Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (219)
Dams play a vital role as a primary water supply for irrigation in Jordan, necessitating an assessment of their water quality. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of irrigation water in a key number of Jordanian dams, namely Al Kafrain,[...]Article
N. Beithou ; A. Qandil ; M.B. Khalid ; J. Horvatinec ; G. Ondrasek |Food security is an essential issue for human survival and civilization. Whenever food–water security is in doubt, the community is negatively affected. Globally, Jordan is the second most water-stressed country, located in an arid, politi[...]Article
Jordan is considered one of the most water-scarce countries in the world. As a result, Jordan took several steps toward good water governance by setting goals, policies, strategies, and plans. However, several research studies show that it shoul[...]Article
J.T. Al-Bakri ; G. D'Urso ; C. Batchelor ; M. Abukhalaf ; A. Alobeiaat ; A. Al-Khreisat ; D. Vallée |Remote sensing can provide important and updated information for agricultural water accounting (AWA). In this study, data from the open-access portal (WaPOR) of the Food and Agricultural Organization was used in AWA to assess levels of agricultu[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The Russian Federation and Ukraine are major global suppliers of cereals and sunflower oil, while the Russian Federation is also a leading exporter of fertilizers and energy. Due to the devastating war in Ukraine, global prices for these commodi[...]Article
This study was designed to investigate how dairy farmers of AL-Dhulel cooperative Dairy Society (ACDS) perceive climate change, the adaptation strategies adopted by farmers to cope with the impact of climate change and the barriers to the adopti[...]Article
Migration is inseparable from social and economic transformations and it plays a crucial role in shaping rural livelihoods. In this paper we review the existing evidence on internal and international migration in four countries of the North Afri[...]Ouvrage
M. Abu-Hashim, ed. ; F. Khebour Allouche, ed. ; A. Negm, ed. | Cham [Suisse] : Springer | Springer Water | 2021This book focuses on the status quo and the latest information on the water-soil-agriculture nexus in the MENA countries. It presents several case studies and applications from e.g. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan, while also sharing[...]Série
The COVID-19 pandemic not only conditions the Mediterranean regions evolution, but also affects all areas of its society, across the board. That's why the Yearbook devotes its Dossier to analysing the perspectives of Euromed relations in times [...]Article
En labsence dune politique daménagement du territoire intégrée, la Jordanie connait un réel déséquilibre territorial. Celui-ci est perceptible au travers du renforcement du poids dAmman, dun étalement urbain non maîtrisé et dune anémie éco[...]Article
EU agricultural integrated policies among the EU and the southern Mediterranean countries are more evidently distilled through the EU-Mediterranean process (EUROMED). After 10 years of the Agadir agreement entry into force, this paper attempts t[...]Article
Globally, governments have encouraged organic farming with smallholder farmers as a rural development strategy. However, certified organic agriculture has proven to be a paradox: certification requirements designed to promote environmentally sus[...]Article
The two channels that explain how migration of a household member affects human capital formation of those left-behind are income and family disruption effects. In this study, remittances and migration impacts on human capital formation in Jorda[...]Série
Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investmentsArticle
The Jordan Valley is the prime irrigated agricultural area in Jordan which suffers shortage of water putting severe limitation on water allocation to farmers. To alleviate the problem, deficit irrigation was proposed for some vegetables such as [...]Article
Different aspects of climate change, such as increased temperature, changed rainfall and higher atmospheric CO2 concentration, all have different effects on crop yields. Process-based crop models are the most widely used tools for estimating fut[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The report assesses the occurrence and impacts of drought, the current policies underlying drought management as well as the mitigation measures and responses adopted in the Near East and North Africa region, with a focus on the Agriculture Sect[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Entretien avec Ahmed Moor : « Les PME souffrent dun déficit de financement de 250 milliards de dollars. Le problème se trouve dans laccès aux capitaux et dans la modélisation de linformation » pense le fondateur de Liwwa.Article
S. Leyronas ; D. Rojat ; F. Maurel ; G. Giraud |La gestion des eaux souterraines interroge le cadre dans lequel sest élaboré le concept de « bonne gouvernance » depuis les années 1990. Nous montrerons que dans des contextes marqués par une pluralité dinstances de pouvoir, lexploitation des[...]Article
Le changement climatique est un phénomène denvergure mondiale qui ni tient pas compte des frontières nationales et nest pas non plus limité à une région spécifique. Les ouragans, les tornades, les typhons, la sécheresse et les inondations ne s[...]E-Book
J. Kool | Springer Open | Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, ISSN 1865-5793 | 2016This book summarizes the NGO Master Plan that provides a comprehensive program to rehabilitate the Lower Jordan River and its tributaries in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. It is a regional and civil society effort designed to promote the restorat[...]Article
Au cur des conflits qui se déroulent au Proche-Orient, le partage de leau se révèle un enjeu majeur. Si, de la vallée du Nil à celle de lEuphrate en passant par le Jourdain, la situation de pénurie demeure un prétexte à la confrontation, la g[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
In Jordan, water is both crucial and scarce. The agricultural industry annually soaks up most of the country's groundwater, with sixty percent being used on irrigation alone. However, renewable water resources fall far short of the current dem[...]Article
The Jordan River is among the worlds most famous and culturally and historically significant waterways. The lower stretch of the river, however, has been a victim of development in a water scarce region, with current flows less than 5 % of hist[...]Ouvrage
De la Chine aux confins algéro-marocains, de lIran au Yémen en passant par le bassin du Nil, Franck Galland analyse les perspectives sécuritaires et géopolitiques que recèle ce bien essentiel à la vie : leau. Usages urbains et agricoles, comp[...]Article
This paper discusses the qualitative impact of a grazing/herding management program on the profitability of Small Ruminant (SR) herds near the protected area of the Royal Botanic Garden (RBG) in Tell Ar-Rumman, Jordan. As the ultimate goal of es[...]Ouvrage
This atlas aims to explain the formation of Jordanian territories over time. Jordanian, European and American experts associated with the Institut français du Proche-Orient were asked to study the spatial resilience of old structures: the comple[...]