POLLUTION PAR L'AGRICULTURESynonyme(s)Pollution agricole Pollution d'origine agricole |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (135)
Pesticide residues are a significant problem affecting the quality and safety of agricultural products in Turkey. This study aims to investigate farmers' risk perception regarding pesticide residues, including the primary factors that influence [...]Article
J. Alves-Ferreira ; M.G. Vara ; A. Catarino ; I. Martins ; C. Mourinha ; M. Fabião ; M.J. Costa ; M.V. Barbieri ; M.L. de Alda ; P. Palma |The presence of pesticides in aquatic ecosystems poses significant risks to non-target organisms, necessitating monitoring and environmental risk assessment. This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics and environmental risk of pesticides in a hyd[...]Article
E. Soana ; A. Gavioli ; F. Neri ; G. Castaldelli |Nitrate pollution and eutrophication remain pressing issues in Europe regarding the quality of aquatic ecosystems and the safety of drinking water. Achieving water quality goals under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has proven to be particul[...]Article
Agricultural nonpoint source (NPS) pollution leads to water quality degradation. While agriculture is faced with the challenge of feeding a growing population in a changing climate, farmers must also strive to minimize adverse impacts of agricul[...]Article
J. Garnier ; G. Billen ; E. Aguilera ; L. Lassaletta ; R. Einarsson ; J. Serra ; M.doR. Cameira ; C. Marques-dos-Santos ; A. Sanz-Cobena |Ammonia (NH3) volatilization, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and nitrate (NO3−) leaching from agriculture cause severe environmental hazards. Research studies and mitigation strategies have mostly focused on one of these nitrogen (N) losse[...]Article
Diverse public policies encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly practices to address the issue of diffuse pollution from agriculture, including measures based on the provision of information on the environment. Indeed, farmers perception of the[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Le département de la Mayenne, malgré sa richesse en ressources hydrauliques, est confronté à une détérioration de la qualité de l'eau due aux pressions agricoles. L'objectif de cette étude est d'identifier et de classer les sous-bassins versants[...]Article
Les pesticides génèrent des coûts faramineux pour préserver l'eau potable. Les gestionnaires publics réclament désormais le « zéro phyto » sur les territoires dont dépend la ressource en eau.Article
Agriculture is one of the main sources of diffuse pollution, such as fertilisers, plant protection products, solid particles or pathogens. The short- and long-term impact of agriculture on surface water quality is often driven by on-farm decisio[...]Article
Assessment of groundwater contamination is an efficient means to discover and carry out the demarcation of the more vulnerable zones to pollution from human activities. This study is focused on the plain of El Asnam (Northern Algeria) characteri[...]Article
Nonpoint source pollution from agriculture is one of the main causes of water quality degradation. To cope with this issue, diverse policy measures have been implemented to promote farming practices that favour water quality. Among these measure[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
La pollution agricole constitue lune des principales menaces pour la qualité des eaux. La préservation de cette ressource est un enjeu global auquel il faut répondre à une échelle plus locale, notamment à travers la gestion des captages. En Fra[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
En Dordogne, leffet du changement climatique sur lagriculture est devenu évident. Le changement climatique impacte la culture du maïs population en particulier, le manque deau et les fortes chaleurs étant des évènements météorologiques qui im[...]Article
C. Grimene ; O. Mghirbi ; S. Louvet ; J.-P. Bord ; P. Le Grusse |The preservation of natural resources via the management of diffuse pollution is currently considered to be a significant challenge in France. Pollution reduction policies are notably based on the identification of vulnerable areas. In this cont[...]Article
Protection de la ressource en eau du bassin de lAuxerrois et transformation des pratiques agricoles
Avec des taux de nitrates dépassant les seuils définis par la Directive européenne « nitrates », puis la présence de résidus de pesticides utilisés par les activités agricoles du secteur, leau des bassins dalimentation de captages de lAuxerro[...]Article
P. Palma ; S. Fialho ; A. Lima ; A. Catarino ; M.J. Costa ; M.V. Barbieri ; L.S. Monllor-Alcaraz ; C. Postigo ; M.L. de Alda |The study aimed to assess the occurrence and the environmental risk of a group of 51 selected pesticides in the Guadiana Basin (a biodiversity hotspot, in the Mediterranean). The most abundant pesticides were bentazone and 2,4-D, while terbuthyl[...]Article
Long-term impact of wastewater irrigation on soil pollution and degradation: a case study from Egypt
There is consensus on the impact of wastewater irrigation on soil properties and heavy metal accumulation. The studies that show the impact of temporal changes as a result of different long-term additions of wastewater on the heavy metal accumul[...]Article
Diffuse water pollution is a major problem in many agroecosystems, especially in irrigated areas linked to ecosystems of high ecological value. Pollution abatement policies imply the modification of agricultural measures and are usually rejected[...]Article
B. Grizzetti ; O. Vigiak ; A. Udias ; A. Aloe ; M. Zanni ; F. Bouraoui ; A. Pistocchi ; C. Dorati ; R. Friedland ; A. De Roo ; C. Benitez Sanz ; A. Leip ; M. Bielza |Intensive agriculture and densely populated areas represent major sources of nutrient pollution for European inland and coastal waters, altering the aquatic ecosystems and affecting their capacity to provide ecosystem services and support econom[...]Article
L. Seguin ; F. Barataud ; L. Guichard ; M. Bonifazi ; V. Souchère ; S. Bouarfa ; J. Tournebize |Cet article propose danalyser la manière dont la construction transdisciplinaire dun projet de recherche, puis la mise en uvre dune démarche participative sur lenjeu des pollutions diffuses agricoles de leau (nitrates et pesticides), const[...]Article
G.M. Bazzani ; G. Vitali ; C. Cardillo ; M. Canavari |The assessment of economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural systems represents a critical issue, which has been addressed in this work with a multi-objective programming model to explore the abatement costs (AC) of CO2 for a set [...]Article
To deal with serious environmental problems in agriculture, governments around the world have formulated various subsidy policies. This study aims to investigate the effects of three subsidy schemes using game theory in an agricultural supply ch[...]Article
The most spread groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the River Po valley are semi-natural lowland springs called fontanili. They provide specific habitats and support high biodiversity, but are often strongly impaired by agricultural pollution.[...]Article
Throughout the covid-19 emergency, health authorities have presented contagion data divided by administrative regions with no reference to the type of landscape, environment or development model. This study has been conducted to understand wheth[...]Article
O. Mghirbi ; J. Caubel ; P. Le Grusse ; E. Mandart ; J. Fabre ; I. Nembrot ; S.J. Arredondo ; S. Louvet ; J.-P. Boulanger |Pour faire face à laugmentation de la demande alimentaire, les modes de production de lagriculture se sont tournés vers la mécanisation et lutilisation intensive dintrants. Lagriculture française est très dépendante de ces intrants, notamme[...]Article
F. Maggi ; D. La Cecilia ; F.H.M. Tang ; A. McBratney |Agricultural pesticides can become persistent environmental pollutants. Among many, glyphosate (GLP) is under particular scrutiny because of its extensive use and its alleged threats to the ecosystem and human health. Here, we introduce the firs[...]Article
Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides are widely used in agriculture to improve crop yields. Most of the compounds used are synthetic, and their overuse causes environmental pollution and human health problems. Currently, several coun[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Le monde est témoin dune importante dégradation de la biodiversité dont la principale cause est lactivité humaine. Les ressources naturelles et agricoles ne cessent dévoluer, malgré les mesures et les politiques de conservation. Ce travail s[...]