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Le secteur agricole est, depuis plusieurs siècles, dune importance capitale pour les sociétés des pays du Sud, notamment en Tunisie, en Algérie et au Maroc. Il joue un rôle essentiel dans la stabilité économique et sociale, dont les tensions [...]Article
S. Sturiale ; O. Gava ; M. Gallardo ; D. Buendía Guerrero ; D. Buyuktas ; G.E. Aslan ; A. Laarif ; T. Bouslama ; A. Navarro ; L. Incrocci ; F. Bartolini |In the Mediterranean region, the expansion of greenhouse horticulture has enabled the year-round supply of fresh vegetables. Compared to open field horticulture, this farming method can generate higher returns for farmers. However, it is often a[...]Article
The increasingly adverse impacts of climate change (e.g., rainfall patterns, droughts, and floods), coupled with the ever-increasing water demands, are often translated into a contingent liability for water users communities. Additional complex[...]Article
Conservation agriculture, based on direct seeding, offers an ecological production method based on an integrated and sustainable management of mulch and soil resources. The techno-economic and environmental impacts of this production alternative[...]Article
A. Chebil ; C. Thabet ; Z. Rached ; W. Koussani ; A. Souissi ; M. Setti |The objective of this paper is to identify the influencing factors of farmers willingness for early adoption of enhanced irrigation technologies in Tunisia. We estimate a multinomial logit model with data from 931 farmers in Central (Chebika) a[...]Article
B. Latrech ; T. Hermassi ; S. Yacoubi ; A. Slatni ; F. Jarray ; L. Pouget ; M.A. Ben Abdallah |Systematic biases in general circulation models (GCM) and regional climate models (RCM) impede their direct use in climate change impact research. Hence, the bias correction of GCM-RCMs outputs is a primary step in such studies. This study compa[...]Article
N. Ben Mansour ; A. Hanafi ; N. Faysse ; D. Jourdain |Dans le gouvernorat de Kébili au sud de la Tunisie, les zones irriguées se sont fortement développées ces 30 dernières années. Le système oasien traditionnel, fondé sur des cultures organisées sur trois étages et sur les complémentarités entre a[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The present study is inspired by a current scientific debate around the economic valuation of soil ecosystem services. It details the estimation of the services identified in the watershed O.Lachbal and develops projections in order to analyse t[...]Article
CONTEXT To design policies for sustainable irrigation planning, public decision-makers need knowledge about the potential environmental impacts of irrigated farming systems. In a previous paper, we proposed to couple Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) [...]Article
Z. Bouzidi ; N. Faysse ; I. Mekki ; I. Ferchichi ; E. Hassenforder ; J.-D. Rinaudo |Au Maroc et en Tunisie, la surexploitation des eaux souterraines saccentue, dans un contexte de baisse de la pluviométrie et daugmentation des usages. Après plusieurs années de mise en uvre, lapproche réglementaire et celle cherchant à mobil[...]Article
Promoting well-functioning ecosystems that maintain the sustainability of agricultural systems in response to climate change remains a major challenge in North Africa. Agroecological practices have the potential to serve as an alternative to che[...]Article
F. Jarray ; T. Hermassi ; M. Mechergui ; C. Zucca ; Q.B. Le |Understanding and long-term assessment of the efficacy of soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques is essential for sustainable watershed management. There have been few studies measuring the long-term impact of SWC on soil erosion at the ca[...]Article
La crise sanitaire de 2020-2021, et plus récemment la crise ukrainienne, ont révélé, d'une part, la vulnérabilité alimentaire des pays du Maghreb et, d'autre part, l'incapacité des politiques publiques agricoles mises en uvre à résoudre les que[...]Article
To achieve food security goals, water accounting seems to be one of the most powerful tools to deal with water scarcity management. Thus, indicators, such as virtual water and water productivity, can be considered complementary rather than compe[...]Bulletin : Revue
Etudes Corses et Méditerranéennes, n. 86-87 - Du foncier pour quoi faire ? Les enjeux fonciers contemporains de la montagne méditerranéenne
J.-C. Paoli, ed. ; G. Vianey, ed. ; S. Koutsou, ed. | 2023Issus des 56 présentations faites au cours du séminaire de Corte, 14 textes ont été réunis dans ce numéro, après évaluation par une équipe de relecteurs, pour la plupart extérieurs au groupe des organisateurs du colloque. Les textes portent tant[...]Article
The agricultural sector in the EU Southern Neighbourhood Partners (SNP) is struggling to respond to sustainability challenges. It needs stronger policies to deliver balanced sustainability outcomes in economic, social and environmental terms. Ba[...]Article
N. Jdaidi ; H. Selmi ; F. Aloui ; S. Jedidi ; A. Chaabane |Les espèces végétales médicinales au nord ouest tunisien sont soumises aux pressions anthropiques et aux contraintes des conditions naturelles. Ces dernières saccentueront dans le contexte des changements climatiques. Lobjectif de ce travail c[...]Article
The objective of this paper is to examine the resilience of households to food insecurity and to identify the determinants of this resilience in two study areas: Kairouan and Zaghouan. The study relied on a cross-sectional database collected fro[...]Article
Dès lIndépendance (1956), la mobilisation des ressources productives (terre, eau) et lamélioration de leur niveau dutilisation ont été les principaux instruments de la politique agricole en Tunisie. Pour mettre en uvre ses choix et atteindre[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Rainfall in the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula arrived too late to bring a beneficial effect on crops. Crop failures occurred in several important grain-producing regions of Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. In other areas, crop growing co[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula are facing one of the worst seasonal droughts in recent decades. In comparison with the previous outlook, this resulted in a downward revision to well-below average expectations for the final production part[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The sustainability analysis of wheat farms is increasingly becoming interesting for the scientific community in order to help propose a production model ensuring food security and sustainability of agricultural production. This work aims to asse[...]Article
This study explores the adaptation strategies to water shortage at the farm level in the Tunisian semi-arid region and investigates factors determining the farmers' behavior. In this area, climate change exacerbates the scarcity of water resourc[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Les relations commerciales entre lUnion Européenne et la Tunisie ont une longue histoire qui connait une date charnière avec le Partenariat euro-méditerranéen initié en 2015 dans le cadre du processus de Barcelone. Cette histoire des relations [...]Article
Lassociation de cultures avec les oliviers arbre emblématique de la région est une pratique ancienne en Méditerranée. Cette agroforesterie est reconnue pour fournir de multiples services écosystémiques. En Tunisie, lun des plus[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
G. Anríquez ; W. Foster ; J. Santos Rocha ; J. Ortega ; J. Smolak ; S. Jansen | Le Caire [Égypte] : FAO | 2023Food loss and waste (FLW) reduction is an important component in the transformation of the regions agrifood systems. Addressing the drivers of FLW along value chains provides an opportunity to tackle some of the inherent problems within the NEN[...]