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The current Common Agricultural Policy encourages the expansion of agri-food sustainability to implement sustainable development in primary production. It is, therefore, important to quantify the sustainability of agriculture and livestock farmi[...]Article
M. Hamam ; D. Spina ; R. Selvaggi ; G. Vindigni ; G. Pappalardo ; M. D'Amico ; G. Chinnici |Historically, both governmental and private sectors have significantly underinvested in the agriculture industry. Increasing agricultural and food system investments is necessary to enhance food security and nutrition, reduce poverty, and adapt[...]Article
La crise sanitaire de 2020-2021, et plus récemment la crise ukrainienne, ont révélé, d'une part, la vulnérabilité alimentaire des pays du Maghreb et, d'autre part, l'incapacité des politiques publiques agricoles mises en uvre à résoudre les que[...]Article
The Income Stabilisation Tool (IST), which was recently added to the European Common Agricultural Policy's risk management toolkit, is a mutual fund that aims at stabilising farmers' income. We investigate the drivers of farmers' participation i[...]Article
M. Frau ; L. Moi ; F. Cabiddu ; T. Keszey |This article employs a multiple-case study research design to unpack the complex relationship between digital transformation, agility, and environmental sustainability in the agri-food industry. Our findings show that to achieve a cleaner food p[...]Article
The agricultural sector in Algeria has always sparked a fascinating and captivating debate for years, in particular in the phase of economic transition started and triggered after the sharp fall in the price of the barrel and the need to adapt t[...]Article
Reduction of pesticide use is one of the major challenges in the agricultural sector. Several methods, including efficiency analysis, have been proposed to address this issue. In general, efficiency analysis in the use of pesticides is conducted[...]Article
Z. Unnisa ; A. Govind ; M. Marchetti ; B. Lasserre |The ever-increasing water demands in the agricultural sector of the Mediterranean basin region (MBR) under climate change warrants that crop water productivity (WP) is a pertinent topic for discussion. Considering this need, this study aims to s[...]Article
This article focuses on inequalities in agriculture in the European Union. We examine the mismatch between European legislation on employment and any rigorous interrogation of women's employment position in agriculture. Our central argument is t[...]Article
LAfrique du Nord (lAlgérie, lÉgypte, la Libye, le Maroc, la Mauritanie, le Soudan et la Tunisie) est lune des régions la moins intégrée au monde, avec à peine 5,2 % des échanges commerciaux intrarégionaux, et ce malgré lexistence des prin[...]Article
Souvent on se réfère aux crises comme étant des fenêtres dopportunités. Mais celles-ci ne peuvent être saisies que sil y a une volonté politique de surmonter les défis, commensurable à la magnitude de la transformation qui savère nécessaire.[...]Article
Lagriculture est lun des principaux secteurs émetteurs de gaz à effets de serre (GES), en étant la principale source de méthane (CH4) et de protoxyde dazote (N2O), deux importants GES autres que le CO2. Réciproquement, le climat est un facteu[...]Article
S. Franco ; B. Pancino ; A. Martella ; T. De Gregorio |The term monoculture is widely used in the scientific literature concerning the agricultural sector. However, it is very difficult to find a clear and shared definition of this term. This study investigates the concept of monoculture in agricult[...]Article
Le contexte géopolitique, climatique et sanitaire oblige les agriculteurs à sadapter. Anticipation des risques et flexibilité sont les maîtres mots dans un monde instable.Article
The objective of this paper is to combine cross-commodity and spatial price transmission analysis to study the dynamics of the global cereal feed market during the COVID-19 pandemic. After reviewing the nascent literature on the impact of COVID-[...]Article
Le domaine agricole et alimentaire constitue un point névralgique du recueil et du traitement de données numériques. Comment réguler ce big data ? Par lapplication dun droit des communs.Article
Even though agricultural activities have always had to face systemic risk, increasing uncertainty linked to market conditions, policy revision and climate change require the adoption of extensive, functional and informed risk management strategi[...]Article
A. Linares Quero ; U.I. Yoldi ; O. Gava ; G. Schwarz ; A. Povellato ; C. Astrain |This article is aimed at analyzing the potential that CAP 20142020-related instruments have on supporting agroecological transitions in Europe by focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of key instruments. Through a stepwise participatory rese[...]Article
La politique du renouveau agricole et rural (PRAR) propose une nouvelle manière de gouverner le secteur agricole et rural, fondée sur une responsabilité partagée et un partenariat entre les acteurs publics, privés et associatifs. Cette réorienta[...]Article
The agro-food industry, while critical for establishing food security, is the most environmentally impactful industry since it causes biodiversity loss and the conversion of natural land to farms and pastures, requires pesticide and fertilizer u[...]Article
Aim of study: To assess the economic viability of implementing carbon fertilisation (CF) on the Campo de Dalías greenhouse agricultural sector. Area of study: Agricultural area of Campo de Dalías (Southeast of Spain), the highest density of gre[...]Article
Les questions de compétitivité de lagriculture française et de notre souveraineté alimentaire ressurgissent dans un nouveau contexte de changement climatique que lon se propose déclairer ici, en orientant le projecteur sur quatre des dimensio[...]Article
La crise sanitaire et linsécurité alimentaire engendrée par la guerre en Ukraine soulignent lurgence de reconquérir la souveraineté alimentaire française et européenne. Le syndicalisme agricole se mobilise pour atteindre cet objectif.Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Rural connections, n. 1 - June 2022
2022This edition of Rural Connections includes updates on the work of the ENRD in recent months, including new Thematic Groups and events. Rural development stakeholders from across the EU share their views and experiences with successful projects t[...]Article
R. Leogrande ; D. El Chami ; G. Fumarola ; M. Di Carolo ; G. Piegari ; M. Elefante ; D. Perrelli ; C. Dongiovanni |In agriculture, plant biostimulants have become necessary to meet the United Nations sustainable development goals (UN-SDGs) and advance the European Green Deal. In particular, seaweed-based biostimulants have received a greater acceptance for t[...]Article
New players are entering the new and important digital data market for agriculture, increasing power asymmetries and reinforcing their competitive advantages. Although the farmer remains at the heart of agricultural data collection, to date, onl[...]Article
A. Berthe ; P. Grouiez ; M. Fautras |Literature on biogas production mainly studies the outputs of production or the technical dimension of its organization. We argue that there is a need to study this process in a more institutional political economy perspective to understand the [...]Article
Agriculture and related activities generate a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions with environmental and biodiversity implications. Based on the European objectives proposed by the Green Pact, this paper assesses the carbon footprint [...]Article
La PAC a beaucoup fait pour moderniser le secteur agricole, assurer la compétitivité de lindustrie agro-alimentaire et sécuriser les besoins alimentaires des mangeurs européens. La PAC a timidement pris le tournant de la durabilité à partir des[...]Article
Areas with low levels of transformation are alternative destinations for tourists who prefer to visit nonmassified places and have singular experiences. The benefits of these microdestinations are their local populations, traditional products, l[...]