before and after the accession to the European Union, with an emphasis on empirical analysis of a sample of i[...]![]()
P. Karanikolas ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; P.A. Hernández ; L. Arnalte-Mura ; M. Rivera ; G. Goussios ; L. Fastelli ; E. Oikonomopoulou ; A. Fonseca |This study aims to identify the various forms of integration of olive-oil-producing small farms (OSFs) into food systems in four Southern European regions, as well as to identify the most beneficial strategies of integration. Drawing on data fro[...]![]()
V. Alary ; M.E. Caulfield ; L. Amsidder ; X. Juanes ; I. Boujenane ; M.T. Sraïri ; A. Sam ; J. Hammond ; M. van Wijk |A large proportion of rural households, particularly in the dry land areas, representative for more than 10% of the world's land surface and up to 80% in Morocco, depend for their livelihoods on livestock. They exploit livestock's capacity to li[...]![]()
I. Koblianska ; O. Pasko ; T. Marenych ; N. Kotseruba ; V. Tkachenko |More than half of the total number of households in Ukraine are engaged in agricultural activities both for food self-sufficiency and for the production of marketable agricultural products, acting as subsistence or semi subsistence farms. The de[...]![]()
F. Galli ; S. Grando ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; H. Bjørkhaug ; M. Czekaj ; D.G. Duckett ; H. Almaas ; P. Karanikolas ; O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; D. Ortiz-Miranda ; T. Pinto-Correia ; P. Prosperi ; M. Redman ; M. Rivera ; I. Toma ; P. Sánchez-Zamora ; S. Sumane ; K. Zmija ; D. Zmija ; G. Brunori |Despite a longstanding literature on small farm-households, there is limited consideration of small farms role in food and nutrition security (FNS) at territorial level. The purpose of this study is to provide insights about how small farms con[...]![]()
The annual income of small-scale farmers in the Jordan Valley, West Bank, Palestine remains persistently low compared to other sectors. The objective of this study was therefore to explore some of the main barriers to reducing poverty and increa[...]![]()
L. El Ansari ; R. Chenoune ; Y.A. Yigezu ; C. Gary ; H. Belhouchette |A lot of national and international effort has been made to promote sustainable agricultural production systems in drylands. However, success has been seriously limited due to lack of thorough characterization of the impact of the diversity of f[...]![]()
The main determinants of agricultural employment are related to households access to private assets and the influence of inherited socialeconomic stratification and power relationships. However, despite the recommendations of rural studies whi[...]![]()
Lagriculture a connu de profondes transformations au cours du dernier demi-siècle. Un métier familial est devenu une profession individuelle, un savoir-faire coutumier est devenu une compétence reconnue par les diplômes. Dans le même temps, les[...]![]()
Chapitre d'ouvrage
S. Grando ; F. Bartolini ; I. Bonjean ; G. Brunori ; E. Mathijs ; P. Prosperi ; D. Vergamini | Bingley [Royaune Uni] : Emerald | Research in Rural Sociology and Development | 2020This chapter opens the second part of the Volume, focusing on the small farms' role and dynamics within the evolving food system. Assessing small farmers' actual and potential contribution to the change towards a sustainable food and nutrition s[...]![]()
Spatial factors, such as environmental conditions, distance to natural resources and access to services can influence the impacts of climate change on rural household livelihood activities. But neither the determinants of precarious livelihoods [...]![]()
M.Z. Dhraief ; B. Dhehibi ; H. Daly-Hassen ; M. Zlaoui ; C. Khatoui ; S. Jemni ; O. Jebali ; M. Rekik |Due to the decrease of household incomes, the increase of food prices, and the negative effects of climate change on agricultural production, Tunisia faces a food insecurity challenge, especially in rural and arid areas. The purpose of our resea[...]![]()
Despite the increasing interest of the Sustainable Livelihood Framework in the field of international development and in academia and the recent call for the use of mixed-methods approach, there has been little analysis that brings together qual[...]![]()
Tunisia faces severe challenges due to climate change resulting in the decrease of the agricultural production and income and the increase of the households food insecurity especially in rural areas. The objective of this study is to analyze ho[...]![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
L. El Ansari | 2018Produire suffisamment pour répondre à la demande alimentaire des populations est un défi dampleur pour les pays des zones arides. Face à ce défi, la majorité des politiques agricoles dans ces zones ont été basées sur lintensification de la pr[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
A. Nin-Pratt ; H. El Didi ; C. Breisinger | Washington [États-Unis] : IFPRI | MENA RP Working Paper | 2018Using governorate-level national data and household survey data, we build a typology of farm households in Egypt that allows us to describe how different farm households behave in response to policy and environmental changes affecting their reso[...]![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
T. Berchoux | 2018Precarious livelihoods, as a phenomenon that characterises rural household survival strategies, is a serious long-term issue for policies concerned with reducing rural poverty in developing countries. Engaging in precarious livelihood activities[...]![]()
R. Chenoune ; T. Allen ; A. Komarek ; S. Gomez y Paloma ; G. Flichman ; A. Capillon ; H. Belhouchette |Although Sierra Leone aims to improve the livelihoods of its rice-farming households, the effect of specific policy changes on diverse households remains an open question. This study presents a household model that simulates strategies of produc[...]![]()
Agricultural household effects of fertilizer price changes for smallholder farmers in central Malawi
A. Komarek ; S. Drogué ; R. Chenoune ; J. Hawkins ; S. Msangi ; H. Belhouchette ; G. Flichman |This simulation study explored the agricultural household effects of changes in the price of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer for farmers in central Malawi. We selected the Dedza district to conduct this study, which is a district reliant on maize [...]![]()
Le processus de globalisation interroge le devenir des exploitations en montagne, qui seraient moins compétitives, et les évolutions des formes dexercice de lactivité agricole. Les processus de « défamilialisation » des activités agricoles et [...]![]()
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
T. Berchoux ; C. Hutton ; G.R. Watmough ; F. Amoako Johnson ; P.M. Atkinson | Munich [Allemagne] : European Geosciences Union | Geophysical Research Abstracts | 2017With population increase and the urbanisation of rural areas, land scarcity is one of the biggest challenges now faced by communities in agrarian societies. At the household level, loss of land can be due to physical processes such as erosion, t[...]