Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (1913)
One of the stated goals of the common agricultural policy reforms has been to provide a fairer distribution of payments across and within member states, but little progress has been accomplished, with about 20% of farmers receiving 80% of the to[...]Article
V. Fiore ; M. Borrello ; D. Carlucci ; G. Giannoccaro ; S. Russo ; S. Stempfle ; L. Roselli |In recent years, agroecology has gained prominence as one of the innovative approaches to agriculture that could positively contribute to achieving sustainable food systems. As a transdisciplinary science, agroecology could benefit from the cont[...]Article
D. Urdu ; A.J. Berre ; H. Sundmaeker ; S. Rilling ; I. Roussaki ; A. Marguglio ; K. Doolin ; P. Zaborowski ; R. Atkinson ; R. Palma ; M. Faraldi ; S. Wolfert |Interoperability is a critical challenge in Agri-food digitalisation, aligning with European data strategies and fostering pan-European cooperation, innovation, cost reduction, and market competition. Within the last years, the European Commissi[...]Article
The past decade has witnessed the rapid development and adoption of machine and deep learning (ML & DL) methodologies in agricultural systems, showcased by great successes in applications such as smart crop management, smart plant breeding, smar[...]Article
L'enjeu est de comprendre dans quelle mesure la digitalisation des exploitations peut rééquilibrer la dépendance des agriculteurs à la filière. Les auteures considèrent la théorie de la dépendance aux ressources et examinent si le numérique est [...]Article
Understanding technical knowledge acquisition modes in organic farming (i.e., how organic farmers learn about the means and methods underpinning the practice of organic agriculture) and how such learning modes and subsequent knowledge affect env[...]Article
M.T. Kuska ; M. Wahabzada ; S. Paulus |Since the launch of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3.5, ChatGPT by Open, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a main discussion topic in public. Especially large language models (LLM), so called intelligent chatbots, and the possibi[...]Article
Simulation models have co-evolved with agricultural research methods over the last 60 years and they are now a widely accepted and deployed component of agricultural research and development. Modelling supports research in a very diverse range o[...]Article
Achieving carbon neutrality and addressing the need for ongoing carbon dioxide removal to meet the climate goal requires an urgent shift towards sustainable production and consumption practices. In this context, we turn our attention to the oliv[...]Article
The paper discusses the increasing use of the term agroecology in scientific literature and how its meanings vary in different contexts. However, the key issue is not the different understandings of agroecology per se, but whether various interp[...]Article
CONTEXT In French mountain territories, origin-linked quality schemes have been widely used to address competition from more productive regions, but such schemes have tended to specialise a territory's agriculture around specific products. Today[...]Article
This paper compares the performance of conventional and organic fruit farms in Spain, using a set of base indicators to assess their economic and environmental performance on a per hectare basis. Composite indicators are also calculated to measu[...]Article
R. Sardaro ; D. Panio ; P. Chmielinski ; P. La Sala |In Italy, the environmental sustainability of the agricultural sector is regulated by the National Integrated Production Quality System. It is the foundation of the regional Integrated Production Regulations (IPRs), which identify voluntary agro[...]Article
S. Sturiale ; O. Gava ; M. Gallardo ; D. Buendía Guerrero ; D. Buyuktas ; G.E. Aslan ; A. Laarif ; T. Bouslama ; A. Navarro ; L. Incrocci ; F. Bartolini |In the Mediterranean region, the expansion of greenhouse horticulture has enabled the year-round supply of fresh vegetables. Compared to open field horticulture, this farming method can generate higher returns for farmers. However, it is often a[...]Article
CONTEXT Small woody features (SWF), as field boundaries, hedgerows, or riparian buffers, are crucial for agricultural landscapes and, frequently, disregarded. In combination with agricultural land uses they are considered agroforestry systems (A[...]Article
A. Bousbia ; Y. Gueroui ; A. Aouadi ; M.D. Teweldebirhan ; R.J.B. Bessa ; G. Symeon ; S. Boudalia |CONTEXT Currently, local cattle breeds are facing numerous challenges, and their disappearance could have social, economic, and environmental consequences. OBJECTIVE This study was conducted in the northeast of Algeria to understand the characte[...]Article
Dans sa conception classique, le projet du barrage vert Algérien a montré ses limites et sest percuté à des insuffisances dordre technique, et ce malgré limportance particulière accordée à sa réalisation. Le diagnostic tiré à cet égard montre[...]Article
In politics and society, organic farming is widely seen as the ideal way to address the many challenges facing agriculture and food security. In order to examine the extent to which this view is realistic, the impact of organic and conventional [...]Article
Agroecology integrates science, social movements, and agricultural practices, playing a central role in the sustainability of food systems. It addresses agroecosystems and food systems holistically; however, defining whether a farm is agroecolog[...]Article
The Circular Economy (CE) has notable potential for the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of agriculture. However, the literature on the CE has focused on the industrial sector, leaving significant gaps in the analysis of sustai[...]Article
V. Tascione ; A. Raggi ; L. Petti ; G. Manca |This study aimed to assess the environmental effectiveness of vineyards utilising on-site weather stations integrated with a decision support system (DSS), and to identify the critical hotspots in smart farms that have already obtained integrate[...]Article
Olive farming has vastly intensified across the Mediterranean basin recently. This ongoing process has detrimental social and environmental outcomes, but it also represents a unique opportunity to study the impacts of intensification and identif[...]Article
This study delves into the intricate interplay between digitalization and sustainability in agriculture, seeking to uncover how digital technologies can be harnessed to elevate and actualize smart agricultural (SA) practices. The research addres[...]Article
Amidst the rapid evolution of digital technologies and their prospective implications for agricultural productivity, farmers are increasingly turning to Agriculture 4.0. As digitization permeates every facet of agriculture, the potential for boo[...]Article
A.J. Romera ; M. Sharifi ; S. Charters |Farm systems around the world have become less complex, dominated by monocultures, but at the same time much more complicated due to the increasing demands from society, leading to ever increasing compliance and regulatory requirements. Digital [...]Article
While mountain family farmers rely on cultural, financial and material resources passed on from previous generations, new entrants typically lack such intergenerational amenities. Applying the concept of ?generativity? to agriculture prove valua[...]Article
Agricultural technology integration has become a key strategy for attaining agricultural sustainability. This study examined the integration of technology in agricultural practices towards agricultural sustainability, using Greece as a case stud[...]Article
Agroecology is identified as an important solution to increase the sustainability of agricultural and food systems. Despite the increasing number of publications assessing the socio-economic outcomes of agroecology, very few studies have consoli[...]Article
In the modern era, the imperative of digitalisation to enhance competitiveness spans various sectors, with agriculture being no exception. Agriculture 4.0, strategically positioned to address challenges like climate change, food security, and re[...]Article
C. Geppert ; M. da Cruz ; A. Alma ; L. Andretta ; G. Anfora ; D. Battaglia ; G. Burgio ; V. Caccavo ; S.G. Chiesa ; F. Cinquatti ; A. Cocco ; E. Costi ; I. D'Isita ; C. Duso ; A.P. Garonna ; G.S. Germinara ; P.L. Bue ; A. Lucchi ; L. Maistrello ; R. Mannu ; E. Marchesini ; A. Masetti ; L. Mazzon ; N. Mori ; G. Ortis ; E. Peri ; G. Pescara ; S.C. Prazaru ; G. Ragone ; I.E. Rigamonti ; M.C. Rosi ; G. Rotundo ; P. Sacchetti ; S. Savoldelli ; P. Suma ; G. Tamburini ; G.T. Garzia ; L. Marini |Context Worldwide, organic farming is being promoted as one of the main alternatives to intensive conventional farming. However, the benefits of organic agriculture are still controversial and need to be tested across wide environmental gradient[...]